[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Eager to get going, Evan squeezed himself past Aylaela and got out of the jeep. Even though the place looked lifeless, which was a good thing, there still was the typical scent of gasoline permeating the air. He grabbed the nearest nozzle, turned it upside down and gave it a little shake to see if a drop would fall out. Nothing, it was dry as cork. Still hopeful, he opened the gastank door and locked the nozzle in, then squeezed the trigger. The machine didn't make a sound and the hose remained flat.

He had more luck on the second nozzle and let the jeep fill up automatically whilst he scanned the area for jerrycans. Often, that stuff stood outside the cashier's building, but other survivors had long taken the easy fish. "Jon," he tugged the man's sleeve. "If you find a jerrycan, take it, there's plenty of gas here." He let go of the man's sleeve and shot a look at Sam, then Jon again. "Be careful," he muttered before he turned around and focused on his task again.
Lia jumped out of the truck and looked around. It was quiet. And she couldn't see anything. She felt her head get dizzy and she fell to the ground. It was the lack of oxygen she was taking in and the gasoline made it worse.

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Aylaela sat in the Jeep, watching for any rotting corpses walking about, but it was generally vacant of any thing, dead or alive.

The smell of gas was just as strong as it had been before the apocalypse, causing a headache to form for the girl. She had always preferred the scent of fresh, growing land to anything the city offered in smells.

Aylaela sits up, startled as Lia keens over, passing out. "What the..." Aylaela looks around before jumping out of the Jeep, shaking the other girl's shoulder. "Lia," she whispers quietly near the girl's ear. "Are you alright?"

Looking over for someone free, Aylaela gestures for help to get the girl into the back of the Jeep.
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Ignoring the throb in his leg, Evan limped his way over to Lia's side. "What happened? Is she alright?" He briefly pressed his ear against her chest to check her heartbeat. She was still very much alive, that much was certain. Or had she been bit and was she starting to turn? The though horrified him and he made a mental note to keep a safe distance between himself and Lia until he was certain that she was fine. Putting two hands under her arm, ready to hoist her back up onto her feet, he quirked an eyebrow at Aylaela. "I guess that leaves just us to protect the car," he muttered under his breath.
Matthew was leaned up against the gas station, scouring the area surrounding them for any walkers. Or, not-walkers. He gripped onto his gun like it was his baby, and was ready for anything that popped up. Matthew sighed, then started knocking on the window. "Hey, if you guys see any type of hat in there, can you bring me it? I know it sounds stupid, but I left my old one at Crawford, and... I don't know, I just like hats." He turned back around to guarding the gas station, and began thinking.

Holy shit Matthew, you just lost your hand.

It hadn't really occurred to him much, but he realized it now. There was no use in acting normal. You just lost. Your ****ing hand. Your goddamn left hand had been cut off, and was now lying on some table in some hellhole town, in some hellhole room, with some hellhole people. He began wondering if any walkers had gotten in that room and started eating his hand. No, don't think about that. Don't do that. At all. Matthew grew pale, but kept his calm against the gas station. But everything seemed different. Like he was on a high and a hangover at the same time.


He could hear everything. At least it felt like he could. Aylaela and Evan were talking about something, but he didn't notice. He was focusing on the rummaging behind the store. The scavenging inside. Ryker, slowly taking small steps, pacing....

He was going insane.

Matthew snapped together, and everything went back to normal again as he saw Lia pass out, and Aylaela and Evan rushing to her aid. "Shit. Ryker, keep watching the gas station, I'll be right back." Matthew began running for the three, calling to them along the way. "What the **** is happening to her?!"
Lia leaned heavily on Evan. She coughed. That always happened when she never had enough oxygen. She set her hand on her stomach as it started to hurt. She gasped for air. "My inhaler" she gasped and pointed to her backpack on the back of the jeep. She coughed more.

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After jumping off the Jeep, nodding to Evan, and simply furrowing his brow as Lia fell to the floor, Jon gestured to Sam. His gestured pointed towards the store's door, as he himself starting walking towards it. "They'll deal with her, let's just look for food or a jerry can or something."

He took a step, placing the rifle into his left palm before stopping again as everyone started yelling. He thought he heard a groan, or a moan...

Slamming his feet against the pavement he sprinted towards the gas station's doors, pushing them open with his shoulder before peering within, his finger on the trigger, his eye laid upon the iron sights.

