[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Evan awoke to the sound of Jon's voice. They were standing still. Why were they standing still? He discerned a figure a few feet away from the jeep, but couldn't quite tell who it was yet. The third thing he noticed was the hoodie that'd been draped over him. His heart made a little somersault and he wiped his eyes pre-emptively at having such love and care bestowed upon him. Careful not to rouse Lia or Aylaela, he climbed out of his seat and snuck out of the jeep. Hidden behind the large wheels, he saw that the figure in the dark was Ryker. Yet, he chose not to reveal himself yet, they'd probably insist on him staying in the jeep. Given his leg, that was a fair condition, but it made him feel useless nevertheless. He decided then that he would listen in on whatever the men were planning. Perhaps he could help them in a minor way that didn't require him to run or walk long distances.
Kat hoped and continued to hope. But then stomped her feet on the ground. Imagining her dead friend Wendy and thinking she is real and having conversation.
Ryker looked at Jon noticing he had loaded the rifle he'd been carrying. He glanced at his clothes and grinned man he looked bad. Ryker shook his head "naw I'm fine". Though that wasn't entirely ture. He was exhausted and was tempted to collapse were he stood. Ryker shook his head he needed to hang in there.
Ryker said he was alright but Sam could see he wasn't so. He had to travel the long distance the Jeep had and he also probably was shot at during his escape.

Sam went to Ryker and patted his shoulder softly.

"You must be exhausted, man." He gestured to the passenger seat in the Jeep. "You can get some rest if you want."

Sam pointed to the selection of guns on the ground at their feet.

"We're also planning on checking out these buildings later." Sam glanced at the Jeep to see if they were all still sleeping.

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Jonathan let the rifle drop out of his left hand, a smile coming to his face before adding onto Sam's words.

"I was planning on checking the gas station for hostiles before driving the Jeep in, filling it up and getting the hell out of Savannah," he jerked a thumb back at the Jeep, "thing is, these kids are asleep and we can't just leave them alone."

He clicks his tongue, looking at Matthew, "I was gonna leave you here with a basket full of guns," he drops his tone slightly, "sorry about that Matthew." Quickly turning back to Ryker, "We leave Matt and you here, me and Sam and check the gas station for walkers or bandits. You can drive up slowly with the Jeep, fill the thing up, and we leave Savannah before anyone even wakes up."

"Of course, I want the opinion of everyone awake, so..."
"Of course, I want the opinion of everyone awake, so..."

"I don't think we should split up." He limped out of hiding, resting one hand on the jeep's trunk for support. His eyes were only half open, but glistened with a steely determination. "I can help," he offered, "I know how to shoot. Drive the car up to the station, leave me and Ryker to protect it." He wasn't as scared of walkers as he was scared of running out of gas. That metal box on wheels was their only protection, the only thing that would give them a sure edge over the undead. Without it, they could just as well string themselves up.
"I'm up for it if Ryker's isn't too tired." Sam agreed as he emptied out his backpack into the back of the Jeep.

Sam took out everything until the only thing that was left was his wallet and a small towel that he lined at the bottom.

He zipped it up and swung the straps over his shoulders.

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"I'm up for it if Ryker's isn't too tired." Sam agreed as he emptied out his backpack into the back of the Jeep.

Sam took out everything until the only thing that was left was his wallet and a small towel that he lined at the bottom.

He zipped it up and swung the straps over his shoulders.

Evan came from behind the car and offered to help. Sam immediately said, "Sorry, I would bring you but you're injured and your safety is my priority now." Sam knew the kid was at a disadvantage. The last thing he wanted was for Evan to be in danger.

Sam added, "Besides, I need you here to protect Aylaela and the others."

