[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Looking at the young boy, Aylaela saw no reason to distrust him and quickly offered a shoulder for him to lean on till they could get him to whatever doctor Crawford had.

"Is it a break?" She asked, seeing that he favored one leg. The girl's gaze slipped to Sam before returning to the younger boy, attempting to be attentive.

Aylaela hadn't much experience with wounds other than what her mother had taught her with cuts and scrapes. Though if she could do anything well, it was labor, and hopefully that was all that was required of her.
Leaning heavily on the kind girl, Evan limped forward. The two had appeared to come out of the hotel so he assumed they were taking him inside. "A sprain I-" he clenched his teeth and tried not to cry out as another bolt of pain shot through his like. "I think it's a sprain," he breathed. A short silence fell between them. "I don't mean to burden you," he said, his voice raspy from dehydration, "i just need a moment and then I'll be on my way."

He could only suspend his father's rule for so long.
Aylaela shrugged, "You're hardly a burden, you're light as air!" She said jokingly, though the boy's small frame was frightfully thin.

Since his leg was only a sprain, she supposed only a sturdy bandage would be needed. Aylaela wasn't sure how to proceed. She didn't want to overstep her bounds with Crawford but the boy needed to rest. Looking over at Sam she raised an eyebrow, "Should we take him to Crawford or just into Evergreens?" The girl asked, since Sam seemed to have a good sense of things, or at least she could get a secondary opinion.
The faintest hint of a smile tugged at his lips. The girl reminded him of his mother in a strange way. Or perhaps he'd just missed it to have someone look after him. As soon as his laughlines had been engaged, they disbanded and Evan waited patiently for Sam's reply. He considered to break the silence and tell them his whole story, but he resrained himself. There could be a thousand reasons why they cared for him, not all of them good. Tempted by curiosity he ventured to ask, "Who's Evergreens, and Cr- crewfoot?"
Aylaela smiled lightly, making their slow progress down the road. "The Evergreens is that Hotel over there. And Crawford is this whole place," she gestures to encompass the whole town. "But I was talking about Oberson Crawford, the guy who runs it."

Oddly enough, the boy resembled Aylaela's little sister, with his brown hair and blue-green eyes, something she had always been jealous of in her sister compared to the black hair and brown eyes she had been stuck with. The thought had driven her to talk to the boy, almost like pretending her sister was alive. "What's your name?" Aylaela asked, looking over at Sam in a questioning look due to his silence.
Sam helped the boy to his feet and placed the kid's arm around his neck for support. Ayaela also supported him.

"Let's get you inside." Sam suggested. The sky began to fade into black and the zombies looked like they had no intention of leaving. Sam felt tending to the boy's sprain was more important than getting him to meet Crawford. Oberson would have to wait.

"We might need to have it amputated." Sam offered sarcastically, with a half-smile.

Inside, Sam brought them to a couch. He sat the boy down and grabbed an ottoman from a nearby table to rest the boy's foot on. "We're gonna need ice."
Aylaela agreed with Sam's decision, the sun having already set and the fact that she would rather not talk with Oberson three times in one day. Helping the boy onto the couch Aylaela stepped back to give the him some breathing room.

"I don't know if there is any ice," She says quietly, though Crawford may have power, ice was a commodity that she wondered if this place would allow.
Ryker walked into the Evergreen hotel uniform draped around his arm. He'd seen Aylalea and the new guy helping a small boy . He'd heard the moans of the dead as well as seen the boy fall from a tree and into Crawford. Ryker assessed the situation quickly. The boy was lying on a couch and the new guy and Aylaela were attending him. Ryker removed the uniform from around his arm revealing his revolver which had been concealed underneath the jacket. He might have felt foolish but seeing as there could have been danger Ryker simply shrugged it off. "Is the...boy alright?" Ryker asked. He had to mentally restrain himself from using the word kid. Whatever age this boy was he was no longer an innocent child.
Sam found a pillow and offered it to the boy. "Here, put this under your leg." Sam was used to these types of injuries. As an avid track sprinter back home, Sam knew how to treat a lot of injuries. Another man appeared from the entrance and asked about the situation.

"Yeah, he sprained his ankle." Sam explained.

Sam said to Aylaela, "Keep an eye him for me, please." He went behind the desk and found what seemed to be an kitchen. He looked inside the freezer and grabbed a yellow Gatorade bottle. It was completely frozen. Sam returned to Aylaela and the kid. He gave the solid beverage to the him.

