Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

"And maybe Evan can come with me to the police car I slept in." Kenny suggested. "It can give us some time to talk." He looked in Evans direction. "What do you say?"
Jon didn't let Evan say anything, looking at Kenny himself. "I'd really, really like it if you guys didn't go running off into town alone, how about you two stay here, maybe talk here and don't do anything unsmart."

It was safe to say, Jon really did not like Kenny's thought process.
"Look, I couldn't give less of a shit about you guys petty fucking drama. Ooh, I lost my squad so you better respect me. You all sicken me. You think you're better than the other, just because you lost people?! We've all lost something in our life! Now would you all shut up. These arguments are useless." Matthew pointed his finger at the group around him, arguing and bitching about every little thing. The assholes.

"Anyways. First of all, I'd really like to know how Lia died. A bullet wound to the shoulder and the leg don't kill you. So how the hell did she die on a table?! Did someone kill her? Did she kill herself? We need to know this."
"I think we are gonna need the weapons. Its okay Jon. If you don't want Evan to go than I can go by myself." Kenny said. "Wait, Am I an official part of the group?" He asked with an inquisitive look plastered on his face.
Daisy watched Evan step away and put his hand on his holster after he replied to her statement. Tired, and irritated, Daisy edged into a corner, distancing herself from the center of excitement, and watched.

Daisy watched as Jon started to spew things that were to be done, and nodded, glad someone had taken charge. She admired his ability to take charge and settle things so quickly. She had always been flustered with words, and wasn't good at being a leader. Which was one of the reasons why she was so reserved. Nathan had finally calmed down, and Daisy praised the lord. She watched as Jon spoke for Evan and Kenny, as she crossed over to the Pharmacy Counter, propping herself up on it.

As Matthew opened his mouth and starting swearing at the boys, she listened to him, the veins in his neck pulsing as he pointed his finger accusingly. If she had known how Lia died, she would have answered just to be helpful, but seeing as she didn't, she just kept her mouth shut.
Evan exchanged glances between Jon and Kenny and shrugged. "I'll be fine Jon, it's not far, right?" He poked his elbow in Jon's side and covertly tapped his index finger at his holster. If Kenny had an ulterior motive, he'd be able to handle himself and stay safe.

"Wait, Am I an official part of the group?"

"Well you haven't turned, so I guess." Evan replied dryly. "Let's get going," he glanced at Matthew. Now he was losing his marbles. "The less people in one room together, the better." Once more he looked up to Jon. "Trust me," he mouthed before stepping up to Kenny and asking whereto. On their way out he waved Daisy over, she needed to be alone less.
Nathan looked at Matthew. "Me John and her went out to scout and she got shot twice by a sniper in a building that was spewing nonsense about some Blood Dragons or some shit like that. John told me to bring her back as fast as I could to tend to her wounds and she" he said, nodding at Aylaela took care of the wounds. I went back outside to fight the horde, so I have no idea how she died."
Jeff just waved his head in disbelief. "Kid, you're not helping if you're just gonna piss him off again." he told the brown-haired kid. How can people be this unreasonable in the apocalypse. Jeff probably succeeded though in dissuading Nathan from leaving even if only for a bit. They needed all the man-power they could get. Jeff didn't think this group will last if things are always this awry. They needed to be able to trust each other. It would probably be in everyone's interest if they had someone they could lean on. Dealing with the problem at hand, Nathan and another guy made some good suggestions. He had his own ideas though.

Suddenly, Matt started to burst and yelled at the group. He asked how Lia died. Jeffrey was groggy so he didn't know what entirely happened and he had nothing to say of the matter.
Now Matthew was yelling and Kenny was talking. If this had been two days ago, he probably would of started yelling, but he was different now.

Evan and Kenny went to leave, and he simply shook his head, trusting in Evan. Nathan brought his opinion to the table and Jon turned back, calming Matthew was the last step in the entire process. "We're not exactly professionals Matthew, there are millions of ways she could of died. She's feeble so, pain, shock, she bled out, her asthma. If you're right about that, we're all infected. Then that's all that happened, she died and came back. Simple." Jon gave a final grimace, Matthew really needed to calm down, if not for the group, for his apparent daughter.
Matthew stroked his face in stress, and looked around the room for clues to Lia's death. "Look, I understand, but they took the bullets out of Lia, and then they bandaged up her wounds. I don't think she bled out. But I really need to know what happened to her. If someone killed her, then we have a killer on our hands, living with us." Matthew looked to the table where Lia had been. There was no evidence of anything there, other then. The.


Matthew's eyes widened, realizing how Lia died now. "Did you guys give her morphine?" He turned and looked at Nathan, standing in the corner.
"Fuuuckkk. You're not supposed to give someone who has asthma morphine! It starts an asthma attack! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" Matthew looked at the table where Lia had once lain, dead. It was strange, his anger over the girl. He never really cared for her, he didn't give two shits when he had shot her twice in the head. He looked at the ceiling, and closed his eyes.

"Aylaela killed her. Indirectly, but Aylaela killed her."
Nathan slumped to the ground. "Shit" he said "Nobody told me she had asthma. Crap. No, it wasn't just Aylaela's idea. I also thought that to relieve the pain... shit" he put his hands to his mask -I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone else die by my hands!- He thought to himself.
Lia was dead, Jon had accepted it long ago, but the revelation that it was someone's fault, in the group? Jon turned around and bit his lip, thinking for a moment. He turned back around.

