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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Distressed

Homura nodded in thanks and ran off, before stopping and turning back around. She quickly grabbed the Cuddlesome doll she'd shot. She used part of her shirt to grab it. The doll seemed really insistent on "cuddling," so she made sure to not let it touch skin. She then ran into the Dealer's room. "DOCTOR!" She yelled into the room, gaining some weird looks.
"Homura! Great, can you hold this?" the Doctor tossed Homura a shirt.

"Doctor, we got a problem..." Clara apporched the two.
theManCalledSting said:
"Homura! Great, can you hold this?" the Doctor tossed Homura a shirt.
"Doctor, we got a problem..." Clara apporched the two.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura grabbed the shirt. "Clara's right," Homura said. "There are these... Cuddlesome dolls, of Madoka and myself. Presumably the others too. They're armed with strange weapons, and seem to be hostile." She showed the Doctor the laser weapon and the doll carcass.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura grabbed the shirt. "Clara's right," Homura said. "There are these... Cuddlesome dolls, of Madoka and myself. Presumably the others too. They're armed with strange weapons, and seem to be hostile." She showed the Doctor the laser weapon and the doll carcass.
"Yeah... A bunch of plushies are running around the place," Clara added.

"That weapon... shouldn't be hear..." the Doctor said as he examined the pistol with his Sonicscrew Driver. "This a highly advance Laser pistol from the HyperDimension, so what is it doing here?"

"And why do the cuddlesome have them?" Clara asked.

The Doctor then examined the Cuddlesome and saw the tag on it said it was by 'Beep & Co.'.

"I've got a good feeling it's someone I know..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. "That tone sounds as though it does not bode well. What's the condition?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. "That tone sounds as though it does not bode well. What's the condition?"
"Knowing him... it's no guns..." Clara whispered to Homura while the Doctor continued to examine the Cuddlesome.

"Okay besides the fact it wanted to kill you... is there anything else about it strange, Homura?" asked the Doctor.
theManCalledSting said:
"Knowing him... it's no guns..." Clara whispered to Homura while the Doctor continued to examine the Cuddlesome.
"Okay besides the fact it wanted to kill you... is there anything else about it strange, Homura?" asked the Doctor.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura considered anything strange. "Well there were multiple. This one is of Madoka, but I also encountered one of myself. They are autonomous, and seem to be in the possession of children. They've managed to blend in. The children believe they have AI. They were also very intent on 'cuddling' me. When it dropped its facade and attacked me, it said 'meep meep' repeatedly."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura considered anything strange. "Well there were multiple. This one is of Madoka, but I also encountered one of myself. They are autonomous, and seem to be in the possession of children. They've managed to blend in. The children believe they have AI. They were also very intent on 'cuddling' me. When it dropped its facade and attacked me, it said 'meep meep' repeatedly."
"Well I suppose, Beep has the ego for it..." the Doctor said as he continue to scan the cuddlesome in hopes to figure out what Beep's plan was.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Beep?" She turned to Clara. "Do you know this 'Beep?'"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Beep?" She turned to Clara. "Do you know this 'Beep?'"
"No clue," Clara answered before she spoke to the Doctor, "Doctor, who is Beep?"

"Beep the Meep one of the most terrible Tyrants I had the displesure of knowing... If he's behind this whole cuddlesome craze... then we might have problems..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Well," Homura said, "What can we do about it?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Well," Homura said, "What can we do about it?"
"Look for the demented Fuzz Ball and find out what his plan is..." The Doctor explained before running off to find Beep.

Fitz and Simmons: Simmons frantically tapped buttons on Fitz's tablet, bringing up the blueprints for their device. She handed it to Doctor Vahlen "Do you think we could connect this device up to your generator?" She asked

"If we can, we should have this device complete in about...Erm, forty eight hours and ten minutes, that's if we start within the next ten minutes...And manage to stay awake."

"Do you have any coffee on this ship?" Simmons asked with a smile


Emma: Emma quickly pulled a piece of card and a pen out of her pocket. On it she wrote the following with a SHIELD logo drawn under it:

Agent Temmie

Petting Specialist

She handed the makeshift badge to Temmie "Here ya go." She smiled

SHIELD: "Stay safe, I guess." The male nurse shrugged "Lisa, can you find a room for our guest okay?" He asked as a watch on his wrist made a beeping sound. He tried to hide the worry in his face. "Please."

