Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Jon smiled as Nathan laid out what he had found, the supplies were nice but the vehicles were messy and high maintenance. He patted Nathan on the shoulder.

"Nice job man, I'd keep the supplies in the truck, but good job on finding them! Those dozers though, they don't seem very practical, we need fuel and the like. I don't even know what kind of fuel a bulldozer even uses." He crossed his arms, smirking. "Did you bring the supplies here though? I don't really mind either way, but I'd like to know."
Disillusioned by Jon's reply, Evan took the note back and stood still. Why had Kenny left? Did he suddenly think it wasn't important anymore? Confused he hesitated between following Jon to help or speak with Daisy who was muttering something to herself. He chose the latter option and walked over to Daisy "You're looking far too gloomy all by yourself," he smiled. He grabbed her wrist, "come, let's help out Jon with the wall." Then he noticed a note, not much unlike the one he had in his hand, at her feet. "Is that yours?" he asked.
Nathan smiled for the first time in some time. "Yeah, I piled as many supplies as I could into the humvee. Its not that much, but if we go doing trips with both the cars well be-" He was cut off by movement in the main street "Shit, Jon. There is somebody there" He said, pointing at a girl in the street. "You!" he yelled, putting his AUG up. It was pure bluffing, he had no ammo "Who are you and why are you here?!" He yelled again.
Daisy saw a note fall in front of her, and picked it up. As she read it, her face went from a smile to a frown quickly. "What the hell.." she muttered. 'What sick son of a-' she thought as she looked up and around her, but was interrupted by Evan. He smiled at her and she didn't move, pulling him back. She tried to force a smile, but instead thrusted the note out towards him. She chewed nervously on her bottom lip thinking maybe some little kid wrote it or something.
Sh*t. Someone saw her. Should she run or go up to them. She'd die if she was on her own, maybe she can convince them to let her in. She slowly put her hands up and took small slow steps toward the man with the gun "I'm Bella! I lived here!" She responded "I just heard some people arguing and decided to check it out". She was close enough that she didn't have to yell toward them.

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Nathan stepped a little closer to the woman, AUG still aimed. "Stay where you are, don't move or I shoot." he says as he gets even closer. At a certain distance, he stops and asks "Whats your name? You alone or do you have a group?"
"I'm alone. I HAD a group but they all are dead. My name is Bella" she stopped when he said the word 'shoot' uh oh....maybe she can't trust them after all. Her hands started to shake a bit as she kept them in the air. Her head was still throbbing from when she was knocked out earlier.

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Evan unfolded the note. His eyes widened in shock, it was the same slanted handwriting as the one he and Kenny had found. "Jon!" he called. "This is bad," he said to Daisy. "Really bad." At once he bolted towards Jon. Only halfway through did he realize that Nathan was pointing his gun at him. Why would he do that? He raised his hands into the air and froze. But Nathan didn't shoot or holler. When he glanced over his shoulder, Evan saw he'd been aiming at a woman behind him. Was she the one behind the notes? She introduced herself as Bella and Nathan soon approached her, gun at the ready. Spec ops bastard was probably going to pleasure his ego by intimidating her too. Evan scowled at Nathan before he ran towards Jon.

"Jon!" he called again, not bothering with Bella, "we're in trouble."
Aylaela shove herself away from Braeden after they had crossed the street, "What are you doing?!" She demanded, face reddened with shame at having been dragged out like some child.

"We're leaving," he said flatly, looking behind his shoulder as Nathan pointed a gun at some new girl.

"We can't just," she paused, searching for the words in her rage," Abandon them! Just because you want to turn tail and run at the first sign of danger doesn't mean I have to."

"Really Aylaela? If I wanted to do that I would've done so the first second I saw that herd. Look at these people," her brother said, throwing an arm out towards the Pharmacy. "They attract danger wherever they go," he says, looking her in the eye. "They aren't safe," he says, lowering his voice, attempting to sway her.

"Anyone who's alive isn't safe Braeden," she stated, voice having raised to a shout. Quieting down she looked towards the Pharmacy, "We don't have to agree with them, but I don't want to leave either."

The two siblings watched each other with hardened gazes, before Braeden growled and turned his back. "Fine, but if anything happens..."

"I know, we're out of here," she said, a small smile hovering on her lips.

"While they bicker let's go look through some of these buildings," he said, not turning towards her, probably debating ways to get them away from the group. Rolling her eyes, Aylaela walks across the street calling back to him, "I'll go get another set of hands."

Walking towards the Pharmacy, the street was an utter mess, the smell itself enough to make her eyes water. Looking ahead, Evan had run towards Jon, something within his grasp as he called to the man. Rather than going inside and facing Matthew, the girl would take her chances with Jon.

