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Fantasy The 6 Kingdoms


Country Girl

The Six Kingdoms

Oxopan- King Rules

Sedora- Queen Rules

Ravenclaw- Queen Rules

Eveles- Queen Rules

Xuwen- King Rules

Muvia- King Rules

All the kingdoms have a purpose and each cant not work without the other. Once in 50 years the kingdoms must come together though and defeat an evil. An evil that draws many friendly ties away. Romance and War. Every 50 years the kingdoms must choose a wife/husband. When the kingdoms were made they had made a rule that to keep the ties close they would have to marry inside of the kingdoms. Once married they were to have kids and as the kids grew up to the age of being able to control a kingdom they children would form a group and split the kingdoms once again to. In another 50 years the process would be repeated never to be broken for rumor had it that all the kingdoms would fall. when or if other kingdoms ever found out that even one tie between the6 kingdoms have fallen they will attack and the battles will be bloody. Will you be able to find your true love out of the group and help keep war away from your homes?

All kingdoms will meet in the center of the valley that sits between the 6 castles. Theres a large building much like a castle but a bit smaller to keep the royals communicating. Theres six rooms, kitchen, dining area, work out area, battle area and a ball room.
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It was time. 50 years later and the Kings and Queens come together to find their loves to strengthen the bond of the 6 kingdoms. With out the bond our kingdoms will fall. Something no one ever wanted. When one falls we all fall to the dangers of war. Something only all the kingdoms together can defeat. One slip up and other surrounding kingdoms that have waited till this day will come in a take over all 6 lands. I would never want this. A reason I would not fight this. I had started packing and loading up my horse and carriage to take me down to the valley. The castle where all of the kings and queens would stay. Each had to find a love for any to leave. Marriage and children were to come after. It was a lot of pressure but to keep our lives and kingdoms it was worth it.​
Elegance was afarid. Even though her servants told her everything will be okay, her heart beated loudly. But, she would be composed. She would walk in with a head held high. She won't be brought down just because she had just turned Queen and was the youngest. She learned everything from politics to combat. Nothing should scare her. No... Something did. The power in everyone's decisions in which she couldn't control. She thought of this as the palace that they were going to stay in came closer. Soon, all she will be surrounded by is King and Queens. But, she will be calm and keep her head up through it all.
"Love... Tsk what an absurd notion" Farah said outloud. she wasn't afraid of anyone hearing as she was alone in her royal wagon. Farah was currently on her way to the castle for 50 "Love fest" As she put it. at first she was reluctant to attend but her advisors urged her to find a suitor to strengthen her kingdom and bring an heir... Farah pressed her lips together firmly and into a frown. if she could she would rather conquer the other Kingdoms. she didn't need them. she didn't need anyone. She obtained her power through her will and her will alone. She suppressed revolts and killed anyone who posed a potential threat to her and her power and to marry? give it all way? everything she worked for. She could let go of her power, her kingdom and her lands. It was hers by right of her might. Farah began tapping on her her temple, the very thought of this upsurge ritual was aggravating her to no end. Farah took her crown off and stared at it. Her eyes glistened with the ghosts of her past, all the unspoken atrocities she commited. was it all worth it?... No she couldn't start doubting herself. she came to far. and if She cannot find a easily manipulative husband then... Then what? she didn't know. She put her crown back on her head hesitantly. It feels heavier oddly. so much heavier.
The kingdom of Xuwen sits in disarray.

Not from any enemy or civil unrest, but from the great party that spread throughout the kingdom the night before.

Guards stand wearily at their posts,straightening up and smiling proudly as Their King rides past,heading for the gates with his armed escort following behind.

The king looks pitiful,if it were possible.

He is clad in his best attire,the finest silks and embroidery money can buy.

But he was up late last night partying with his kingdom, a tiresome ordeal but a burden he would gladly bear.

"Ugh how long until we reach the castle"

He grumbles as they leave his city gates.