Lisa, the female SHIELD agent escorted Chara out of the medical center just as two agents were being rolled in on stretchers. She tried to turn Chara away "Don't look."


Doctor Who Universe: London,2020

The Doctor stepped out of cover as the Priest replied to Carol "How else can you explain it, child?" He asked "These tears are causing the collapse of multiple worlds even as I speak here before you. I have seen it."

"How?" The Doctor asked, stepping out of cover with his hands in his trouser pockets

"Time Lord." The Priest spoke in a surprised tone, stopping The Doctor in his tracks

"What?" The Doctor asked, a confused look on his face

"You're a Time Lord." The Priest replied

"What?" The Doctor repeated

"Who are you?" The Priest asked

"The..." The Doctor tried to speak but was cut off

"What are you doing here?"

"What?" The Doctor asked again



JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans merely stared for a second. 'He just ate three beams...and took nine more without taking any harm...What the hell?!?! How?! What is this guy made of, determination?!' Needless to say he was astonished.
"Sheogorath?" The Librarian asked "How are you even allowed to enter this universe, or the other one and cause havoc? I thought Daedric Princes were bound by certain rules?"

"With the tears opening...I suppose I got to bend them a little." Sheogorath grinned

"I'm not able to kill you, neither is Sans but...I have studied the Princes. I know how to beat one." The Librarian shot Sheogorath a cocky grin as golden energy began to surround his entire body, even his eyes began to glow with the same energy. He levitated into the air and opened his briefcase, withdrawing a scroll.

"Where did ya get that!?" Sheogorath asked

"A dead universe." The Librarian stated "One with weapons capable of murdering Gods."

"Now hold on a moment." Sheogorath interrupted "I may be the Daedric Prince, soon to be President of madness but that does not make me unreasonable...Most of the time."

"Are you going to make a deal?" The Librarian asked "You stay out of my way, out of the way of my friends and I have a dozen universes with your name on them."

Sheogorath stroked his beard for a moment "Hmm...With only a dozen I might get a bit bored."

"One of these universes is run by giant mouse-people who worship cheese as a God."

Sheogorath's eyes widened with glee "After me campaign here, I'll pay this world a visit."

The Librarian placed the scroll back in his briefcase and smiled at the Prince of Madness. The two shook hands enthusiastically and the Librarian turned to Sans, teleporting the two away to pocket universe of the Librarian's own making.

"Any questions?" He asked with a cocky smile

Soviet Empire Universe

"Why should I tell you?" The Librarian asked "I'd be giving away a weakness."

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"I think the idea of Groot tossing her seemed a little bit more fun in her head." Harleen smiled as she ran after the Behemoth, opening fire on surviving Super Mutants. She noticed the body of a Diamond City security officer and searched it, taking out two molotov cocktails and a lighter. She lit both bottles with a playful smile and tossed them at an injured Super Mutant with a minigun just as he was about to open fire.

She finished off the Mutant with a shot to the head, getting a wink from the Behemoth in response "I think Jane took control of giant Lou Ferrigno!" Harleen exclaimed as the Behemoth crushed two more Super Mutants under it's feet.

The surviving Super Mutants refused to flee, instead opting to pick up missile launchers dropped by their fellow brothers and open fire on the Behemoth, hitting their former ally with everything they had left.

"Die little bleeder!" One of the Super Mutants yelled

With each missile hitting the Behemoth it began to stumble back, slowing down with each blow. It continued to push forwards, tossing a Super Mutant aside with each attack before one final blow struck the Behemoth in the chest, causing it to fall to it's knees. Seeing this, Harleen charged forwards as the Behemoth fell onto it's chest, crushing the final Super Mutant under it.

Harleen and Groot approached the dead Behemoth, finding something glowing on top of it. Nick gestured for Miku to stand back as he approached the glowing light himself. As the glowing white light faded the two saw was the unconscious body of a being with ghostly white skin and raven black long dreadlocks reaching her back with a small fringe coating a small part of her forehead. The being also wore the same clothes Jane had been wearing.

"Jane?" Harleen asked, poking Mirus on the forehead. As the being opened her eyes Harleen and Nick saw that they were pure black.

