The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Zero blinks, and frowns. He stands there for a second, watching her silently. Then he sighs, pats her head, his eyes showing a complicated look before he turns around and walks away. (just accept that is way too easy. Imma make it bittersweet and sad and moe......)
Soul looks down at her feet.Yeah,I'm so stupid.Tears form in her eyes and she walks into her dorm slamming the dorm as hard as she can and slumps against the door so no one could get in.(He just rejected her Sad :( )
(Lenneth, a new school guardian. Lenneth is going to get you to detention.)

(Zero doesn't reply....So he doesn't accept nor reject. :) ) Zero sighs, walking to his room, and slumps into his bed. He never accepts a girl's proposal before, due to his own guilt and his own past. He doesn't has the rights to date a girl when he was once a serial killer. He sighs again, standing up, not knowing who to turn to cause he has always been alone.
(Yep yep. But don't worry they will end up together~~!!!! *hav a whole storyline planned in mind lol*)
(Alright so basically...Zero will have someone to talk to, possibly a way to drag the new character in. then something will happen that relates to zero's past. then zero will collapses. be there for him when needed. justice's not dead yet right. how bout draggin him out again.)

Tavia is once again wandering out alone......Why is she always responsibly for dealing with new students? And once she finished helping the new students she will be forgotten again......Sighing, she walks slowly through the hallways.
Soul sits against her door,shoulders slumping head resting on her knees,"Darn why do I have to be to young to drink,"She mutters to herself,she was trying extremely hard to keep herself from crying. 
(Ok yeah we could drag justice from out of the basement and i could make a new character what do u need boy or girl.)
Zero walks to the balcony, takes out a cigarrete, and starts smoking. Just a little for today...He sighs, looking down. New students?

(It can be anyone. :) )) And Justice can let Zero feel the guilt again~)
Emilio sat outside of the school on a bench. In his mind he was reading over the layout of the school, from the rooms to the placements of every column. He had also memorized the guidebook and the names of the student council. I plan on upholding the rules of this school..might as well know the names of those who will either help or hinder me
Emilio looked at Tavia and nodded. "something like that I guess...though by the end of today I'm assuming everyone in this school will know me."
"Really? How wonderful to know, school discipline new member as well?" Tavia smiles, thinking about Blanco, Soul, and Reito. They love to skip class...
"New member? Ha. More like new chairman of the SDC. I don't take orders too well" he replied before hopping off the bench and staring down at Tavia...well not really...he was only an inch taller than her...he was still growing though. "'re quite tall for a girl."
"Because I'm responsible for kidnapping and tying up people for not joining the student council, I need to deal with guys as well," Tavia smiles, giving out her hand for a shake.
Eury enters the school,wearing a smirk.Hmm interesting place.She wears a black way to short mini skirt that shows a lot of skin with black high heels.Her shirt skin tight and the color of newly bloomed pink roses.Eury turns her head causing her purplish hair to fall over her shoulder. 
Soul exits her room and wonders the hallways."God I hate people,"She mutters passing right by the new student who was walking right toward Blanco.
"kidnapping? That sounds unethical...and illegal" Emilio folded his arms and stared at Tavia. "When I become chairman, I'll not turn a blind eye to things that go against school rules."
Soul staring at the ground with that sad puppy dog look plastered on her face accidentally walks into Emilio,"OH,Sorry,"She says looking at him,her emotions quickly changing.He recks of authority.With something of a hissing noise and the shadows around solidifying and spiking upwards for a split second. 
She backs away. 
While Q was tied up in the chains he tried thinking of a way to get out. 'I need sunlight dang it.' He got up against the wall so he could stand up and tried hopping to get outside.

(Sorry got tired of waiting for nothing that was happening)
Emilio barely budged but looked at Soul. "its not a harm no foul." He waved his hands as a gesture of good faith. "Stay out of trouble though"he said to Soul with a wry smile
Tavia smiles, "I do that from the order of the student council president." Her eyes look over at Soul's direction. She skips every class...She thought, and chuckles slightly at Emilio's words. "This school's hard to deal with though."

Zero sighs, getting out of his room after smoking and feel someone's tied-up presence in the student council room. Opening it, he looks to Q. "Uh."
Soul walks away from the them and heads to the lunchroom,going back to looking like a lost puppy."Maybe some comfort food will make me feel better,"She says to herself.

Eury looks around trying to figure out where to go,"God I'm lost,"She whimpers in a cute way.
"then I'll have to SPEAK with this president some time" Emilio said but he kept his eyes on Soul. He had seen the shadows flare up when her expression changed. I'll have to remember that...could come in handy

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