"Six hours from this point your majesty...I recommend getting what rest you can my lord,there are many things to do once you arrive." His head knight responds.

The third from the back chides in jokingly "yeah rest up Lion,you were the first to raise your glass,and the last to bed from what I hear. I don't know how you do it your majesty, but a fish would be envious of your ability to drink." The rest of the guard chuckles as the King slumps over on his horse. "Don't you dare drop me Rufas.."he says as he begins napping on the back of his mount...
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I had left my kingdom right before sun rise. It took a few hours to get there and I wanted to make sure the castle was still all set up and still working. Soldiers and elders had been sent down here to set up the castle to make sure right when we got here we had all the things we needed. Food, beds and living areas for both animals and ourself. As of right now I wanted to make sure I had my clothes and items before I shipped down my major weapons and mare. The first day all depends on what everyone brings. The only trouble that would ever go on here would be drama. Queens or kings that were fall of themselves and people who will fight for love. Something I hope wouldn't get out. If arguing between kingdoms got out enemies would find that as a weakness. Finally after a peaceful ride in my carriage I had finally arrived at the castle down in the valley on a small lake that had formed in around the castle. A very peaceful and beautiful area.​
Elegance looked outside and let out another nervous breath when seeing another cart nearby. She looked away and down at her dress. She knew precisely what to say. She just needed to hurtle past it. The cart came to a halt and the servent tipped his hat to the Sappfire servent on his way to open Elegance's door. He bowed with a hand to his heart as she exited. She looked over and saw the Sappfire cart then looked down the path. "I'm the second on here so it seems." She says to herself. The servent starts to unload her items and Elegance quietly walked to the front of the castle. It was weird seeing it in real life rather than in crumbling pictures or word of mouth. She hoped others felt the same way.
King Alistair and his escort came riding to the hill overlooking the meeting castle.

"Holy crap that place is tiny...where am I gonna fit all my stuff?" He says annoyed having just woken up a few moments ago.

"That's why we didn't bring it all your majesty, please try not to cause too much of a ruckus if you wouldn't mind my lord." The head knight said as they trotted downhill King Alistair cocked his head sideways with a curious look. "Sir Gerald, what are those boxes on wheels?" He asks genuinely at a loss.

"Those are carriages your majesty, it's how the wealthy travel, many of them see riding long distances as above them or to cumbersome." The knight responds "didn't pay attention in foreign customs did you..."

"Not at all" the King says "slept through the whole thing." He adds shamelessly.

"Wow..." He shakes his head disappointed "guess that means I'm already the best at jousting." He smirks.

"Yes sir that's probably true." The old knight says disappointed "be careful your majesty, you may find the foes here less... Direct than you are accustomed to." His old knight says as he stops at the bridge allowing the King to ride along

"Don't worry Gerald, I'm The Lion remember? Losing isn't something I do."

The arrogant young King rides on with his cocky half smile plastered on his face as Rufas lazily clops to the doors...


Alvar kept his green eyes focused on the window and the world beyond it, his long hair tied back into a ponytail to fight the heat. In the realm of Iron, it was always colder then this, farther up north and in the mountains, it felt like it was the zenith of Summer, the heat pouring down upon the plain carriage as if trying to bake him alive, but he knew full well that to the lowlanders, the other realms, this was 'normal'. He was deeply regretting wearing his 'finery', well, the finest clothing he had. Well treated dark leather breeches and following jerkin. The heavy Iron Bear cloak, the cloak of the Iron Lords, lay crumpled on the seat next to him, his incredibly uncomfortable iron crown sitting on top.

"Try not to look so glum, you are getting married, not having your teeth pulled," a raspy voice said admonishing the heat baked King.

Alvar's eyes jumped to the other person in the carriage, the old woman wearing peasant clothing, his 'housekeeper', as it were. "Is there a great difference, Rosa?"

