The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"...." Emilio merely stared at Tavia. "doesn't matter. Regardless of whether or not I'm chosen, I'll continue to fight corruption even if I have to take down the SDC itself"
"I don't care what he wants. I've already decided what I'll be part of and nothing is going to stop me." Emilio was starting to get tired of that man already and it was only his first day. "now if you'll excuse me, the SDC needs to be introduced to the future chairman."
"Even if you're not going to become the chairman...." Tavia chuckles. "Right here, I will lead you there." She starts walking down the hallway.
Tavia opens a door that leads to the SDC. "Here~...Uh, why is it empty....." Noticing that not a single person is in there, she furrows her eyes and check the sign. "It is the SDC room......Sorry sir~I don't know where they are right now~" She says it happily.
"Do not touch people's things without their permissions...Have you not learn that before?" Tavia raises an eyebrow.
"Those who raised me were more concerned with making sure I was a killing machine than a 'manner having puppet' as they would no I did not learn that. Thank you for pointing it out."Emilio replied sarcastically. He then brushed past Tavia and walked down the hallway
"Hey we got another jerk in school!" Tavia feels rather happy because jerks make the school very interesting. She walks into the SDC room and calls out, "Mr. Chairman?" A mouse appears under a bunch of stuff. "Squeak~Squeak squeak~?" Tavia blinks. "Oh, it's a jerk who's one of the candidate." "Squeak squeak~!" "I know it's very exciting, but you are going to be our chairman. Blanco will support you~"

Zero wanders through the hallways, still sighing and feeling complicated.
Q looked down at the floor of the forest waiting for something to come by. He wrapped his vines around the branch that was supporting him and dangled down. (Since I dont really know whats in this forest) Off in the distance he saw something that looked like a cougar but it was dark red. Its eyes were blacked out,it was the size of a truck and had claws as long as your forearm.Its tail had a spike protruding from the tip almost like a scorpion and teeth that gave it the appearance of a saber toothed tiger. Q looked down at the beast and thought ' Better not mess with it what if Stalin calls it a "endangered species" or something even more ridiculous.'
The mouse vanished into the air.......

Tavia stands up and blinks, "Trying to be cool but come back for a mouse?"
"That's a great lie." Tavia frowns.

Blanco blinks as a mouse appears at his shoulder while he's sitting up deep inside the forest. "Supppppp chairman?" He smiles.
"call it a lie if you want..." Emilio grabbed a lone strand of piano wire. "there it is" Emilio pulled the wire and a knife started dragging across the floor
The wire comes to life and it screeches, "Don't touch me you pervert!" An electrical shot and it jumps behind Tavia.

The knife also called out, "Don't you dare touch my girlfriend!" It flies into the air and stabs Emilio and jumps behind Tavia as well.
".....why are my weapons talking...and attacking me" Emilio merely licked his wound before standing back up.He did a once over and one strand, and knife were missing
Brett walked down the empty hallways of the school, his tongue casually clicking inside his mouth. His footsteps echoed with a soft click click against the floor, making everything seem more empty than it actually was. "What time is it?" He thought to himself, his hand moving to his stomach. It was aching terribly. "I got to get outside..." Brett silently cursed under his breath. "If only I didn't come to visit my new school today. I'm getting lost....."
The knife is jumping up and down behind Tavia, "This pervert is going to get a mouse!"

Zero wanders through the hallway, still a little moody for rejecting Soul but feel slightly better. He sees the new guy wandering down, noticing that he is always clicking his tongue. His sharp sensation immediately feels that something's not right with him. Deaf...? Or blind....
Brett's head perked up at the sound of someone else coming towards him. From the sound of his footsteps he seemed to be around his early twenties maybe? "Ah great!" He smiled, turning towards the person. "Finally someone who is part of this school! I was wondering how to leave... Just for a quick moment is all! Um... Are classes going on right now or..." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, realizing he was just rambling. "I'm new here if you haven't noticed..."
"....You know what...I'll just by a new one..." Emilio said. When push came to shove, Emilio usually takes the logical route.
"You hear?! The pervert is going to buy a knife!" The knife jumps up and down again, screaming. "A PERVERT IS GOING TO BUY A KNIFEEEEEEE AND HE'S GOING TO LICK THE BLOOD OFF OF IT AFTER KILLING SOMETHING EWWWWWWWW" His voice echoes through the hallways where Zero and Brett are.

Zero blinks merely, "Oh. Class is not going on. If you want to go outside, go down the hallway and turn right. Do you need help? It seems like you are blind."
Brett blinked in surprise. "How did you know?" He instantly became guarded, choosing his words careful. "Yes I'm blind. Though thanks to some training from my parents I've been able to at least get around easier." It wasn't a complete lie, his dad did train him in the ways of sonar. Thank god for having a vampire father. "Anyways, I gotta go! Need to explore the rest of campus grounds!" Brett smiled and waved goodbye before quickly leaving. Let's just hope he doesn't follow me. He thought to himself.
"anyway..."Emilio decided to logically ignore the talking weapons all together. "do you have an idea where the SDC could be right now? "he asked Tavia

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