The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Soul ponders this for a moment,"About....,"She counts on her fingers,"three years ago,"She says as she gets up from the piano.She tilts her head to the side as if getting ready to ask a question,"Maybe more."
"I will accept that as a yes," Blanco grins.

"Then you are talented to still play that way even though you haven't played it for 3 years." Zero replies, slightly nodding his head.
Sighing, she looks back at him, frowning. Here we go again.. "Why do I have to come?" She frowns, biting her tongue slightly.
Frowning, she leaned back for a second, pondering. Then she stood, keeping her hood up and walking past him, back to school. "Whatever, lets go back." She mumbled.
Soul smiles at this and looks into Zeros eyes.Suddenly her heart starts to beat faster,butterflies forming in her stomach.She takes a step closer to him,"Ummmmm,"Is all she can say.
Q swallowed hard looking at her shyly and tried to keep looking in her eyes because he was so shy. "Umm...uhhh..." he kept arguing with him self in his head "Whats your name?" He spoke quickly so he could get it out before choking up.
(I will regret this later lol)

Soul stands only a few feet away from Zero,Being quick and hugs him and leaves the room.What did I just do. 
"My name is pretty...I MEAN Q. My names Q." he was blushing really badly at the moment after messing up his speech so badly. "Um would you with me. You food?"
Blanco chuckles, "Then let's go find them first." He happily walks out of the forest with Reito (and is fated to ruin Q and Vera's moments lol)

Zero blinked when Soul hugged him, frowned when she ran away. "Wa---" he fails to stops her. Turning around, he rubs the back of his head. Why are girls so complicated, he then remembers the fact that his guilt always stops him from getting into a romantic relationship. Why is my brain so complicated. The cause of his guilt floats back. Why is the world so complicated. H groans a little as he goes to find Soul.
Q..had she heard about him before? Or it was just an unusual name? "Oh, sure, just not now though," she said, surprised that he asked her. She also realized how long she had been in the same position. "I have to finish reading this."
Wandering down to the school, she paused, stopping in her tracks when she sees Vera and Q talking to eachother. She raises her eyebrow and glances back at Blanco, silently asking if they should be interrupted.
"Now isn't this lovely, lady and gentleman?" Blanco appears right between them. "Do join the Student Council room with me and Reito for a moment?" He didn't even notice Reito's gesture and just bluntly appeared between them. Well, love at first time should always be interrupted, no?
"No" he started walking away to the garden area outside so he could tell the plants he was so happy and proud of what he had just done.
Vera glanced at Q as he walked away, confusion flickering over her face about his behavior and what happened. She closed her book and stood up. "Sure, I'll join you two. But why?"
Rei sighed, watching him leave and raising her eyebrows at Vera. That's right, I still haven't met her properly. She thought back to the time that she had first seen her. She was arguing with Blanco, therefore she didn't get to meet her properly. Frowning, she shrugged to herself. Who cares anyway?
Blanco appears behind Q and ties him up and drags him back. "Alright, done! Let's go then, two of you." Blanco happily drags Q along as he raises an eyebrow at Reito, telling her to follow along while telling Vera to come as well.
Rei sighs, not really wanting to, but she knew he'd just track her down and find her again, then she'd be in Q's position. She eyed Q sympathetically, then looked over at Vera.
Q grows eight vines from his back and they slide threw the ropes plant themselves into the ground and grow around anything they can find. He then starts growing long thorns all over his body.
Rei frowns, having almost gotten impaled by one of the thorns for walking too close to him, and having almost gotten hit by one of the vines. She narrows her eyebrows, slightly dodging them and barely getting a scratch from the thorn. "Watch it." She mumbled.
Vera followed Blanco and Reito, surprised at how Blanco dragged Q along anyways. She was against surprised when Q began to resist. She managed to avoid most of the vines, though knew that Blanco and Q couldn't keep this up for long.
Q looked over at Rei and said "Tell him to let me go then." He frowned and looked up at her "Also id get an antidote for that in the next five minutes...just for a warning."
Rei frowned, then grinned. "You should keep tugging at him Blanco, it looks like fun." She crossed her arm, ignoring his warning for the antidote. He caused this on me, I did nothing to him, If something happens to me, it's on him.
Blanco eyes glow, "Interesting." He then ties Q up with magic iron chains. "You know, your love at first sight Vera is in the student council as well." He starts dragging him again.

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