"Come now, I am sure some of them aren't all bad," the wizened woman said with false cheer, before thoughtfully tilting her head, "Well, can't expect them to be proper Ironers, but you will just have to settle for a soft precious metal or a pretty little gemstone... And couldn't you have cleaned up better?"

A dark eyebrow raised, "I did clean up," Alvar answered fighting back a smile.

"Please, you could at least cut your hair, and for Iron's sake, boy, couldn't you shave?" she said leaning across the carriage to playfully slap him on the knee.

"I trimmed..." Alvar said giving a soft shrug, not able to muster much in his defense, "Most of the realm's wealth went to the castle. The towers were outdated, they couldn't stand up to cannon fire and so had to be torn down and rebuilt round, better able to deflect them now," and he wouldn't waste what little wealth they had on himself. Outside of his 'finery', most of his clothes were fashioned by the local tanner with furs caught by himself and other locals.

"I am sure it will be fine," Rosa said, once more trying to raise his spirit.

"Really?" Alvar said, "Lets look shall we?"

He moved and picked up a stack of papers that lay next to her, "They live in palaces. Yes. Not castles. We live in a castle. A cold, hard defensible castle. They live in palaces designed to impress their wealth and power on their visitors. Each kingdom makes more money in yearly revenue then ours makes in five. Any Queen I marry here, her nation will have more wealth and influence then ours does by leagues. The only thing we will have is a strong defensible position and a strong military presence."

"Well," Rosa said softly, her gray eyes lowering to the floor, but Alvar wasn't done, "Oh, but lets talk about the 'prizes,' shall we?" he said pulling out a smaller section from the pile that he had researched and complied on the other kingdoms before coming.

"The Queen of Sapphires, my informers tell me she is resigned to this fate, hells, it sounds like she is some 'reformed' prisoner about to head to the block and has convinced herself it is for the best. The Queen of Silver, the youngest of the Queens, and the best part? She just took on the part. That is wonderful. I am sure she will be useful in helping rule her own lands and that of her husband's. I am already picturing some fresh chit out of school with her knobbly knees shaking under her pretty silk dress."

"Oh, and my personal favorite," Alvar said, pulling out the majority of the pile and holding it in the air, "The Queen of Emeralds. Or, should I say, the Emerald
Witch? Her land has had numerous uprising and revolts, which she has crushed. Opponents to her rule have died, mysteriously, or disappeared," He shook his head once and clenched his teeth, tossing the stack of papers back on the seat, "Prime catches, all of them," he said unable to hide his annoyance at the situation.

"Well... the first one sounds noble, the second is young, perhaps she won't be soft like Silver but have a bit of Iron in her? And the last? She sounds born from iron to me." Rosa said with a feeble smile.

"Born from rust, maybe," Alvar shot back, the change in pace for the carriage dragged his attention away, and he peered out the window, "I believe we are here," he said looking upon the small... fort? Maybe? Well, at least he would be at home, if the insufferable heat would ever go away. What he wouldn't give for a nice, heavy snowfall.

He cast a baleful look at his cloak, he was going to have to put it back on. It would be expected of him to arrive as he should, with his badges of office adorned, so with a weary sigh, he unfurled the heavy bear cloak and threw it over his shoulders, fixing the heavy iron clasp branded with the symbol of his homeland over his chest to hold it in place. Lifting the Iron Crown, he gently lowered it onto his head, ignoring the pain that came from the small iron prongs that dug into his skull as he did so, he could almost hear his fathers voice telling him,
'We are the Son of Iron, our Rulers, must never be comfortable carrying the mantel. Pain keeps them honest. Remember that boy.'

