Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Nathan waved at Jeff as the man entered the pharmacy. A little bit later, he heard bickering. He slipped on his gas mask once more and stepped in. Jeff was telling them about them all being infected. The whole group was panicking. Jeff was trying to soothe them, but it did not seem to be working. Then Jeff said something about a place where people where doing things to fix the epidemic and about a place to live safely. Then a boy spoke, asking about shelter. He clearly didn't care about being infected already, and that's when Nathan came in. "I have in mind a place that could be pretty safe." he says "I know none of you really trust me, because of me wearing this gas mask at all times, but I feel uncomfortable when people look me in the bare eye for various reasons. The place I'm thinking though might as well be one of the safest places around here. Its a military base. One of the most secure. They use it to store weapons of importance and that's where I was trained. Not many people know about it except for the high ranking members of the police forces like the SWATS" he said, gesturing at Jeff "Or us, the Spec Ops. It has many barracks, enough room for more than 500 people. It has an armory with all kinds of weapons and ammunition and plus, just in case, there is a secret bunker that nobody knows about except for the really high ranking people in the military and the Spec Ops troops. I think we should go there, or I at least am going to go. I need to see if some of my men have survived Atlanta."
Night had only allowed him to pack some things away; guns in the duffle and tools back into the plastic bag. Morning had come suddenly, and he had found himself waking up, face planted into a mattress. Not even wanting to question it, he went downstairs, set himself in a corner and began to practice slipping the magazine out of the pistol and into it again.

Matthew was also one of the leaders though, when the group needed something done, it was either Matthew or himself that would have to start talking to the group about it. Jon sat still as Matthew started talking about the possibility that they were all infected.

Was that really that far of a stretch in their world? No, not really. If it made logical sense to Jon, he would accept it.

Besides, staying alive was much more important to him.

Evan though, thought quite differently, and it scared Jon. He would deal with it when the time came, just not now.
"...and plus, just in case, there is a secret bunker that nobody knows about except for the really high ranking people in the military and the Spec Ops troops."

Evan chortled, "and I am the President. Don't be upitty just because you're in camo." He looked around the group. What an odd bunch it was. They were mostly strangers to him still, except for Jon, Sam, Aylaela and maybe Daisy. One looked rugged, but friendly and had the muscle that matched his black SWAT shirt. "We should stay here," he pleaded, "we've dealt with the walkers. We should stay, if only to think about our next step."

He leaned his back against the wall and gazed at the ceiling before looking back down again. "Am I the only one who's hungry?"
Nathan was pissed now, after hearing Evan's comment. "Listen, you twat, I'm no ordinary dude in camouflage." he said, walking up to him. "I lost my whole squad in Atlanta, keeping civvies safe. I've EARNED my rank, so you'd better fucking respect me. Nobody is forcing you to go, but I'm going because I've been there before and I want to help fight off these dead freaks with my comrades. You want to stay here? Wait until another horde, or worse, herd comes here to finish you off? Then so be it. But you should better take a moment and check out who you're talking to, because if you talked like that to any of my superiors, they'd beat you to a pulp, civilian or not and your lucky I just didn't." he finished saying with a menacing tone.
"Sign me up." Kenny said listening to the man. "I have been a bother to your group and I would like to repay you guys for helping me." He said. "The more hands you have the better chance we will have of finding your people." He started to rock back and forth on his feet. "So what do you say." He said sticking a hand out to the man.
Nathan looked at the kid that had just talked to him, asking to go with him. "Yeah, sure. But I need time to prepare, to look for ammunition. It'll be a few days" He looked at the kid and then shook his hand. "The base is one of the safest places around here." he adds.
As Nathan stepped toward Evan swearing, Daisy as an impulse, stepped between them, pushing Nathan back. "Listen, we're all just hungry, and tired, and disgruntled." As Nathan turned to talk to another boy she didn't know, Daisy looked at Evan and shot him a look as if to say, "One, you're stupid. Two, are you ok?" She then stepped back and spoke up once more after hearing Evan say he was hungry.

"I have Chex Mix and Candy Bars." She brought her hands up to her backpack straps, gripping them as she looked at everybody else. Daisy had kept the Chex Mix from a recent store she scavenged, and was saving it for an emergency. Looking at everybody, and based on their moods, it was.
Aylaela eyed the solider with contempt, and she would've said a few words to the man until he turned his attention away from Evan.

