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Realistic or Modern Teriel School of Arts (Anime Roleplay)

Mr. Tokuri noticed the girl in the middle row. She looked bored. Despite her not raising her hand, he pulled the infamous teacher trick of calling on her to see if she was paying attention.

"Miss..." He looks down at the role sheet "Fukui. Do you know the answer?"
"No I don't, tell me" She smiled slightly before sighing once. She never usually was this tired, but since she had run quite a lot, more than she usually did. She was now very tired, almost o the edge of falling asleep. But she struggled to keep her eyes open, wich she succeeded with.
The teacher sighed and adjusted his glasses. "The reason we make stories, class, is to entertain. It adds that little bit of wonder in life. Movies have stories, video games have stories, almost every form of entertainment has a story, and we would be nothing without our experiences. So what I want you all to do for this period, is write about whatever you want. Write about what interests you. It will be your choice if you want to present it or not. You have 45 minutes to write whatever you want. Good luck!"

The rest of the class opened up their notebooks and started writing, Yoki quickly did the same. "What to write about?" He thought to himself, scratching his head with the back of his pencil.
Yuki looked up in the roof as the teacher finished, figuring out what to write about. Then she moved her eyes to the window again in hopes of inspiration. She did know a few ways to get inspiration, like picturing a scene in her head. She pictured a world built up by glass, a world were everyone was careful about anything. The people took careful steps as not to break the clear floor. The humans were all completel made of glass, And since they all had hearts of glass, they made sure not to break another persons heart. Yukis pen flew across he paper, row by row, and she seemed almost unstoppable. She continued to write and leaned over the desk with her blue hair covering most of her face.
The man greeted himself to both parties, and then sat down again. While it was brief it was very elegant, and Allon was impressed. He nodded as he went back down to his seat. "I play Harmonica, but that is just a hobby. I also do a bit of singing." Allon smiled at the girl, who was quite intrigued in himself. "It is also a pleasure to meet you also, I am Allon if you didn't already here.".
"So I take it you were asked to join the school due to your singing." Kimirou interrupted. His eyes still never left his book. "I hope the two of you do a duet one day." He stated with a smirk on his face hoping to catch the two of them blushing. "I wonder when the young girl will enter the class. He violin sounded beautiful. I also wonder who the foul mouth is that is out there." He stated getting a little aggravated as he spoke of the woman that continued to curse outside the door.

He waited patiently on the response of everyone still continuing to read his book. I don't feel as sarcastic as I usually do. Maybe I'm getting comfortable around these people. Maybe they could be called friends soon. I don't really know. They seemed to have reacted to my eyes differently than normal. Maybe this school year will be different.
Aaron walks into music class, talking, "Sorry I'm late." He then takes an empty seat next to a tall boy who looked like a senior. He propped up his guitar on the back of his seat, and looked at his scars on his hands.

Aaron keeps hearing curses coming outside the music room, and hears violin music. He then put his head down. After all, violin music was terrible to him, his parents listened to it. Aaron felt miserable for some reason.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
"Well I can't say my singing isn't superb, but my harmonica is quite the tune also." He didn't bat an eye at the duet comment, but in fact indulged in it. "I would love to sing a duet with such a beautiful girl.". He gave a smirk to match his, hopefully smiting his challenging appeal. He also looked over to the girl, hopefully getting a positive result from the compliment. He relaxed as another man came in, sitting back he realized he was bold enough to sit next to the senior.

"I am going to take a guess you play guitar," Allon reached out his hand, "Name's Allon.".
Aaron looked up, frightened. "I'm Aaron," he replied. "And yes, I play guitar, acoustic to be exact. He put his hood down to reveal his dark hair and a large scar on his forehead.

"Do you have parents?" Aaron asked Allon.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
"Impressive, I could never pick up on the guitar." Allon watched him reveal his hair and scar. "Yes, why to ask?" He got very serious, for this was an odd question, one that he didn't enjoy.
"Oh, just asking," his voice faltering.

"Anyways, want me to play something?" Aaron asked this like it was a serious question. He then started to tune his guitar.

Sent from my elevator

using the sexy tapatalk.
"Oh, well it is music class, go right ahead." Allon sat back, looking at the features of those in the room. He was tired, and he had work soon enough anyways. Pool would filled with students, wanting to cool off before the summer washed away. It was plenty warm enough, the autumn chill hadn't set in. He sighed and waited for the man to play.
A message came in on Kimirou's phone. "I knew she wasn't going to come. I guess I will have to start." Kimirou stood up from his chair and walked towards the door. He poked his head out of the door and announced. "Music class is about to begin." He then walked over to the front of the class. "I am going to wait until everyone is in their seats. Then we will begin." He stood patiently waiting on everyone to enter the class and take their seats.
Aine's cheeks burned up a bit when Adriana complimented on her playing. It was nice to actually get a response of how she did on her performance. "Th-Thank you." She said while looking to the ground holding her violin a bit shyly. It was nice to know at least someone liked her music. "I'm Aine." She pulled her violin up to her face as she carried a smile upon her face looking over to the music room. "We should go in the classroom." She somewhat hid her face not knowing what kind of reaction she'd get.
Taka walked into class silently he knew he was late but im sure since I was the first day he could slide he remembers the old walls of his school all this is comming back to him.

