[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"Hey don't think your the only one crazy. I mean, we must all be after what we saw- People killing people in ways that shouldn't be seen." Logan puts his hand on Dex's shoulder.
"Hmm, to much? Er- Sorry ya'll, a lot has been on my mind lately. Might be a lack o' sleep or something. I think I'll just go get something to drink."
Lia smiled at Logan "Have a nap, you'll be stronger..." 
Then Lia looked over at (Jeff?) and nodded that the kid was dangerous. "I think so too...I mean... someone his size can't fight off a hoard of zombies... and he looks too...pleased..." She whispers to him so the kid doesn't hear
"Maybe he's friendly. And if he's not, what'll he do? I mean, he's just a kid. What could he possibly do?" Matthew replied to Jeff and Lia's discerns, and began following Dex over to where the kid was standing by his truck. He slid himself down the hill, and began the small trek to the truck. He began shaking off Lia and Jeff's pessimism. I mean, the kid looked friendly enough. And he couldn't hurt anybody. Right?

"We're headed for Savannah right now, if you want to come with us. Less bandits, and boats."
Lia shook her head and pulled her knees to her chest, she glanced over to Dex worriedly "if the kid touches him, imma shoot" she whispers to Jeff and frowns
"I double that Matt. He is just a kid and we need ta' help him out a bit. If he's alone that means his parents are dead probably."
"Sure, he's harmless when he's made it out here all alone." he said sarcastically.

Jeff shook his head but it looked like his wasn't the popular opinion. Though Lia probably shared his sentiments after hearing what she said. "I still think this is a bad idea from personal and professional experience but the world we knew is gone. Opinions are basically equal and we're outnumbered." he said. Deep inside, Jeff hoped that Matt and Logan were right but a part of him still wanted to insist that the kid left. "I hope it doesn't have to come to that, Lia."

Jeff followed after Matt and tugged on his arm. "This is really not a good idea, Matt."
Lia peeked over the truck at the boy again and narrowed her eyes watching, she says to herself again "touch Dex, you die". She grabs onto the box of the truck and watches. Her knuckles turning white from gripping so hard. Deep in her she knew something was wrong about the boy. If he was older then sure, but he doesn't look to be around her age...maybe 14 or 15 sure. She let go of the truck and held her gun. She has a clear shot from here if he tries anything.
Vladimir smiled at Jeff's opinion, letting out a sigh, since he's not the only one who thinks that. "Matt, we shouldn't do this." He quickly said, after Matthew offered to invite the kid. Vladimir's hatred for kids and distrust for total strangers made it seem almost impossible for him to change his mind. "He could be a scout for another group, looking over our situation and trying to kidnap us." "We shouldn't let him in."
Matthew was almost to the kid when he felt a tug at his arm. "What?" It was Jeff and Vladmir. "Ok, say he is a traitor or something. I'll blow his f**king brains out myself. And anyways, I won't let you guys lose a wink of sleep over it. I'll watch him at all times. That ok?"
"Uh, hey. I'm James. Do you guys have shelter? I can give you provisions, I have some in my truck." James said, putting lots of innocence into his voice, as well as a hint of nervousness.

"Wh... Why are you all looking at me like that?"
Lia kept watching, her eyes narrowed. She sighed and relaxed herself a bit. She hopped out of the truck and jogged over to Dex. Her breathing a little unstable but she can handle it
"He's your responsibility then. Oh and if we're letting him in, we could check his truck if he has any supplies or anything." Said Vladimir to Matthew.

He noticed James say something. "It's nothing, we're just stuck here..." Vladimir replied.
Vladimir holsters his gun, noticing that the boy isn't a threat and walks back their truck, leaving Matthew and Logan to deal with the kid.
Logan walked over to the kid and looked him in the eye. "Where ya' from kid?" Logan knelt down so he could see the kid face-to-face.
Before her and Dex got back to the truck she pulled him off the path for a moment "I don't... I don't trust the kid Dex" She frowns slightly, glancing around making sure no one can hear

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