The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Sure, sure, rest for today, and class starts tomorrow." Zero rolls his eyes, following her.

Blanco frowns, feeling his hand, and sighs again. "Lily...Beer. I want beer tonight." He orders quietly, and she hesitantly obeys, giving him a bottle of beer and a glass. (do you want him drunk? )

"You moved to here after school, so class starts tomorrow. Do you want to have a tour beforehand?" Tavia helps put Vera's suitcases into her room while asking.
Rei sighs, putting her head in her hands. Great, I have to take care of this murderer, AND Handle a drunk. Whoopie. She looks up as Lily finishes pouring the glass of beer, then walks back to the counter. A few guys enter the bar and sit at the counter, talking to Lilly and smiling. One of them has a red copy-cat ribbon tied around his belt loop. Rei narrows her eyes, leaning forward and frowning, no longer paying attention to Blanco.

(Idm xD )

Lenneth helps with the suitcases, not talking to them, just listening. I wonder where that girl went. He sighs, watching Tavia and Vera talk. After awhile he excuses himself and walks down and out of the dorm, patrolling the school. 
(It would be kinda cute to see him clingy drunk, or silly drunk. Rei would be like "What the hell am I going to do with you..." )
Blanco is about to drink it when he notices a spider in his drink and spits out the drink immediately and his spit goes flying to that copycat. (epic dramatical scene.) (alright then! clingy drunk right when she's dealing with the copycat.)
Soul feeling slight stalked turns her head around and looks at Zero and gives him a weird look.Why is he following.She starts to pick up the pace.I feel like I'm being stalked.
Rei covers her mouth, which has now taken a surprised face. She puts her head down on the table and shakes, laughing silently. Oh my god you're going to blow my cover... But it's so funny..
"Class tomorrow. Soul. Class. No lateness. No skip." Zero keeps following.

Blanco smiles briefly, "Oops, I'm so sorry. Should I clean you up?" He takes out a bloody handkerchief that he used when he dried off the blood and he frowns himself, laughing, he retreats and takes out a clean handkerchief. He chuckles since he has make Reito laugh.
The man frowns, looking at him with deadly eyes. "Beat it, punk." He pushes Blanco away and walks back to his seat, taking a rag and cleaning himself off, muttering profanities. He then looks up at Lily once things had calmed down, and smiled, wiggling his finger to her until she leans in with her ear. He whispers something and her face turns red, but she nods anyway. Soon he gets up and leaves the bar. A few minutes later, Lily follows him.

Rei stopped laughing once she saw this happen, and she frowned. A few minutes after Lily left, she looked at her watch. 6:55pm. She stands up, putting a check on the table and walking outside, looking down the streets. Maybe behind the bar.. She turns and looks down an alley way, then starts walking down the path. As she gets closer to the back, she begins hearing a whimpering sound. She crouched low to the ground, and peered around the corner, seeing Lily tied up and the man standing over her, smiling. "Now, what to do with you?" He grinned.
Blanco starts drinking his beer....Reito will take care of the other stuff...Now he just has to forget everything....
Rei steps out of the shadows, a smirk on her face. "So you're the wannabe-copycat." Lily's eyes shot to her, pleading desperately. Rei frowns. Something's not right. He looks up at her and grins. "Ah, the beast girl. I've been waiting for you." He nods and the group of guys that were at the bar with him emerge from the shadows. "I've been sent to collect you." Rei smirks, looking around them. "Like hell you will." She spins, withdrawing her dual daggers and slicing the front of three of the guys, blood spurting all over her. The fourth runs at her, dagger exposed, open. She steps out of the way of his slice, using her palm to hit his jaw, then using her dagger to stab in his chest, and run it all the way down the half of his body, causing his blood to pour from him. She flips her dagger in her hands and licks the blood from her thumb. "So why don't you just let her go?"

Lily's fear dissipates, and she soon smirks, standing up and taking off the mask. "Are you kidding me hon? You were just too easy." The copy cat kill steps behind her, holding up a gun to Rei's head. "Now, drop them." Frowning, she drops the daggers. "Who are you working for." He smirks. "Ravo Blondo." Her eyes widen, and she pauses, looking at them in shock for a second. Does that mean... Blanco's in on this too..? She starts to doubt him. 
(Sorry, I just kinda came up with a little twist >- < )
(OMG REITO <3) (oh btw i made a mistake its blondo)

Blanco finishes his bottle of beer and wants more, but seeing Lily is gone he goes to check, not drunk yet. He needs 3 bottles of wine in order to be drunk. Slowly walking to the backdoor he hears the conversation, and frowns, then immediately he takes his action. A dagger goes flying and cut deep into the copycat's shoulder. He groans, staring into Blanco. "Ah, yeah, so my father's not dead yet, huh. He told you to take away all the information, didn't he?" He is smirking, angrily, as he digs his finger deep into his wound again. He takes out the button and matches his other buttons, "Exactly the same."