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Lia heard everyone talking and her eyes sleepily fluttered open, she heard something about going to a gas station and she peered over the box. Sleepily, she mumbled while rubbing her eyes "can I come?" She needed a distraction from Dex and Logan. Maybe she can find somewhere quiet where she can end the miserableness and be with her family. She kept that to herself. She spoke again, "I have good aim..." She smiled slightly and stood up. She climbed out of the box and stood beside Evan, who she was shorter, since she's 4'11. She could tell he was wayyy younger than her just by his facial features. She let out a yawn and looked at Jonathan.
Sam added, "Besides, I need you here to protect Aylaela and the others."

Evan lowered his head. "I know, I just wish I could go with you," he said. Just then the girl with the bandages on her elbows stood beside him, he was slightly amused to notice that he was taller than her. Still, at least she could help. At least she was being useful. "Good luck," he whispered to her before sauntering back around the jeep and reassuming his position in the backseat. Aylaela was still soundly asleep it seemed

He propped the hoodie up to make a cushion and put it on her lap. For a second, he wondered if she would have any objections to him resting his head on her lap, but he concluded she probably wouldn't. His mind searched for ways to contribute to the group as he layed down and stared at the jeep's ceiling, praying that his leg would heal soon so he could show Sam, Jonathan, Matthew, Ryker and all the others that he could take care of himself, and walkers.
"Fine by me. I'll come to the gas station too, if you need me. Otherwise, well, I'm not exactly...Y'now." Matthew held his Magnum at his side, waiting for the others to come to a conclusion. He didn't feel like leading anyone anymore. Considering that his left hand was gone now, he didn't exactly have the strength he used to. Evan headed back for the jeep, and sat down once more. Poor kid, he really seemed like he wanted to help out. "Look, if we're going, we better go now."
Everyone was now waking up due to the severity of their conversation, the idea worried Jon slightly, was there someone else, out there, listening?

He shook the thought about, beginning to gather the survivors of his groups. "Okay, guys," he set the duffle bag back on the truck, "everyone grab a gun and get on. Sam, you're driving." With that, he put the body of his rifle in his palm and set himself to sit in the passenger's seat.
Lia took her handgun from her belt, the gun she's kept the whole time. She smiled, there was a slight pained look to her. Emotional pain. She was breaking and it was visible. She checked her ammo and there was enough. Like she needed it, she was gonna die anyway. She looked at the group. Non of them seemed to car about her, what would it matter if she died?
Evan absent-mindedly rummaged through the duffle bag until he found a the right rounds for his pistol. Pulling his father's .45 from his holster, he carefully filled the six vacant slots, clicked the wheel back in and checked the safety. Even though he'd have to stay with the car, eight bullets would offer more protection than two. He rubbed his eyes, trying to focus himself on what was ahead. If shit would come down, he and Matthew would have to make sure everyone could get in safely. Perhaps he was being of some use after all. Pondering on his options, he made a mental note to stay inside the car and aim through the windows instead. If he got outside, he'd only slow himself down and get in the way.
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Sam nodded to the others. He went to the guns on the ground and knelt down beside them.

He didn't want anything loud or heavy and even then, Sam was only going to use it as a last resort.

The first was a military assault rifle and it appeared to be brand new. Sam skipped over and examined a sub machine gun. It was rusted from use but it looked like it would work fine. Lastly, Sam's gaze was drawn to a pistol, it's silver barrel shining like the glaze of a donut. Sam picked it up and he saw it was dirty. He took it apart and cleaned it thoroughly.

He used to shoot in JROTC competitions and his training had come in handy. After reassembling it, Sam got into the driver's seat and looked back at the group.

"Since everybody is awake, we'll be able to drive over there and fill up the tank quickly." He looked at them with kind eyes as he knew, they were going into dangerous territory.

"This is what we're going to do: We'll drive up to the gas station very quietly."

Sam looked at the young boy and two girls:

"Lia and Aylaela: Stay in the vehicle and look around for walkers. If you see one, communicate with gestures. Speaking is just is loud as firing gun at this point. Evan, I need you to fill up the Jeep with gas. If you don't know how, someone will briefly show you."

Sam looked at Matthew and Ryker.

