[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Sam entered the room.

Inside was what appeared to be a living quarters. The smell was dry and horrible and a window allowed the only light in. The sun shone on a dirty mattress.

Sam realized the two shapes on the mattress were body bags, one sized for probably a woman, and another for a small child. Sam backpedaled until his back touched the wall. He covered his mouth in horror.

He stood there for a couple of seconds before he approached the bodies. What had happened?

Sam walked around the room, but with the bodies always in sight. He saw coloring book, crayons, a water bottle, blankets, a flower in a bar, and other things usually found in a modern household.

He heard a soft thump in the back of the store.

He called out to Jon,

"You okay?"

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Aylaela shook her head, placing her back against the Jeep, hearing Lia's soft snoring permeating the quiet.

"No I'm not, just," she sighed. "It's not as easy anymore. Too laugh." She elaborates.

On the road, Aylaela had seen her fair share of zombies and corpses, horrors that would be forever with her. Laughter had become a distant memory of a time better than the one she was stuck in. A heavy heart found it harder to enjoy the small things of life anymore.
As Sam called, Jon scrambled out of the room, stuffing the rifle into his empty palm before nearly slipping on the shards of glass laid about the floor.

Regaining his footing, he called out to Sam. "We are leaving. Now!" With that, he ran, breaking glass shards, and out the door

He called to those at the Jeep, "Ayleala, Evan! In the Jeep!" He moved quickly, tossing the canister into the back before jumping into the front seat.

"We have wasted enough time here," he muttered under his breath, "Who knows if Crawford had followed us here."
Evan edged even closer to her until he stood next to her. He listened intently to what she had to say. "It ain't easy, " he agreed, "I thought I would never laugh again for a while." A long breath escaped his lips. He looked up to Aylaela, checking one last time if he could trust her. "I was on the road with my parents and sister. We ran into trouble at a pharmacy. I had to bolt, my mom and dad kept the walkers away for as long as possible." A lump formed in his throat and he had to swallow a few times before he continued. "My little sister turned and I-" he bit his lip furiously, for too long he'd kept to himself. For to long he'd been by himself. She had cared for him, she deserved to know. "My sister was sick before we got ambushed by walkers. She was turning. I shot her," he glanced up at Aylaela, "but I never got to tell my parents that I'd done it. I haven't laughed since then, not until now. I was just survivin' you know?"

He rubbed his eyes before he'd make a show of himself and start crying in front of this stranger. A kind stranger, but a stranger still.
Aylaela stood still for a moment, shocked at how similar the boy's story was to her own in minuscule ways. "Yeah. I know."

Memories roll over her like waves lapping at the shore, unrelenting in their pursuit. "It's not easy. It will never be easy, and we'll lose people, but I suppose they'd want us to keep surviving? No one wants to be a flesh eating monster, you did your sister a kindness," she says, attempting to comfort Evan before Jon's voice rang through the gas station with a determined haste about it.

She stirs into motion, opening the door of the Jeep for Evan, "After you Short Straw." She says hurriedly, spurred by Jon's urgency.
Where was he? Stumbling around somewhere, vision blurred and sounds firing off like cannons. His ears were ringing. Ringing. Someone was yelling. Sounded a bit like Jon.

Pull yourself together!

Matthew's vision returned back to normal, then he realized that Jon was yelling for them all to get into the car. "The hell?" Matthew mumbled off to himself, then looked towards Ryker and began running towards the jeep. His vision blurred again, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. "F**k!" He pulled himself up with one of the gas pumps, then got moving towards the jeep once more.
Sam turned fast. He saw Jon run down the middle aisle, quickly urging him of the need to leave.

"Huh?" He said to himself. Then he heard the all too familiar sound of walkers stumbling from the storage room.

Dammit Jon, Sam thought a little disappointed. Sam jogged up to a zombie who had revealed itself from the corner, he sliced it's head off with a firm swing of his knife. The zombie fell but behind him, like a sick ugly clique of rotting animation were his walker buddies. Sam ran through an aisle, through the entrance, and into the parking lot.

