The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Blanco frowns and lets out a tiny mourn as he gets "attacked." He bumps into the wall and slides down to the floor, and laughs. "Ouch, man, that hurts." Blanco chuckles slightly, rubbing his jaw as the wounds she created heal. He then stands up, and sighs. "Reito will love that, too bad she's not there. But be glad I don't mind you kicking me around." The memories of him being beaten floats back to him but he snaps them out, cautious that if Justice appears he might gain advantage from that. He smiles then, a bright, charming smile, before finding Reito to share what had just happened.

Zero stands there and watches everything, and sighs. "You know what, Soul. The more you kick him, the more jerky he becomes."
(Can I sign up another chara? o: )

Rei looks up from her comfortable position on the stairwell. She figured he would find her sooner or later, and was hoping that it was later. She sighs, and turns her head, looking down the stairwell.
(Kay! -goes to sign up lenneth- He's gonna be an old aquantiance of Reito's, but he's gonna be all up on Vera ;3 )
Justice turns down the dorm hallways,Finally arriving,but something about him has changed all the fake sweetness is gone leaving only the pure psychotic goodness."Hello Lovelies,"He says Announcing his arrival,His eyes gleam with pure giddiness and molevances.He licks his lips and stops walking toward them once he is only a few yards away. 
(Ladies and Gents I present are oh so lovely Justice Chage )
Blanco appears beside Reito, "Hey, you know what just happened? Soul kicked me so freaking hard. You should have seen that, and you should have loved it." He says while walking down the staircase, and flashes back a smile. But being kicked and got reminded of his past is not a good feeling either. Then he senses Justice, and frowns, and jerks his head back at Reito. "Hey, he's here as well. Isn't that absolutely wonderful?" He says sarcastically.

Zero senses Justice coming and stands in front of Soul, sighing. Blanco will have to deal with him first as long with Reito.
Reito's jaw drops slightly at the mention of him getting kicked in the face. I'm so.... proud of her... She smiles a bit to herself, and then sniffs the air, sensing Justice. Standing, she back up the stairs and down the hall, seeing justice there. She smirks. My territory. My Soul. She walks right past Justice, not even bothering to look at him, and stops in front of soul, smiling and slipping her arm around her shoulder. She glances back at Justice, giving him a look that states, Problem?
(Ok sorry if this scene is a little god moddy )

Justice's smile turns into a straight line,yet his eyes seem to smile for him."Oh,Reito your memories so sweet. How would you like to relive them?,"He smirks and doesn't wait for an answer it only takes a nano second for his powers to take effect.Soon little Reito you will truly relive your parents murder,but lets make it a little bit more intense.His power level rises so the memory would be clearer than when it actually happened. 
(Mawhahahaha JUST DID)
Rei freezes, not moving, her eyes locked onto Justices. Her mind consumes her, and she feels herself fall farther and farther into a black hole until she hits the musty bottom. In her mind, she's sitting in that closet again, listening to the hacking sounds of bones crunching, blood splashing, gargling screams. Her eyes pale, and soon they become completely white. This time, she's not scared, this time she wants to run out and attack the man, this time, she wants revenge. She peeks out from the closet once everything is silent. Her mind is screaming at her to find him and kill him, but her memory stays true. She wanders from the closet and sees her parent's bodies, broken, mutilated, distraught in front of her eyes.

(I get graphic when it comes to her parent's murder xD TIME FOR LENNETH!)

Stepping on the hard stone, he looks up at the school, his wings hidden under his shirt, and his neon-purple eyes scanning the grounds. So this is it. He steps forward, waving his hands in front of his eyes once so they appear blue. He walks into the office and smiles at the lady at the front desk, announcing that he will be a new guardian here.
Vera felt like she had been slapped. What were the chances? How, in all the schools her parents could have chosen, why this one, the one with powers? It felt wrong and sick, especially since Vera wanted to get away from all of it, forget that even had powers. It would make things so much easier. Yet, she was surrounded by people who had powers and were probably not willing to hesitate to question about hers. Instead of turning to mist and flying off, Vera simply gave a small smile, deciding not to give a verbal reply that might fuel questions. She gently tossed her luggage into the room.