When the carriage rolled to a stop, Alvar pushed the door open and dropped out, landing with a heavy thud as he stretched out to his full height, well over a head above six feet. Like most from the Iron Realm, he was born large, a reflection of the mountains they called home. The heavy bear cloak and crown weighing heavily upon his brow and shoulders alike as he scanned the other carriages and riders with his green eyes, this was going to be a nightmare.
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Elegance looked behind her and saw more of the King and Queens of countries coming. She took notice in their demeanor and frowned a bit. She had heard rumors of the Gold and Iron countries Royality in classes, but actually seeing them was different. At least they are more human than what I thought they would be like. Elegance turned and walked towards the two. She straightened her back, tilted her head up and held her hands together in front of her. "Ah, welcome King Alvar and King Alistair." She curtsied to them. "I've heard great things about you two and it's a honor to be in your presence." She had learned to make her voice more regal and melodic. Before it hardly sounded like this, it was timid. Now it sounded strong, but still had a nice air to it. She mentally patted herself on the back with such a move as well. "I hope we get along just fine and see our countries amount to glory." She also added for safe measure.
As the silver queen curtsies Alastair smirks. He clicks his younger and taps his horses left shoulder. Rufas turns around and kneels infront of her,Alastair merely tilts his head.

"A pleasure to meet you Queen Elegance." He says with a wink after a moment of racking his brain for the name of the other rulers fortunately she had just given him at least one of the answers.

As Rufas stands back up he turns to the massive King in the bear pelt

"And a good day to you as well King Alvar. Arent you hot?" He asks jokingly.

@Moonshadow @Cosmo
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Alvar raised his eyebrow at the petite woman, the Queen of Silver, Elegance. Hard to forget a name like that. He inched his head slightly, not sure what he should say to that... introduction. It was so polished, really, he almost imagined she quoted it word for word from some 'Princess Training Manual'. "I am sure," he said neutrally. He highly doubted it was an honor to meet him.She had a nice voice though, made him self-conscious about his own, far coarser, voice. Glory. Right, wasn't much glory to have in this situation.

He moved to turn back to his carriage when the flop on the horse, the Golden Boy, he knew well who he was decided to make choice comments on his clothes. Alvar's spine stiffened at the jest to his expensive. Alvar turned his head over to the rider and made a show of looking him up and down with his green eyes taking in his fine clothes before raising a dark brow, "Aren't you dressed like a woman?"

He didn't wait to see their facial expressions as he extended his hand to the carriage, lending his hand to Rosa, the elderly woman who know slowly descended from the carriage. The older woman glanced at the two royal members before a soft blush lit up her weathered cheeks, Alvar leaned down to whisper, "Don't worry, I am sure they are far more scared of you then you are of them, you can take the others to secure rooms for yourselves, I shall be along shortly."
Elegance turned away for a moment and pretended to cough though she was stifling a laugh from King Alvar's comment. Once she saw an elderly women come out of the King's carriage she did a small curtsy to her. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. Then turned to King Alistair. "What a fine horse you have yourself? You must have a lot of patience to teach it that." Elegance gave it a soft pat on it's head. A servent came behind her and whispered, "your luggage is in your room. Do you want me to escort you inside?" The servant asked.

Elegance shook her head. "I rather be close to the other royals. Though, if you could hang my dresses I'll much appreciate that." She whispered back.

The servent nodded and turned away. She turned to the two Kings. "Did you two want to look around inside with me?" She asked, her voice going back to the melodic tone.


When I had first arrived I had seen any other horses or carriages that is until 5 minutes later when I heard another carriage come from behind and stopped next to my carriage. I peaked out the window to see it was the youngest queen. The queen of silver. I nodded to her servers as my main guard came to the door. I nodded and he opened up the door and right as I stepped out two kings were showing up. "Atleast no one is slacking. I'm not about to lose my land cause of this stuff."

I slipped out of the carriage wearing a bright blue skin tight dress with a pair of blue heels that had sapphires on the heels. My crown was on my head as it was always when I was out of my castle. I ruffled out my hair that was draped over my shoulders and turned to my guard. "You guys can now take my things to my room. Each room is labeled what kingdom is whos so it shouldn't be hard to figure out." As I finished my guard nodded "Yes Queen" and carried my stuff with my other servants and into the building.