"Matthew! Ryker! Let's go!" Sam ran to the Jeep and hopped in the passenger seat. The car started with a rumble and ahead, the group of undead began to pick up their pace.

Sam found Matthew stumbling in the parking lot, the zombies closing in.

"Cover me!" He yelled as he jumped out of the passenger seat to help Matthew back to the car.

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"Dammit!" he yelled, bringing himself to stand and and face the walkers pouring from the station. Bringing the iron sights to his eye, he fired, the blast from the gun ringing as a walker's brains exploded from the back of it's head.

Reliving an old motion, he pulled the bolt lever back and upwards, a bullet casing popping out of the slide and landing with a metallic ringing on the pavement. Pushing the lever back into place, he fired another shot, downing a mangled walker as it reached for Matthew.

"Hurry!" he yelled, popping out another rifle casing.
Sam sprinted to Matthew, a deafening shot echoing from the Jeep. He pulled Matthew up and began carrying him to the car. Jon shot again.

Sam could hear the ringing in his ears.

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"Thanks." Matthew told Sam, then began heading for the jeep. Once he got there, he put his gun on the roof then opened the door. Grabbing the gun, Matthew looked back at the silhouettes chasing the survivors down. He climbed into the back, his eyes now fuzzy, causing the space inside the jeep to warp and distort. His head hurt like hell, and truthfully he felt like dying.
She knew better.

She knew much better than to put herself in self into such a dangerous position, but she had run out of time and ideas. If Neri had stayed another second she would have been killed for just knowing some of those in the group that had escaped. It was bad enough that she had a gun to her head and was standing next to where Logan's body lay, but she volunteered to hunt them down all the same. She claimed to know how to fight and track, not a complete lie but not the whole truth either. She had known how to track wildlife but that was a lifetime ago and without practice the talent was almost lost, or so she believed.

They agreed all the same, as long as she carried no weapons and went with four fully armed men, the odds of her escaping weren't very good. But then again it wouldn't be the first time. In a few hours time they were packed into a car and were on the road following the direction someone had seen them go. Neri sat in the bad sandwiched between to men who would not stop talking, several topics of which were infuriating but she continued staring straight ahead looking any sign of the survivors.

"Anything?" One of them growled to the driver.

"Quit being a little b*tch, they couldn't have gone too far."

The drive didn't last long before she luckily caught sight of some tire tracks in the distance, thank God for her perfect eyesight.

"STOP!" She screamed and he scrambled for the door handle before the driver could slam the breaks and as such she rolled out of the car into a muddy ditch.

"What the f**k!" The angry driver stormed out and practically dragged her out by her hair. "Who the f**k do you think you are!" She pointed at the distant tracks that could have belonged to any truck.

"If we drive up in that monstrosity they'll get away!" The man released her and she immediately began to massage her aging scalp. The men argue amongst themselves for a bit and as they did Neri caught a glimps of a dead walker lying a few feet away, it's bones were broken and had already been stripped of any flesh. She got an idea and her face wrinkled in disgust but she grabbed the fractured bone, ripped it out of its socket and hid it effectively in the back of her jeans, under her shirt and torn vest.

Once the men agreed to leave one in the car, another halfway and the other two would go with Neri to check if the tracks led to the escapees.

They did lead to a truck, but there were walkers already in them none resembling those they were looking for so the men turned back around planning out how they would deal with each of them and were terribly graphic, especially when it came to the women.

Neri took a deep breath and pulled the bone from it's hiding spot, she needed to be quick about it, if there was too much noise the other two would come after her.

"C'mon girl!" She hid her makeshift weapon from sight and followed closely behind one. He noticed her strange behavior but before he could say anything besides "hey" the bone was in his neck and any words became gargling noises that caught the other ones attention and several yelled curses. He raised his gun and began to shoot she his behind the body and shot back with the dying mans gun. By some devine work she didn't miss and two shots hit his head.