"Well shit. I suppose there's no hiding it anymore." Mirus replied weakly as she attempted to stand. She almost fell back down again only for Nick to catch her.

"You're alright kiddo." Nick reassured her

Mirus shrugged weakly "Welp, I'm an alien. No point hiding that anymore."

"So?" Harleen replied "You're talking to a gal who travels around with a living tree, a version of Macgyver who fights zombies, a robot detective, a dog that can fly, a guy dressed in power armour and..." Harleen turned around to face Miku "Well, whatever that little girl's deal is. Wait...Is she carrying leeks?"

"I'm sorry I had to lie to you guys like this. Some universes I've been to haven't been too...Non-dickish about folks from other planets.

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"He never told us what Beep looks like," Homura said. She then turned and ran back to where she'd been. If the cuddlesome were there, perhaps so was it? Fuzzball... like the one I saw earlier? Perhaps that isn't cosplay. She reached where she was before and began looking around.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Sheogorath?" The Librarian asked "How are you even allowed to enter this universe, or the other one and cause havoc? I thought Daedric Princes were bound by certain rules?"
"With the tears opening...I suppose I got to bend them a little." Sheogorath grinned

"I'm not able to kill you, neither is Sans but...I have studied the Princes. I know how to beat one." The Librarian shot Sheogorath a cocky grin as golden energy began to surround his entire body, even his eyes began to glow with the same energy. He levitated into the air and opened his briefcase, withdrawing a scroll.

"Where did ya get that!?" Sheogorath asked

"A dead universe." The Librarian stated "One with weapons capable of murdering Gods."

"Now hold on a moment." Sheogorath interrupted "I may be the Daedric Prince, soon to be President of madness but that does not make me unreasonable...Most of the time."

"Are you going to make a deal?" The Librarian asked "You stay out of my way, out of the way of my friends and I have a dozen universes with your name on them."

Sheogorath stroked his beard for a moment "Hmm...With only a dozen I might get a bit bored."

"One of these universes is run by giant mouse-people who worship cheese as a God."

Sheogorath's eyes widened with glee "After me campaign here, I'll pay this world a visit."

The Librarian placed the scroll back in his briefcase and smiled at the Prince of Madness. The two shook hands enthusiastically and the Librarian turned to Sans, teleporting the two away to pocket universe of the Librarian's own making.

