Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Matthew looked at Jon, his teeth gritting against each other. Jon was dodging question. He hadn't asked about what would happen if they died. He had asked what would happen if the others had died. Evan. "I never asked about us. About what would happen if we died. I want to know what would happen if- If." Matthew's eyes drifted off to Jon, who's hand was on his gun.

"Do you think I'm going to attack you? Did you really think that I was going to attack you?! That I was going to jump at you? Or are you just going to shoot me?!" Matthew inhaled air, then exhaled it back out.

"I understand that some of you think I'm not a good leader. That is fine. But, I want to know. Who here has the most leadership ability? Do any of us have leadership qualities?! No. And now, I get a little bit angry that no one gives a shit about this girl, with no family, with no friends, you think I'm going crazy?!"

"You're all fucking hypocrites. You say that you'd react the same way that you have here, but would you really?"

"This isn't the old world anymore. I don't care if it was an accident. This things must be punished."

(I won't be able to post again for a couple hours, as I'm going to some families houses for Good Friday. See you guys in a little bit!)
As Matthew yelled at Jon and everybody else, Daisy watched him until she got sick of the negative energy. She exited the Pharmacy to see Evan and Kenny standing outside nervously. "You guys okay?" She inquired, wondering what had spooked them. The both looked like they had just sprinted down the hell, which she didn't doubt they did. She looked up the hill, shading her eyes from the glare, but she didn't see anything threatening.
He caught the snickers, undid the wrapping and was about to take a bite when he stopped. Carefully, he broke it in two, walked over to Kenny and handed him the other half. "Here," he said. "I won't be long." He turned back around, ran across the small parking lot and pulled up short of the entrance.

"You guys okay?"

Daisy stepped out of the pharmacy, making his heart flutter with her sing-song voice. "Yea," he muttered back. "Well no really, someone else may be watching us." Even outside he could hear Jon and Matthew arguing.

"If it had been myself, I would of not wanted you to do anything but accept it, and for someone to take care of Evan..."

His heart skipped a beat as he heard Jon mention him. Smiling, almost forgetting about the note he held in his hands, he stepped into the shop. He'd talk to Daisy later. Right now, the note was more important. Matthew bursted into another rant and Evan thought it would be best to keep the note's contents a secret from him. Everything Matthew said fueled his dislike for the man more and more. If his daughter wasn't standing next to him, Evan would've said something about it, but he kept his cool and walked up to Jon. "Do you have a moment?"
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Nathan exited the pharmacy, car keys in hand, and jumped into the vehicle. As he started the engine, he took off his gas mask -I think I cause fear to people when I wear this- he thought. He put it in his pack and, helmet still on, drove away to the construction site he had found not too far away from their current position. As he stopped the car, he was marveled to see various construction vehicles present in the area. There where two walkers that had lingered there and he quickly dispatched them in order to make his job easier. After a bit of looking around, he found what he was looking for: A few, large, piles of steel plates and support beams they could use for the wall. Using a bulldozer he found that was luckily intact, he loaded as many of the planks and beams as he could into the back of the humvee and drove back to the pharmacy.
Daisy's eyes grew slightly wider as Evan rushed inside. "Watching us? Wait- what? Who?" Daisy looked at the other boy for the answers since Evan had left. Daisy's eyes were swirling with thoughts. 'Could they help us? More people? Who?' While she waited for the other younger boy to answer she pulled her flower crown off and fixed it, before placing it elegantly back on her head. She wondered if these people had ammo and more weapons. It scared her to think they could lose more people in a day if these people didn't have good intents. They certainly didn't seem like they did.
Nathan entered the pharmacy to Jon and Matthew arguing. "Guys" he said "I don't want to interrupt, but you should check out the resources I found" he concluded while gesturing to the humvee.
"But would you really?"

Jon looked at the gun in his hand, "I wouldn't have pulled out the gun if you weren't yelling." He shook his head, "I don't have the time or patience for you Matthew, if you want to kill her or whatever you want to do, I won't stop you, but know that I won't hesitate to do the same to you."

As Evan and Nathan walked in, he turned, keeping Matthew in his sight before kneeling down to face Evan. "I'll be with you in a moment, just go meet me outside." He pushed himself up before facing Nathan. "I'll check the supplies out in a second, just go meet me next to your humvee and I'll see what we can use."

He motioned to Jeff as an obvious 'please deal with this' look.
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Everything was quiet. The explosion from the grenade that John threw, forced her back and hit her head. She sat up and blinked a few times. It was dark now. She stood slowly and climbed off the building. There were people in the pharmacy and she needed to make peace. She took the back alleys there and slowly walked in "uhm...good job? I think you killed most of Wickford" she made a light joke to show she's not a threat.