As she got closer she heard the word "trouble" and her stomach rolled. Braeden may be right but she still wouldn't leave, especially because of the good people they had with them.

Clearing her throat the girl stood nearby the two, not sure if they would appreciate her company, "What's wrong?"
Nathan let his guard down a little. "I don't kill innocent people Bella, I'm from the military. When exactly did you abandon your group and why?" These where all important features.
Kenny ran outside. "What happened!" he yelled. He tan over to Nathan and saw who he was aiming at. He stood in front of Nathan's gun. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Put the gun down." he put his hands out, trying to stop Nathan from advancing. There was an easier way to do this, and Kenny knew that. "If you want her to leave, she will leave. But I will promise you one thing." he said. "You will not be shooting anyone."
Daisy followed Evan, running after him, but stepping backwards around Nathan instead of in front of his gun. She didn't want to take any chances. Even if he didn't kill civilians. She stepped then around him so she was next to Evan, and continued to look around worriedly for the source of the note-writer. She looked at the building windows above where she had been standing but saw no active moment.
Nathan was taking measures that Jon knew was safe, but Jon stayed back, letting Nathan deal with it with his military training. Just then, Evan had run up, put his hands up, then down and ran to him. He kept an eye on this 'Bella' as he looked at Ev

"What now Ev? Kenny fall down?" He knelt down to face Evan.

And then Kenny ran in front of the gun. Jon twisted his body to look behind Evan at Kenny. "Kenny, don't be stupid, Nathan knows what he's doing."
"They were bad people, they killed innocent passer byes. So me and a group rounded up and killed the bad ones." She lowered her arms "and the rest were killed by walkers." She bit her lip "I'm a nurse, if that helps... If you have injured then...i could help them"

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Nathan now lowered completely his AUG and said "... Pretty nasty group. So you want to join us? you seem trustworthy enough."
"Well. I am" she smiled slightly "and if there are any kids I could help with them too" she shrugged "i love kids" she walked toward him and held out her had to shake his

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"What now Ev? Kenny fall down?"

Insulted, Evan had to persuade himself to hand Jon the note. He was almost fourteen, practically an adult! Resisting the urge to make a snarky remark he handed him the note. "Daisy got this. It's the same handwriting," he gave Jon a cold look, crossed his arms and awaited his reply. Restraining himself from throwing a tantrum, he turned his head to face Daisy. "Does it make sense to you?" he asked.
Nathan accepted the hand gladly. "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier on. Its been some time since we've seen any survivors and we are all a bit tense. My names Nathan. I served with the special forces. Oh, and just so you know" he added "The gun had no bullets."
"Y-yes..Last night," she took a deep breath, recalling the events of last night, "I was outside, and I said those exact words when I wished on a star. I wished that we would all get through the night safely. When I was over there, praying for my dad-," she pointed towards where she was standing, "It dropped from above." Her finger trailed up to the building above her.
Bella smiled "well i know a quick way to the weaponry store" she backed up a bit "bring a duffel bag or something so you can get a bunch" she shrugged "the store is pretty huge and isn't completely raided yet"

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Nathan was surprised at Bella's words "You mind if we go now, or are you tired? We've got some rooms above the hospital and most of the houses are cleared if you want to sleep" he said
He turned the note over in his hands, spreading it over his knee like he had before.

His face instantly dropped as he read it, and then read it again, and then read it once more. Jon looked at Evan, saying one word, "Okay." After that, he stood up, calling to Nathan, "Bring the woman inside if you want Nathan, but I want you inside."

With that, he walked back inside, paper raised above his head. "Everyone, we're being watched by someone and we gotta do something about it now!" He brought the paper down and against his chest, looking at those still inside.

"Daisy had been praying and said some pretty specific words. Later she received a note detailing her exact words, if that's not signs of espionage, I don't know what is."
"Well I'm fine" she smiled and nodded her head to the side for him to follow. She started to head toward the store.

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"Damn" Nathan swore under his breath. "It seems they want us inside the pharmacy now. C'mon, Ill introduce you to the rest of the group. I really wanted to go to the gun store though" he said, while grabbing Bella's shoulder to redirect her to the pharmacy. As they entered, Nathan asks "Whats the matter Jon? Oh, and this is the newest member of the group I hope. Her name's Bella and she was a nurse. It was about time we found a professional."
Kenny looked at Nathan suspiciously. "Oh, I see." he said turning to Bella. "Nathan," he tapped his stomach, " Has a crush on you." Kenny laughed. "Who would've known pointing a gun at someone could say,"I love you Bella." Kenny made googly eyes and a kissy face at the two as he walked away.

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