The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Q came down from the tree and walked over to Tiara and cocked his head to the side. He blinked causing his eyes to turn a bright green and he started walking around her. He then started walking around the OCD detention guy looking him up and down then abruptly started walking away.
Tiara as a large fox (since her powers were heightened) followed Emilio with a feeling of needing to protect him. Darn this one really took a piece of my soul... Shake it off Tiara. Danger. Who was that guy that randomly walked around me while transforming? Tiara becomes one with the shadows as she is good at doing and watches what is to happen as Emilio had asked of her with that... that nice face. Remembering the way he looked at her made her feel bubbly inside. She shook it off for this wasnt the time to realize all people are not bad but kept it in the back of her head for if it comes down to it she is ready to protect Emilio.
Zero frowns at Justice, "Do you have the rights to give me permissions though," his eyes are cold.

Blanco sighs, seeing her not responding and frowns, jealousy popping up again. He clicks his tongue slightly. What is his position right now? He frowns, feeling weird that he can't sense his position.
"so you decided to come" Emilio smiled at Tiara. Before running to where Zero was. When he got there he looked Zero up and down. "...The same as me..." Emilio turned his attention to Justice. "so you're the one putting out that bloodthirsty aura..."
"Yes,That child is mine,"He says this as if she was a toy or a possession.A cruel smile forms on his face an perfectly wicked idea popping into his mind,"I've made her beg you know for mercy,"He was taunting Zero trying to making his mind unclear with anger,"She does have such a sweet scream.Oh, and how she coward in the corner.Her beautiful raven locks covering her face,"His sadistic grin grew even wider as if he was reliving the memories.
Q watched them all walk away toward some ominous presence but he decided that he would stay right where he was partially because he just didnt want to go. "I dont know who ever thinks its a good idea to go see the ominous presence." He laid down in the grass looking up at the sky with mournful eyes. He watched as the clouds rolled away slowly with the wind. "I just...wanna be alone again...Ive never hurt any one when i was alone."
Emilio sees auras? Interesting... I wonder what mine looks like? That's a cool talent. Tiara nodds at Emilio not being able to speak again. She is too afraid to communicate with Emilio through mind communication because he is probably still tired out from the last time... To Emilio: *Nudge of confidence and power* That should be enough... 
Tiara hears a voice and cocks her ear. She slowly starts to move away feeling a need to find this mysterious person away from the crowd. She runs into Q and has a feeling of need to take him to where everyone else. That Q will solve this. That Q can help. She looks at Q straight in the eyes. To Q: You must come with me. I feel as you can help my... my friend. And the other people. There seems to be a problem, You MUST help. Please, get on my back, I will take you to them in the shadows and if you feel the need to jump out and help then you can. If you do not want to then you can stay in the shadows hidden.
Justice gives Emilio a sideway glance,"Your new,"He says quirking an eyebrow with curiosity,"Now come on grown men aren't we.Lets make a deal,"Justice just wanted to slowly kill they by reaching his hand down there throats and pulling out there hearts,but if he could get his prize without to much bloodshed it be ok.
"yeah I'm new....but I don't think this school makes deals with psychos...." Emilio stopped and looked at Zero "we don't make deals with psychos right?"
Q looked up at the fox creature with emotionless eyes and gave it a fake smile. He reached out to pet its head when it suddenly spoke out of nowhere...inside his head for that matter. He covered his ears and squinted in pain from something talking in his head. "I really dont like this telepathy sensation...besides you dont need me. Im sure the others with find a way to stop what ever with out my help. Also i feel no reason as to why I should get up to help and waste my precious time." He turned his head away "Besides im perfectly happy as I am so...yeah."he said in a dismal tone.
Looks at Q. Turns around and transforms to being human is happy the big shirt actually didnt rip much. Turns back around and looks at Q. "You remind me a lot of myself. I always acted the same way. 'Why should I get involved? Its not my fight.' But when someone is kind to you and shows you that not all people are the same... That some are kind.... I feel your power. I am good at intuitions and I feel like YOU can help. Whats your name?"
(Woah wait our whole thing was just surrounded by Justin and Zero with Xynia playing as them... Now what? <.<)
Q's facial expression didn't change at all when she tried emotionally relating to him in fact he turned even further away from her. "My name is Q and any one I've ever tried to fight for has died..." he swallowed hard and at this point was straining not to cry. "No one need one wants me...and...and I dont need any ones kindness."
"...." A moment of silence as Justice disappeared. "Right, we don't make deals with physcho." With that, he turns around and starts to walk down the hallway.
"Hi Q... I need you. So does everyone else right now! I feel it! What if I told you that you can make your past your actual past and in the present fix it? You can fight to make sure no one else dies! And truthfully? I would like to be your friend... I have realized that I need a friend.." She knows she should try putting a hand on his shoulder or something but she has never done that before and felt like Q would just back away more. She kept her distance but ripped out a piece of her shirts sleeve very easily and took one step forward and put the sleeve on the floor so he can grab and wipe his face/tears.
"Yeah thanks for your condolences any ways." His body started expanding and was covered with bark. His body sank into the ground and where his body was a giant weeping willow tree sprouted and grew to full size in no time at all. All of his long dropping branches blew in the wind. Several of the long wispy branches wrapped around her like a hug,just gently,not letting go.
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" you keep it under control? The way I was taught...was a path I refused to go down...but it...I fear I can't keep it under control without a seal."Emilio looked at Zero as a student looks at his master.
Zero blinks, and frowns, his past as a serial murderer popping up. "You just get used to it eventually," he says it simply.
"Bite yourself then, feel your own flesh." Zero says it calmly, flashing back to your own memories.
"if you're going for that whole feel the pain and imagine what someone else is feeling thing...I tried that doesn't work...well I guess we all have our own demons to conquer....I'll find a way to conquer mine.." Emilio said calmly. He looked around"...where's Tiara?"

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