The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Aw, he's not joining the student council." Blanco sighs, though he is smiling. "Oh let go of Reito, she has been a really really good girl, and she's my lover." The last part is optional, he adds it just for fun.

Zero comes out of the room and sighs, seeing Lenneth doing that to a student, and furrows his brow, having a misunderstanding. "Bullying a student on the first day after she got tortured by a villain is not exactly a good thing to do.........." His eyes are glowing coldly...
Rei frowns, standing up to yell at him but seeing that he's already gone. "That little..." She bit down on her bottom lip, drawing a bit of blood. She looks back at Zero. "He's not bullying me. He's acting like he did when I was five." She frowned, hating having to defend him. She glared at Blanco. "I'm not your lover." She opens the door to her room and walks in, slamming it behind her. Then she opens her cabinet and pulls out the journal, plopping on her bed and writing down the things that she remembered about the man who killed her parents.

Lenneth thought about healing him, but then turned his head to the side, considering the conflicts that it would cause. "And he'll damage the school some more.." He sighed, settling for chaining him up in one of the cells and locking the door. He sealed the cell with his binding magic, then walked off to go report it to the headmaster. "First day is always the hardest I hear.."
Zero sighs, tired of all this, and pats Lenneth's shoulder. "Welcome to the Academy of--" He slips on the puddle of blood on the floor and catches his balance before he actually falls down, but then he bites his lips and surprise himself and falls down.

Blanco then appeas beside Reito again, "Herro~! What kind of information did you get~?" He joyfully asks.
Justice didn't fight against Lenneth he was stuck in thought.I wonder if they'll torture me he thinks for a split second.Then pushing the thought aside he looks at his wrist and the shackles.

Soul sits up,she felt as if someone had ran her over with a truck.She gets off the bed and pokes her head into the hallway seeing the signs that an explosion had happen,yet she didn't quite remember it. "Hello,"She says.
Lenneth grinned, holding out his hand for Zero to take so he can help him up. "Thanks. Is it always this noisy?" He asked, referring to the fight that just happened.

Reito sighs, leaning her head against the bed board and looking up at Blanco. "You're never gonna leave me alone are you?" She grinned a bit when she said it, then looked down at her journal. "I got some details. That's it." She rubbed the side of her face, resting her head on the journal.
A new comer had appeared, and judging from the lack of recognition, she assumed he was new as well. Oh..he had special skills as well. She felt herself being pushed into a mental corner. Still, amused at Tavia's behavior, she smiled back. "Wouldn't have wanted it any other way," she replied simply, relieved that Soul had won. Though Soul didn't seem to be unscathed and Vera was a bit concerned for her, especially at the word "dead".

Well, the others had taken care of Justice without her help or forcing her to reveal her "true nature". Vera slowly relaxed once more and watched with mild interest as he was being dragged to the basement.
"Seems to be in a good mood huh," he checks his watch, "5:30 PM already, are you gonna go before the crime or after the crime?" He asks, at first joyfully, then something occurs to him, a weird sense of feeling. What...His eyes widened, and he jots up from bed, "See you later," he calls out, showing a rare side in which he's panicked, and appears into his student council room. Gone, gone, gone. He looks through all the shelves and the computer documents, gone. His researches on all his father and the slave owner, both gone. He furrows his brows, then clicks his tongue. All he can get back is that smallest piece of information about how his father is also a member of a secret organization. All the other information is gone before he can figure out what that secret organization represents. He tries to remember, but what he remembers aren't enough as well.

Zero stands up sighing, "Alright, thank you." He hears Soul and opens her bedroom door. "Ah, feeling better?"

Tavia laughs lightly, "The bad guy's gone. Wanna go check him out?" She has her medical box.
Rei was about to answer him, when he left. "See you later." She felt a bit ditched, but also releived. She looked up at the time. "Ah. Yeah... time to get ready." She stood up and began changing, pulling on a pair of black leggings, converse shoes, a low-cut tank top, and short-shorts. She stuffed her cell in her pocket in case she would need it, and tied her hair in a high pony tail. She looked at the clock. 6pm. She pulled open her window and jumped down, much more comfortable in converse. She walked down the trail, wondering where Blanco went. Then she shook her head. "No time to be thinking about him."

