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Fandom Tears: Rebirth






Amber blinked, and looked around "I'm causing wanton destruction? Last I checked, I wasn't stabbing everyone with my blade. That's quite the 180 to take as well - First I'm naive, now I'm destroying everything? Sounds like you're reaching further than you have the ability to."[/border]




After a rather awkward moment of explaining to Clara what Homura was, the group enjoyed afternoon tea together.

"So, Homura... Did I pronounce your name right? You're a magical girl? Like in those animes? To be honest I thought you were a cosplayer when I saw you..." Clara said before taking a sip of her tea.


The Commander shrugged at the President's order. "Mr President, I already have my subordinates working on it. There isn't much for us to do." he said.

The Avenger

Because her question wasn't answerd, the Valhen asked again. "Do you have any questions or shall we move on?"

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theManCalledSting said:
After a rather awkward moment of explaining to Clara what Homura was, the group enjoyed afternoon tea together.

"So, Homura... Did I pronounce your name right? You're a magical girl? Like in those animes? To be honest I thought you were a cosplayer when I saw you..." Clara said before taking a sip of her tea.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura chuckled a tad. "It does seem like it, doesn't it? But I can assure you, I am a magical girl." Suddenly, Homura appeared walking behind Clara. "My specialty is time magic. I can stop it, and even rewind it. Though the rewind only goes to a certain point." Suddenly, she was back in her seat again. "Wait, when you saw me? Oh, I forgot to change out of my magical girl form." Homura's soul gem glowed as her magical girl outfit disappeared, replaced by her normal clothes.

LegoLad659 said:




Amber blinked, and looked around "I'm causing wanton destruction? Last I checked, I wasn't stabbing everyone with my blade. That's quite the 180 to take as well - First I'm naive, now I'm destroying everything? Sounds like you're reaching further than you have the ability to."[/border]



Chara shook their head with a smile. "Innocent and naive are not synonymous, nor are they interchangeable. You are, in fact, causing wanton destruction. You are naive in that you believe it to be justified. Well... you're naive in a few ways more than that, but that as well. The fact remains that to those Bane, you are as awful as I am.
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Assailant said:
Homura chuckled a tad. "It does seem like it, doesn't it? But I can assure you, I am a magical girl." Suddenly, Homura appeared walking behind Clara. "My specialty is time magic. I can stop it, and even rewind it. Though the rewind only goes to a certain point." Suddenly, she was back in her seat again. "Wait, when you saw me? Oh, I forgot to change out of my magical girl form." Homura's soul gem glowed as her magical girl outfit disappeared, replaced by her normal clothes.
Clara was amused by Homura's quick change trick, "Well I guess it really cuts back on the laundry bills... huh?" Then Clara turned her attention to the Doctor and whispered to him, "Doctor, how's she real... She was a character from a cartoon I saw last week... The Time Magic, the outfit and the name!"

"Well, remember when I said the Universe is big? Well the Multiverse is bigger..." The Doctor answered aloud.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. She didn't hear what Clara said, but she did hear the Doctor's remark. "One must wonder how large it is. If the universe is infinite, than what is the multiverse? How does one even measure that? Is the multiverse comprised of infinite universes which are themselves infinite? Interesting thoughts."

Arrow: Looking away from the child to answer the agent's question, Oliver kept the small girl in his peripherals. He was sure that smile and happy demeanor was just an act, but he wondered if she was trying to cover up sadness or something else.

"Yes, I am finding my way around fine, thanks," Oliver responded. He then crouched down lower to the kid, looking at her. "Look, kid, you can drop the happy act. I know you're not happy, and I'm an expert at faking it. Whatever it is you're trying to hide, you'll make it worse by pretending." With that, he patted her on the head twice and walked out to try and find Stevenson, Coulson, or the commander, see if they made any progress.

@Stamper @Skychild (Where's Yato, bro?)

Nikita's Ship-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: After getting aboard the strange Russian woman in power armor's ship, Jotaro found time to sit down and catch his breath. He watched through a window as some sort of liquid was sprayed over the forest, followed by a small pebble being dropped after it. Within a few seconds, the entire forest errupted into an inferno. It was definitely overkill, especially since there could've been survivors down there. He looked at the Russian woman just to see if she cared at all what Gregory was saying. She didn't.

