The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Soul studies Zero,"You know what I have never seen you smile an actual smile,"Do you lack facial muscles needed to smile or something?"Soul asks her voice sounding weird.I shall make him smile.She grins,letting out a small laugh,"Is there a piano somewhere around here?" 
(jUST BREAK OUT OF THE CLOSET lol I'll rp with you)
(Okay ill try)

(Is it day or night time)

Q was standing at his locker putting books away and walked out to the green house and started walking around looking at all the plants. He started to water some of the ones that werent looking as well as they could. He smelled some of the flowers and started talking to them "You guys are my friends right?"
Q then walked outside and laid down on the grass showing his back. A bud started growing on his back and then opened absorbing the sun light. The flower was a bright red and about the size of your fore arm. He laid there sadly and alone.
(You guys wrote like 1o pages O.o I have no idea how to jump in anymore. Feel free to attack her xDD)

Vera thought about what had happened. After thanking Tavia for the tour..she had..come back to her dorm and basically stayed there for as long as possible, reviewing things and reading. Books were strewn on and around her bed. She had brought some books and also borrowed some from the library. She had wandered around the school with her powers several times, just to get the hang of it. Fortunately, no one noticed her or discovered her powers yet.
After about awhile of sunning he stood up and the flower sank back into his spine. He cracked his back as he stood up and walked back inside the school and started traveling the hallways until he saw a girl with gorgeous electric blue eyes and stopped in awe to catch his breathe. His heart was beating so fast he was ready for it to burst. He walked up to her and started trying to say hey hello or hi but kept messing up every time.
Zero sighs, I remembered I smile once when I was comforting her. "There is one in the music room..."

Blanco smiles, turning around, meaning that if he's going to ask she's going to go with him. "And Vera, she's not human I can tell."

(seraph are you talking to Vera?)
She lets out a soft laugh and grabs his hand,dragging him to the music room,"To the music roooooooooommmmm,"Soul stretches out the last word.
Zero blinks,, being dragged, and lets her drag him. "You play piano?" He asks simply.
Soul kicks open the door to the music room,smiling like a idiot and ignoring Zero's question.Lets wait and see.The music room was a simple room with a high ceiling and dark purple curtains that contrasted against the yellow walls.In the corner stood a beautiful grand piano,the keys sleek as if they were just polished.Soul's eyes seem to gleam with joy as she sits down on the bench postioning herself just so.

Closing her eyes Soul starts to play the notes echoing throughout the school,maybe even traveling into the forest.The song she plays starts out slow and quite like gentle whispers in the wind,but quickly grew louder and more chaotic,yet there was a secret blance in it.The melody changing and reforming,it was like she was telling a story with the music.Those who were hearing this couldn't help,but stop and listen different emotions relieving themselves to the listeners. As she plays she gently sways her head to the rhythm,looking relaxed and free. 
(Mawahahahahahahaha Piano music)
Zero blinks, letting the music flows through his mind. He leans against the wall and closes his eyes, feeling the music. He doesn't know Soul can play piano, a surprising lady side of her, kind of cute as well.
Soul finishes playing and looks up.She the room was silent,"So what do you think,"She looks at Zero,grinning like a freak a single dimple revealing itself.For some reason tears were forming to her eyes and she couldn't quite understand why.
Reito raised her eyebrow, quirking it at him and frowning. "Nah duh, you think I couldn't smell her from a mile away?" She rubbed her shoulder, and leaned her head against the bark of the tree. Her ribbon had come loose, so she pulled it out of her hair, letting her hair fall down and lay against the grass. She held the ribbon in her hands and played with the edges delicately.
(Hiya~! :D )

"It's pretty good, bring back old memories," Zero walks over, kneeling down to she is eye level to her. "So why are you crying?" He dries off her tears with a finger delicately.

"You won't lose that ribbon will ya?" Blanco stands there and bends down halfway to her, looking at that ribbon. "And I think I need to question both Q and Vera, they seem quite interesting."
(Herroh~ c: )

Rei glanced up at him, then back down at the ribbon. "Nah. It holds too many memories for me to let go.." She said, her words basically a whisper. When he mentioned Q and Vera, she shrugged. "Then go question them."

Lenneth wandered into the garden, seeing a student laying on his stomach with a bright red flower blooming from his back. He furrowed his eyes. "A student skipping class?" He thought back to Reito, Blanco, and Soul, who were all skipping class. He frowned, then walked to him, staring down at him. "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Oh,"She says in surprise,as he wipes away her tears,"I just haven't played in awhile,"She says and blushes,looking at her hands as if they were extremely interesting. 
(Meow Meow Meow Meow Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cats)
Vera looked up from her book as someone approached her. "Oh, er, hello," she said uncertainly, not recognizing him and still slightly caught up from whatever she was reading.
"You will surely come with me right?" It's not a question, more like a confirmation. Blanco cheerfully asks.

"When's the last time you played? " Zero asks, curious.

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