Lily stands there, frozen, but Blanco soon catches up with her. "My name is Blanco Blondo, now where's my father?" He asks nicely, though waving his dagger around, ignoring Reito completely.
Rei frowns, looking at the puddle of blood she's standing in, her chest squeezing. She frowns, looking at Blanco and then at her daggers. She picks them up, then stuffs them back in their places on her body, hidden. She walks towards the copy cat and digs in his pockets, pulling out a cellphone and a few folded up papers. She stuffs them in her pocket, and begins scrolling through the phone, leaning against the wall. I guess that's just how it is. He uses me, I use him, nothing more. She sighed, looking up at Lily.

Lily frowns, crossing her arms. "I don't know that name. I just work for this guy." She pointed to the dude on the ground. He spat in her direction, frowning. "Liar. If I go down, you go down with me, Lily." Lily backs up, running down the alleyway and around the corner. Rei sighs, walking after her, seeing no reason to run. 
(The twist wasn't too bad? D: )
(Isn't xD don't worry. I'm just planning to make him drunk still)

Blanco takes out a gun and kills them, just swiftly. "If you don't give me any information...Then you guys have no reasons to live." He smiles a cold, heartless smile, but after that he drops to the ground, and that cold, heartless smile turns into a hopeless, tired smile. "Reito, this world is a cruel place, isn't it?" He doesn't care what she thinks of him now. First all of his information is gone, then people betrayed him, now the bar's gonna close down, and Reito's gonna leave him.
Rei looks back at him, seeing him in that mess, and something in her shatters. This time, when she looks at him, she sees herself, tired, bloody, hopeless. She walks back to him and kneels in front of him, tilting his chin up to look at her. She smiles, not one of her cold, jerky, masochistic smiles. Her first real smile. "It's only as cruel as you let it be." She slips her arms around his neck and pulls him to her, hugging him. Then she stands and looks down at him. "Besides, we're not done searching yet." She holds up the copy-cat's phone, with his father's information. His residence, his cellphone number, and even his backup number. ( Rofl xD Celebration. And get this - Lenneth knows the bar owner, so he's gonna do some ninja stuff and keep it open. Celebratory round of drinks are in order!)
"I'd love a tour, since I'd hate to get lost on my first day," Vera said to Tavia, frowning slightly at the thought of being late, which was a pet peeve of hers. She closed the door of her dorm, making sure it was locked before slipping the key into her hoodie pocket. "So far..I only know how to get from the office to my dorm. Everything else is a mystery."
(LOL great XDD)

Blanco blushes but it is very, very light. He chuckles then, standing up, "You're right. Thanks for the information, and that's a really nice smile." He says, walking back to the bar. "We should rest for now though, tonight's too much. Now, let's get back to drinking some beer...."

Zero stands behind Soul watching her every move....

Tavia smiles, "A great pleasure! Follow me." They walk through the school, through the hallways, where Tavia explains each one carefully. "Ah, and here's the library," she points.
Rei smiles again, tired of frowning for now. "You can drink. I gotta get you back to the dorm safely." She laughed, then stopped in her tracks, looking down at her blood-covered face and shirt. She frowned, then pulled off her jacket, turning it inside-out and zipping it up. She looked down at her still bloodied hands and wiped them on the inside of her jacket, along with her face. Too much blood. She thought. Then she sighed, looking at Blanco. "Is there any more blood on my face?"

Vera followed Tavia carefully, taking note of everything. She knew that she couldn't remember everything all at once. Perhaps she'll use her powers..just for the first night, to look at everything once more when she had time. She took a look at the inside of the library. "It's amazing," she said, a bit awestruck at the amount of books it contained. She smiled at Tavia. "Thanks for the tour, thoough I bet I'll get lost tomorrow anyways."

Blanco laughs lightly, taking out his clean handkerchief and throws it to her. "Yep." He enters the bar and orders some beer, "Want some?" He waves it at her.
(ahhhh I'm late sorry)

Soul turn around and pokes him in the chest,"Are you ok,"She ask feeling annoyed it was her job to stalk people not his."You like a freak'n stalker.Am I doing something funny.What is it tell me already,"She was tired and hungry not the metoin the fact she just like half way died a little while back.Her eyes turned a deep shade of blue.
Catching it, she frowns. If I didn't need it why did you give it to me? She follows after him, sitting across from him at the booth and watching him. "Nope. I don't drink. Besides, who else is gonna drag you back?" She said, smirking. I wonder what Zero or Lenneth would do if they knew he was getting drunk. Then she frowned. Oh yea, what is Lenneth doing here anyway...
Zero sighs, "You feeling better..?" He asks.

Blanco chuckles, then starts drinking. "Just a warning, I get clingy when I'm drunk."

Tavia smiles brightly, "I will be willing to help you tomorrow so you won't get lost."

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