I then saw the kings and the one queen and I walked over to them a visible dagger hanging from my hip that had its open special place in the seam of my dress. "I see there are only 4 of us as of right now." I say crossing my arms as my right pointer finger tapped the top of the dagger.​
"Very funny bear man..." Alistair says as he dismounts as easily as a person would rise from a chair. Clicking his tounge and making a hissing sound, Rufas begins trotting off towards the stables.

"If your women wear clothes like this perhaps we should switch kingdoms, those ladies have taste!" He jokes "don't be so serious my giant friend I have several barrels of wine due to be here any day now,we can speak of our lands over a nice dinner." Alastair says giving the large King a playful shake of his shoulder.

Turning his head to the new queen stepping out of the "carriage"

"Hello there we were just going inside will you be gracing us with your presence?" He asks adjusting his crown so that it caught the light perfectly making it shine.


I heard one king talking to his horse and I turned hearing him talking to me. I smiled and looked from his horse then to him and smiled. "I guess you can say that. As you can tell I'm from the sapphire kingdom but id much rather go by Ashlynn. And I can see your from the gold kingdom. But I'm pretty sure you much rather go by your real name wouldn't you?" I say with a smile laugh as I uncrossed my arms showing the dagger once again more clearly now that it was in the sun. The blade was pure iron and the handle was iron and silver combines with sapphire gems leading up the edges. She never left the castle without having some kind of weapon on her. I made her feel safer since she was able to defend herself.​
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Elegance quietly watched the Sapphire Queens interactions. The one movement that worried her was the move to the dagger. Did she already feel threated, by who? She knew tatics and coming right off the bat with a dagger showed danger was ahead. Though her hands moved with her along with her mood. "Ah," she spoke up, "I'm afarid I didn't introduce myself to you properly." She curtsied to her. "Queen Elegance. It's very lovely to see you in person Queen Ashlynn." She smiled kindly to her.


Alvar watched with interest and felt a surprising pang of, well, gratitude that the Silver Queen greeted Rosa. He had expected them to ignore her like was so often done to other servants, as if they were unworthy of even the barest level of polite society. His green eyes flicked over Rosa as she didd her best to curtsy back, leaning down, he whispered in the elderly woman's ear, "Go on, I will handle the rest."

He bit back a smile at the look in her eyes and nodded, yes, he was sure she would have much to tell him later, after talking to their servants as well as making her opinion known about her thoughts on the other royals. Alvar fought down a grimace as the Golden Boy patted his shoulder as if they were drinking mates already, something he had no intention of becoming. It seemed the Golden Kingdom was well indeed if this was their prince. The luxury of not having to worry about one's people starving or going cold seemed to have done wonders for Golden Boy's disposition.

Alvar pondered the Silver Queen's, Elegance, he reminded himself, offer. It was only polite to accept such an offer and he had intended to do it anyway, but before he could respond, another came. From her tight blue dress, he wondered if she was trying to hide anything at all, but it did do its job of catching the male attention as his green eyes flicked over her. Sapphire Queen, if he had to guess from the, well, sapphires. Her dress alone probably cost more then his carriage... and the two work horses pulling it... and probably a years wage for the driver.

It seemed she was far more interested in the Golden Boy. Perhaps, next time, he should come donned in women's clothes riding upon a white stallion like some misbegotten hero from a child's tales, but then, did he really want the attention? Probably not.