"Well I think it's safest here. With all the racket we were making we drew all the dead towards us, so now this place is as safe as it gets," she said, looking around their small group. "And honestly I don't want to travel to some base only for it to be overrun with whatever's left of your people," Aylaela said, preferring Wickford to traveling once more.

"We can make this place safe," she pleaded, taking Evan's side on the subject.
"Do you, by any chance, need more weapons?" Kenny asked. "Cause there is a police car a couple blocks away that has a shotgun and a couple handguns in it. But I left the sirens on so there are probably several walkers there by now." Kenny said.
Nathan heard the girl speak "... only for it to be overrun with whatever's left of your people" She had said. He looked at her "And WHAT" he said "is that supposed to mean. Are you implying on that they have been transformed? Are you implying that they would hurt you?!" Nathan was really pissed now, he was steaming over "By MY people I mean more squads of troops, people that could protect you asses! They would not hurt a civilian! And second, they are most likely not infected and do you think that by killing the dead in this area, they are not going to come back, in larger numbers?! The dead do not settle in one place, they roam. One goes in one direction, bumps into another one and that one follows, and THAT is how a herd is created. I know, I've seen it. They migrate. They don't stay put. But if you want to loose your lives here, go for it." Nathan looked at the kid and said "Leave the guns for them. If they are gonna stay here, they might as well arm up with whatever they can find. We can find guns on the way. We can find weapons on our way there."
"Jesus Christ! Everyone, I said calm down!" Jeff tried to intervene as they were starting to argue.

Jeff objectively thought about the rut they were in. "Listen guys, Carson has a point but I don't think it's save to move out yet." he told everyone. Seeing as how they were almost overrun, this place wasn't safe but that last engagement with walkers probably took out most of their supplies. Going around blindly without anything would just jeopardize their chances of surviving. Jeff wanted to live. "Carson, we can't just move just yet. It's still too dangerous to move at this group's state." he said.

He took a moment of pause to think deeper. "I say we stay for the meantime and gather supplies. But if we're gonna stay, we'll have to do a better job of fortifying this place." he suggested to the group.
Nathan looked at Jeff. "You cant believe its safe to stay in a place like this for ever right? I mean, you must have seen consequences. I have." calming down a little, he added "I know the group is still impacted by the horde, but staying in a place without proper fortifications, aka: fences, guard posts and weapons, Is gonna turn out to be a much smaller scale Atlanta."
"No not this place." Kenny said. "This is a hell hole," his voice gradually grew in volume. "We need move, but Atlanta isn't where. If I had known the base was in Atlanta I wouldn't have volunteered. I came from Atlanta. That's where I got bit." He looked at everyone's faces. "The city is a death trap, walkers on every street." He looked at the man
He looked again at the kid "The base is NOT in Atlanta. I was telling him that if this place doesn't have the proper fortifications, it will turn into a smaller scale Atlanta."
Evan pressed his back against the wall when Nathan started to rant about respect. "I don't give a damn where your ass is from," he flared his nostrils. Perhaps the real disease wasn't that of the walking dead, but the insanity that slowly crept into everyone's mind. First Lia, then Jon and now Nathan. He wondered if he too would snap eventually. He wavered at the look that Daisy shot at him, had he missed something? Was he the one going insane, incapable of seeing the logic of others? He listened to Kenny, if that kid wanted to go with Nathan it was double the riddance. "I am not leaving. But if you'd like to go, you'd both be doing me a favor."

"I say we stay for the meantime and gather supplies. But if we're gonna stay, we'll have to do a better job of fortifying this place."

There was still some sanity among law enforcement. He nodded at the tough guy in the black shirt. "I agree."
"That's why we have to fortify this place for the meantime." he held Nathan's shoulder. "Soldier, get a grip." he said calmly. "Look at these people, they aren't soldiers like you or me. They're just kids and normal folk." he added as he looked at the others. "It won't be for long. We're just gonna prepare and make sure we're not getting ourselves into deeper shit."

Jeff looked at the others who were gathered. They were stressed out. He needed to give them something to be hopeful about or at least something to take their minds off. They needed to be united and not the other way around.

