[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"Well, if we're going, we're going." Matthew waved his hand over his head, and turned to the kid. "Do you have any supplies in that truck? I'm not sure we're going to drive through that." He motioned his head towards Savannah, and began peering at the truck.
She smiled and looked around "y'know... I think I hear a zombie..." she sat up a bit and saw one crawling on the ground 
(guise guise guise walking dead is on nowwwww)
"Yeah sure, I have some. Come have a look." James said, acting happy to help.

He opened up the truck's boot. In there, he had two large fuel canisters, his rifle and a load of ammo, and food and water that would have lasted him about a week with careful rationing.

"Uh, the rifle's mine, but you can take the food and stuff."
"Fair enough." Matthew began rummaging around inside, and grabbed some of the food and the water. He then looked at the rifle. Matthew frowned, and then slightly, just a bit out of view, triggered the safety. He then backed away from the truck, and looked at the others. "Grab what you want, I'm heading out." With that, he began the short walk towards Savannah.
Vladimir noticed Matthew heading out, and walking. "Wait, you're just gonna go alone? How far is it to there?"
"I thought you guys were headed right behind me. Grab some of the stuff from the truck. We can head down to Crawford and likely trade. They might even let us live there." Matthew replied, and turned around to the dumbfounded looks in most of the group. "Y'now, Crawford? It's a nice community down in Savannah."
"I don't actually know, but sure, I'll go." Vladimir got off the truck and started walking with Matthew. "How long is the walk to there?"
"Hey you guys we could always take my truck if you like," said James. It was vital for him to earn their trust, get close to them, when the time came to act against them.
"I really don't know how long it should take, but what they said on the radio was to look for the 'pile of lurkers.' Whatever that means. I guess they call the walkers lurkers?" Matthew kept heading on, while the others were following him and Vladimir. "I'm sure it won't be hard to miss though." After this he turned to James. "On the radio they said they shoot everyone in cars on sight. I don't know why, just the way they do things." He finally approached the outskirts of the city. A sign hung above them, pasted onto a billboard. "Welcome to Savannah!" it read, and Matthew just kept on trekking into the city. It appeared as if they had entered into a suburb of sorts. Houses lined the streets, but no walkers were in sight.

That was when the bell began ringing. Ding-dong! Ding-dong!

"What the f**k?!" Walkers began coming down the street, headed for the survivors. Matthew readied his baseball bat in fear, but was suddenly blinded by bright headlights appearing. A gun blast, then two jeeps breaking through the horde came pulling through. The jeeps were military, and had mounted machine guns in the top. A man in the front yelled for them to jump on, and the mounted machine gunner looked down and motioned towards the group. Matthew nodded, and jumped inside the first jeep. Harry suddenly ran up and jumped in too. "Come on! Get inside the van or were leaving you for the lurkers!" The man in the drivers seat began yelling at the others.
James ran and jumped into the first jeep. He looked out of the left window, wincing every time the truck went over a bump. He brought out his rifle, chambered a round, and began to take shots at the zombies. Yes, he thought, I'll look a lot less innocent now, but he imagined they'd need all the help they could get in this situation.

He made sure every shot was a killing one, aiming for the head - open the chamber, put in a round, wait for a level bit, aim for the head, fire, repeat. It sounded simple, but it was anything but.
Lia stayed with Dex a little scared and looked over at Matthew. She jumped in the van with Dex and sat down holding her gun

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"Better hope your friends got in Danny's jeep." The man in the drivers seat called back, and the man in the gunners seat climbed down and closed the door. "You guys ever heard of a place called Crawford?" The man in the front called out again. Once he turned around to tell the survivors, Matthew got a good look at his face. He had a rugged black beard on him, and he looked extremely worn out. "I'm Terrence. The guy with the pilot helmet on who just came from the ceiling is Rob. Nice to meet ya'll."
SuperChocoMilk updated [Telltale] The Walking Dead with a new update entry:

The Story Now

So, all I wanted to say is that yes, we are going to Crawford. And yes, we will be there for a little bit. This is where the story is going to get interesting, with a few new rules that I need to discuss.
Crawford isn't yet the child-murdering town that we know from the game yet. The change will happen with our characters there, but not immediately.

NPCS can be created by anybody, and you don't need a character sheet. The thing is, they can be controlled and killed by anybody too.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Harry woke up after a while. "Where are we...?" he asked, tired and groggy. "Wait, where's the rest of our crew?"
Tommy found Crawford just about two weeks ago and they have welcomed him with open arms although he feels as if something is fishy about this place.. but he doesn't complain he keeps to himself, free food, free protection..can't go wrong.
Logan was sort of sceptical of Crawford, but it was a civilization, he might as well take the hospitality. Although he was still interested in Canada, he wanted to farm and this didn't seem like the ideal place. And unlike Canada, Zombies could breach them at any moment. However it was quiet and nice, he was able to get some time on his own and read a book about farming. He needed to stay fresh didn't he? The new faces were also nice, other people kept him sane, he didn't want to be alone, and in the end that was all that mattered to him.

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