[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Aylaela's heart pounded in her chest like a ton of bricks. She should've kept to the streets, let the town be, stayed on her own. Her parents had always talked about safety in numbers, but the only person who can keep you safe is yourself.

Evan was soon onto Jon's back, and Aylaela crossed to the reception desk, taking the change of clothes since she figured Crawford wouldn't mind.

Morally, the girl wanted to stay and look for Matthew, but she had hardly knew him and logic was telling her to get out while she could. Aylaela had no idea what Oberson and his henchmen were capable of, and frankly didn't want to find out.

Looking to Jon, he seemed to be taking control of the situation, and she would follow him of he proved to have a fine sense. But if this man proved untrustworthy, Aylaela would make her own way.

"What's the plan?"
Lia looked at Aylaela and frowned a bit. "Can someone tell me what's going on? Where's Matthew? And Logan? And Dex?" She panicked more. She felt her breathing hitch and she coughed a few times. She quickly dug in her backpack and used her inhaler. Her chest hurt now but she could breath. "Are they all okay?" She asked about the group she came with.

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Another girl, entered the hotel, apparently she knew Jon and Sam and Aylaela. She slurred the names of a few others who Evan didn't know, save for Matthew. "Something's gone awry," he said to her, even though he knew it didn't really constitute as an answer. "But we're getting out of here, right?" He looked at Jon, expecting him to lead them away from this hellhole.
Aylaela looked to the floor, a pang of remorse for the girl before her. All of the group that she had come with seemed to be somewhere else, and only strangers were what was left as an option for her.

"I'm sorry, we don't know what happened to Matthew. And I haven't seen the other two you mentioned, Logan and Rex? They haven't been around here. But we're getting out of Crawford, you're welcome to join us," she said, abit long windedly.
She frowned "id like to come with you but only if Dex comes too...." she bit her lip. "What's wrong with Crawford?" She looked a bit confused "isn't it safe?" She frowned more

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"Someone help! Please!" Another person died. And another. And another. They all lay in a bloody heap on the floor if the infirmary. Crawford looked smiling at Matthew. "You see, you can't do anything. If you tell anybody about what happened here, I'll cut off your other hand. So here, let me help you out." Oberson Crawford walked over to where Matthew was handcuffed, and pulled out a key. He reached for the handcuffs, but...

"Rarghh!" A zombified child grabbed Crawford's legs and pulled him down, biting into him. "Ahh! Help me! Help me!" The child began biting at him, and pulled him away. The key fell helplessly on the floor. Matthew jumped off the bed and began trying to pick up the key with his feet, but had no such luck.

He had to listen to Crawford's incessant screams of terror as the zombie was likely gnawing on him. Matthew decided to take a risk. He dropped down, and began trying to grab the key in his teeth. Trying so hard. He just could barely reach it, and....got it. Matthew pulled the key up and stuck in his right hand. It was quite hard trying to stick it in the lock, as his right hand was stuck in the handcuffs. Put it in, and unlock! The handcuffs opened and fell to the floor. Matthew looked over at Crawford, and grabbed the gun and began running for the door. He slammed them open and headed out into the night.
Aylaela shook her head, looking at Lia. "I don't think so, and I'd rather not test the theory."

She looked at the girl with a grimace, when something caught her attention behind Lia. A large window made up part of the Hotel's front, and through it Aylaela could see a form in the distance. Her immediate thought was the person was one of Crawford's people coming to investigate the gun shot.

Before assuming anything Aylaela stepped around Lia to peer into the dark night. The person was tall, and the hair of lighter coloring than the dark night.

"Is that.... Matthew?"
Distant screams rented the night sky. Every hair on his neck stood on end at the horrified screams. Shots sounded. Muffled and distant, but gunshots nevertheless. "There's no time," Evan said to the girl. He didn't care who she was or who the shit Dex was, all he cared for was getting out of there. He hadn't struggled for weeks on end, living off scraps and constantly on the run, only to die here.

"Is that.... Matthew?"

He followed her gaze to the window, praying it indeed was Matthew. His heart hammered against his ribs, desperate to break free from its bone cage. Please let it be him. Please...
(aghhhhhh so many things happened lol)

Sam looked up suddenly alert. Ryker and Jon had returned but they were out of breath. Sam realized something went terribly wrong. Hurriedly they explained they needed to leave. Evan had climbed unto Jon's back and clung there, ready to leave. Sam's mind began racing with questions. What had happened? Where was Matthew? Why was he not with them?

Aylaela had grabbed her clothes from behind the desk and the girl with the bloody elbows had entered the hotel. She seemed stunned and confused, as was Sam.

