The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Rei frowns, looking back at Soul and wincing. The spot where she had been cut was throbbing now, and it was beginning to be uncomfortable. "Blanco is kidnapping people, again."
Tilting her head, she ponders. "Harsh, no. Fitting? Yes." She nods and continues walking, her cut starting to burn.
"They are not kids and I am not trying to make them nap," Blanco replies swiftly, "By the way, how's that cut?"
Frowning, she glanced back at him, then lifted her shirt, seeing a thin red cut that was starting to swell against her abdomen. Her brow furrowed and she put her shirt back down, still walking forward. "Peachy." She mumbled.
"Aye, go to the nurse?" He asks. "Soul, aren't you with Zero?" Blanco then turns to Soul.
Rei gave Blanco an incredulous look, as if she had never heard of a school nurse before. She frowned, then walked off into the halls ahead of them, leaving them behind.
"How about go find Zero for me?" Blanco chuckles and turns to see Reito walking ahead. "Going to the nurse?"
She looks back at him, then frowns. "Something like that." She turns back around and disappears around the corner.
Zero appears at the dorm, "Uh, thought you will be here. " He notices Soul. (I WON'T LET YOU.)

Blanco frowns, going to the student council room, and drops Q off. "Vera, keep watch of him. If he runs away, tell me." He orders before appearing beside Reito. "I'm just going to tag with you all the way~"
Frowning, her body starts turning slightly red, and her stomach is now in searing pain. "I'm guessing those thorns were poisonous." She mutters, almost to the nurse's office.
"Why'd you ran away?" Zero sighs.

"The nurse only has bandages though." Blanco adds when he hears that.
Rei shrugs. "Well, then that's fine. I'll just have to force myself to last a bit longer than the normal person." She frowned, walking inside the Nurse's office and looking around, seeing Lenneth talking to the nurse about a student.

Lenneth muttered under his breath. "He was fighting a few monsters in the forest and got cut up pretty bad." He explained, rubbing his neck. He turned once he heard Reito and Blanco come in, and his eyes swooped over her, taking in her sweaty, over-heated state. He knitted his brows. "What happened?"
What kind of excuse is that, "Then why did you walked away quickly with the speed of what seems like running?" Zero questions, eyeing her carefully.

"Reito got cut by a student~And it's poisonous~You see, should throw him a detention right? He's being tied up by iron chains right now by the way," Blanco advises with a bright smile.
Frowning, she elbowed Blanco in the stomach, then walked towards the nurse. "Do you have any bandages?" The nurse nodded, then walked to a cupboard and pulled out some bandages. "Lift your shirt so I can see it, hon." Then she paused, looking at the two guys watching them. "It's fine." Rei muttered, then pulled up her shirt to expose a red, angry, swollen looking cut on her abdomen.

Lenneth frowned, looking to Blanco. "Who did it?" He grimaced when she lifted her shirt, her entire body was red and her cut was swollen. "You're gonna need more than bandages. Do you have anything that could help nurse?" He looked to her. The nurse shook her head, wrapping the bandage around the wound. "If anything, all I can do is wrap it and tell her to keep pressure on it, but you're going to need an antidote, fast, or we could have our first fatality on campus." She muttered.
Q sat there star struck at the thought of Vera being there until he said something about him being placed in detention "Woah hold on a second there." he was speaking in a tone of anger " I have a cocktail of poison in my thorns and only i know the poisons that are inside." He looked up at the ceiling "If you give her any of the wrong antidotes it has... i guess you could say explosive effects. You have about two minutes until she brakes out in cold sweat and rashes." He let his head fall to the side "Then in another five minutes she will experience vomiting, extreme dizziness. After that starts in paralysis and then pain that almost exceeds that of giving birth."
Soul looks down at her feet,staying silent,Then starts to mumble something under her breathe quietly so he didn't hear what she was saying,"I Kinda like you."
Blanco princess lifts Reito up. "Alright! To the student council room~I think I have some antidotes there~Lenneth follow along~" He happily carries her out of the nurse room to the student council room and kicks open the dor.

"What did you say?" Zero raises an eyebrow.
Soul mumbles even quieter this time,"I kinda like you,"She looks at him sheepishly,Her eyes turning a pinking red color. 
The worst he can say is I don't like you Soul speak up.She speaks a little louder now,"Umm,Zero I Like you,"She says this time so he can hear it.

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