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Nathan nodded at Jon and walked out to sit by the humvee. This had been the longest since he had taken off his gas mask.
Cloe watched from the background, spending the majority of the shouting match moving her head back and forward, as the dialog baton was passed from one testosterone driven guy to the next. To her the situation had a certain similarity to the game Pong.

Cloe, like some of the others, had accepted the information Matthew had offered about the Virus with an open mind. There were no tears or sniffles coming from her corner. To her, it didn’t matter if she was infected as it only seemed to take place when people died and Cloe had no intention of living that final experience any time soon.

Not to mention, regardless of this new crappy world, they were still the lucky ones, grazing on the greener grass of life. They could fight, eat, laugh, even love. All of which came with the privilege of still being alive.

However, the new focus on what could happen and what did, had gotten out of control. Jon was now faced with a rather red faced Matty and even from this distance Cloe could see the veins popping out of the guy’s skin like angry snakes.

Slipping off her perch, Cloe shook out her nervous and waltzed between the two men with a grin plastered across her lips.

“Coulda, woulda, shoulda.” She said simply with a shrug of her shoulders. “You guys are fighting for the same thing, ya know? So just cool it and be quiet. Just for a moment.”

Here Cloe paused, glancing between the two guys with a knitted brow, before continuing with a sigh.

“Lia. I didn’t get to talk to her. Heck I haven’t spoken to many of you here today but what happened was sad, in fact it was heart breaking. But shouting at each other achieves nothing.” Here Cloe span on Jon, putting her hands on her hips.

“Hand off the trigger.” Her tone was forceful but she met the man’s eyes with a pleading gaze, before turning to face Matthew directly. “People need to be punished? Do you know how crazy you sound right now? There are rules and these are important, but turning things into a man hunt isn’t going to do anyone any help. Just cause grief and upset.”

“ I personally think if anyone had shot Lia in this group, they wouldn’t have brought her back. No one strikes me as being that thick. If they wanted to kill her, shoot her in the head and blame a walker.” Cloe again shrugged at this, before offering a hand towards Matthew. It was a simple gesture. One meant as a comfort and sign of friendship.

“If it was up to me, the meeting should be called off.” Cloe glanced around the room. “At least for the time being. Matthew, you have a gorgeous little girl who needs her dad right now. Go hug her. I would give anything for my father to be here with me. Count your blessing.“
"I'll be with you in a moment, just go meet me outside."

Smiling as if he'd just been handed a cookie, Evan did as he was asked and hurried outside. He waved Kenny over and said, "Jon will talk with us in a moment but," he glanced over his shoulder, "I don't think we should tell Matthew yet. He seems a bit...distressed." He clicked his tongue and allowed the sun to tickle his face. If the world hadn't been going to shit, it would've been a marvelous day.
"How old are you?" Kenneth asked. "I mean... you look older, but I should know that the apocalypse can age a person in more ways than one." He looked down. "Does Jon.... hate me?" He looked down as he took a bite of the snickers. "I see the way he looks at me and I don't think he likes me."
"How old are you?"

The sun beamed down on them and he had to squint his eyes to make out Kenny. "I am almost fourteen," he answered. "So yea, I am older."

"Does Jon.... hate me?"

Evan pursed his lips. "I don't think he hates you, he just doesn't trust you yet. You're still new to him, to me, to us." A slanted smile curled his lips, "don't worry too much. Jon is a good man." It was so easy to believe that nothing strange had happened. If he looked up, there was only sky and he could imagine Kenny to be a far-away nephew, or half-brother. Kenny had raised a good point about the outbreak maturing people, though Evan was glad that he and Kenny could both act their age, even if only for a moment.
"You all think I'm insane. You think I want to kill Aylaela. I never said I wanted to kill her. The only damn thing I was going to say was to, I don't know, take away her medical services until I teach her the proper medical. You pulled a gun on me, for something you did two days ago!" Matthew pointed an accusing finger at Jon, remembering the day that Jon had lost it.

"He said that of you didn't come with him, he'd shoot you himself. He took my gun from my hands. Nobody pulled a gun on him. I tried to be as calm as I could then, trying to calm him down. After he had shown already that he would attack. But then you repay me, by whenever I even suggest something against your opinion, you pull a gun on me. Like I said, I know some of you don't respect me as a leader."

"That is fine."

"But if you really think that someone else can do a better job. Be my guest. You see what you have to go through. It will bring a man to anger. Maybe insanity."

"Personally, I'll keep helping you all lead. Survive. But I want you to know something. From this point on, I'm only fighting for my daughter."

Matthew looked up to the stairs, then peered to the woman in front of him. Cloe. She had been talking, and now she held out a hand to him. He looked at it, and tried to decided between just walking upstairs past it, or shaking it.

Matthew shook Cloe's hand.