Sam said, " I know where they keep their Jeeps. I saw a guy repairing one when I first entered the town." He knew what ever had happened up there was bad enough that they would have to leave Crawford and possibly never return. He looked at all of them and said,

"What about Matthew?"
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"That might be him!" She pointed out the window. She looked at the others. "I'm going with you, they gave me access to guns because I'm supposed to guard the wall." She held up the gun cabinate key "I saw the jeeps too, so I'll meet you there" she casually left the hotel and went to the locker things. She took a big duffel bag from a shelf and put enough guns and ammo in it then snuck out and went to the jeep quietly

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Aylaela looks out the window, finding that the closer the form comes that it's certainly Matthew, looking the worse for wear in the dark, causing her to wonder how he ended up in the street.

"Well we should offer him a ride I suppose," she says, looking back at Sam, with a tinge of light sarcasm. "And I think the sooner we get out of here, the better for us all."
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Jon had been quiet the whole of this, his thoughts using every neuron in his brain.

Everyone was firing off opinion and fact and observations, but someone needed to figure out what to do and actually do it. Now with the appearance of Matthew, it threw another element into the mix, right after they ran out, they couldn't call out to Matthew with the chaos that would ensue. Taking a small breath in, and adjusting his hold on Evan, he broke into a brisk walk towards the main door. "Come on everyone, we are getting the hell out of here right now."

The jeeps were the main objective, the main gates were secondary if they were unable to acquire them.

He shouted behind himself as he quickened his pace increasingly, "Sam, get Matthew! Someone else tell me where the Jeeps are!"
Sam broke into a run. He saw a figure that looked like Matthew. What the hell was Matthew doing outside?!

Sam could see his tired face getting closer and closer. Deep wrinkles were etched above his cheekbone like tributaries into a white ocean that was his bloodshot eyes. His shirt was ripped at the seam and a toe had burst through his gray sock, he was without a shoe on one foot. Blood had stained his chin like annoying red food coloring on a counter-top. and his hair resembled something like an avian's nest.

Sam got closer until he saw it. Horrified, he almost stumbled. He gasped when he realized Matthew was without a left hand. A nub was left. The poorly bandaged wrap was soaked in scarlet red and the hanging end of the bandage had been dirtied, probably from it being dragged across the dirt. Sam approached him and said, "We're gonna get you outta here, you hear me? Let me help you." Sam inserted his neck under the crook of Matthew's elbow, similar to the way he had helped Evan, and lifted. He began walking towards the rest of the group.
Aylaela pushed open the Hotel doors, holding it open for Jon with Evan. Yesterday when she had arrived, she vaguely remembered seeing a garage in the town.

"I know where the Jeep is," she says confidently, though she hadn't looked close enough to see exactly what vehicles were in the garage.

The girl saw that Sam had Matthew, supporting his weight. She'd ask questions later if they could get out of this place. Moving closer, Aylaela saw the stump that was now Matthew's right hand, and quickly covered her mouth with a hand when bile rose from her stomach. If Crawford is going to cut off a man's hand for doing nothing, who knows what he's capable of?
Finally they were getting a move on. He closed his eyes momentarily, hoping that maybe he would wake up in his bed, in his room, in his house. The change in the air alerted him that they were now outside, and he opened his eyes again. He could see a few feet in front of him, not much more. Street light were probably busted. Hanging on to Jon, he reached for his gun again, undid the safety, but aimed it at the ground so as to not accidentally shoot his only hope of getting away. Someone mentioned jeeps, but the whole thing was a mere blur to him, and he struggled to keep his eyes open. Even the gut-wrenching chaos of it all wasn't enough to keep sleep at bay for much longer.

Then they stopped. Evan turned his head around. A disfigured man appeared from the shadows. Matthew. Armed only with the stump at his side and still carrying half of a cuff around his other wrist. He buried his face in Jon's shoulder in an attempt to keep his insides inside. He'd seen many a thing that made him want to puke, but the blood-soaked bandage Matthew's pale face made him feel weak like a sack of sand.

"Are you alright?" he asked, keeping his gaze trained on Matthew's head so as to avoid looking at his hand.
"Thanks. **** me." Matthew climbed up into the back of the jeep, and sat down. "What the hell is happening?" He asked Sam, and looked towards the hotel to see what looked like Aylaela. Then the one kid came up, holding onto Jon.

"Are you alright?"

"Just peachy."

