The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Rei nods, saying nothing to that and putting her head on the table. All she really wanted to do was sleep. She started thinking of ways to get him back to his dorm without getting caught. She didn't even know which room was his. She picked her head up and rested her chin on her hand, watching him drink.
"You have already ask that,"She flings her hands into the air with frustration.The fact was she didn't feel that great she feel tainted and broken.She looks into Zeros eyes a question popping into her head,"Why do you care so much?" 
(Reito how dare you crave sleep There is a drunk clingy maybe slutty Blanco ready to snuggle with you lol)
And so Blanco ends up finishing 5 bottles of beer....

"Reeeeeeeitoooooooooooo~~~~~~~Give me another bottleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............" He mumbles out.

"Why can't I care much about you?" Soul asks coolly. "Class tomorrow, six A.M. Eat a full breakfast, and better not be late."
(IKR xD But she's lazy and tired. I'ma make her have to put him in her room for the night and when she puts him on the bed and tries to walk away, he clings to her and she cant leave LOL maybe xD ) 
Rei frowns, holding up her hand to the waiter. "Nope. That's enough for you." She pushes some money to the waiter. "Keep the change." Then she stands up, grabbing Blanco and slinging his arm around her. "Alright, lets get you back."
"Jack wade,"She mutters and keeps on walking opening the nearest window she jumps out landing clumsily onto the ground."Why is everything so off balance,"She asks herself looking the night sky the stars were like diamonds. 
(i gtg see you tomorrow)
(Meow! LOL Just be super moe)

Blanco clings on Reito and leans onto her. "Nya~You are such a pretty girl~Aw you are so nice~Carrying me back~I know you are an adorable girl~Haha~Hahaha~" He laughs emptily and stumbles all the way.

Zero uses his shadow power and lifts her back inside, "No, I don't want to see a girl fainting outside like a corpse."
Rei frowns, tugging him more. "No. Not nice, or pretty, or adorable." Her cheeks warm slightly, and she feels like shes blushing, but she shakes her head, throwing the thought away. She wanders onto campus and stops. "Wheres your dorm?"

"My dorm is your room~!" Blanco innocently says, after all, he's drunk. (LOL MUST USE THAT SCENE YEP ZERO AND LENNETH GONNA SCREAM THAT TOGETHER)
Rei frowns. "Whatever..." She walks him up to her room and opens the door, stumbling in with him. Then she sits him on the bed sliding his arms off of her. She goes to her closet and picks out shorts and a loose shirt, then walks to the bathroom. She peeks her head out. "I'm showering. I have to get this blood out. Stay. There." She frowns, shutting the door and stepping into the shower.

(LOLOLOLOL... Lenneth is gonna be like. "YOU'VE CHANGED SINCE YOU WERE FIVE." )
And Blanco just falls asleep on her bed, his shirt slightly off and revealing his scars. (AND ZERO GONNA BE LIKE "THIS YEAR'S STUDENT IS NOT INNOCENT AT ALL." OMG XDDDD)
Rei steps out, running a comb through her hair and throwing on the tank top and shorts. She walks into the room, seeing Blanco already asleep. Her eyes travel to the bare skin of his abdomen, seeing the scars. She walks over to him and kneels by the bed, gently pressing her finger against one of his scars. "What happened to you..." She mumbled quietly, looking up to his face.

(LOLOLOLOL. REI WAY TO JUST TOUCH RANDOM PEOPLE. It's kinda cute tho ( *^ *) )
Blanco groans a little, and rolls over, like a little kid. He seems to mumble something and he scowls, but then his face resumes back to normal, with a big space next to the bed. (Meaning: You better sleep with me)

(Okay! xD Sleep well~)

Rei frowns, "Spoiled brat.." She mumbles, then crawls next to him, not touching him, but laying there. She curls herself in a tight ball, starting to relax.
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(Lol cuteness is a basket,THEY SO CUTE TOGETHER)

Soul just frowns and goes back to her dorm,"Unless you want to sleep with me.Leave,"She says,smiling at the thought of Zero snuggling with her then frown.Bad Soul.She goes into the bathroom and locks the door,taking a long raging burn your skin off shower.When she comes out of the bathroom she is wearing a sports bra and a part of black shorts her hair up in pigtails.Her skin firetruck red from the heat,Not really caring if anyone was in the room.
( xD !! Ikr! Cept he's drunk so if he doesnt remember anything he'll tease her about it and she'll be like -denies it ever happened- LOL )
(Hiya! xD wait since I need Zero and Lenneth to scream detention they needa meet so sleep with u later soul! ^^ THEY WILL GET ROMANTIC I SWEARR)

Zero frowns, blushing slightly at the thought of sleeping with a girl and clicks his tongue. This jerky girl, he thought, deciding to explain some stuff to Lenneth, he goes to search for him.

Blanco wakes up halfway at midnight with a clear nightmare of his past, he sighs, then realizes he smells of beer and is rather disgusting. Wanting to rest his hand beside him he only finds Reito there sleeping as well. Blanco frowns, then chuckles, soothing her hair before going on for a bath, changing into a rather looth shirt and pants. After that he goes back to sleep with her, staring at her face. I wonder how much she feared when her parents got killed...A tiny thought before he falls asleep, and has unconsciously cuddles up with Reito. (Cuddle~And snuggle~Cuddle Snuggle~With a scream afterward XDDDDDD)

Rei blinks, noticing someone touching her. She peeks open her eyes and looks right into Blanco's face. She frowns. He smells like my soap.. At least its not beer anymore. She frowns and closes her eyes, pulling back a bit. As soon as she did that, she felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice on her. She looks at Blanco, feelings conflicting. It's cold.. but... What if he wakes up... Oh whatever Rei. She scoots closer, nestling her face in his shoulder and finally falling back asleep.

Lenneth, just sending a few students back to their dorm rooms, looks back and see's Zero. "Oh, hey." He raised his hand, waving slightly, then walked towards him. "What's up?"

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