He knew rumors swirled around about him but he didnt care all he wanted to do is graduate and do something with himself who knows he might even debut.

Sitting in the back away from everyone he silently wrote, he already heard girls whispering about him...isnt that that guy who got a girl pregnant and left the school avoiding the baby?/ no thats that guy who started crap and got beat up/ i heard he stole money and spit in there face when he wouldbt give it back/ really!? I heard the baby one.../wasnt ge on the new beat up?/yeahthey got jumped for stealing drugs it said..; they spoke about what happend and as to why he left but no one really knows the true awnser. clenching his pencil he began to doodle ignoring the cackling females and males calling him dumb and stupid for leaving over reasons that weren't that bad they dont even know the true damn story...

He keeps writing getying angrier by the second
Yoki wrote frantically across the page. He had spent too much time deciding what to write about, and now he had only 7 minutes to write it! As the clock whittled down, the teacher stopped the class. "Time is up! I'm sorry if you want to write more, but the period is almost over. Does anybody want to share?" Yoki stayed silent. His frantic work was too mediocre to present to the rest of the world. Lots of his classmates, however, raised their hands.
Yuki wrote the last word of her story as the teacher told them that time's up. She dropped her pencil and looked around at those who raised their hands and were willing to share their work. As her eyes wandered across the room, she noticed a guy in the back who looked like he was about to kill someone or atleast hit someone. Yuki turned back and looked at Yoki with a smile. "Hey, what did you write about?" She whispered to make sure the teacher couldn't hear her.
Yoki sighed and whispered back to her. "Ducks on skateboards... It was a great idea in my head, but it sort of fell apart on paper... I also was stumped for ideas for the first 30 minutes, so.... Yeah..." He tries to hold back a chuckle.
Yuki giggled at his idea of a story. "Here, let me see, I want to read it" She whispered and reached out a hand towards Yoki and smiled a little. Her long hair was still hanging over half of her face because her braid loosened when she ran. She breathed out and a few strands of hair flew away from her face.
"Alright, if you really wanna see it..." Just as he he was about to hand it over, he realized the class was silent. As Yoki looked around, he realized the entire class was staring at them. "Ducks on skateboards, Mr. Tsumotu?" Mr. Takuri said, obviously overhearing the conversation. "You seem to have gotten my and the entire class's attention... Please, stand up and read your story aloud." He was in no way making fun of Yoki, just legitimately intruiged.

"Alright then..." Yoki says, standing up and walking to the front of the room.

"*ahem* Ducks on Skateboards, by Yoki Tsumotu.

There are ducks on skateboards.

That is really freaking cool.

Look at them go, round and round.

The green duck just did a sick kickflip.

I am now realizing that this is not translating well from my head onto paper.

I also have no sort of writing talent.

That's okay, because I can draw a duck on a skateboard instead..."

He looks up from his notebook. "At this point I actually DREW a duck on a skateboard." He turns his notebook to the class to show a doodle of, big surprise, a duck on a skateboard.

He looks back at the notebook. "The end."

Long silence.

Suddenly the entire class broke into laughter. He couldn't tell if they were laughing at him or with him, but he rolled with it and smiled widely.
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Yuki burst out laughing with the class, not mockingly, she laughed with him and she supposed the rest of the class did the same thing since they were all grinning, giggling and some full out laughing. She turned her face to Yoki again and grinned towards him.

(sorry, though i had posted bbut appearently not)
Mr. Tokuri waited for the class to settle down. "Not an inspiring tale, but certainly a humorous one!" He chuckles heartily. "Thank you for sharing, Mr. Tsumotu." At that point the bell rang. "Oh, looks like we're out of time... Anybody else who wanted to read will have their chance tomorrow! Have a good day, and as for your homework, be sure to finish the story you wrote in class if you haven't already." Everyone scuffled out of the classroom. "Well, that was fun." Yoki said to Yuki as they walked out into the hallways. "What's your next class?"
Yukisighed in relief when the bell rang, she really wanted to stretch her legs a little since they were very stiff.

"Yeah, atleast when I got to write what I wanted to. But I have gym next, what about you" She smiled happily when she got out of the classroom and stopped next to Yoki.

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