The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

(its gonna be funny when Lenneth and Zero go to wake Rei up and find her snuggling with Blanco. LOLOLOL)
(LOLOLOL. AND SHE'D BE LIKE -Tries to wiggle away- -Looks at Lenneth- -Gives him the look she did 5 years ago when he found her- Help me..." AND THEN ITS GON GET REAL LOL)

Zero sighs, "Nothing much, Soul's hard to deal with." He walks up to him, "So do you know Reito before or what." They start patrolling the school together, until it's almost morning where they start walking to the dorm.

Blanco is feeling happy in his sleep so he snuggles some more~
Reito unconsciously slips her arms around Blanco's sides, snuggling closely.

Lenneth nods. "Mhm. I found her when she was five, bruised, bloodied, scared, and hurt. Very very hurt." He walks with Zero, reflecting on the memory. "I took care of her for about a month, just enough time for her wounds to heal. Then one morning, I got up to feed her and, she was gone. Only a note left." He chuckles, "A note I still have, in fact." He patted his pants pocket.
Soul falls of her bed hitting the floor with a thunk,Yet she didn't awaken.Being the deep,but restless sleeper she is.She rolls under the bed and keeps on sleeping there. 
Zero raises an eyebrow, "Really? And what's the note about?" He glances around to see students already coming out of the dorm. Checking the time, it's seven o'clock. What, where is Soul? Furrowing his eyebrows. "Let's wake people up..." Sighing, since the closest door is Reito's door, he knocks on it, with Lenneth following behind. No reaction. He scowls, "Reito, you in there?"
Lenneth shrugged. "Basically a thank you and goodbye note." He walked behind Zero, then looked at the door. "Maybe she's already awake?"

Rei, hearing voices, snapped her eyes open. Lenneth... and Zero... She began to relax, scooting closer to this warm body next to her. Wait.... warm bo- She snaps her eyes open again and frowns, looking at Blanco. Blanco. Zero and Lenneth. She looks down at the bed. Bed. This is a misunderstanding waiting to happen. She frowned, trying to wiggle her way out of Blanco's grip. If I could just get out... I could brush it off as I was sleeping on the floor..
"I'm just opening the door," Zero decides, and Lenneth seems to agree. With that, he opens the door with Lenneth standing beside him. "Reito, time to wake up. What's wrong with---"An awkward silence, before they both shoot out the exact same word: "DETENTIONNNNN!!!!"

Blanco opens his eyes...."Hmm....."
Lenneth, after screaming the word, crosses his arms and frowns, looking at Rei. "Let go of him, now Reito Nakima."

Rei frowns, extending her arms away from her and pulling, still being held back by Blanco's grip. She rolls over and tries to push herself from him, and when that doesn't work. She sulks, slightly. She turns around, and looks at Lenneth, giving him the same look she did the day he found her. Everything about her seemed feeble and helpless, and she even added slight tears to her eyes. "Help me..."
Blanco wakes up just slightly and blinks, sitting up. It takes him 1 quiet minute to realizes what has happened, and he bursts out laughing. "What a scene, really." With that, he puts his arm around Reito waist. "Just a night with my love," he adds with a smile.
Lenneth frowned, grabbing Reito by the arm and pulling her away from Blanco. "Detention. Both of you." He drags Reito along by her arm downstairs and out of the dorm.

Rei frowns, not liking being tugged. "Let go, Lenneth." He ignored her, still tugging. "I said let go!" She snarled, ripping her arm from his grip. He frowned, looking back at her. "What the hell were you doing?" She crossed her arms, turning around and walking back to the Dorm. "Sleeping. And thanks for dragging me around on campus when I'm in pajamas." She snapped. Lenneth sighed, then followed her back.
"Oh! The student council room," she gasps, dragging Vera to the room. "See? It's quite a big room, and Blanco sits right there." She points to the big seat in the middle. 
Blanco and Zero are having quite a conversation while they are coming back. "Hm~This is quite a problem~Considers the fact that I have student council stuffs to do~" Blanco tilts his head to one side.

"I don't care," Zero coldly replies.

"You see~I'm drunk last night so..."

"So you dragged a girl to sleep with you."

"What the hell. We are having a fun time."

"You just ruined a girl's pure side."

"Does it matter? You will do it with Soul soon."

"Excuse me?" Zero frowns.
Soul stretches out her body and tries to sit up only to bonk her head on the mattress frame."When did I get under the bed,"She mumbles her eyes half open.Grabbing her alarm clock she looks at the time.Its only 7:30 more sleep.She thinks grinning and crawling out from under the bed and climbs onto it snuggling herself under a mountain of blankets."Why is it so cold,"She ask herself before falling back asleep. 
(I now love Blanco)
Rei walked in her room, catching the end of the conversation. "You just ruined a girl's pure side." Rei raised her hand in defiance. "My pure side was ruined long ago by this one." She pointed back at Lenneth. "Lets just say, his bathroom didn't have a lock." She walked to her closet, pulling out a hoodie and another pair of shorts, then walked to her bathroom and shut the door, getting changed.

Lenneth frowned. "It was different then. We were both kids." He crossed his arms and watched her walk into the bathroom. She muttered "Whatever." Just before she shut the door. He leaned against the door frame, then looked to Zero, giving him a sympathetic look for having to deal with this for so long.
Zero frowns, "Deal with him, Lenneth." So he throws the job of dealing with Blanco to Lenneth, and walks to Soul's room. Opening the door, he sees the mountain of blankets and groans, making them explode and looks toward Soul. "Wake up, you are late."

Blanco chuckles slightly, fixing his cloth so his scars won't show. "Good morning, newbie," he says to Lenneth. "It's a true pleasure to meet someone who has some relationship with Reito."
She gives him a dirty look,and rolls off her bed landing onto the floor,"Bite me,"She tells him,goes back under the bed.Why can't I just sleep?She goes as far under as she could."You exploded my blankets you meany,"She grumbles.
"Bite? Like this?" He leans down and bites her ear. "Now wake up, before I bite your ear off."

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