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Fantasy The Sleep of the Gods

"It's a form of meditation. I will be sure to teach it to you."

"I only know rumors of these gods. Who exactly is Loki?" Lu seemed puzzled.
“Sounds a lot like my dad” she replied with a bit of irritation as she didn’t like talking about her father in the least
Aiolos somehow shrugged her wolf shoulders "Loki is... A shape shifter from the Norse pantheon and known to be a bit of a troublemaker."

"Bit is an understatement." Jordan said. "Don't worry my guy isn't any better."
"oh I would love that." Naos smiled at Lu. She looked at the others. "Well..I guess we probably should introduce ourselves to each other. "
“I suppose I’ll go first then, my name is Amanra Setna, I am the 13th daughter of the Egyptian god Set, and this is my best friend Ankh” she stated and then pointed to the gold beetle on her shoulder that chittered smugly

Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth Dragunov Dragunov Drumonkey Drumonkey
"Uh. Hi. I'm Jordan Lake. I'm 22. And my diety isn't actually a god. I'm the chosen of Sun Wukong the Monkey King."
"Uh. Hi. I'm Jordan Lake. I'm 22. And my diety isn't actually a god. I'm the chosen of Sun Wukong the Monkey King."
“I suppose I’ll go first then, my name is Amanra Setna, I am the 13th daughter of the Egyptian god Set, and this is my best friend Ankh” she stated and then pointed to the gold beetle on her shoulder that chittered smugly

Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth Dragunov Dragunov Drumonkey Drumonkey

"Ah, the demon Sun Wukong. Or rather former demon." Lu then took a sip of his gourd "I am Lu Cao, my family is related to Cao Cao the statesman during the Three Kingdoms period many centuries ago. My goddess is Ho Hseen Ku, one of the eight immortals, and in some cases the eight drunken immortals due to their love of rice wine. I am 19 years old."
"Ah, the demon Sun Wukong. Or rather former demon." Lu then took a sip of his gourd "I am Lu Cao, my family is related to Cao Cao the statesman during the Three Kingdoms period many centuries ago. My goddess is Ho Hseen Ku, one of the eight immortals, and in some cases the eight drunken immortals due to their love of rice wine. I am 19 years old."
"Why do I get the feeling that's not water in that bottle." Jordan said.
“I suppose I’ll go first then, my name is Amanra Setna, I am the 13th daughter of the Egyptian god Set, and this is my best friend Ankh” she stated and then pointed to the gold beetle on her shoulder that chittered smugly

Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth Dragunov Dragunov Drumonkey Drumonkey

"Uh. Hi. I'm Jordan Lake. I'm 22. And my diety isn't actually a god. I'm the chosen of Sun Wukong the Monkey King."

"Ah, the demon Sun Wukong. Or rather former demon." Lu then took a sip of his gourd "I am Lu Cao, my family is related to Cao Cao the statesman during the Three Kingdoms period many centuries ago. My goddess is Ho Hseen Ku, one of the eight immortals, and in some cases the eight drunken immortals due to their love of rice wine. I am 19 years old."

" I'm Naos. My mother is Urania, one of the nine muses, Goddess of Astrology and Astronomy. She actually made me from the stars." She smiled.
Aiolos shape shifted back to their normal form and dusted their clothes off "my name is Aiolos Rinha and I'm the child of Loki, I'm 19."
“Great… it seems like I’m the youngest one here…” amanra sighed “well it can’t be worse then the streets of Cairo” she added as she turned towards the gate they were all waiting in front of
“Great… it seems like I’m the youngest one here…” amanra sighed “well it can’t be worse then the streets of Cairo” she added as she turned towards the gate they were all waiting in front of
I was in Cairo once. Good food." Jordan said mostly to himself
“Great… it seems like I’m the youngest one here…” amanra sighed “well it can’t be worse then the streets of Cairo” she added as she turned towards the gate they were all waiting in front of
Dragunov Dragunov Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
The doors began to open revealing the wide open valley of The Cradle with a large building in the distance that was clearly the main campus. Standing in between the doors is a young looking man that they can all feel is powerful. He smiles as he sets his walking staff onto the ground butt first causing roots to snake out into the dirt. "welcome students I am one of your teachers, my name is Grant. Welcome to The Cradle and may you have a blessed time here."
Aiolos shape shifted back to their normal form and dusted their clothes off "my name is Aiolos Rinha and I'm the child of Loki, I'm 19."
“Great… it seems like I’m the youngest one here…” amanra sighed “well it can’t be worse then the streets of Cairo” she added as she turned towards the gate they were all waiting in front of
I was in Cairo once. Good food." Jordan said mostly to himself
Naos took a moment after everyone had introduced themselves to talk to herself softly saying thier name and the godly figure. Trying to get it to memory. " Amanra, Set... Jordan, Sun Wukong...Lu, Ho Hseen Ku...Aiolos, Loki." She chuckled a bit seeing Lu offer Jordan some of what was in the gourd.
Naos took a moment after everyone had introduced themselves to talk to herself softly saying thier name and the godly figure. Trying to get it to memory. " Amanra, Set... Jordan, Sun Wukong...Lu, Ho Hseen Ku...Aiolos, Loki." She chuckled a bit seeing Lu offer Jordan some of what was in the gourd.
Dragunov Dragunov Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
The doors began to open revealing the wide open valley of The Cradle with a large building in the distance that was clearly the main campus. Standing in between the doors is a young looking man that they can all feel is powerful. He smiles as he sets his walking staff onto the ground butt first causing roots to snake out into the dirt. "welcome students I am one of your teachers, my name is Grant. Welcome to The Cradle and may you have a blessed time here."
I was in Cairo once. Good food." Jordan said mostly to himself
Lu took a large chug from his gourd before smirking "aaaah nice and foamy." He then saw the gates open and looked at Grant "Thank you for the welcome. Is this the beginning of the tour of the Cradle? Or are we to handle our own orientation? Also will our living quarters have a garden?"
Dragunov Dragunov Musicnotes Musicnotes The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
The doors began to open revealing the wide open valley of The Cradle with a large building in the distance that was clearly the main campus. Standing in between the doors is a young looking man that they can all feel is powerful. He smiles as he sets his walking staff onto the ground butt first causing roots to snake out into the dirt. "welcome students I am one of your teachers, my name is Grant. Welcome to The Cradle and may you have a blessed time here."
"Nice to meet you Grant." Naos said.
Lu took a large chug from his gourd before smirking "aaaah nice and foamy." He then saw the gates open and looked at Grant "Thank you for the welcome. Is this the beginning of the tour of the Cradle? Or are we to handle our own orientation? Also will our living quarters have a garden?"
"Or a gymnasiam? Preferably somewhere to practice Gymnastics?"
Naos followed them. "I'm sure the beds are gonna be like super comfy." She looks around as they walk. "You must really like drinking Lu. I think Dionysus would really like you"
Jordan yaned lourdly at the mention opf beds. "Been spending all my time last year in cheap motels and undr streets. A proprer sleep would be nice."
Jordan yaned lourdly at the mention opf beds. "Been spending all my time last year in cheap motels and undr streets. A proprer sleep would be nice."
Naos followed them. "I'm sure the beds are gonna be like super comfy." She looks around as they walk. "You must really like drinking Lu. I think Dionysus would really like you"

"I'm sorry but what is a motel?" Lu asked Jordan before looking to Naos "Well I am studying the drunken fist."

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