The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Eury's rosy cheeks turn a little redder,"I think I will be ok,"She pats Zero's chest and walks away moving her hips in a way that was probably illegal.Her thin legs shining smoothly in the dim light.

Soul moans into her pillow and looks at the clock.5:30 time for the meeting.She shovels more pillow on her face."Nooooooooooooo."
Blanco ignores Q completely, because to him he is just another brat. He has been running the student council for a long time already and the school has balanced well with it. " Ah. Newbie, it's a pleasure to meet you. Do get to know our school guardians first. This is Lenneth," he points at the boy. "Another is Zero, I believe he is having some emotional problems right now?" He seats down at his seat. He ignores Emilio's stern faces about rules and stuff and enforcing. Aye. He has more important stuff to do than being enforced.
"they aren't my problem at this problem is you." Emilio's face grew colder. "we can do this one of two ways. You can either put yourself in detention on your own. Or I can get physical and solve things that way....either way you will be punished for your infringement of the rules"
Zero glances back at Eury, "Alright then." He sighs, going to the student council room because he has a few questions to ask of Blanco.

"Now now, the student council meeting cannot be continued peacefully...." He sighs. "I choose detention, but after the meeting." Blanco smiles charmingly, And skip the detention afterward. "Oh, there's Zero." He grins. "Oh by any chance, I did not stab that girl. But I did tie that guy up, and that guy nearly killed that girl." Pointing at Reito and back at Q, he explains. "Reito you okay?"
Rei walked back to her dorm, changing her bloodied shirt, and throwing on a tank-top after wrapping her stomach. Her fever had gone down and she was utterly annoyed. This little shit, comes into my territory, poisons me, spouts off his mouth, and the he has the audacity to try and negotiate the release of the antidote? Her eyes flare red and her body trembles with anger. If he f*cks up one more time, I'll rip him in two. I don't give a damn if Blanco wants him in the council. She walked back into the room and plopped down on a seat, eyeing everyone angrily and tapping her sharp nails on her arm. She frowned at Blanco when he called her back. I'm not a dog. Her fury rose another level.

Lenneth glances at Emilio, nodding, then back to Q. He was getting very agitated with his mouth. He looked to Emilio, then frowns. "Blanco did nothing wrong this time, surprisingly."
"Yes i was wrapped in ropes and chains which is by the way illegal and considered excessive force. In this situation you are allowed to use any means to escape or others wise hinder movement to another location. Considering the other girl was in no way helping me she was obviously on his side." He frowned "and if any of you were actually smart enough to tell the poison would have only made her throw up once and then she would have been fine. Death was never a possibility. The only way it could have killed her would have been if someone tampered with it. This would have cause it to worsen,such as being so stupid as to close the wound."
Emilio simply stared at Blanco. He opened his mouth and cracked his jaw. "....acceptable" Emilio turned and started to walk put but stopped. "oh....and if by chance you decide to skip...I will be back here...but...I thank you for your diplomacy. If at all possible, I'd like to stay for the meeting..seeing as I WILL be the chairman of the SDC, I feel it necessary to have good relations with the council."
'Soul~~~! Get in already~~~Late for the meeting is bad~~~Reito if you are still feeling super bad tell me alright~I will ask that watermelon for help." Blanco cheerfully says, completely ignoring Q's words and decides to call him kiwi because he has green hair and kiwi is green on the inside and hairy and annoying on the outside. Well, people make mistakes. Oops, at least he got to save her again.

Blanco looks over at Emilio, "It is my pleasure to have you here as well. By any means may I ask of your name?"
Soul walks into the student council room,looking like she was entering hell."Hello,"She sits down at the table and puts her head down.
(May sound weird but i actually like the nickname Kiwi for him. Also how are we suppose to do this detention thing.)
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Emily." It's annoying to say Emilio when Emily is much easier....(Blanco might not attend the detention but ask emilio about it :D
Rei forces back a grin, replacing it with a stirn smirk. Why did I ever not like her? She thinks to her self, reffering to Soul.
"Alright! Then let's start the meeting. Vera? You here? If she's not we're gonna start without her~" Blanco grins.

(brb again~)
Soul smiles and walks over to Emilio,"Hi I'm soul and I will probably be your biggest trouble maker,"She shakes his hand.
Soul gives him a devious smile,"You should probably plan head,but they won't do you much good,"She pause and giggles,"I am the master of escape."
Soul frowns,"And that is,"She ask quirking an eyebrow.I've faced tougher than you. 

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