Lenneth nods, looking to Soul as she peeks her head out from the room. He smiles and waves. "Hello." He stands in the background, then turns his attention to look at Vera. He smiles and walks to her, extending his hand. "Hello, I'm Lenneth, pleased to meet you."
Soul looks at him,"I feel like a truck crashed into me,"She looks around her shoulders slump down and she looks up into Zeros eyes. 
Soul looks at Lenneth then at Zero,she stares at them for several minutes then groans."Oh,great there's two of them,"She leans her head against the doorway,"I'm doomed,"She mutters
Vera nodded, not sure what she was headed for. "Sure," she said, following Tavia. She felt a coolness wash over her and her heart panicked at the familiarity. She clenched her right fist until the coolness subsided before letting go, relieved. What had almost caused her to disappear into thin air right there? She was perplexed and disturbed, because nothing ever happened without a reason.

The new comer came and introduced himself to her. Surprised, she took his hand, responding with a small smile of etiquette, "I'm Vera."
"Yes?" Zero sighs, exhausted, glancing back. "This is our new school guardian...Ah....Lenneth." He introduces.

Blanco sighs, then smiles a really, super tired smile. "Alright, trying to play with me, huh." He stands up, about to leave, when he notices a tiny button on the floor. Probably from the guy who accidentally left it there. He smirks slightly, examining it closely. There's a logo on it, consisted of a sword in front of a cracking moon. He blinks, and puts it inside of his pocket. He sighs, the fact that he's not exactly going to work with Reito tonight is rather disappointing. Jumping out from his window, he flashes like a blink of light onto the town when he sees Reito. "Ah~Reito-chan. How ya doing~?" Just a greeting.

Tavia smiles pleasantly, "I'm Tavia. Secretary of the Student Council."

Lenneth smiles, extending his hand to Tavia next. "Ah, wonderful. I can't wait to join and have... fun with you two ladies." He takes his attention back to soul and smiles, waving.

Rei frowns, seeing Blanco again. Some part of her was glad she wasn't alone, but most of her felt annoyance again. She ignored his question and continued down the path to the bar.
"And Vera," Tavia reminds, shaking his hands.

"Do me a favor, and swear not to let that bar close down?" Now losing the information, Blanco needs the bar more than ever.

Rei threw her hands in the air, frowning. "What does this bar closing have to do with me?" She frowned. She walked inside the bar, pulling her hoodie down over her face to conceal her identity. She walked to the farthest corner in the back, sitting down and smiling at the waitress who had bumped into Blanco yesterday. She ordered a tea and sat at the booth, waiting for something to happen. Pulling up her sleeve, she glanced at her wristwatch. 6:15pm.

Lenneth nodded, looking over all of them, and then smiling. "Well, I'll be needing to talk to Reito now." He walked to her door and knocked. When there was no answer, he teleported inside the room. He looked around, and glanced at the window. He sighed. "She never could stay in one place for very long.." He opened the door and looked out at them. "Well, I'll need to find her first.." 
Blanco takes out the button and goes to the information center. He puts down the money on the table, "Hey, may--" Just that brief moment someone fires a shot. He looks up to see people all pointing gun at him. "Ah, yeah right, now betrayal." He groans as all of them fire. Dodging and taking out his daggers, each for one hand, he swiftly kills every single one of them and licks the tip of his dagger. "Self defense, this is called self defense," he chuckles bitterly, "And I don't accept betrayals." After killing it, and making sure not a drop of blood is on his cloth, he transports to the bar, and sits beside Reito, having a smile that hides all his angers but showing it all out at the same time. "Black tea, Lily, Black tea," he orders, and the shy girl from yesterday quickly prepare one for him.
Rei frowns, scanning the bar and trying to avoid eye contact with Blanco. The waitress, Lily, brings them their tea, and she smiles pleasantly at her. "Thank you." She leans back in her seat, sipping her tea and relaxing before she gets to business. Her eyes feel hazy and dizzy, but she refuses to let it overcome her, at least until she finishes her mission tonight.
Blanco seeps the black tea briefly and slams it hard onto the table until it breaks, still wearing a smile. He is mad, angry, furious, frustrated, but he won't lose, so he keeps the smile. "Ah, I feel better now." He sighs, leaning back into his seat.

Zero walks into Soul's room, "Feel better for class yet?"

(take a bath brb)
Rei raises her eyebrows, looking over to Blanco. She reaches over and places her hand on his shoulder, her only nice, trying to calm him, gesture. Then removes her hand, raising it and asking for Lily to bring another cup of tea. She sets her cup on the table and looks at her watch again. 6:25pm. Could time move any slower? She frowned.
Class?Soul thinks,giving Zero a hard look as if he was a puzzle she was trying to figure out."No class,"She states plainly and walks away from him to the cafeteria to get some food,because she was starving.

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