"Any questions?" He asked with a cocky smile

Error Sans frowns. "̴̛̀̀.̶̕͘.̴.̢̀͢͟S͘͏̵̶͟o̸͟͡.̶͠.͞͏̷̧.̸͏h̷̀͏̷̕ò̴͠w҉͏̧͜ ̶̨̨͘f̀҉̷̀u̧͘͢͡ç̸͡ķ͘̕i̧͟ǹ̕͘̕͝g̢̀͟͟҉ ̶̕p̴̛͜͞o҉́͜ẃ̸̛͠͠e̸͘r̀͠f̵͘͟u̶̧͝͏l̷̡҉͟ ̶̨͜͟i̵̴̵͡ş̨̡͠ ̢̢̢́t͟͟h́͢à̢͝t̀͜͞͡ ҉͘g̸u̴҉̵͞y̧̢ ͟҉͢͡͠a̵̕͝͞n̴̨y̡͢w̡̛͡a̛҉̛̕y͟?͠͠ ̨̢I̴̢ ̨͜ḿ́é̵̸ą͟n͞͝,̧̧͜͡ ̷͠h̨͟͜͝͡e̡͏͟͢ ̨͘s̵̵̸̢͞u͘͞ŕ̢́v̛͘͢͞i͏͏̧͢v̴̢̛e̶͢d̴͠ ̸̀͢ń̢͏̢͜i̶̷͏n̸̨̕è͢͏̵͜ ̛͡E͞͏r̶̀͜r͏̵̢͢o͘͝r̷̴ ̢͝B̴̴͘l̶̛̕͠a̡̕s̵͏͢͡t̕͞e̸͢͏̸͘r̷҉͟ ҉̸̡͝b̀͢e̢a̸̢̢͝͞m̷̡̀͘s̵͝҉͡͠ ͟͞a̸̵̴n͟͝d͟ ҉҉̨͜a̢̢͟͝t̴͢e̢̡ ̧͘͟t̸̶̷̴͘ḩ͏̢r̶͡ę́͢͏͡è̡́͟ ̴̛͢o̶̸̷͟f̷ ͜͝t̶̸̛h̶͟ém̶̛̀͠,̛͝ ̴̧͞ś͡͠o̶̡̢ ͝h̨̛͘è͏̀͢͝ ҉̨͘͞҉s̨͘h͏͜͜o͏̡҉͞u̕͡ĺd͘͡'͜͠v̧̀́e͏̨̨͜ ̸̢b̕͠͠ę̧͝e̕͞n̴͞ ҉͘͏d͟e͘͞a̷͘d̵̴͞͞.̸҉̶̕ ̧҉Ì͘'͏̸̀v̸͘͟͞e̶̕ ̸͜͡҉͝n͝ę̴̸͝v̶͏̀͘̕e̵̵̶͝͠r̷̷̨͜ ́̕͞s̶͜͢e̶͟é̶ǹ̵͘҉ ̷̡͟͜s̴҉o̶̧͠͞m̴̵̨͘͟e̸͟o͘͢͞n̡è̸̶ ̛s̶u͞r̴̸̕v̨͡į̨̕v̶̴҉̸͟è̷̕͢͞ ̶̨̨͘͜F̷̶̡̕Ơ̴̷U̧͡҉͜R͠҉ ̡̀b̴̸̛̀e͞a҉̢̡m̢̀̀ş̧͟,̨͝ ̀͜͝b̵̵̛͝ú̴̡͝t̷̡͢ ̷͢͞I͘͝ ̴̸̵͘͝g͡u҉̶̧ȩ́͢͞s̸͜͏҉s̴͢͜͡ ̶̨̢́s̛͡͞óm̸̵̴e̸͢o͏҉n̸̢̡͟e̸͢͠ ̕̕c̀͢͜o̸͟͞u̷̶ĺ̨͞͝d̸̵̛͞ ̕̕͢͞p͏͝ó̵͞͝ş̸͜ş͡i͜͏̸͘b̷̵̡l̢͜͠y̨̢̢͜͡ ̀͢͡҉͠ḑ̵͞o̸̡̕͡ ҉͞t҉̀͡h̢͏̀͜a҉͠͏̴͡t̵̡,̢͢ ̡͏̵͜͞ą̀͞ǹ̷̢̕ḑ̛̀͢͟ ̵̀͝͡d͞͠͝͡e͡͡͝f͝í̡͘͝n̴i̶̕͝t̶͜e҉̧l̸̨̛̛y̸͜ ̷̴̨̡͢n̶͘ó̵̶̧͘t̵͜͜͝ ́͞n҉́i҉̵n̶̴̡͠ę̸̡̛͠ ̛͞o̷̶̡͘͘r̨҉ ̶̀͠m̸̨͜͢ó͞҉̨͠r͞͞e̸̸̢̧.̴͘"̵͏
Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Doctor? You guys all followed me?" Carol asked "I thought I said I'd be doing this my own way."

"We can't just let you run off by yourself, Carol..." Lilac replied.

"I'm a cat wielding a shotgun who is also an expert at hand-to-hand combat. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine."

"I still didn't want to risk it..."

Carol shook her head and looked over at the priest "Whatever. Anyway, what do you mean? What's a Time Lord?"


Mood: Worried

Condition: Doing good!

Location: With The Doctor






[border]@Son of Crota

Amber was silent as she awaited the creature's response, her sword still pointed at it in an obvious threat. The last thing she wanted after all of this was for Chara to have the power to do what she wanted, and whatever this creature was, it was offering her that power. Amber fully intended to slice it in half if it continued any further with this.





Frisk Chara

Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: Intrigued

Chara rubbed her chin. "Wait, do we need to shake on it or something? You're gonna need to come into the sound booth for that." She looked between the two of them as Amber threatened Kyubey. "Oh, don't mind her. She's no threat. A scrawny nerd managed to out perform her."
LegoLad659 said:



@Son of Crota

Amber was silent as she awaited the creature's response, her sword still pointed at it in an obvious threat. The last thing she wanted after all of this was for Chara to have the power to do what she wanted, and whatever this creature was, it was offering her that power. Amber fully intended to slice it in half if it continued any further with this.
Assailant said:

Frisk Chara

Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: Intrigued

Chara rubbed her chin. "Wait, do we need to shake on it or something? You're gonna need to come into the sound booth for that." She looked between the two of them as Amber threatened Kyubey. "Oh, don't mind her. She's no threat. A scrawny nerd managed to out perform her."


