Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Daisy followed Jon in, the color flushed from her face. She didn't want these people to toy with her mind like they were currently, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. She was watched. Did they watch her sleep? Were they some sick, sadistic pervs? Were they just people who kill for fun because they can't distinguish living from undead anymore? She wondered these things as she stood, her face awash with horror behind Jon.
Bella looked confused at the kid and laughed a bit rolling her eyes a bit "well then" if it was a bit lighter in the room everyone could probably see the blush on her cheeks. She shifted away from Nathan a bit and smiled

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Tap. Tap. Tap tap tap tap tap. "Who the hell?" Matthew stood up quickly and looked over to the window, where the sound had been coming from. There was a note plastered onto the window now, and Matthew could see a silhouette running across the rooftops quickly. Matthew ran for the window, and quickly began pulling it open. It slid up with ease, and he jumped onto the nearest rooftop after the guy.

"You get the hell back here!"

They jumped across building after building, the man trying to escape after being caught, but it was no use. Matthew was going to get him, and he wasn't letting up. "Hey! Get back here now, and I probably won't kill you!" Shingles from the roofs broke off and flew onto the ground below, until the man stopped at a dead end. He turned around and pulled a gun, but Matthew reached him first.

He threw the machete into the guys shoulder, cutting him in the tiniest bit. However, the machete flew onto the building's roof, useless now. Suddenly, Matthew felt a fist hit his face, and the man jumped back to houses. Matthew gritted his teeth and followed, his nose now bleeding from the impact of the hit.

"Piece of shit!"

The man had now tripped atop of a triangular building, the one that had shingle's from before. Matthew jumped over, as the man stood up. Looks like a fight. He punched the man, and they grappled each other onto the roof, suddenly realizing there horrible mistake.

The shingles were rotted.

The shingles burst up, and they slid down the roof in a brawl. Then, one went over. The man grabbed Matthew's leg before he could fall, but Matthew had gripped onto the roof with all of his might. "Pull me up! Pull me up!" The man pleaded, and then Matthew eyed the walkers below. Then, the man let go.

"NO! AHHHHhhhhh-" The man hit the ground with a squish, and the walkers closed in on his dying body, and jumped onto him, getting their bellies full. Matthew pulled himself up, and looked at the carnage below him.

Who the fuck was that, and why was he watching him?
Nathan felt really embarrassed -What the fuck is wrong with that kid- he thought. He looked at Jon and repeated his question "Whats going on Jon, and what was that scream just now?"
They heard a shrill scream, and Daisy prayed it wasn't the note-leavers coming back for more torture. She clasped her hands together, squeezing them tightly, since she didn't have anyone's hand to hold. 'Please please please please..' she mumbled to herself, hoping it wasn't them.
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Bella heard the scream and shook her head. Sighing she looked at all the walker bodies on the floor. "Want me to help clean those up?" She asked Nathan

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Jon turned around as he heard the scream. The man had his gun out in seconds."What the hell was that?" he asked, stepping outside to look around.

"Anyone see what happened?"
Nathan looks at Bella, still a little embarrassed. "Yeah, sure. They'll probably just attract more if we leave them. Where should we put them?"
"Maybe the dumpster in the alley?" She shrugged an looked for old bags to put them in. She looked in a storage closet and found clear plastic bags. She brought ten to Nathan and smiled "lets get started then"

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Kenny pulled out his gun and threw it to Bella. "You know how to use this?" he asked. He ran to Evan motioning for him to follow.
Nathan looked at Bella "It seems there is trouble. Anyways, lets get to work, I guess they'll deal with it." He says, stuffing corpses into the bags.
She looked at the gun Kenny gave her. She shrugged and put it through her belt and started to put A random body in a bag. Then started to drag it to the back door (forgot they burried her right?)

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No sooner then he'd headed inside, a scream sliced through the air. Jon drew his gun, panic ensued. Almost instantly, Evan reached for his holster and readied his own pistol. Kenny waved him over, but Evan wasn't keen on rushing out like a headless chicken. "Kenny, get back here!"

"We need to stay together," Evan explained. "We don't know who is out there or how many." They were exposed outside. Far too exposed. Maybe Nathan was right after all, maybe they just couldn't settle here. "We need a better place to stay," he murmured.
"We need all the weapons and ammo we can get and we left some in the car." he said. "I'm going with or without you." He ran outside teaser in hand and turned down the street the police car was on.
Matthew jumped through the window, and looked around the room. Cynthia was awake now, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room. "What was that scream? Is everyone okay?" She asked innocently, looking at her father for guidance. "Look, Cynthia, we need to get downstairs right now. I'm going to tell the others about what happened. Sound good?"

Cynthia nodded, and her and Matthew headed downstairs. "Look, guys, somebody was watching us. I chased someone down who was plastering a note to the window, but he fell and got killed by walkers. Now, what we're going to do about this, is..." Matthew looked over to Jon and nodded. "Is up to Jon to decide. The guy I chased, he wasn't very heavily armed, and he didn't exactly act like he wanted to fight. I'm thinking these guys are just trying to screw with is, that they're all bark but no bite."
Kenny came back a few minutes later holding a big black case. He walked into the building. "Here," he said handing the case to Jon. "There's a shotgun and 2 handguns in there." He lifted his shirt, "I took the knife." He said. "Can I have a gun?" He asked showing Jon the holster he had attached to his hip.
Jon looked at Matthew judgmentally, he didn't quite understand why Matthew was proclaiming Jon to be the leader, but he did indeed need to make a decision. Kenny had come up to him with a briefcase which apparently had guns in it. Jon took it, opening it on the till. Slowly, he drew his hands around the shotgun.

