The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

(I think I like insanity c: And woo~ Nice times~)

"P-please... let me go..!" She whimpers in her memory, being dragged by the hair up the stairs. She digs her nails into the hands of the man. He chuckles. "Oh no sweetheart... I've got plans for you." She cries and tries to tug away, but the pain in her scalp shoots through her, making her whimper more. "Mommy... D-daddy.." She cries. He drags her into a dark room, then throws her against the wall. She feels the bone in her arm snap and she screams in pain, clutching it and whimpering hoarsely. "Oh come on you little b*tch, I know you've got that... thing inside of you. Let it out." He grins, white teeth flashing, save for one. The upper left one is gold. Her now-mind mentally takes a note of it, and continues watching, her fear coursing through her body and her anger stirring up more.

Lenneth sighs, looking from Rei, to everyone else. Damn girl, what have you gotten yourself into? He walks past Justice, placing his hand on Rei's head and frowning. He then removes his hand and walks to Zero, standing away from Soul as he does.
Justice frowns,He has seen this side of Soulicy once before and it wasn't pretty.He looks into her swirling dark eyes.She was even more beautiful to him now."I guess so,"He didn't want to fix her,but he needed to get this over with.

Closing her eyes Soul begins collecting power from everyones shadows,tendrils of a black shadowy substance forming to her hand creating a solid blade the size of her arm.She jumps into the air doing a front flip, causing the heels of her feet to slam into his chest.Then brings her blade around aiming for his neck.

The force of the blow makes Justice fall back a step,"Ouch,"He mutters ducking under her blade just in take a single strand of hair cut from his head.Moving swiftly he grabs her arm and pulls it behind Soul's back,then trying to take out her balance he hooks his foot around her ankle making her trip.

Soul feels herself falling,So kicking up her legs the one that wasn't hooked.She flips herself up,putting her arms in a awkward positions because they were still behind her.......
Blanco sighs. He doesn't care if Reito is gaining advantage of the illusion or not. Either way she's super painful and really he can't tolerate his student council members suffer like that. Well, suffer from how annoying he is but not seriously suffering. He doesn't care if she's going to be angry or not, but he just politely asks, "Hey, Justice, since you needa concentrate on Soul, how about let her go~?"

Zero sees Lenneth coming and sighs, "Welcome to the school of troubles..." he mumbles.
Managing to stand, her eyes flicker over every possible escape route. The window... She makes a run for it, but something hits her, pulling her back and throwing her on the ground ontop of her broken arm. She screams in pain again, and she lifts herself up. She feels a sharp kick to the rib and something inside her stirrs. She cries out again, her teeth clattering as he kicks her over and over. Then, something snaps inside of her. She feels her flesh tearing, her body shuddering, her flesh ripping. Her broken bone makes it harder for her to shift, but she does it anyway, too angry to care. As she shifts in her memory, she doesn't realize it, but she also shifts in the real time. Her wolf body snarls and her eyes stay pale white. The shift causes her to snap from her memory and her eyes turn from pale white, to bright, crimson red.

Lenneth's eyes widened for a moment. "What happened to her? Why is she already shifting?" He looks from Justice to her, and he frowns, not understanding it. He reaches out his hand and a huge net falls on her, keeping her from moving. Snarling, she whips her head around to look at him, then stops, her body freezing. He frowns. "Seriously Rei, since when do you lose control so easily?" 
(Dw Soul, I won't let her fight unless you want her to help xD )
Vera shook her head and smiled wryly. "Well, I'm new here, so maybe my judgement wouldn't be that good." She watched the girl fight Justice and felt nervousness chipping away at her. "Though she looks capable of herself." What was the girl's name..Soul? There a bunch of names thrown at her and she had trouble keeping them straight. Whoever she was, she seemed very strong and capable, though Vera knew that they might have to help.
Justice takes hold of her ankle then releasing one souls arms,shooting Blanco a dirty look then goes back to Soul and idea pops into his mind.He lets some more of his power leaks into Soul body.