Universe: Undertale

Location: with Amber and Chara

Feeling: Emotionless as usual

Status: the need to make a contract intensifying

"Honestly Amber, I hope you don't intend to try and kill me with that sword of yours. You could try, but I warn you, It would just be a waste of energy." It said, staring at her with its red eyes. Its tail slowly swayed and it then looked to Chara. "No, no shaking on it of any sort. You just have to tell me your wish, and I'll make it happen. Then, you'll be a magical girl! Um...wait... you are a girl, correct?" It asked.

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[QUOTE="Son of Crota]


Universe: Undertale

Location: with Amber and Chara

Feeling: Emotionless as usual

Status: the need to make a contract intensifying

"Honestly Amber, I hope you don't intend to try and kill me with that sword of yours. You could try, but I warn you, It would just be a waste of energy." It said, staring at her with its red eyes. Its tail slowly swayed and it then looked to Chara. "No, no shaking on it of any sort. You just have to tell me your wish, and I'll make it happen. Then, you'll be a magical girl! Um...wait... you are a girl, correct?" It asked.

Chara nodded. "Indeed, I am female," Chara said.
LegoLad659 said:



[border]@Son of Crota @Assailant

"This is your last warning. I will use magic if I have to. But you will not give Chara this power." Amber told Kyuubey.




Assailant said:
Chara nodded. "Indeed, I am female," Chara said.


Universe: Undertale

Location: with Amber and Chara

Feeling: Emotionless as usual

Status: the need to make a contract intensifying

Kyubey shook its head. "Tsk tsk Amber, you still don't get it. No matter what you say, or what you do, this is Chara's choice. Only she can decline or accept." Kyubey then looked at Chara. "Alright then, what is your wish, Chara?" It asked.

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LegoLad659 said:



[border]@Son of Crota @Assailant

"Very well, then." Amber said, promptly slicing Kyuubey in half with her sword.[/border]




Universe: Undertale

Location: with Amber and Chara

Feeling: Emotionless as usual

Status: the need to make a contract intensifying

Kyubey's body, now sliced in half, fell to the ground, emotionless. Not even 10 seconds after, Kyubey, it's body completely fine, teleported short range to a ledge where Amber couldn't see her. She looked at Chara and mind linked her. "Chara, I'm still alive. Amber is going to keep trying to kill me, so I can't contract you right now. We need to get away from her." It said.
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(( Don't care about the tabs for right now. Will start posting in separate tabs later. Here's a megapost ))


Arrow: Oliver stopped as he bumped into Stevenson, and smiled a tiny bit at the Robin Hood comparison. A lot of people here seemed to make that connection, and even in Star City there were still people who called him that.

"Why does everyone seem to think I'm Robin Hood?" he asked the agent. "I don't steal from the rich and give to the poor or travel around with a band of 'merry men.' I do have friends that dress up and help out, though, including my little sister. But, the one thing I can't seem to find is a place to get food. You guys don't happen to have any Big Belly Burger joints here, do you?"

@Stamper @Skychild (Where's Yato, bro?)

Nikita's Ship-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Gregory was protesting to the large woman, and Jotaro was about to punch her in the face. She knew full well that the carpet bomb wouldn't even kill them off, yet she did it anyways just to kill off the humans for a big "what if" scenario that could cause more of these 'Wendigos' to pop up. His fists were clenched and his glare was focused solely on her. All he had to do was bring Star Platinum out and she wouldn't be talking so high and mighty. Then Gregory demanded a trial by combat to be able to go home. Jotaro saw this as stupid. Then some Russian dialogue was exchanged, which Gregory translated, and he translated that he was to be detained.

"Yare yare daze," Jotaro groaned, "you'd better shut your mouth before she actually does restrain and gag you."

Drake: Was Nico kidding around or something? He had just said that he was on the Argo II with the Seven, and Leo was there. Drake then remembered the possibility of infinite universes, and came up with the idea that this Nico was from a universe where the Argo II hadn't finished its quest yet.