She grinned despite her shaking and churning stomach. She didn't have time to waste. Neri grabbed everything she could carry, her machete one of them had taken and strapped to his hip, two guns, one of their backpacks filled with more weapons, ammunition and medical supplies. She could hear the other two shouting for some sort of confirmation that everything was alright. Her shaking became worse when the man with a bone lodged in his throat began to make uncoordinated movements. She backed away slowly until she was out of its reach then hauled ass.

She ran, and ran and ran until her lungs burned and her legs ached and then she ran harder until she reached another truck few yards away, this one wasn't empty but unlike the last they weren't walkers. They were alive, and most of them were strangers to her except for one she could see entering the vehicle.

"Gracias a Dios." She mumbled, jogging towards it, it was actually hilarious how she kept finding them, but she didn't have time for such things. They're were walkers wandering about going after some people and as much as she wanted to help she was selfish and she would not accept dying after running for so damn long.

So instead she did something stupid.


(I'm not actually sure how long this is as it was written on my phone.)
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Turning his head, he brought the iron sights of his rifle to his eye. Some woman was running down the street at them, calling Matthew's name. Who the hell she was, he didn't know, but that sparked the neuron in his brain to swiftly pull the trigger. As Sam and Ryker scrambled into the Jeep, the vehicle tipped at the weight, sending him to tumble slightly and the shot to go far into the distance.

As he tumbled, the rifle's blast pushed him directly off the Jeep. There were way too many people on the Jeep, they wouldn't get far with this thing. Quickly, he scrambled to his feet, looking around, "Can someone look for something, a bike? Another car?"
Lia heard all the commotion and woke up. Sitting up quickly she saw all the walkers and took out her gun. She quickly swung into the back of the truck and shot a few in the head. She saw a truck not too far away. Maybe she could make it to that. She grabbed her backpack and hopped out, jogging over to the truck. She climbed in and saw the keys already in the ignition. Good. It took a few tries to start, but it did and the tank was full. She drove over to the group "some get in the back!"

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Short straw. He barely had time to smile at his nickname. The peace of the night was torn asunder by the moans of the undead. Every undead shithead was one too many, and they just wouldn't fucking die. Chaos turned into mayhem. Someone shouted Matthew's name, the car tilted, the walkers came closer. Half-falling, half squeezing his way past the others, Evan made it out of the Jeep. Walkers were coming from every direction. Ignoring the pain in his ankle he pulled out his gun, aimed and fired. The bang attracted more walkers to him, but that was exactly his point. He limped further away and shot again. "Over here you big toads!"

More and more walkers came for him, which meant less were left at the jeep. Now he just needed to escape. Bang bang. Five more shots. Thrice as many walkers surrounded him, staring at him with hungry eyes. He shot another, his options were closing. There! Lia had managed a ride. The adrenaline overruled his pain. Like a rabbit he dashed out of the circle of walkers and threw himself onto her car, clinging onto the slippery steel the best he could. "Drive!"
Lia drove a few walkers, then pulled up again. For more to climb in. "The jeep will still be too full!" Lia shouted towards Evan. There were still Walkers around. She took her gun and shot a few that were coming near her truck.

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Hanging on for dear life, Evan struggled to remain atop the truck. When Lia finally stood still for a second, to shout something back at him, he pulled himself up into the safe confines of the trunk. She'd picked a good car. A rusty, but sturdy pick-up truck. Evan crouched in the back and aimed his pistol to clear a path from the nearly overrun jeep to the truck. "Come on!" he waved some of the others over. "Run! Just fucking run!"
Aylaela whipped around at the yell of another female other than Lia. She couldn't recognize her, even if she could get a good look at the girl through the zombies.

Shots fired to her right, distracting a few of the dead from the Jeep that hadn't already lumbered toward the new woman. Evan was limping away, drawing off zombies, causing Aylaela's heart to skip in fear.

Hefting her tire iron, she held the weapon like a bat, having played baseball in the county league for years. Stepping forward, she swings the iron into a dead's head, causing chunks and liquid to fly and eliciting a grimace from her features.

