The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Soul getting pretty much dragged over to Reito's dorm,yet she hears the low whistle and doesn't complain."He's coming,"She whimpers then forces a brave look upon her face.I will be brave.I'm not going to be weak.
Reito frowns, ignoring Blanco's comment, then he looks to Vera, tilting her head to the side. She looked at the door to the room next to her open and a suitcase in her hand. Great, more people. She then frowned, feeling Soul and Zero's energies heading for them rapidly. She swings her head around and feels her body tremble. That guy... he's coming back... but something's different.. She lets herself growl slightly. Soon, she sees them round the corner and come into the hallway. She automatically pushes soul behind her and pushes Zero out of the way. It's on my territory. 
Zero just walks around Reito and pats Soul on the head while seeing Vera and Blanco. "Vera...Welcome to the Academy...We are in a bit of emergency troubles here so sorry if we cannot welcome you formally...."He then looks over at Blanco, "Go deal with him first will ya..."

Blanco frowns, then smiles tiredly. "Me? Ah, alright. If Reito's coming~"
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Frowning, she looks back at Blanco. "Why do I have to come?" Her eyes dart between each person, her canines slightly poking from her lips.
She frowns, annoyance spreading through her. "I don't remember ever being yours." She turned to open the door to her room, ignoring his dare.
"Oh, well..alright. Where do we meet?" she asked. She shook her head at the apology. "No worries. I wasn't expecting any welcome." Truthfully, she wasn't. She was expecting to be ignored, and was perfectly happy to accept that. Now she was in some sort of Student Council, which turned out to be a daily dedication. Hopefully it was interesting enough to keep Vera interested.
Blanco appears inside her room and drags Reito out. "You will love it! First, there is a villain coming to get that girl over there," he points to Soul, "who has a rather sweet relationship with our guardian," he points to Zero. "Then, it's this girl who is a rather pretty monster who has a mind like a rock and never smiles and is very, very cold," he tugs on Reito. "And I'm the Student Council President, Blanco Blondo." (brb again)
Rei snaps her jaws at Blanco, ripping her arm out of his grip again. "I am NOT a monster." She growls, her eyes turning from bright blue to a dim red. Her fingernails started extending again and her teeth lengthened a bit more. "And I don't have a mind like a rock." She refuses to acknowledge the cold part. (Okay~)
Vera was surprised with the sudden outburst of introductions and information. "Oh....." she said, puzzled by all of it. "Nice to meet you all." She assumed that they were teasing her, and brushed off all of the information with a wave of her hand. "It all sounds..." She had trouble coming up with the right word for it. "Fun." Close enough. After all, what were the chances that anyone would have any powers all meeting at this Academy, the very one she was sent to for protection from her magical family? It was too much of a coincidence.
Blanco pets Reito's head. "You actually join at a very fun time. Do you want me to inform you about what have happened?" He asks joyfully.
Pushing his hand off of her head, she frowns, backing away from Blanco's reach. "When you're done talking, get me. I'm napping for now." She snapped, opening her door and walking in her room, plopping down on her bed. Her muscles ached and her mind was exhausted.
Rei let sleep finally claim her, her body relaxing and her mind drifting off to sleep. In her dream, she was reliving the death of her parents, again.
Vera replied, "Sure" without even thinking, though truthfully, if it was fictional again, she would seriously reconsider joining. It never crossed her mind that perhaps the coincidence was true and that her classmates truly were supernatural. Instead, she shunned that idea. Because once they were supernatural, it would be easy to spot her power, right?
"So first~Soul and Reito got dragged into the Student Council and Zero who has something to do with Soul got dragged along~And then~Reito wanted to revenge for her parents' deaths so I kinda helped her~Meanwhile~A villain that is from Soul's family who is a scary dude came to get Soul~And now we're all thinking about how to deal with this villain~He's name is Justice~Oh, he can create mental pains, like uh, make you 'relive' you most painful/scariest memory. Oh, and REITO IS A WONDERFUL JERKY GIRL~!" He barks loud so Reito can hear from his room. "Aw, you are such a pretty girl. Having such pretty girl inside our student council is a pleasure. A true pleasure if you can--" can sacrifice yourself and go lure that Justice guy away...He's about to say so yet is snapped by Zero with an "ahem."
She jerks awake from her sleep, scowling at Blanco. "SHUT IT, PANCAKE!" She yells, rolling over and putting a pillow ontop of her ear. "God.." She mutters, sort of glad he woke her up, but mostly annoyed that he would wake her up.
Vera froze. This..Justice person..had powers? Her breathing quickened and she struggled to continue to keep her composed position. "If I can what?" she asked, curious and suspicious of what they wanted her to do. Certainly, they didn't want her to deal with the Justice person, right? If they did, and she complied, she might be forced to use her powers, and that was the last thing she wanted to do: reveal herself.
"PANCAKE IS A GREAT NAME!" He yells back. "You are not human are you?" Changing the subject almost immediately, Blanco changes it to what Vera seems most sensitive to talk about with his charming smile.

(gonna sleep~)
"What do you mean?" Vera countered, surprised that someone had caught on so fast. Did she leave any hints or clues behind? Usually, no one even paid attention to her. She was just the book worm who got good grades. What was different behind this scenerio? Oh..right..she joined something. She mentally smacked herself for being so stupid as to socialize with others.
"No really, it really has nothing to do with what you joined. I mean, we get your information after a day, but seriously before that we know nothing about you," Blanco, who has guessed about Vero's reaction, instantly says. "I can just know it when somebody's hiding something, you know. To you, I have this feeling that you are hiding something, yet I can't see what a student like you can possibly hide. Then it comes to me that the greatest possibility is to hide your true nature, so." Blanco politely explains.

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