"This is some military shit right here."

The history student lifted the combat shotgun out, feeling it's weight and and size. Jon let it's barrel hit the floor before beginning to speak. "The answer is extremely simple, we move, right now, find a place and set up defenses immediately, we waste absolutely no time at all, doing so will get us killed."

For a short moment, he threw a pistol from the case to Kenny, before turning back to face the group.

"In the past, wasting time has literally costed us an arm and a leg. You all know exactly what I'm talking about. Okay? So everyone get a gun, get into vehicle and we'll get out of here."

With that, he turned around, walked out the door and jumped straight into the Jeep. He took no time in putting the key in the ignition and revving the Jeep up.

Then he waited.
Aylaela frowned, having watched the events play out from the frame of the Pharmacy's door. Leave? So soon?

Looking towards Braeden, who had crossed the street and was on the sidewalk, he only shook his head. His look had "I told you so" written all over it.

Heading within the Pharmacy, Aylaela grabbed her bag, not looking up from the straps of it. It felt like 'killer' was branded onto her skin, there for anyone of the group to see and judge.

Coming back outside Aylaela found her brother in the Jeep, an annoyed look on his face. He may not trust these people, though how could she either, she barley knew them. But he'd rather be in a group than alone.

Hesitantly the girl climbed in after her brother, handing him back the gun that Lia had left on the Pharmacy floor. Maybe it was for the best, leaving this horrid place.

Shuddering the girl looked to Jon, a man everyone seemed to trust. Well when he proved himself maybe Aylaela would trust him.

"Where are you planning to go?" She asked somberly to the man in the front seat, remembering when she had asked nigh on the same question in the forest what felt like a long time ago.
Evan didn't hesitate. He followed Jon duly and sat down in the backseat, eyes darting left and right, expecting a figure to leap forth from the shadows. Every passing second he readjusted his grip on the pistol, his hands were cold and slippery with sweat. Walkers were easy to shoot and kill, but real people? If they had guns too, and knew how to wield them, they'd be dead in no time. Yet, wherever he looked, he saw only the silent remains of houses, abandoned in a rush. Outside tables lay overturned, leaves filled the pool in a rich man's front yard, a kindergartener's bicycle was shedding off its chipped paint skin. Somewhere, someone was watching them, observing them, assessing their strenghts and weaknesses. "Are we going to the city hall?" he asked nervously.
Yes, another song for this post.)
"Fine by me. Cynthia, come on, let's get on the jeep." Cynthia nodded, and was about to head for the jeep, when a clicking sound was heard and a figure emerged from the pharmacy with a rifle in his hand.


"Oh no no no no no no. You can't do that my friend."

He put the barrel of the rifle up to Cynthia's head, as others entered with their guns raised. They surrounded the group outside, and brought out the ones that were still inside the pharmacy. Matthew looked at the man in the red suit in distraught. His eyes began tearing up slightly, seeing the terrified look on her face. "Look, just please let us go."

The man smiled, seemingly amused by these words. "I'm gonna kill your daughter." Matthew's eyes widened, desperately pleading with them to stop. "Tell your friends to get out of the car." Matthew looked at them, and motioned for them to come out. "Look, just let us go and we won't bother you anymore. I promise, we'll leave and never come back."

The man tilted his head to his side, then stuck the barrel further into Cynthia's head. "You think we want you to leave?" The man began laughing, and looking to his friends for support. They chuckled with him, mocking Matthew and the "pathetic" group. "Look, we don't want you to leave. We enjoy sending you letters. We want to see you start a life here. We want to see you, live. And die, of course. Such is the way of life."

"Just let us leave! Please."

"I'm gonna kill your daughter. Paint the road with her pretty brains. And you can't do anything about it. How does it feel, to feel helpless. You're looking at your loved one, with a gun against her head, and I'm going to shoot her. Do you know who can't do anything? You!" The man laughed again, his belly bouncing up and down with his glee.

"Look, if it's supplies you're wanting we can give the to you. As many as you need, guns, food, ammo, water. All of it."

"I'm gonna KILL your daughter. And then, I'm going to hurt you. Hurt you so bad. You see, we don't want to harm you. We just enjoy watching people rebuild themselves up. Like little ants. Little, tiny, squashable, specky, ants. So, to start off, pick up that hammer, and then a board and nail."


"I'm gonna kill your daughter!"

Matthew turned around at the sound of his daughter's cries for help, and looked at the hammer and nail on the ground. He picked them up, and then grabbed a board.

"Now start building the wall."

Matthew walked over to where Sam had once stuffed a bunch of cars at, then started nailing the board to one of the cars. The man smiled at the sight. He was in control. "Now look, that wasn't so hard." He threw the poor girl out towards the group, and began backing up once more. "You all have a good time! And don't leave! Remember!"

"We know where you are."

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