"Put this on there." He pointed to the ankle. "Name's Sam". He said openly. Two new people had come along.
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The initial sound had brought Jon to look out the door, but not move further than that.

As the two brought the child in though, he smiled, Jon felt he could trust these people, for sure. Setting his clothes down and tucking the pistol in the back of his pants, he made his way over, kneeling down in front of the young boy, as he set himself down on the ottoman. It wasn't bruised, so it wasn't a break.

To answer Ryker's question, he looked up at him, "Looks like a sprain."

He, personally, did not recall seeing him in Crawford, so he didn't know if the boy himself was a resident or just stumbled through the doors. Jon didn't worry though, first aid was more important for the moment.
Aylaela looked at the gathering of males and grinned quietly to herself. It was odd seeing how the caring nature was brought forth in differing aspects in each man.

Before the boy could take the improvised ice pack, Aylaela took it from Sam's hand kindly. Gently, she placed the bottle on his ankle, giving the boy a reassuring smile, wanting to take care of someone other than herself for once.
Ryker felt some sympathy towards the boy, he'd sprained his ankle often enough in scouts. Fishing in his backpack he produced a fairly clean towel and tossed it to the kid. "Wrap the bottle in that before you put it on your leg". Ryker looked at the stranger he'd seen enter during the presentation. There was something disarming about him which concerned Ryker, still the man had helped an injured boy something that had gained Rykers respect immediately. "Ryker" he said with a curt nod.
Sam stepped back from the boy and gave him space, similar to art connoisseur backpedalling to observe an entire painting.

"Sam. Sam Albus." He said as he extended his arm to Ryker. Ryker seemed pleasant and a possible friend, though he saw a holding back behind his eyes. Again, Sam empathized. No sane survivor completely gave a stranger the benefit of the doubt. He gained respect for Ryker for this. He saw a smart and trustworthy person behind those eyes, careful and calm.
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Ryker took Sam's hand allowing himself a small grin. "Nice to meet you". Ryker looked at the others then at the boy. There wasn't likely to be trouble from him. Ryker smiled at the others. "I think I'll turn in its been awhile since I've slept in a real bed". Ryker made his way up a staircase and down a hall. He found his room easily enough and walked inside. Throwing of his pack he collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. His hand clutching his new revolver underneath a musty pillow.
Aylaela took the towel Ryker offered, wrapping the freezing drink in the cloth and placing it back on the boy's shin.

She badly wanted to follow the man's lead to sleep, but she felt obliged to help this kid now, since she was the one holding the ice to his leg.

Absentmindedly, she wondered of the boy would trust the group of strangers with his name, though she didn't see how it would hurt anything.
Evan looked from the boy to the girl and back to the boy again. Whoever Crawford was, he was happy he didn't have to go there if only because the hotel was much nearer. His cheeks paled and it took him a while before he understood that the boy had been joking. Supported by both, it didn't take them long to get inside. The overgrown hotel was as good a place as any to rest. The interior was still reasonably intact though most of the chairs and couches in the lounge looked outdated and a few cracks shot up the walls. Still, there was light and people inside. He wouldn't mind staying here a while. As they carried him over to a couch, he noticed the difference in their necks. The boy's, to his left was strong and chiseled, the girl's, to his right, soft and warm. It was a queer little observation to make, but now that he had surrender himself to their care, his thoughts began to wander. The boy and girl had a little back and forth before his sprained ankle was placed on some support. As the boy went looking for ice, another man came walking in, accompanied by the scent of fresh air. Slightly worried, Evan let his eyes scan the new boy. He too was older, but not by as much as he'd initially thought. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed the revolver and he stealthily moved his free hand towards the on his belt, but stopped when he saw that the newcomer meant no harm. Sam, as he revealed himself to be called, handed him a pillow. Meek like a lamb he obeyed and put it under his ankle and rolled up his pants so the skin of his lower leg was exposed. Someone knelt at his side but he didn't have the time to look who as the girl put the frozen bottle against his leg. Icicles combatted the steady throb in his leg. He squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lips firmly together, they wouldn't hear him whimper or complain. Every so often he would silently open and close his mouth, like a fish washed ashore, fighting for air.

Slowly but surely, the pain subsided until it was but an annoying throb in the background. The girl stayed with him and would sometimes meet his eyes with a look of recognition and want. Confused, but not unsettled by this he permitted himself five words. "Thank you," his voice close to a whisper and his eyes glistening with heartfelt sincerity. He added, "I am Evan."

