The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio turned his gaze back towards Tavia. His eyes held a bit of intensity that had not been there before. "capable? Do I look incapable?" When you really looked at Emilio he was almost completely muscle, but his pride was in his mental abilities.
Rei frowns, looking at Blanco who is now carrying her. "I can walk.." She mumbles weakly, her head rolling around on his shoulder and her strength completely gone.

Lenneth frowns, worry, concern, and agitation spiraling through him as he follows closely behind Blanco. "Whoever did this to another student... is gonna get it.." He mumbled so quietly only he heard it.
Q looked over at Zero and jumped over to him "Hey could you undo these chains please that would be great or carry me outside. Either would be acceptable." He stood there waiting for him to stop stareing and move.
Soul makes it to the cafeteria,but it was locked."I hate you,"She tells the door and walks back towards her dorm.Where she faceplants onto her bed.
Zero looks back to see Blanco coming. "Ask him," he sighs, walking away, meeting Eury.

Blanco sighs, "Do enjoy the time when I'm carrying you though." He chuckles, putting her down carefully on a chair and goes to search for some antidotes. "Oh, Lenneth, see him?" He points at Q. "He did this to her," he smiles a charming smile before going back to Reito. "And thanks Vera for watching over him~"

Tavia smiles, "You look capable, of course. Yes, of course you can talk to him. But talking to him..." She chuckles again. "You are welcome to talk to him now, if he's not busy."
Eury sees Zero and smiles,"Hello I'm a little lost,"She tells him putting her hands on her hips,trying to blow a stray strand of hair out of her face.Yum,this one looks promising,yet he seems a little moody.She thinks this blinking her sapphire blues eyes.
Emilio held his gaze on her for a few second before turning away. "fine. But make it quick...the sooner I become the chairman of the SDC, the better"
"Yeah thats right i did this to her and if you want the antidote the only way youll get it is from me. If you you use anything else it can cause internal bleeding and will only increase the effects." He sighed "If you so much as touch me you get nothing more than to watch her. You have about three minutes til nausea. Let me out and ill help her. Also id like to point out that if i werent put in rope and chains and forcibly taken here none of this would have ever happened."
Blanco smiles at Q, he takes his antidotes and walk to Q, pressing it on his forehead and it glows, and he walks back and uses it on Reito. Grinning as it works and her wounds heal. "Aren't magic suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper useful?" He chuckles lightly. "I won't untie you unless you join the student council." (sorry if it's a little god modding but I want to make him as jerky as possible QAQ)

Tavia smiles lightly, "Want a tour around the school first?"

Zero glances at the girl with disinterest. "Where are you going?" He asks.
"no. I know my way around just fine from the layouts. I want to go straight to the president's office..." Emilio started to walk off. He was going to meet this so called president one way or another
"Ohh magic...thats great." he watched as the magic potion closed her wound and made a face palm motion with his head. "What the heck did you just do? You just closed that wound without extracting what was inside...idiots. Do you even have any medical prowess now getting rid of it will be very painful." He looked up at the ceiling "You know what okay ill join the club thing and heal her on two terms...there is no detention and i get to the club on my own time."
"I'm looking for my dorm,"she says,giving Zero a cheery smile,"Um,number 134B I think,"She taps her fingers to her head,as if trying to remember.
"Oh is that so?" Blanco chuckles. "Well magic is useful either way." Bending down to her wound, he uses a dagger and makes out the wound again, then he presses his mouth on it and sucks the poison out, swallowing it. "Taste bitter," he closes his eyes and let the angel powers inside of him fight against the poison with its healing powers, scowling slightly as some white feathers emerges and falls beside him. The problem is he forgot how to heal other people with the power. Great, great, I handled wounds more than this, come on...Finally, he opens his eyes, exhaling a sigh. Looking back at Q, he just realizes that other half of the sentence. "Oh dang I didn't hear the last part, or else I will let you heal it. But since I didn't hear it, you will still get detention, you will still come to club on time."

Zero blinks slightly, "Go there, turn right, then turn left. Walk up the stairs, and there will be labels on the door."
Vera was surprised at how fatal the poison could be, especially the way they had put it. Magic was useful..she did not like the direction this conversation was taking hold. She looked at the situation, wondering if this was how all Student Council members were recruited if they refused the offer. She also wondered why they were there..just to recruit Q?
Rei frowns, watching as Blanco sucks the poison out. Her eyes dart to Q, who now she looks at as a disgusting creature. She crosses her arms. Stupid people, stupid council, stupid school. She stands, her hand holding the cut. It's been ten minutes since she got the infection, and she's lasted longer than five with no help. I hate this guy. She stands and then walks out of the room, holding her stomach.

Lenneth frowns, flicking his finger and tightening the chains around him. "Injuring another student, then making people negotiate for the antidote is worth five days of detention." He snaps his fingers frowns, unhappy with this student.
"I know." Emilio said and walked to the president's office. When he got there he saw someone chained up, another person stabbing a girl. ".....what in the hell...."

"Anyway," a snap of the finger and Blanco unties Q. "It is time for a Student Council meeting." He sees Emilio and Tavia and smiles, "Hi, newbie. And hey Tavia, we're holding a meeting. Vera, go call Soul over. I believe she's somewhere....Uh, near the dorms? Reito, come back please? We're holding a meeting."

Zero stares at the girl quietly, She is quite pretty, with her makes up on. "If you need help still getting there, tell me."
"Oh you know id love to stay for that id be more worried for the school around you and your precious little club. As for the poison congratulation you got past level two but dont worry i only have eight more...currently." He looked up at the detention guy "Five days for this?" He smiled at him "I hope for this school sake that the normal people already knew about this. So how about you shut your worthless garbage spitting piece of crap you call a mouth."
Emilio cocked his head. The guidebook flew out of his backpack and floated in front of him and pages flew open. "....I may not be it now the chairman of the SDC....I'm going to have to enforce the rules I don't know you...but I know this guidebook...and you my good man are infringing the rules."
Blanco smiles, "I have the ability to force somebody's body to move against their wills." He eyes Lenneth.

"The problem is, will they follow the rules?" Tavia is enjoying this now.

(Blanco's greatest ability: "Making people mad and insane." Hey, Reito, how do they fall in love again? *sighs*)
"Ive never liked books guess slow not shocking...they are made out of trees." He rolled his eyes "This idiotic club you dont even know what its about this is suppose to be a democratic group that helps decide other things for the school. This is not a dictatorship you worthless urchin. Gain some intelligence and learn what your suppose to do and how much power you really have you steroided stalin."
"if they won't follow the rules...I'll have to ENFORCE them." Emilio replied, his eyes fixated on Blanco. "by any means...that is the way of the SDC...of MY SDC"

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