"If we're gonna be staying for a bit, we'll need to build walls and traps." he told the group. "We can use the cars as makeshift walls but does anyone have any more ideas how to secure this place?" He was counting how many members there were in the group. "Is this everyone?" he asked the group.
Nathan was now really pissed off. This Evan kid was getting on his nerves. "You know what, twat?! I really want to punch the fuck out of you. You deserve it. I'm not going to do that though. I'd rather leave you here in this death trap." he then turned to Jeff and calmed down "You're right, but tell me the idea of staying here FOREVER is just insane? Well become food for walkers in less than two months. Month and a half if were lucky. This whole place is almost completely looted, and I'm pretty damn sure that that horde is not the last one we'll be seeing. I agree with you on staying to gather supplies, but one month. One month and a half and I'll be leaving, OK?"
"Why don't you take a fucking chill pill you asshole." Kenny was in the mans face by now. "Either way there's no telling if your peeps are alive. I may not know these people but don't risk their lives because you wanna know if your comrades are alive. It was never about settling down it was about you getting closure. If you wanna die, do it without us." Kenny yelled. "And stop selfish and get your head out of your ass. Its not a hat!"
Daisy sighed and leaned against the wall. Nobody had heard her, but that was okay. She was used to it, and she wasn't sure chex mix and candy bars would stabilize everybody. She kept quiet, not knowing any ideas, nor knowing if there was anyone else in the group that wasn't here. When Nathan threatened to punch Evan, she wanted to slap him. Sure, that wouldn't help with the violence, but still.

He said he would be here for one month, and quietly muttered to herself, "you and Evan will have killed each other by then." She also was tired, and watching everybody freak out was not helping anybody's mood. "Okay. Listen. Everybody settle down. We're not going to get anywhere obviously if we all keep fighting. So, why don't we all chill out, stop fighting and threatening to kill each other, and focus on the real problems we have at hand?" Her eyes traveled over everybody, exasperated.
Nathan looked at Kenny. "Shut the fuck up kid, I'm not talking to you." he looked at Jeff and said "Look, you're the only person I trust now, and I'll stay for one month and a half more. Then I'll leave. With or without somebody, but that base is my objective and I'm not gonna rest easy until I get there. So until then, I'll work with you."
"you and Evan will have killed each other by then."

Evan inched away from Nathan, his breathing quickened and he clenched his fists at his sight. He didn't deem it likely he could even last ten seconds against Nathan. There'd been too much fighting as it was.

"Okay. Listen. Everybody settle down. We're not going to get anywhere obviously if we all keep fighting. So, why don't we all chill out, stop fighting and threatening to kill each other, and focus on the real problems we have at hand?"

"No one threatened to kill anyone. Unless you'd count that suicidal idea of theirs," Evan retorted. He widenend the distance between him and Nathan by moving next to Jon. Daisy and Jeff were both trying to calm the everyone down but seemed themselves rather excited. Quietly he edged his hand towards his holster. Nathan was getting more threatening by the second and he wouldn't hesitate to blow that gas mask off his face if he'd make a move on anyone. Why this man insisted on staying for another month if he was so keen to go elsewhere eluded him.
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Everyone was just getting in and out of arguments, and Jon wanted it to stop, now. "Hey, Kenny, Nathan. You know why the walkers can kill us? Because they bloody act like a team. What the hell are we doing? Arguing like we're enemies." He stepped up, pushing himself between Kenny and Nathan. "This base sounds like absolute bull. and if you want to go and search for it, no one is going to stop you. In fact, I'd rather have you go look for it, rather than arguing with a child."

If Jon was the man, he would of went looking for it already.

"We're all people, and that's all that counts. We're not dead. Now let's start getting something done!"

Jon stepped back, shielding Evan with his body. He looked at the group of assorted individuals. "These doors need something to block it so we don't get surprised when we're asleep, I really don't understand how we haven't been killed yet."

"In fortifying, we need supplies. I'm suggesting we split the group up, half of us go and scavenge for supplies whilst the other half stays here and plans the fortifications. Children and injured are first priority in this, they always will be as long as I'm alive." Jon gave a blank look at Evan, simply checking up on him.

"Gas mask, whatever your name is, you can go with your SWAT friend. Take some others, go and scavenge the department stores, the rest can stay here and start building and regain their strength. It's been a long few days and I'd like some peace."

Jon looked up at the group. Perhaps he had solved the violence.
Nathan sighed. He had calmed down completely now. He looked at the man that had actually managed to calm things down and said "There is a construction site near by. If Jeff wants to, we can take the humvee and retrieve some materials. Hopefully metal planks or something of the sort. That ok with you?" he concluded, looking at Jeff.

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