"Yare yare daze," Jotaro groaned as he stood up and walked over to her. "That was a bit overkill, bitch. There could've been normal people still down there that you just roasted. I don't care if you saved us, but I really hate people like you."

Drake: Nico and Drake had made it aboard the strange lady's ship before anyone else, mostly because Drake ran like hell to the ship after he saw it land. Once it took off, he collapsed into a sitting position on the ground to catch his breath from running at top speed. He was more used to Shadow Travelling everywhere, not running. He also pondered something. The only thing he had seen effective on the monsters down there was a flaming arrow to the heart, but he saw Nico hacking them up and turning them to dust with his sword. Maybe Stygian Iron was just as effective. Good information for next time. He looked over to Nico.

"Dude....from what I saw eariler....I thought fire would be the only way to kill em. Having Leo here would've been nice, but too bad he's on vacation or something," Drake said. He knew that Nico didn't know Leo was alive, because not a whole lot of people outside the Seven, Chiron, and Mr. D actually knew. Drake loved eavesdropping on their meetings, so he heard that tidbit of info more recently. He liked Leo, mostly because his jokes were pretty funny.

@Some_Bloke @amybri18

New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Raiden: As he was transported to a new universe, Raiden looked around in surprise and was tempted to reach for his sheathed Murasama, but thought against it. Any hostile actions here might result in innocent people dying from whatever would challenge Raiden. The Communism, however, he wouldn't be swayed by. He didn't like all of the Communist propaganda everywhere, since he worked with a PMC that dismantled regimes or protected delegates that stood for democracy.

Revan: Even though Syeron seemed a bit too hotheaded, she did have a point in her statement. He had no choice but to go along though, because he was suddenly transported to another universe. He didn't have the Ebon Hawk this time, either. The man explained that his was the capital of something called the "Soviet Empire's" territory in the Outer Rim. Funny, he had never heard of this empire even existing in the Outer Rim planets, not to mention this didn't even look like an Outer Rim world. Maybe he wasn't in his home universe after all. Wherever he was, it looked like he'd have nothing to do but wait until they had something to do.

"You know, Syeron," the old man started, "you do remind me a lot of myself when I was a young Jedi Knight. Hot-headed, eager for battle, ready to go to war against the Mandalorians. I was so foolish back then, I should've seen that it would lead to me falling to the Dark Side. I caution you not to follow the same path, young one."

Achilles: When the man had transported them all, Achilles had been expecting to appear on some battlefield or in a base that needed captured or something like that. So, it was surprising for him when they were transported into the middle of some high-tech metropolis. He had his rifle raised, but kept it raised seeing the hammer and sickle of the ancient Soviet Union everywhere. He disliked the idea of Communism, from what he studied in the history books with Deja when he trained as a Spartan.

"Alright, what the hell is going on? I thought you said you needed soldiers, yet here we are in this city. Where's the fighting? Where's this war you said needed to be fought?" Achilles questioned, feeling a bit irked.

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200

A Bar-DC Universe

Goku: Raising an eyebrow at the scary-looking guy's comment about the "Main Man" being in charge, Goku laughed a bit.

"None of us are actually in charge here, big guy. Some woman just shows up outta nowhere and tells us to go do something....like she did when she told us to come get you," he said light-heartedly.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas


Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)
@Some_Bloke @apolisenoChara glared at Oliver after he finished speaking to her, once he had turned to leave. So she was right, he did know. Or at least, he suspected something. It would certainly pay well to be wary of him, she noted. At least, from his words, it didn't seem like he thought she was filled to the brim with LOVE. So that was a plus.


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!






"We seem to hold different definitions of the phrase 'Wanton destruction' to heart. I suppose we'll simply agree to disagree." Amber replied, finding Chara's skewing of the definition just a small bit funny "As for the Banes, while it is impossible to tell due to our inability to communicate them, until proven otherwise I believe them to be soulless and, as such, incapable of believing such things. They exist to spread Rot, and nothing more, as far as we Armellans can tell. If you can manage to actually communicate with one of them I would without a doubt jump on that wagon with you."[/border]




Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber

Status: Depressed

Frisk Chara

Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: Intrigued

"What of Frisk's actions in Okabe's world? You assume that they didn't pacify the Bane, yet you have no proof. Your ignorance prevents you from considering that." Chara sat back and twiddled her fingers before frowning. "You know, I just considered I never HAVE eaten rabbit. I imagine it would taste quite good. Carnage seemed to hold it in high regard. I'll need to try it some day. I'm sure I'll have plenty of time..."

