[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

A week in Crawford gives you hope. People were friendly, and people were surviving. Maybe the world didn't have to burn, and people didn't have to eat each other. It was not just a thought, but a hope. A group of new people had arrived, so he simply decided to watch them pass by the school. One of the older members had decided to read a book. Carefully, he approached the man and spoke up. "Hey, name's Jon."
Harry just folded his arms, wondering when he'd get to take a step outside, since at the moment he was loathing for some fresh air. "I hope we get there soon, before I get car sick..."
Tommy noticed two guys talking one was reading a book, he also noticed a bunch of newcomers and wanted to know whats going on. "Hey im Tommy.. so uh do you guys know anything about these newcomers?"
he takes her hand and started to walk with her"this place feels weird something isn't right"he whisper to himself
Neri had just sat and watched this new kid, something was off about him. He reminded her of the children that she and her father had met when traveling around, although they were actually being payed to keep an eye on them. Either way she decided it would be best to be cautious around him until he either made himself seem more trustworthy or he spilled his guts. She silently followed the group the the extra supplies the kid had as they headed to Savannah .She knew the place apparently there was some sort of safe place there, but could a city really be the best place to go? She didn't ask though, there was nowhere for her to go anymore and dying just didn't seem all that appealing, so gripping the hilt of one of her knives and spinning it carefully in her hand she followed after the group, making sure to keep an eye on the boy. Once they were close enough to the city they appeared to be safe until the sound of a bell rang out, and that is when their luck changed it started with a hoard of walkers. She looked frantically around for any sort of escape rout that would avoid the walking dead, to their advantage a truck appeared with a man insisting they get on to escape. So naturally she jumped in letting the strangers introduce themselves and talk about this place they were being taken to called Crawford.

(Sorry I've been gone, I've had exams and stuff left and right this semester)
Xobic walkthrough Crawford he thought that he saw someone familiar he stop and rubs his eyes for a little while"could that be no it cannot be he should still be at that one place with the other two guys"thought to himself
Shane looked up from his book to notice a young man standing their, blocking the sun from his eyes. "Howdy partner, haven't seen ya' around here. What's the name, mines Logan." He smiled slowly and offered him a handshake
he saw her run to a spot that was clear of people he walked towards her having a feeling that someone was watching him
he felt the weight of her on his lap it felt good something holding him down to earth he watches the crowd of people

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