Matthew looked at his stump, and tried closing his fingers. He didn't really feel anything, other than sorrow. "**** Crawford."
Lia climbed into the back and dropped the duffle bag full of guns beside, she knelt in front of Matthew and looked at that stump, (can we pretend Dex is on too?) She felt her breathing hitch again but she ignored it, "Matthew, where's Logan?" she asked him gently and steadily, but breathlessly. She looked in the duffle bag where there were some medical supplies for 'just in case' and she took out pain killers and water "here" she held them out
Aylaela frowned, not at the man's language but at his poor luck. He had been kind in going upstairs for the sake of the boy, and this happened to him as a result? It just wasn't right, but the time to ponder life wasn't now.

"Anyone particularly interested in driving?" She asks for the sake of courtesy though she was itching to take the wheel. Opening the drivers door, she pulls down the visor, keys dropping onto the seat below.
Jon clambered in quickly, setting Evan down gently in the center back seat, the one he thought was the safest. Taking a moment, he looked into the kid's eyes. "Good on you." The kid was his top priority, if he died, they had failed.

Turning around and looking about, he called to those not on board, "Come on, let's get out of here!" Maneuvering to the front seat, he put his back to the seat and took a breath in.

"Sorry Aylaela."

Autonomously putting his hands on the wheel before slipping the key into the ignition, it started without a problem, Good. Switching momentum, he switched gears and waited a moment, allowing everyone to clamber on before slamming his foot down on the pedal.

The gate was the obvious solution, and equally the closest one. Now though, they were locked. God dammit. Pushing the pedal down further, he sped up quickly, shots ringing out in the distance, both at the speeding jeep and the walkers.

The gate slammed open, the force wrenching everyone around as the jeep's bumper received it's dues, a nasty dent. Straightening himself, he turned a corner, slowing down to maneuver the roads. He had to think and drive, lead these people out of here like he had promised.

He decided to leave the city first and foremost, they could all decide the best course of action later, when they weren't dead.

Jon had a second though, "What's more important is, Matthew, what the hell happened back there?"
Sam walked around the Jeep and got into the passenger seat. He looked at Jon, he wasn't quite sure if they would make it out alive, let alone make it out of there. He took off his backpack and placed it between his feet.

"Everybody in!" He said. As Jon drove away, several henchmen had begun firing their guns at their fleeing vehicle. Sam adjusted his body and stuck his torso out of the window so he could return fire.

He shot three times, he missed twice, but the third nicked a henchman in the shoulder.

Jon drove through the gates. They shot outward like a chicken shot out of a cannon.
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"Just peachy."

Evan scowled at Matthew. How the man could be in the mood for sarcasm was beyond him. He was lowered onto the ground and put in the middle backseat.

"Good on you"

Evan bit his lower lip as he met Jon's gaze. He yearned to trust the man, tell him everything that had happened, tell him about his family and tell him his secret. But he couldn't allow it. Nor was there any time. Aylaela offered to take the wheel, making his gut do a little somersault. A sixteen something city girl behind the wheel was like spitting in the face of fate and then ask it to please be kind upon them. His upbringing had rendered him prejudiced when it came to women and driving, and he was relieved to see Jon take the wheel.

He'd only just put his safety belt on when Jon slammed the vehicle through the gate. The moans and groans of walkers, alerted to their escape, was clearly audible, but they were moving far too fast for the mindless undead.

"I went by a gasstation up north," he said before shutting his mouth and allowing Jon to speak, He too wondered what had happened to Matthew.
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Aylaela slid into the back left seat next to Evan, closing the door behind her. She didn't mind to much that Jon decided to drive, she didn't think she could bust through the gate like he did either way.

The girl looked down at Evan, only slightly shorter than she only because he seemed to be still growing. She offered him a reassuring smile, patting his leg gently before folding her hands in her lap.

Looking out the window, she saw walkers turn from Crawford to watch their speedy exit, hardly processing Jon's question.
"Thanks." Matthew took the water and painkillers from Lia, then listened to her question. Logan and Dex. "Dex, Dex Dex Dex. I don't know where he is. Logan. Logan is..." Matthew looked at the back of the chair, the same chair that he had looked at just that morning.


He continued staring at the seat, until he heard a groaning sound. Walkers. They were coming down the street, at least five of them. The headlights flashed up and illuminated their bodies, causing them to start acting aggressively. The jeep flew through the gates, and sped past, as they left Crawford and everybody else from their past group. They were gone. They would likely die.
When Lia heard that Logan was dead and Dex was missing, tears grew in her eyes and she sat down holding onto a little loop for ropes. She closed her eyes tightly to try and hold back the tears but they fell down her cheeks. When the truck slowed she pulled her knees to her chest and bit onto her knee gently to try and muffle a sob, but it escapes. She then quickly covers her face. She knew she should've stayed alone, everyone she grows close to dies.

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