The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Lenneth raised his eyebrow, looking at Blanco. "Why, she doe- Oh yeah. I forgot. She's changed." He chuckled, leaning back against the wall. "Good morning, slacker." He smiles, laughing internally.

Rei walks from the bathroom, and looks from Lenneth to Blanco. It's weird. Having them both in my room. Whatever. She sits on the floor and pulls her converse on, then stood, grabbing her ribbon from the desk and tying her hair in a pony tail. Lenneth's eyes linger on the ribbon, frowning. "Rei, we need to talk." Rei frowns and looks back at him. "I can't, I have school, or have you already forgotten your duty as a Guardian?" She smiles, walking past him and down the stairs. 
She lets out a yelp and aims a punch at him face."You bit me,"She gasp rubbing her ear.She gets up and grumbles walking over to her closet.She pulls on a simple striped tee-shirt that went to her knees and just kept on the shorts she was wearing,But she did this all at the pace of a sloth.Sloth a deadly sin my ass.Pulling on socks.She walks out of the dorm without any shoes on and her hair still done in long pigtails. 
(Soul isn't a morning person)
"You ask for it," Zero says simply, rubbing his cheek and sitting down on her bed.

"The thing is, I just woke up. What does a slacker means again?" Blanco's eyes follow Reito as he replies to Lenneth with a grin. "The thing is, I don't listen to newbies when they throw a detention," he calls back as well, following Reito again.
She looks back at him,"I wasn't serious,"a small frown appearing,walking back to him.She grabs his hands and bits down hard,"You're welcome,"She muses.
Lenneth frowned, peeking down the hall and calling out. "Zero isn't a newbie and he said it too." He grinned, watching them go. God, they are so fun to tease. He chuckled to himself, then walked to Souls room, about to knock, then thinking better of it. He continued checking on the other students, making sure they were all awake.

Rei stuffed her hands in her jacket pocket and trudged down the halls, walking into her first class and sitting in the desk. At least I don't have any classes with Blanco. She frowned, replaying last night in her head. She rested her head on the desk and folded her arms over her head, closing them and starting to fall asleep again.
"Oh sure? I remember I told you before that magic can force your body to do the detention?" He raises an eyebrow.

Blanco just laughs back, "Oh, Zero? You can just ignore him, since's he's minding Soul right now." He walks to his classroom and sits down, listening to class.
She quirks an eyebrow,"I don't think you would,"She taunts saying this like a dare,her jaw achs from biting him.Is his hand made from iron?She stares him in the eyes a little bit angery.
Rei sleeps all through first period, just when the bell rings, she frowns, wanting to sleep more. She leaves her head on the desk, judging the amount of time she'd have to get to the next class if she stayed for two more minutes.
"I will when it comes to detention," Zero raises an eyebrow. Yes, he never grows soft when it comes to detention. He will never grow soft, no matter who it is.

Next class is magic, and Blanco is having fun turning his classmates into rats. One rat slips into Reito's classroom. "This is all a sad, little accident...My apologies, I really don't know what to do." Flashing a pitiful look at the teacher, who grows soft and forgives him, his smile turns devilish once she[the teacher] turns around.

Soul turns away from him and walks to class.She enters the same classroom that Reito is in an sees a rat.,"What the crap,"She picks it up by its tail.
Rei looks up as one of the rats crawl past her. She frowns, looking up at Blanco. Sad little accident my arse. She rests her head back on the desk and ignores him. When she sees Soul, she merely glances at her, before turning her attention back to the window, looking outside to the garden.

(Wubbie c: )
( LOL BUT LENNETH IS STILL AT THE DORMS xD Oh well lets say he teleported over there.)

Lenneth meows, folding his ears back and hissing at Blanco. Then his ears perk up and he wanders over to Rei's classroom, prancing over to her desk, between Soul and Rei. He jumps up on her desk and meows, licking her face.

Rei frowns, looking at the strange black cat that just licked her. "Scram kitty, scram." She looked away, just for the cat to start pawing at her arm.
Blanco turns Zero into a tiger, and turns Soul into a rabbit, and turns the whole school into a zoo.

Zero is walking down the dorm hallway when he turns into a tiger and roars by accident...
Rei frowns, noticing her desk is gone. "Are you kidding me right now?" She frowns more, stepping out of the zoo and into the forest, not wanting to deal with any of this at the moment. She found a nice spot under a tree far away from school grounds and plopped down, crossing her arms and relaxing.

Lenneth frowned, watching her leave. He clapped his paws together, and turned himself back. Then he looked at Zero and Soul, who were both now animals. He placed his hand on his forehead and sighed.
Zero just sits there....If he's a real tiger....Then Soul's a nice meal....

Blanco yelps a little and lifts Soul up. "Aw, so freaking adorable~" He appears beside Reito, "Isn't she adorable~"
Rei frowns, looking over at the bunny, then looking back into the forest, ignoring them both. Sorry, can't help you there Soul.

Lenneth snaps his fingers, and Zero turns back into a human. He raises his eyebrows, then snaps his fingers again, and everything goes back to normal. "I'm guessing detention is in order?"
Soul turns back into her human form and frowns,"If you ever do that again I will freaking kill you,"She whispers this harshly.

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