The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Vera smiled wryly. "True nature?" Inside, she felt uneasy. What was he getting at? Certainly they wouldn't make her or force her to spit out her secret, right? She added after a few seconds, "Well, I'm from a few towns east and I came here because of family issues. My longer name is Verity and I'm seventeen. That's a bit of information." There was no way she would admit to being a half blooded Sylph and having powers. She saw no danger in revealing her powers, but wanted to remain as human as possible.
Rei frowned, crawling out of her room and sitting on the floor in front of everyone, rubbing her eyes angrily. She saw no point in sleeping and decided to just listen in, no matter how boring it was. She looked up at Vera, blinked twice, and smirked. "I'm a shape shifter." She said bluntly. "I'm a mean looking wolf who will rip you to shreds if you give me a chance." Rei blinked, scratching her neck and turning her head down the hallway. She could still feel something, but she didn't know when it would be coming.
Tavia sighs, well only the Student Council President knows she's a vampire as well, and with only a brief look, so Blanco might has already identified Vera's true nature with just a brief look, but Blanco let it go. "Yep, Reito's a shape shifter, I'm a half angel, Zero's a half demon, and Soul's a...what are you again? Aye, who cares."

Blanco grins wide at Reito as she comes out, "Ah, can't sleep huh. Aw, poor child."
Rei snarled, snapping her jaws and hissing at Blanco. "No, I couldn't because someone was being a noisy little rat." She frowned, letting her eyes adjust to the sun coming from the windows.
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"Eh~Then I wonder who that is~?" Blanco chuckles lightly, knowing the answer is obvious but pretending not to know.
"Yeah, pretty freaking hard to guess." Scowling, she leans against the wall and rubs her face, crossing her arms on her knees and burying her face in her arms. She grumbles her annoyance and frowns, wanting to sulk.
"Hey, tonight at 7 o'clock the copycat will be committing another crime by the way," Blanco reminds teasingly, hinting that if she's gonna go explore him then she will sleep late tonight as well.
She frowns, looking up at him. This little runt... She sucks her teeth, then turns her head, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm not that forgetful. I don't need a reminder." She chews the inside of her lip. If he's wrong, I'll just come back tomorrow.
"No, you're not." She frowns, but her words are empty. The last time she tried to stop him he just followed her around like a lost puppy, a very, very, annoying, lost puppy. She frowned more. (Gosh dang-it Reito, smile a bit!)
"Gosh dang-it Reito, smile a bit! All you did is frown, frown, frown, frown, frown, frown, frown...." Blanco complains, "And of course I'm following you." He cheerfully says.
(Rofl! xD )

Reito sighs, leaning her head back against the wall and looking at Blanco. "I did smile, you remember? Outside when you asked me what I wanted to do, I told you, and smiled." She grinned a bit, then frowned again once he said he was following her. "I could just ditch you and leave before you notice." She said matter-of-factly.

"Once I notice you are gone I can just appear beside you with my magic skills," Blanco flashes his most brilliant smile. "You need to smile moreeeee."
Soul stands there watching this scene play out and quirks an eyebrow."I'm a shadowmancer dipsh**,"She mutters.

(I gotz thee writers block at the moment ) 
(So sorry if my post are short and suck)
Reito frowns, turning her head away and staring at the window. She smirks when Soul comments on what she is.

(Btw i thought we were waiting for justice to show up to the dorm o. o )
Blanco blinks, "Oh~Is that so~?" He chuckles. "And, does that gain you any advantage when facing Justice?"
Rei stands up and walks past them all, down the hallway and to the stairs. She sits on the steps, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

(Can I bring in another chara? Its gonna be Lenneth xD )
Soul thinks for a moment,"I don't know,"She says,anger boiling inside the pit of her stomach something about blanco was annoying her,so without knowing what she was doing.Deeply buried instincts forming to the surface she walks up to him,She brings up her leg as if doing a fan kick and slams it into his jaw with the force of three rhinos charging.(Anger issues+ Annoying Creeper= Face kick)

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