"I guess we aren't from the exact same universe, then," he told Nico, "because, where I come from, our main problem right now is the Norse demigods. Gaea's already been put back to sleep and the Romans are fine with us now. I'd fill you in on how, but I wasn't at camp yet. Also, if you happen to come across a son of Hades with a scythe when you get back, do a favor for the me in that universe and kill him. He serves the Titans and he's a pain in my rear back home."

@Some_Bloke @amybri18

New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Raiden: Raiden just paced with his arms crossed. He was in now, whether he wanted to be or not. Since he was, he had no other choice than to fight so he could get home.

Revan: The old ex-Jedi was somewhat to see that Syeron had at least taken his words into account. He may be the leading expert in falling to the temptations that came from battle, and he'd be disappointed if this promising young Jedi fell to the temptations of the Dark Side. He did, however, find this an exciting opportunity to investigate the governments and cultures of other universes. Revan began to walk away from the group, removing his mask and lowering his hood. He clipped the mask to his belt next to one of his lightsabers.

Achilles: After being told to calm down, Achilles was even more irked. Even if he could get over the fact he's not in the battle he was told he would be in, just walking around aimlessly without any specific orders was rather pointless unless he was told to do recon. The battle was going to be fought here, that much he was told, but they were waiting on another group? He wasn't so sure that this other group would be so important. And it wasn't like he could just hide his weapons and armor without the neccessary technicians to remove the armor and the proper storage container for it, or even a duffel bag for the weapons.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

A Bar-DC Universe

Goku: As the Woman appeared, Goku pointed at her.

"Yeah, that's the lady. Speaking of which, what do we do next? And does it involve food?" Goku asked with a goofy smile as his stomach growled very loudly. "I'm pretty hungry, ya see."

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
Doctor Who Universe: Earth, 2020

"It's what I am." The Doctor cut in "And your friend is right, Carol. You can't just run off like that. You could get hurt." The Doctor cautioned, turning his attention back to the Priest "Who are you?"

"One of God's followers." The Priest answered with a smile "He gifted me with the sight."

"And this sight allows you to see...What exactly?" Tesla asked

"To see the tears as what they are, as well as the people who step through them. I for one, know that you are human but from another universe, another time."

The Doctor presented the Priest with his psychic paper.

"Oh." The Priest replied, studying the paper "I see. How can I help you, officer?"