Aylaela heard a truck growl to life as Evan shouted drive. Good, he should be safe. She gets into the Jeep, since it was the safest option, looking towards the woman. "Well? Are we getting out of here or not?"
A shot rung through the area and vibrated through his ears.

"MATTHEW!" Someone had called Matthew's name. Sam turned to the voice and saw a woman, perhaps another survivor. Sam shouted over the gunfire, "Get over here! Whoever you are! We don't have much time!"

More zombies.

Sam handed Matthew the .44 bullets.

"Thought you might need this." He said as he tossed it to him. From everywhere walkers began coming out of the darkness, stumbling, crawling, dragging their weak limbs into the sunlight.

Sam tried to count but he lost track. He knew there were more zombies in the street than fingers on his hands.

Sam grabbed his back and jumped out of the Jeep. He aimed and shot two zombies, one after the other. He thought frantically to his aim, 'Please don't fail me now.' He hopped into the back of the truck and looked around. They just kept coming and coming.

Sam shouted, "Come on!"

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Climbing back into the Jeep, he looked around. There was Ryker, Aylaela and Matthew still with him, everyone else had jumped and clambered into three truck that they had somehow found. Praise their good luck.

Setting his rifle at his feet, he adjusted this hands on the steering wheel, putting the pedal to the metal, and starting driving quickly, out of the hands of the waiting walkers. They sure as hell weren't dying today.
"Thank The Lord," Aylaela breaths, letting the tire iron rest between her legs on the floor and back press against the seat. Ryker and Matthew were both in the back with her, uncomfortably squished between the two men. She grabbed her weapon and pushed her slim body past into the passenger seat to escape the close pressed aspect of the back bench.

Sam's hoodie lay on the middle console, causing Aylaela to look back for the truck. "Did everyone get out fine?" She asks the passengers openly.
Lia presses down on the gas and speeds after Jon. The walkers were behind them now. And now they're safe. Lia stayed a distance from the other jeep in case if something happened. She took a few deep breaths and looked at the radio. She could hear a CD spinning and she pressed play. Some old Elvis songs were playing and she smiled.

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Matthew was suddenly brought out of his thoughts, his eyes still fuzzy but clearing up. Who just called his name? A woman it sounded, like, someone who knew him and was very familiar.


"Shit! That's Neri!" Matthew said, as the jeep began driving off and away. He looked out the window to see Neri running off towards the truck that some of the others had found. Sam was jumping in, and yelling at her to get in. He had given Matthew bullets earlier, which he had replied to with a simple "Thanks."

And then a walker grabbed onto the window, causing Matthew to lunge back. He turned to see the group that was with him inside the jeep. Aylaela, Ryker, and Jon. Fine enough combination, he guessed. Jon hit the gas and the jeep began driving off into the night.
It took Evan a while to register what Lia was doing. He pounded his fist against the window, his cheeks flushing red in anger. Falling out of a tree had done her little good it seemed. "Turn the music off! Are you insane?" Sure, the walkers would limp after them for a while, but with the music on they'd follow them all the way. How this woman had managed to survive if she didn't understand this basic concept was beyond him and he vowed he'd shoot the radio if she didn't turn it off herself.
She rolled her eyes and turned it down "calm down kid. I'm not retarded." She smirked then swirved the truck a bit on purpose. But not enough to make anyone fall out. Just to scare Evan.

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Evan decided right there and then that he would excercise his vote of no confidence. He didn't hesitate when she swerved her car. In one motion he aimed his gun at the radio through the backwindow and squeezed the trigger. With a bang the glass shattered and the radio let out a dying rattle: I hope you will guide me as only you can-kggh do-kghhgh. Evan shot Elvis again just to be damn sure. "Listen you fodderhead, walkers follow the noise, didn't you know? What the shit did you swerve for?" This day had been an emotional rollercoaster for him with his latest stop being 'fucking pissed off'. "Now get your shit together and drive!" He still had one bullet left, and he wouldn't hesitate to use it if this madwoman refused to come to her senses.

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