Since introductions were going around, he followed Elegance's lead, he raised his right hand and tapped the left side of his chest, right above his heart, lowered his head slightly and slowly swung his hand out and down with his head, a common greeting in Oxopan, "King Alvar," his voice said, "Of the Iron Realm."
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Elegance turned to King Alvar. "I've seen pictures of the Iron Kingdom. The Iron there is excellent yes?" She had learned to do small talk as well. Also, she watched her Mother and Father spoke to each other royals from other countries. How one conversation shifted to the next, you follow it up, you move on. You smile you interact. You let people talk. She knew as all the kingdoms got closer, the small talk will be for naught, but first impressions lasted the most.
Alvar raised his dark eyebrow, his green eyes searching the petite princess's face, after a short pause, he opened his mouth to tell her that, 'No, the Iron Kingdom is famous for its Tin,' but stopped. She had been kind to Rosa, far kinder then he had expected. The least he could do was extend courtesy to her for that, at least for now.

"Yes, we have the best iron, and so in turn, the best steel. Tools, raw iron, weaponry and armor, are all a major part of our trade along with furs and lumber," He said politely, "I imagine the Silver Kingdom is famous for its diamonds," he said the corner of his mouth tilting up at his small, rather pathetic, jest.
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She laughed softly. "Funny. I wished we have diamonds I like the way it's sparkles wherever you go. It reminds me of eyes. Sometimes they twinkle in the sun in the most beautiful of ways." She said with a smile. She hoped she hadn't offended him with the Iron comment because he took a moment to come up with something to come back with. So, she decided to move to something else rather than the finery they produced. "The elderly servent seemed very nice, may I ask for her name? If you don't want to that's fine. I maybe over stepping my boundaries." She could tell he seemed found of her. He whispered gently to her even though he had a rough, manly, voice.
Alvar wasn't sure his eyebrows could shoot up higher. Being polite to her was one thing, but he never expected for anyone, much less one of the Queens, especially this petite 'princess' as he had trouble seeing her as a queen, asking him for her name, "Rosa," Alvar said, the name springing from his lips before he could think about it, "She is an... acquired taste."

Straightening up, Alvar rolled his shoulders, the heavy cloak lifting and falling with his movements as he used the action to buy himself time to think, he wasn't quite sure what was going on and this was far from what he expected. He had expected more Golden Boy, but the day was young and the Emerald Witch had yet to make her appearance as well.
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I had heard the Silver queen introduce herself and I turned to her and smiled. "Its nice to finally meet you too Elegance." I say as I turned to the Iron king who had also spoke up and said what his name was. "Its also nice to meet you King Alvar. I do say your iron is perfect for my swords and daggers. Helps makes the sapphires pop more." I say with a slight smirk as I tapped my dagger on my side and laughed. It wasn't hard to tell Elegance was a little confused on why I had it. At this point this was the one time we are at our weakest and who knows who would try to attack and fight through that weakness.​
King Odibrand Murandy rode into the castle bailey atop his great black stallion. He found that riding on horseback instead in a carriage made travelling less boring, and it was good exercise. Riding at either side of him were his two eldest sons, Crown Prince Gabriel and his younger brother Filbert, both born from the previous Queen of Muvia, may she rest in peace. Each of them held the reddish-brown banner of Muvia in their gauntleted hands, and their copper colored capes flapped wildly in the wind. "It looks smaller than I expected." Filbert commented, noting the short castle towers. "And more vulnerable." finished his older brother.

Odibrand's eyes scanned the bailey, contemplating each of the rulers as he spied them. Out of all the Kings and Queens in the realm, Odibrand was by far the oldest. He'd been King of Muvia for over thirty years now, long before the rest of them had come into this world, which made this meeting even more unsettling to him. Odibrand obviously intended to treat his eventual marriage as a purely political arrangement rather than a romantic relationship. Hopefully, his bride would see it the same way...

Odibrand first set his sight on the Queen of Sapphires, with her dress tight and revealing to draw the attention of male suitors. Odibrand would not be one of them. Then there was the Golden King, who seemed to think that ruling a kingdom and being a debauched fool were the same thing. And let's not forget the Emerald Queen, or the Emerald Witch as the common folk call her. A vicious woman who'd managed to get a crown on her head would hardly make a good bride.