After this, he turned and headed up the stairs, to find Cynthia still soundly sleeping in bed. The walker attack must have knocked her out cold. Matthew sat down in the bed next to her, and looked down at the floor.
Aylaela's heart skipped as Matthew heaped the blame of Lia's death on her shoulders. That girl's asthma attack had been her reckless fault, and her carelessness having killed her. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again? Shaking her head, she moved forward, accepting whatever punishment they saw fit, hoping to stop the arguing. Though a hand gripped her shoulder with such force she let out a pained gasp.

Braeden stood behind her, skin around his jaw pulled tight with anger. The look within his blue eyes was icy, causing the girl to shrink back with fear. When she had been in middle school, Aylaela could remember many a time when he had intimated some bullies for her sake, though she feared he didn't plan on just intimidating them this time.


Braeden felt a pang of sorrow as his sister shrank away in fear, though he wasn't about to allow these men to do whatever they liked with her. When the Jon man offered to let Matthew kill Aylaela but he'd kill him right after, Braeden's hand formed a white fist, almost moving at him except for his sister's pleading look.

The man turned his gaze towards Matthew, betrayal festering in his heart, a hard mask keeping the emotions inside. For a moment he had believed they could thrive with each other, a safe group, but he had been wrong.

With a tight grip on Aylaela's shoulder and without a word, the man steered his sister while the color in her face drained, out of the Pharmacy and past the men. He wouldn't allow any of them to lay a hand on her, no matter what she did.
Jon took a breath out of clenched teeth as Matthew left.

Matthew was really out of it, Jon really just wanted the man to calm down before he hurt someone, of course Matthew did not understand at all. Now everyone would look at him like he was the one at fault. Jon put the gun away, rubbing his closed eyelids. "I'd like to just say, I am sorry I acted that way on that day, it was out of line completely and I hope you all can forgive me for it."

He gave a look to Cloe, "Thank you." With that, he left, and moved to Evan and Kenny as they talked outside. "Okay kids, let's hear when you have to say."
Bella awoke in a heavy daze. The last thing she remembered was running from walkers when a large gust forced her and the walkers back.

She rubbed her head with a groan and stood slowly. The walkers that were chasing her were dead, she's lucky she isn't.

Sighing, she started walking down a few back alleys then down the main road, as she approached the pharmacy she saw a few people standing outside and froze. The quieter she was, the arguing that was going on inside was becoming more clear.

The last group she was in killed innocent people, so her and the ones who resented the groups choices rebelled and killed most of the bad people. Then the others were killed by walkers. Including her son and husband.

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"Okay kids, let's hear when you have to say."

Evan glanced at Kenny, as if to ask for permission to speak. He decided not to mention the guns to Jon and hoped Kenny wouldn't either. "We found this note," he handed it to Jon. "In the policecar," he explained. "Who do you think it could be?" He shifted his weight onto his other leg and searched his mind for an answer. At once, his noggin provided. "Maybe," he frowned, "maybe it's not all that recent?" He gave Kenny and Jon a questioning look.
Jon took the sheet of paper in hand, smoothing it out on his knee before bringing it back to his face.

"We know where you are."

He laughed a bit, taking it all in logically. It looked old, real old, but as Kenny walked away, he reconsidered, opinion not changing, but tone.

"It doesn't look recent at all, could even be pre-outbreak for all I know. I wouldn't worry about it." He folded the paper finely and handed it back to Evan, "Thanks for showing me first, but I don't buy it. If you want to show it to the others be my guest but I have to go see about some supplies." With that he walked away, stopping in front of Nathan.

"So what's up?"
Nathan looks up from the ground and looked at Jon. "Hey" he said "So I went to the construction site and I found some things that could help us fortify. One, I found a huge stockpile of these steel planks and support beams and two, I found machinery for putting it all together: Working bulldozers and cranes. only 2 or 3 and they aren't that big but they'll do the job when it comes to the wall and stuff. Plus, we can use the bulldozer to plow through another sea of zombies if need be" He said, grinning.
Daisy had walked a little bit away so she was out of earshot when Jon came out. It seemed to be a private conversation so she didn't want to seem intruding or as if to be eavesdropping. While she waited for them to be done, she looked up, saying a prayer for her father, and talking to him quietly. "Hi Dad. I've found some friends. I think I'll be okay..for now. Your little fighter's still fighting. I miss you...alot. Today, a year ago, you left me. I love you Daddy." As she finished, she sighed lightly. She then wondered what she could do that would be helpful to the group.
"You see the girl?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna drop the note on her. This'll fuck with her for sure."

"Heh, that's it. Let it on down."

"Little Daisy. Gonna go a little crazy."

The small note flew with the gentle breeze from the rooftops, landing in front of the girl at the road. The words?

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, to have this wish I wish tonight."

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