The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

She leaned back against a tree, eyeing him suspiciously. "In order to find out, we'll have to fight for a bit. Of course, we shouldn't fight too hard, we wouldn't want any casualties, now would we?" The corner of her lip quirked, and she watched him carefully. So, this shifter is interested in my weaknesses.
Brett the Destrachan wasted no time, a large scream came from his mouth. No, no, no, no, no.. Brett the Human though. The Destrachan continued to scream, trying to distract his victim so that he could grab her.
Furrowing her brows, she eyed the creature in front of her, her sensitive ears taking quite a beating. "Why are you screaming?" Her voice was muffled by the high-pitch of the scream, it bounced off of the trees and reflected back into her ears, making them hurt more. She frowned, irritation growing in her. Shut the hell up or I'll shift and make you shut up.
The Destrachan reached out to grab her. "I'm a Destrachan, foolish girl." He growled, his claws trying to scratch at her. "A Destrachan feeds on death and misery... And I'm quite hungry."
Grinning, she side stepped out of the way, just as his claws swiped at her. "Oh really now? Well then I can't let you get me, for I have very much of both surrounding me." She slipped her fingers to the ribbon tied in her hair, memories flashing through her. She pulled the ribbon out, then slipped it into her pocket, ready to shift if needed.
She chuckled, turning her head to the side. "It seems like the human and the beast do not yet coincide." She slipped her hand onto her stomach, grinning. "That just won't do. Who knows when you'll lose control next. You need help." She leaned forward. "I'm in a helping mood today." She got down on all fours her eyes burning red and her claws fully extended. She grunted once, then the sound of tearing flesh interrupted his screams. She arched her back, the once smooth skin now replaced with pure white fur. Her joins snapped and crunched until her snout was formed, her legs shrinking and snapping into place.

Where the human Reito once stood, was now a fully grown white arctic wolf. The only mark to identify her as herself, was a red spot on the center of her forehead, between her hazel blue eyes. She snarled, her long sharp white teeth revealed in the most terrifying way. "Are you ready to play, shifter?" Her raspy voice called out to him.
She snarled, her once playful tone replaced with anger. "I'm a wolf, you twit!" She snapped, her jaws making a crunching noise as she leaped into the air, jumping at him, her claws extended and her mouth open.
She growled, barely missing him and landing an inch from him. She leaned forward, her canines barely scratching the skin on his arm. "I wouldn't be so haughty, creature." She snarled again, then leaped forward again, her sharp claws sinking into his shoulders and pinning him down on the ground. Her long, sharp-toothed snout lingered only a few inches from his face.
Considering a Destrachan was about 10 feet long, he quickly flipped over, grabbing Reito and trying to crush her. If she was agile enough, maybe....
She snarled again, latching her teeth down on his arm, hard. She felt the bone crunch under her jaws, and she released him, rolling away and getting back to her paws. With a growl, she allowed herself to grow, becoming the size of a pickup truck.
He roared and charged at the wolf, jumping into the air in an attempt to crush her with his feet. His screams were so loud that they made the trees sway and the branches crack.
She pushed her self to the side, just as his feet connected with the ground, barely missing her. She whirled around him and jumped, her claws digging into his back and pushing him down again. "Human! Control your beast!" She snarled, her eyes turning to slits and her teeth snapping at his neck, but not touching it.
The Destrachan growled once again but couldn't push the girl off of him. He roared and continued to struggle. Got to... Control... His body slowly lost its form and turned back to that of an 18-year-old boy. He was panting heavily, not that because he was tired...

Because there was a pick-up sized wolf on top of him.
She relaxed once he had shifted back, then slipped off of him, giving him breathing space and sitting on the ground next to him. She licked the blood from her paws as she watched him intently.
Brett ran a hand through his hair. "Is it.... Is the change over?" He looked at the wolf in front of him. "Oh! Uh...." He sheepishly waved his hand in hello. "Hi." He said, clearly not noticing the fact that all his clothes were in shreds.
She leaned forward, sniffing him for a moment, then backed away, blowing out a gust of air in his face from her nostrils. "Can you see me?" Her raspy, calm tone echoed through the forest.
Brett shrugged. "In a way. It's like how bats can see." He tapped lightly on his lips. "I'm using sonar to see where I am." He tilted his head to the side. "A white wolf, how interesting. The shifters I have only known are from my family."
She leaned forward, then stood up, turning her back on him. "Get on. You need some clothes." She growled, not angrily, just in reply.
She glanced back at him. "Reito. Hold on tight, don't worry about gripping my fur too hard, I move fast." She made a low grumbling sound in her throat, meant to be a chuckle before she dashed forward, leaping through the forest, heading back to the academy dorms.
"Woah!" He exclaimed, holding on tightly to his fur. "Reito. What a lovely and exotic name." Brett smiled, this ride was really exciting! "My name's Brett. Obviously, I'm new around here."
She leaped over a fallen tree, then, within a matter of moments, she was back at the dorm. "Hold on!" She jumped up, landing on a small branch, then leaped, heading fast for a small dorm window that was open. She shrunk herself in that instant, turning herself back to a human, both of them flying into the window and onto the bathroom floor of her dorm. "Ugh.. I'm glad I leave that window open."

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