Soul lets out a inhuman scream,tears forming in her eyes.Her arm felt like some was electrocuting it with a live wire.
(Lol The once Reito's memories is done you can break free) 
(Not quite sure at the moment its a pretty even fight I think he is going to survive then disappear one he gets a bad enough injurey)
(Well that really is all she remembers of it, once she shifted, it was her first time shifting, so she blacked out. When she came to, she was curled in a ball with a ribbon laying at her feet. xD )
(alright then)

Tavia frowns, "I'm not good at brain thinking, so you decide." She smiles.

Blanco pokes Reito's nose with a white feather, "Wake up now, baby, wake up from the nightmare~"

Zero frowns, standing beside Lenneth.
Rei snaps her jaws at Blanco, growling slightly, then she shifts back into a human, rubbing her eyes over and over. She tosses the net off of her and stands, looking back at soul and frowning. My territory. Shut it, wolf. She tells herself. Looking down at her arm, she can still feel as if the bone was broken. Then she looks at Lenneth. "What are you doing here?"

Lenneth threw his hands in the air. "I've come to help my little teeny tiny Reito, and this is the thanks I get?" He grins a bit, then crosses his arms. "I'm responding to your message."
"So what is you two's relationship?" Blanco asks, curious.

"Lenneth is our new guardian, Reito," Zero explains.

Tavia's eyes are following Soul's carefully.
A dark glowing energy surrounds Soul,Something was wrong and she could tell.The energy grew stronger and greats,her breathing becomes ragged....For a momnets there is nothing but silince.No thoughts,No Noise,Just nothing just stillness.Then "BOOM" it explodes from her body with hurican force and she blacks out.(This is a reaction from Justice mixing with her power Take cover mawahahahah)

The energy blows Justice away tearing at his skin and busting out his eye.Nothing like this has never happen in the history of ever.It was like being attacked by nothing but pure will and his own powers.The next thing her knows his on the ground bleeding all over. 
His body drained of everything.
Souls lays on the ground also passed out barely breathing.Whatever just happened had almost killed her,yet she didn't know this she was dreaming stuck in a deep unconscious .
Rei opened her mouth to say something, just before a huge explosion erupted and she felt herself being pulled from her feet. Her body slammed against the floor and she grunted in surprise. Just as fast as she was hit down, she popped back up, frowning and looking at Soul, who's lying unconscious on the floor. She runs through the hallway, skidding to a halt in front of her and looking over at Justice, who is a bloody mess.

Lenneth unfurled his wings at the sight of the explosion, and used it to help keep him upright and not fly back, like Reito. He frowned, looking to Zero casually. "Does this sort of thing happen often?" He says when the explosion ends.
"No, but this year a group of weird students joined the school." Zero calmly replies as he walks to Soul and princess lifts her up, kick open her bedroom door and left her on the bed. Ignoring Justice.

"Zero's like a mother," Blanco chuckles. "Shut up," Zero coldly replies.

Tavia happily pulls Vera to Justice. "Hey, look! The villain got beat up!" She smiles brightly.
Rei grins, now that soul is safe, it's her turn. She takes a few long steps before grabbing him by the front of his shirt and lifting him up, looking into his bloody mess he calls a face. She chuckles menacingly. "Now.. what to do with you." Her eyes flicker red and her smile widens.

Lenneth walks forward and pats her on the shoulder. "Hey-hey now, lets not be hasty. Let me and Zero take care of this." Rei snaps at him, frowning. "Back off." She cuts her eyes to him, then lets them return to Justice.
Justice stares at her blankly,then with a small grin he opens his mouth to speak,"You could kill me,"He suggest,yet he sounded like this was the best option.
"How about join the Student Council?" Blanco eyes start to shine. (NO CALL HIM OFF CALL HIM OFF WAAA)
Rei almost giggled. "Pff, kill you? But that would put you out of your misery, wouldn't it. How about I just leave you somewhere to die, then each time you barely start to recover, come back and beat you some more. I like that idea, it's a very, very good Idea." Her canines started poking from her bottom lip, making her grin look more meancing.

"Reito. Let him go." Lenneth said, more sternly, gripping her shoulder forcefully. She dropped him, then motioned to elbow Lenneth in the shoulder. He caught her elbow and twisted her around, grabbing her hair. "You." He tugs her arm harder. "Never." He pushes her on the ground. "Learn." He frowns. "I'll talk to you about this later." He grab Justice and teleports away to the school basement. 
( Rofl xD )

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