Walkers might be around here, somewhere, but he wanted to find something to transport fuel.

He needed Sam covering him though.
Aylaela got up, quickly moving to the Jeep to locate the girl's bag. Quickly she grabbed the backpack, rifling through it until she grasped the inhaler and went back to Lia, shaking the container.

"Here," she says, handing the inhaler to the girl. Aylaela gives a concerned look to Matthew and Evan. "Does this happen often?" She asks Lia, waiting till she takes the medication.
Lia took it from Aylaela and took two puffs from it then let out a deep breath "i...have bad lungs" she breathed out. "It usually happens when the air isn't clear or when I run a long time" she mumbled and leaned on the jeep

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Bad lungs, sprained ankle, lost hand, just how long were they going to survive? A few days? A week maybe? What if one of the healthier members got bit or would desert them? One after the other, these questions bubbled into his mind. They really relied on their slightly busted jeep to escape if a third of them was unable to run for long or run at all. "But you'll be okay, right?" Evan asked. His eyes fell onto her bandaged elbows, maybe she'd been bit there. "What happened to your elbows?"
"I fell out of a tree" she shrugged "and yes I'll be fine. I have like four more inhalers." She flashed him a reassuring smile the took a few more deep breaths then looked at Aylaela. She saw Lia fall out of the tree

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Aylaela nodded to confirm Lia's story. She may not have seen the girl fall, but she had seen her arms, and of she had been bite, she would've turned by now.

"Lia, I think it would be best if you got into the Jeep, just in case." The girl suggested, looking up to see of any dead had wandered nearby.
For the first time since he'd been separated from his parents, Evan laughed. He immediately covered his mouth so as to not attract any Walkers but could only barely contain his laughter. Eyes sparkling with a vivid light, he sniggered silently and slammed his free hand on his thigh. When he finally calmed down his cheeks were flushed bright red. "You fell out of a tree?" He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing again. "Sorry, but that's just too funny."
"Okay" she nodded and walked to the door of the jeep. She slowly climbed in and sat. She looked pale but it wouldn't last long, unless they hurried up and got out of there.

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Sam shot one more worried look at the group tending to Lia before he followed Jon into the store. He brought his pistol up with his right hand, his left hand supporting it.

The store was dark and messy. The horrid smell of dead flesh disturbed his nose so he brought his bandana over it. Bright sunlight poured into the middle of the store where the roof had collapsed. The dozen shelves were almost empty.. Almost.

But first, he went behind the counter and went for the cabinet. As he went around the corner, he stepped on something soft and fleshy. Sam jumped back and looked at his feet. A dead bearded man with an apron lay at his feet, decay eating at his face. Sam winced as he stepped over the corpse and knelt down in front of the safe. There was a cabinet but it was firmly locked. Sam, disappointed, stood up and put his hand on his hips.

He then realized the dead man might've been the owner of the store. Sam carefully went to the body and rolled him over. He was afraid the man would turn around and bite his face off, but he didn't. Sam dug around in the apron pocket before producing a small black key.

He went to the safe and tried it. As it turned, the safe clicked, and a smile appeared on Sam's face. The door swung open and inside was two boxes of .44 Magnum bullets (one half empty) a bundle of hundred dollar bills, a square silver key, a can opener, and a coiled siphon. They were odd things to put in a safe but he nonetheless grabbed everything.

Sam leaped over the counter and met with Jon. "You find anything?"

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"If she's fine I think I'll head back to the gas station." Matthew gave Lia a look, then began heading back. Evan was laughing about Lia falling out of a tree, and Matthew tapped him on the shoulder with his pistol. It wasn't a threat tap, just a stop doing that for your own good tap. He walked up to the gas station, and looked inside to see if they had found anything yet. He waved to Jon and Sam, then turned back to his post. Watching. Watching. Watching.



Matthew grew pale once more, urging himself to stop thinking about all the blood he had just lost. All the pain he had just gone through. Still going through. His stump felt like it was on fire. It was itchy and burning, and it felt like it was still there. Matthew could close his imaginary fingers, but there was nothing there.

His vision was going blurry.
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Aylaela hid a smile at Evan's outburst, and when Matthew tapped him she waited till he turned to share a conspiring wink.

"You should really quiet down," she says softly, an oh so serious expression fixed upon her face before a grin breaks through.