"Just by answering a few questions." The Doctor replied with a friendly smile


JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans frowns. "̴̛̀̀.̶̕͘.̴.̢̀͢͟S͘͏̵̶͟o̸͟͡.̶͠.͞͏̷̧.̸͏h̷̀͏̷̕ò̴͠w҉͏̧͜ ̶̨̨͘f̀҉̷̀u̧͘͢͡ç̸͡ķ͘̕i̧͟ǹ̕͘̕͝g̢̀͟͟҉ ̶̕p̴̛͜͞o҉́͜ẃ̸̛͠͠e̸͘r̀͠f̵͘͟u̶̧͝͏l̷̡҉͟ ̶̨͜͟i̵̴̵͡ş̨̡͠ ̢̢̢́t͟͟h́͢à̢͝t̀͜͞͡ ҉͘g̸u̴҉̵͞y̧̢ ͟҉͢͡͠a̵̕͝͞n̴̨y̡͢w̡̛͡a̛҉̛̕y͟?͠͠ ̨̢I̴̢ ̨͜ḿ́é̵̸ą͟n͞͝,̧̧͜͡ ̷͠h̨͟͜͝͡e̡͏͟͢ ̨͘s̵̵̸̢͞u͘͞ŕ̢́v̛͘͢͞i͏͏̧͢v̴̢̛e̶͢d̴͠ ̸̀͢ń̢͏̢͜i̶̷͏n̸̨̕è͢͏̵͜ ̛͡E͞͏r̶̀͜r͏̵̢͢o͘͝r̷̴ ̢͝B̴̴͘l̶̛̕͠a̡̕s̵͏͢͡t̕͞e̸͢͏̸͘r̷҉͟ ҉̸̡͝b̀͢e̢a̸̢̢͝͞m̷̡̀͘s̵͝҉͡͠ ͟͞a̸̵̴n͟͝d͟ ҉҉̨͜a̢̢͟͝t̴͢e̢̡ ̧͘͟t̸̶̷̴͘ḩ͏̢r̶͡ę́͢͏͡è̡́͟ ̴̛͢o̶̸̷͟f̷ ͜͝t̶̸̛h̶͟ém̶̛̀͠,̛͝ ̴̧͞ś͡͠o̶̡̢ ͝h̨̛͘è͏̀͢͝ ҉̨͘͞҉s̨͘h͏͜͜o͏̡҉͞u̕͡ĺd͘͡'͜͠v̧̀́e͏̨̨͜ ̸̢b̕͠͠ę̧͝e̕͞n̴͞ ҉͘͏d͟e͘͞a̷͘d̵̴͞͞.̸҉̶̕ ̧҉Ì͘'͏̸̀v̸͘͟͞e̶̕ ̸͜͡҉͝n͝ę̴̸͝v̶͏̀͘̕e̵̵̶͝͠r̷̷̨͜ ́̕͞s̶͜͢e̶͟é̶ǹ̵͘҉ ̷̡͟͜s̴҉o̶̧͠͞m̴̵̨͘͟e̸͟o͘͢͞n̡è̸̶ ̛s̶u͞r̴̸̕v̨͡į̨̕v̶̴҉̸͟è̷̕͢͞ ̶̨̨͘͜F̷̶̡̕Ơ̴̷U̧͡҉͜R͠҉ ̡̀b̴̸̛̀e͞a҉̢̡m̢̀̀ş̧͟,̨͝ ̀͜͝b̵̵̛͝ú̴̡͝t̷̡͢ ̷͢͞I͘͝ ̴̸̵͘͝g͡u҉̶̧ȩ́͢͞s̸͜͏҉s̴͢͜͡ ̶̨̢́s̛͡͞óm̸̵̴e̸͢o͏҉n̸̢̡͟e̸͢͠ ̕̕c̀͢͜o̸͟͞u̷̶ĺ̨͞͝d̸̵̛͞ ̕̕͢͞p͏͝ó̵͞͝ş̸͜ş͡i͜͏̸͘b̷̵̡l̢͜͠y̨̢̢͜͡ ̀͢͡҉͠ḑ̵͞o̸̡̕͡ ҉͞t҉̀͡h̢͏̀͜a҉͠͏̴͡t̵̡,̢͢ ̡͏̵͜͞ą̀͞ǹ̷̢̕ḑ̛̀͢͟ ̵̀͝͡d͞͠͝͡e͡͡͝f͝í̡͘͝n̴i̶̕͝t̶͜e҉̧l̸̨̛̛y̸͜ ̷̴̨̡͢n̶͘ó̵̶̧͘t̵͜͜͝ ́͞n҉́i҉̵n̶̴̡͠ę̸̡̛͠ ̛͞o̷̶̡͘͘r̨҉ ̶̀͠m̸̨͜͢ó͞҉̨͠r͞͞e̸̸̢̧.̴͘"̵͏
"He's powerful, Error." The Librarian smiled "But he can still be intimidated. That's why I brought you along. To teach you something. Intimidation is one of the most powerful weapons of all. Intimidating someone into doing what you want is sometimes often times a lot better than outright murdering someone. Why else do you think I kept calling you a cockroach? That I kept reminding you of how I am more powerful than you? Becuase I enjoy it...Well I do, actually but that's besides the point. My point is that I got you to do what I wanted through intimidation"
Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Oh, screw you for once." Carol replied to The Doctor "You don't think I can take care of myself? The Red Scarves taught me more than enough to handle myself."

"Carol!" Lilac replied, shocked.

"Not takin' that back." Carol told her.

"I know that, but that's not what I mean." Lilac said, leaning in to whisper to her "Why would you mention the Red Scarves like that? You know how much trouble that's gotten us in the past."

"Oh... That... Sorry..."

Lilac simply shook her head and turned back to the Doctor and the priest, the former apparently having convinced the latter that they were a police officer of some kind. She didn't know he had a police badge... How did he manage that? Was he an officer at one point?


Mood: Hoping the others didn't notice...

Condition: Doing good!

Location: In front of the church


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