Odibrand did see potential in the young Queen of Silver, however, and he'd heard nothing but good things about the Iron King. Gracefully, he swept down from his saddle, as did his sons, leaving the horses for the servants to take care of. They walked their way through the castle bailey, unsure of what to expect from anyone.
Blood. There is so much blood. It soaks her dress, and stains her hands. But out on a white marble floors turned red is a body. His body with a dagger lodged in his back and an emerald crown sitting above his pool of blood. She lifts her hands to her mouth stifling a scream. "Somebody... Somebody help me." She croaked, her voice hoarse. She takes a hesitant step closers. Then another, reaching her foot out, pushing the body over. It's her brother.

Tears begin to stream down her face, mascara along with it. Her hands where trembling as she backed away unable to speak. She was suddenly shoved by someone behind her. She feel to the floor shrieking, then looked towards the shadows. A leg stepped out, then a hand holding another bloodied dagger and finally a white smiling mask with crimson lips and a blood drop tear painted into it.

"You did this you know. And for what? Power? Wealth? Recognition?" The masked figure said

"Shut up!! I didn't do this... I couldn't have... I wouldn't have. He's my brother, and I love him."

"That didn't stop you from murdering him; Witch."

The woman on the floor scowled her lips trembling

"I'm not a Witch... Who are you?" she asked in an hushed tone

The masked figure removed her mask.

"Me? I'm you, the Emerald Witch. And I'm a monster." Suddenly within the blink of an eye the Emerald witch is gone and the woman on the floor was standing again over her brothers body with the dagger in her hand.

Three knocks were head. Farah snapped her eyes open suddenly awake. Her crown was sitting beside her and her hands were trembling. She had fallen asleep.

"Your Majesty? we have arrived to our destination." an old man's voice sounded through the emerald and gold embalmed carriage.

"Yes Yes, I'll be out shortly." Farah called back. She sat up looking into a mirror opposite to her and notice tears had ruined her mascara. No matter she would forgo it altogether of it refuses to cooperate. She wiped her mascara from her face with her handkerchief then lightly slapped her cheeks.

"Now now, get it together ol'girl."

Farah took a deep breath then let it out counting "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4." Her eyes narrowed as she stared at herself in the mirror to her usual predatory gaze. She knocked once on the door and it opened. She was helped down by her carriage man. She had noticed her personal Knights and Calvary archers were at the ready and the caravan staff were awaiting her order to unload the goods.

"ALL HAIL HER MAJESTY, THE EMERALD QUEEN, QUEEN OF EVELES, YOUR QUEEN FARAH DIBA THE II." The announcer suddenly announced with all the soldiers and staff of Eveles yelling in unison LONG LIVE THE EMERALD QUEEN!!

Farah smirked. She loved hearing that. It made her feel...Powerful. Farah walked towards the other five monarchs and within an instant she knew who was who she had done her homework before coming here.

Queen Ashlynn, the sapphire queen. She seemed... Disgustingly optimistic.

Now Queen Elegance, Ha seemed like easy competition since she didn't have the womanly charms that Farah had.

Now King Alvar, the Iron king. Farah grinned when she spotted him His kingdom is well known for its iron and military (and less than well off economy).

She should think that she would like him as her husband.

And King Alastair... to young and bold for her tastes.

Finally The King of copper, King King Odibrand Murandy IV. He is wise and screwed, and best of all; Old. There isn't a chance he is here for "Love" and neither is Farah is really... or is she?..Damn it. again with doubt.. why do I feel so doubtful so sudden... Farah thought. she grabbed her Elegantly sewn emerald green dress and took a bow."Greetings and Salutation, it will be a pleasure to make your aquantince. I come here bearing gifts from my kingdom for each of you, as well as some of the finest emerald ale my kingdom has to offer. And I truly hope that our eventful gather shall be a... Prosperous one." Farah smiled and bowed her head then stood back up. Perfect her introduction was perfect.

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