"Okay, she died, but by complete accident, it may be someone's 'fault' but it doesn't matter. They were trying to save her and that's what's important."

He hoped that would stop an uproar.
Nathan was quite angry, but with himself now. He did not know what to say. A lot of people had died while he was taking care of them. He did not like it one bit. He got up and brushed his legs off. "Yeah, sure. So, can I go to this construction site with the humvee and gather materials? Alone? I'd rather go alone." he said, as if nothing had happened.
Jeff felt like he had to intervene or else the whole thing was gonna fall apart. It was a good thing that someone else did so.

"They were trying to save her and that's what's important."

"He's right. We can't blame them for trying. They're not exactly experts on that. They did what they could." He supported the other guy's notion. He was starting to like this guy.

Jeff tried to appease Matt. "Look, there were a lot of things happening. It couldn't be avoided." he said. "It was no one's fault." he said with emphasis.
"We go this way."

Evan followed Kenny and grinned when he noticed he was a few inches taller than him. Ever since Lia's death, he'd been confident that Kenny wasn't turning as he had suspected, yet the boy still had an air of ambiguity about him. "Do you want to show me something or...?" he tried to guess Kenny's motive for inviting him along. Granted, he'd made up for his mistakes, but he hadn't anticipated Kenny trying to befriend him, if that was what he was doing. Confused, he followed the boy to the police car. Luckily the siren was only flashing. "Well?" he wondered aloud, "mind telling me why I am here?"

(@Loke Fullbuster )
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"Well, yeah, I guess it doesn't matter. No of it matters. I'm just saying, if this was someone else, if it was Evan, if it was Sam, Jon. There would have been an uproar. But no, this poor girl that died. No one have a shit about her. Her body is gone, someone buried it, only one person attended her funeral. But, if it had been one of the others. What would you have all said?! I want you to tell me." Matthew looked at the group. What would he have said if it was Cynthia? He would have killed Aylaela. He could see it. If anybody harmed Cynthia, he could just imagine himself ripping their throats out.

What the hell was happening to him?
Kenny shuffled his feet and came two a halt just a few steps in front of Evan. "Well," he said. "I'm tired of being alone." HE was staring at the ground now kicking at an ant. "For a long time I've been alone. My parents died and so did my little brother. They were my only family." He wiped a stray tear off of his face. "I was put in an orphanage where I was beaten every day until Shit hit the fan. You wouldn't believe it, but I'm only 12. I haven't killed a walker or even talked to people."Kenny couldn't hold back the tears any longer." I just wanna feel the presence of another person. To make a long story short, you are here to keep me company." Kenneth continued to walk toward the police car.
"Well," he said. "I'm tired of being alone."

Evan's eyes widened at the story. Beaten every day? He hadn't even realized there were still orphanages in America. Kid should've been placed in foster care. "Well," Evan tried to calm him down, "you're talking to me now, so that's something." He hadn't a clue on how to deal with the sniffling child and for a moment he just stood next to him, in silence. After ten seconds he ventured to put his arm on Kenny's back. "I hear ya', it's going to be okay." He didn't like to lie, but he pitied Kenny. When they reached the car, Evan took a moment to admire it. He could tell by the indents in the backseat that someone had been in the car recently. Had he slept in there? On the front seat he noticed a black box with a shotgun and a pistol in it. "Shit, look at that." Grinning he pointed at the box. "It's no use laying around."
"But, if it had been one of the others. What would you have all said?! I want you to tell me."

Matthew's mental health would definitely be a concern for a long time to come, but he would give the truth. "If it had been myself, I would of not wanted you to do anything but accept it, and for someone to take care of Evan. If it had been you, Matthew. I would make sure your daughter was in safe hands, and that's it man. It was a mistake made from lack of knowledge and I do not blame Aylaela, in the slightest.

With his words said, he slowly took out his pistol. If Matthew was to lunge at him, he would be ready for it. Whatever happened in Crawford had mangled Matthew's mind, and Jon was extremely worried about it. The only thing worse than the walkers was insanity, and even that, he wasn't sure the walkers were worse. To say that he himself was completely sane was an obvious lie, but Matthew was probably the most vocal one here.
"There's one in the glove compartment, and some ammo." Kenny reached in the glove compartment and pulled out the extra handgun and rounds. He felt around some more and pulled out a flashlight, a snickers, and a holster. After attaching the holster to his hip and placing the gun in it, he went to the trunk to go get his bag, but to his surprise it was gone. "Evan," Kenny called out, "Come check this out." What he was staring at was a note that read, We know where you are. Kenny grabbed a taser that lay nearby, placing it behind his back.
"Come check this out."

Evan had his eyes on the snickers still when Kenny brought his attention to a note. "What's that?" He leaned in. The crumpled paper was rough between his fingers, the writing was slanted, written in a hurry. "We know where you are..." he muttered. His brows knitted together on his forehead and he wondered if there were other, living people in this place. He turned around to face Kenny, "we should tell the others."
Kenny nodded and looked around then turned around and ran back to the pharmacy. When he got there he stopped out front to catch his breath. "You go tell them." he told Evan. "I'll keep watch." He held the taser in one hand and the snickers in the other. Before Evan went in he tossed him the snickers after noticing him eyeing it. Kenny was terrified. He wanted to know who did that. He shifted back and forth on his feet as he did when he was nervous.

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