"Matt and Ryker, set up a guard in the parking lot of the gas station's convenience store. Protect the entrance."

Sam looked at Jon. "Jon and I will go into the convenience store and look around for some food and anything useful. Also, remember: use your melee if you get attacked, if you shoot a gun, you will attract all the walkers in a significantly large radius." He gathered up a breath and exhaled. "Any questions?"

He gave them all one last look and said, "Easy as pie." before he started the Jeep and adjusted his seatbelt.

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Lia giggled and shook her head. She reached into her backpack and took out a silencer attachment that Crawford let her have. She put it on her gun and looked at Sam "I'm a lot smarter than that Sam" She hopped into the back of the jeep and stayed quiet after what she had to say. She leaned against the side and pulled her knees to her chest
Matthew quickly began searching the bag. Rifles, pistols, pretty much every type of ammunition. Every type except for 44. magnum. He looked at the gun, and checked how many bullets he had left. Four. Make'em count. "Well, I'm ready when you guys are." He looked around at the group, then he walked outside and peered down the street. Matthew shook his head at where Crawford had once been, then headed back for the jeep. The poor damned souls.

(I'm sorry my posts are getting shorter, it's just I barely have time to write much this week.)
Evan nodded, he could do that, nice and quiet. He'd refuelled the tractors on his father's farm often enough and imagined a Jeep wasn't all that different. In the privacy of his mind he hoped there'd be some jerrycans he could fill up and stow into the trunk. The more they had in reserves, the safer he felt. "I am ready," he said softly. He didn't feel too well prepared, but when would he ever?
Aylaela groggily awoke from her none to restful sleep to find everyone else up and moving. Sam's sweatshirt was folded on her lap, Evan awake as well. Quietly yawning, she brushed her hair behind her shoulder, sitting up to see people preparing for God knows what. Though she soon understood when Sam began laying out a plan for this has station raid.

When the boy said she was to stay in the car, Aylaela frowned. For some reason men had a tendency to look at her and think she couldn't pull her own weight. Shaking her head, she ignored it. They could think what they wanted, Aylaela could take care of herself.

In response she nodded, placing Sam's hoodie folded on the middle console of the Jeep.
Sam felt Ayaela place his folded hoodie next to him.He looked at her in the rear view mirror and saw her forehead and eyebrows wrinkle in a frown. His eyes wandered to the freckles on her nose and the curved edge of her jaw. She had a delicate face but she was strong and it showed through her actions.

He smiled, and thought 'In your best interest..'. Sam sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair. He wished he could get a haircut.

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Jon took a step onto the dashboard, balancing the bolt-action rifle on the top of the Jeep's windshield. He makes a motion, pretending to pull the bolt handle back and upwards, before motioning to push it backwards into position. With everyone on high alert, they should be fine when it came to walkers, but a bandit with a gun could leave anyone dead on the pavement. He snarled at the thought.

With his left hand, he padded the pistol tucked in his pants. Could of grabbed a magazine for it, but he figured they'd be fine.

Would they be fine though? His mind drifted, asking questions. What would happen when if they escaped Savannah? Would they set up camp and start waiting? Or would they think of some means of escape from the apocalypse? The ocean? A fortified base? What about food, they only had guns and ammunition, nothing in terms of supplies. Medicine and food was going to be an immediate concern, and what about water!

Jon gripped the windshield's rim tightly, there wasn't really anything keeping him here. Evan was important, but Sam and Ayleala seemed to have parenting covered. He could bounce anytime, what was keeping him here?
Sam started up the car and edged into the street. The coast seemed clear. He lightly pressed the gas pedal and it lurched slowly onto the pavement, small rocks crunching under the wheels.

He drove a couple feet forward and didn't notice any movement in front of him. The gas station was right up ahead. Sam drive through the cemetery of cars and finally pulled up next to one of the pumps. He didn't see any walkers.

Sam stopped the car and waited for the shuffle of dragged feet, the low snarl, and the long groan that accompanied zombies.


He was ready to search the store.

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