Aylaela scans the street, eyes lighting upon a tire iron next to an abandoned car just out of the station. "Stay here, hm?" She says, creeping forward to grasp the shaft, testing the weight. She nods in appreciation, thankful she could save the spade for what it was made for hopefully one day.

Looking up, a shriveled corpse lays in the car, the sight putting Aylaela on edge, before stepping back, seeing the man unmoving. She retreats back to the Jeep quietly, shaking her head at the man's unfortunate passing like so many others.
(sorry guys im writing chapters lol)

Sam looked inside his bag and saw it was only a quarter of the way full. He continued down the aisle and picked up 7 cans of food, 4 of corned beef and 3 of mixed vegetables. Now his bag was almost full. He only had space for a little bit more before his bag couldn't handle the weight. Sam walked around and examined the shelves. Broken cans lay in their own wasted puddles, bullet casings scattered around it like the few last pieces of Cheerios in milk. Glass and brick littered the floor. A long ceiling light strip had fallen and blocked a side door to the left.

Sam sucked under the light and took out the square silver key. On its handle was a small curling sticker with the text, 'MASTERKEY'. Sam shrugged as he tried it. It opened easily and Sam entered the room.

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He crossed his arms upon being corrected. As if the man was his father or some sort of babysitter! He nearly scowled at Aylaela when she began hushing him too, but relaxed his shoulders and smiled when he noticed her grin.

No sooner then she'd told him to stay put he hid behind the jeep. There wasn't a Walker to be seen and now that he'd gotten a taste of fun he desired more of it. That grumpy, serious Matthew would probably have berated him for it if he'd been nearby, but luckily he wasn't.

(I would make it longer if I wasn't on my phone. Autocorrect hates my guts and typing is a chore because of it)
Jon took a different approach to his more innocent and younger survivor ally. Kicking open the doors to the backrooms, he looked around the measly storage area.

Jerry can, right?

He dropped his rifle on the floor, looking behind every nook and cranny, every shadowed corner and every enclosed space. In the shadow of several tires he found a yellow square with a handle. Running his hand along the object, he felt a spot of wetness.

The leak was minor, but still evident. Reaching into a toolbox in the corner, he retrieved a length of duct tape and covered it over the crack.

As soon as he turned around, that's when it happened. A mass of rotting flesh shambled towards him, grasping at his shoulders. With panic, he swung the gas can at the walker, knocking it back.

Rushing for the toolbox, he grasped a hammer, swinging around to bat the walker directly in the face, implanting the hammer within. Letting go, the walker dropped to the floor.
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Before she could get but a few steps, Aylaela noticed the absence of Evan. Immediately her heart rate jumped until she took a breath. She hadn't worry about the boy, right? He was probably just getting the gas like Sam had put him too earlier.

Only to be sure, Aylaela spoke softly, "Evan?"
Holding his breath he snuck around the jeep and around her. Almost he jumped up to grab her shoulders and scare her properly, but when she whispered his name, concern seeping through her voice, he had second thoughts. " I am here," he said. He stood near the front of the jeep now and lowered his head in shame. " I wanted to scare you but I...well," his voice trailed off and he looked at the metal bar in her hand. She could've thought he was a Walker and have hit him with it, the thought made him cringe. "Sorry," he muttered again. "How long do you think they'll take?"
Aylaela lowered the tire iron to rest on her thigh, having raised it slightly if the need had arose. At Evan's appearance and statement, the girl closed her eyes, taking a deep breath the control her unreasonable anger. Teens will be teens, and even adults had their moments, plus she had just met these people and wanted to leave a good impression.

"I'm glad you didn't," she says, opening her eyes to give Evan a tired smile. "Or I might've had to test it out," the girl says in relation to the weapon in her hands, making the joke clear by swinging the iron like a golf club.
Lia laid her head down on the seat and closed her eyes, not meaning to fall asleep but does. The dream from before doesn't come to her, which is good. Lias plan to kill herself would have to wait until another night. She let out soft snores in her deep sleep.

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Careful to remain quiet, Evan shuffled closer to Aylaela and cocked his head in an attempt to read her expression. "You aren't mad at me, are you?" The smile she'd given him hadn't been very convincing. Best to iron out any trouble, he thought. He relied on these people and scolded himself for having been so reckless. A click announced that the tank was full and Evan pulled the nozzle from the car. He glanced over his shoulder. What was taking the others so long? He hoped Jon had managed to find a jerry can...

The snores coming from Lia made him cover his mouth again. She truly was a source of entertainment to him.

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