(I'm not sure if she should get reluctantly involved or ignore them xDD)
Zero feels a new person and glances out the window to see Lenneth and that somehow happy fire is burning inside his heart that another guardian is coming to school to he can at least have somebody to share the pain...Unless the new guardian is another pain in the ass....

Blanco has appeared in front of Reito and he is smiling, as if keeping an anger. "Hello sir~Doing that to my lover isn't polite, really~Plus, I don't really allow my student council members get some stupid illusions, you know?" But she might be able to see the person she wants revenges on though, he thinks at the same time. It's challenging though, keeping himself from getting an illusion as well. His heart is that one pause weaker than Reito, and doesn't want to feel being beaten up again. If he needs to, he can awake his true angel power, though not complete.

Tavia pauses and notices Vera, "Do you want to run away?" She asks.

Zero puts a shoulder around Soul...Just in case....Since Blanco is doing the protecting job right now...He guesses..
"Who's next,"With a voice like pure velvet he ask looking at them,his eyes landing on each and everyone of them.His smirk is now a sadistic grin,his eyes practically glowing with yearning wanting to just kill them all and take his precious Soulicy with him."We can do this the hard way or the easy way,"He explains spreading his arms apart making him look like he is shrugging,"Give me Soulicy and I'll be on my way,"He looks to Soul,"Or I can kill you."
Vera cocked her head to one side thoughtfully, watching the scene play out. " that the person you guys were talking about?" she said quietly, more of a statement than a question. She didn't feel like running away from anything, especially since they were all here and being the only one gone would make her feel deficient. "No, I'm fine." She went as far as thinking about what her worst memory would be. She had many unpleasant ones, but none of them were extremely bad. Just being shunned from her family and such things. Her eyes glanced over to the others. What were their worst memories?
(Ok people we got a choice to make should we kill Justice or just injure him major and lock him in a basement to return later when in need of a villian)
In her mind, she's clutching her parent's body, but in her now-mind, she's furious. She waits for the moment when he comes in, her body trembling. "Well, what do we have here?" She hears a voice from behind her. Her head snaps around, her vision slightly blurry from the tears. Her now-mind focuses through the terror, and she strains to see. Her child mind whimpers, backing away from him. "W-who are you?! L-leave me alone!" She looks closer into the darkness. Pink eyes, clean shaven, broad face, wait... one of his eyes is missing.. he's wearing a patch.. Her child mind closes its eyes as his hand reaches out. She barely manages to get a glimpse of an interesting gold-chain necklace. "N-No! St-Stop!" Her memory screams out.

Lenneth frowns, sensing disorder. He finishes up in the office and begins heading to the dorm, his eyes stuck on one level where he senses power fluctuation. He sighs, First day on the job and kids are already messing around. He makes his way up the staircase and into the hallway, stuffing his hands in his pockets and tilting his head to the side. "Hey- you kids need to go ba- "He stops mid-sentence. His eyes linger on a girl with white hair and black stripes. Her eyes are pale white. Oh shit.. 
(I think Rei wants to rip him apart pretty badly xD But its up to you. she can just majorly injure him and then zero and Lenneth can put him away. I want her to turn into a wolf tho xD that seems entertaining. I'm gonna have her break out of it once it finishes one memory lapse. )


thats the necklace btw.
(I think it is only fair if Soul kills him I was thinking maybe he can do the pain on everyone,so there can be a big battle between him a soul oh just notice he is the only chara that calls soul by her full name lol)
(Okay! That's fine with me~ I'll just come up with something witty later for Rei to do to take out her anger. OH SHE CAN GET MAD AT LENNETH AND -squirms- I gots it c: )
Soul makes eye contact with this sick bastard and something breaks inside of her.Soul always thought insanity was something dark and cold,yet it was it was like a warm blanket cradling her mind something she could wrap herself in.Pushing everyone away from her.The color of her eyes swirl with black,red and purple."I think Its time,"She chuckles lightly. 
(Insanity is a darkly shaded rainbow)
And so Zero lets her....

(I want Blanco to show his nice side now...he's been a jerk for way too long :) gonna think of something)

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