The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Can't I be close?" Blanco laughs, "We slept together already--" Just then, the branch broke, but he appears on another branch in that swift second. "A close call," He grins, "Nice."

Zero smiles a tiny smile, "Ticklish, huh."

(It is adorable xD )
Rei frowns, falling temporarily and using her nails to swing her around and cling to the tree trunk. She frowns, jumping from tree to tree until she can barely see him in the distance. Then she relaxes, keeping her eyes on him.
"How ya doing?" Blanco appears next to her again, "You really like the woods don't ya?"
Rei sighs, putting her head in her hands and sulking. "Yes, I do, because it's QUIET, and PEACEFUL." She emphasizes those two words, glaring at him and pouting some more.
Rei sighs, uncovering her face and looking up at him. "Is there something you want from me Blanco?" She said, realizing that it was the first time she'd ever said his name out loud. 
(Awh okay ;c )
Leaning back against the tree, she looked up at him, finally relaxing in his presence. "Give me a reason to." She looked at him expectantly, wondering what he'd pull out of his sleeves now.
"Aw~A kiss? A hug? Being drunk again? Or spit to a guy far away?" Blanco jokes, sitting onto another branch.
She looks over to him. Hum, lets see if he does it. "Be you." She looks away and leans against the tree, relaxing and pretending that she never said anything in case he thinks its the stupidest thing in the world.
"Be me huh, who am I anyway," Blanco sighs. "Fine, be me. I turned people into animals, I tripped, I fell, I accidentally let information slipped from my hands, then I killed a bunch of people out of angers. Then I broke a tea cup, then I laughed my wonderful laugh. Then I advised someone to die with my charming smile, because he broke my tea cup. Uh, and then I tortured a child to death, I mean, in a zombie game that I played a long time ago." He tried to remember his memories.
Rei grinned, looking over at him and laughing a bit, but not saying anything. She leaned her cheek on her knee, still facing him while he talked. He's such a dork.. She smiled to herself and put her face in her knees.
"Yeah, something like that, how about you? Make me laugh a real laugh." He smiles.
Rei furrowed her brows, thinking really hard. "I don't really.. have many good past memories to talk about." She tried to smile but failed, then looked to the ground and back up at him. "The only good memories I really have were last night, you know, you spitting on that guy, then getting drunk at the bar.." She left out the part about the snuggling, she enjoyed that but didn't want to admit it just yet.
Rei feels her cheeks heat up as she blushes slightly and she looks to the ground. "A-and...maybe that..." She averts her eyes and fumbles with the string of her hoodie.
(QQQQQQQQ SUREEEE BUT A LOT HAD HAPPENED You want Reito/me to give you an overview?)

"Awwwwww you are so adorable sometimes," Blanco chuckles. "Anyway, planning on doing anything tonight?" He smiles.

Zero sighs, "Seems like you are 100% okay now, considering the fact you didn't faint when you turned into a rabbit then turned back, rabbit soup lover."
She frowns, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing by pulling her hood up and hiding behind it. "Why are you asking..?" She mumbled, looking around.

Lenneth sent most of the students back to their class, and after talking to the headmaster about the ...incident.. he was released from the office. He walked down the hall and frowned, looking everywhere for more students.

(YAAAAY!!!! <33 )
"In the same bedroom~" Blanco chuckles, "Maybe~Something more than sleeping together~~" He laughs, then sighs. "But before that is serious stuff. Things work better at night, morning is some doofo doo."
Rei pulls the hood farther, so he cant see her face at all. "What works better at night?" She asked, trying to change the topic of the conversation.

(Basically, Everyone joined the student council, the person who had tortured Soul as a child has come back to take her home, so Soul beat him up and he was put in the basement under the school, Reito and Blanco went to go find more information about their pasts, and found quite a bit about Blanco's dad, and then Blanco turned everyone in the school into animals and then he turned them all back, by the way, you've been forced to join it so you're in the council xD )

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