Perhaps he would dare to ask for some water later, but for now he didn't want to be too demanding in fear of upsetting them. A long forgotten feeling washed over him like a warm blanket. The same feeling when his mother would bring him hot soup whenever he was ill. The same feeling he had when he and his father would sit on the roof of their barn and look out over the copper blonde wheat stretching far into the distance.

For now, he decided, he was safe.
Matthew has currently been watching from afar, waiting to see what was going to happen. The new guy and Aylaela had run outside at the snap of a twig, and then came running back inside with a small boy. The boy appeared to have had his leg sprained, how so was unknown to Matthew. The boy had said his name was Evan, and was currently lying on a couch. "Weak links." Matthew muttered to himself, then his eyes widened. "Maybe let's not mention the kid to Crawford, ok? Or, Y'now, anybody." He motioned his head towards the leg that was sprained.
No sooner than he had thought he was safe, things started to turn sour. A man who he estimated to be in his early thirties with greasy, half-long blonde hair and a baseball cap expressed his doubts about mentioning him to Crawford.

Forehead puckered, he wondered why. Had he done something wrong? A shiver crawled down his spine. He was surrounded by strangers and apparently his presence wasn't appreciated by all. He vowed to leave as soon as he could walk by himself. Pity, he'd liked the girl, and Sam.

And what about supplies? Stealing from these people was the last thing he wanted to do, but he couldn't rule anything out.

The more he thought about it the paler he looked. There simply wasn't an easy way out and his barely rekindled hope of finding some peace, and not having to be constantly on the run, had been blasted to smithereens. Whatever potential he'd seen in the place was called into question and his future was uncertain yet again.

"I don't mean to be a burden, " he said, his voice remote even to himself. "I'll be on my way soon, tonight if I must."
Sam thought for a moment.. he could see Evan was by far, an independent boy. He couldn't have begun to imagine what he must've gone through. So young but mature. Sam felt a throb of pain that crawled into his heart as he realized Evan was robbed. Robbed of a normal life. They all were.

Was Crawford the new beginning it claimed to be? Or was it merely a lost cause, a dream chained to the weights of a nightmarish reality? Perhaps Crawford would be a success. Perhaps it would get very far only to crumble under the weight of seemingly impossible aspirations.

"Not with that leg." Sam said to Evan.

Sam agreed with Matthew that for now Evan shouldn't be revealed. He had several disadvantages. For one, he was still young, younger than Aylaela, and his smaller frame could be considered an inessential to Crawford's duties. Second, he had an injury and it would be a a week or two before he would be able to walk normally again.
He looked up to Sam with a mixture of gratitude and defiance. Walking was out of the question for the coming few days. So weak and vulnerable, so dependent upon others. He hated it. Yet, the care he'd received thus far told him he had little to fear from these people. If ever there was an ulterior motive, he couldn't decipher it, no matter how hard he tried.

"Thanks. I just..." he hesitated for a moment, "I just don't want to cause any trouble. That's all."

A cool breeze entered the lobby from outside. Complete darkness would soon be upon them, and even though he was inside, he still wished the sun would've stayed for a few more hours. Whenever it was dark you couldn't see and when you couldn't see, the walkers could easily take you by suprise. He'd almost gotten used to seeing the undead stroll about in the daylight, but during the night the true horror of the situation descended upon him like lighting and thunder.

Shifting his weight uneasily, he shot a glance up at Sam. "Do you have some water please? It's been a while since I've had any." Best to be polite and upfront.
Lia walked outside her arms now bandaged. She looked around. Finding the wall to guard she climbed up and looked around

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Aylaela nodded silently, in agreement with Matthew's statement. Though how you can hide a boy in such a small society, she didn't quite know.

At the mention of water, Aylaela wondered where they could get some. Oberson hadn't been very open either time the girl had seen him.

"Is it just us in these rooms?" She quietly voices, using a hand to gesture to the Hotel. If they were going to keep Evan a secret from Crawford's residents, the main lobby wouldn't be the best hiding place.
Evan bit his lip and looked up at the girl. She smelled nice, altough pretty much anything that wasn't covered in undead intestines did. "Why can't Crawford know? Is he a bad person?" From what he'd heard, Evan deciphered that Crawford was in charge. Not short after realizing that, he understood something else as well. These people he'd talked to where new here as well. Whilst that put them on more or less even ground, it also meant that they couldn't give him any assurane on whether he could stay or not.

Switching his gaze between Sam and the girl, he thought that perhaps they were related. There seemed to be a certain chemistry between them. "Are you family?" he asked from both of them.

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