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Assailant said:
Homura frowned. She didn't hear what Clara said, but she did hear the Doctor's remark. "One must wonder how large it is. If the universe is infinite, than what is the multiverse? How does one even measure that? Is the multiverse comprised of infinite universes which are themselves infinite? Interesting thoughts."
Clara saw Homura's expression and asked the Magical Girl, "Homura... are you feeling all right?"

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura looked at Clara. "Of course, why would I be otherwise?"

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura thought for a moment. "I suppose I am a tad... confused. It is strange to not have a goal. I still wish to save Madoka, of course, but I have no clear goal. I have no leads on how to do so. Most of all, I now have all the time I want. To sit around, drinking tea... that would have been incomprehensible as short ago as yesterday. I suppose it is a kind of shock."
Assailant said:
Homura thought for a moment. "I suppose I am a tad... confused. It is strange to not have a goal. I still wish to save Madoka, of course, but I have no clear goal. I have no leads on how to do so. Most of all, I now have all the time I want. To sit around, drinking tea... that would have been incomprehensible as short ago as yesterday. I suppose it is a kind of shock."
"Well, it's always nice to take a break once in a while... Besides I assume this loop is a lot more different from your other ones..." The Doctor said before he took a bite of his Jammie Dodger.

"You seem to care a lot about, Madoka... is she a friend of yours?" asked Clara.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded. "She's a very close friend of mine. The first time I made a wish to become a magical girl, it was to go back in time to save her. Now I can go back in time, though the latter portion of that wish remains unfulfilled."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

Homura nodded. "She's a very close friend of mine. The first time I made a wish to become a magical girl, it was to go back in time to save her. Now I can go back in time, though the latter portion of that wish remains unfulfilled."
"And I fear that may be because that's a fixed point in time..." The Doctor added.

"How would you know, Doctor? It's a different Universe... Maybe it follows different rules..." Clara asked.

"No... the rules of Time is a multiversal constant..." The Doctor explained before facing Homura, "How long have you been looping?"
theManCalledSting said:
"And I fear that may be because that's a fixed point in time..." The Doctor added.
"How would you know, Doctor? It's a different Universe... Maybe it follows different rules..." Clara asked.

"No... the rules of Time is a multiversal constant..." The Doctor explained before facing Homura, "How long have you been looping?"

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Concerned

Homura considered for a few moments. "I think about six or seven years. I lost track. It's definitely more than three years." She was becoming concerned. She didn't like the sound of this.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Concerned

Homura considered for a few moments. "I think about six or seven years. I lost track. It's definitely more than three years." She was becoming concerned. She didn't like the sound of this.
"What causes the end of the loop, Homura... Because I think I know how to break the cycle... It always helps to have someone outside of the loop giving you a helping hand..." the Doctor replied.
theManCalledSting said:
"What causes the end of the loop, Homura... Because I think I know how to break the cycle... It always helps to have someone outside of the loop giving you a helping hand..." the Doctor replied.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Well, I manually reset. But if you mean the event that triggers me to do so, essentially the end of the world," she said. "Either Walpurgis Nacht defeats me and the other girls and goes on to destroy the world, or Madoka becomes a magical girl, kills Walpurgis, becomes a Witch, and destroys the world." She sighed. "I've never stuck around to see the world end, of course, but I know it happens. Or would happen if I didn't reset."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"Well, I manually reset. But if you mean the event that triggers me to do so, essentially the end of the world," she said. "Either Walpurgis Nacht defeats me and the other girls and goes on to destroy the world, or Madoka becomes a magical girl, kills Walpurgis, becomes a Witch, and destroys the world." She sighed. "I've never stuck around to see the world end, of course, but I know it happens. Or would happen if I didn't reset."
"And what happens when someone wishes for a world without witches?" asked Clara, "Well, if all these girls knew what happens to them in the end... then what happens when one of them wish for a world without witches?"
theManCalledSting said:
"And what happens when someone wishes for a world without witches?" asked Clara, "Well, if all these girls knew what happens to them in the end... then what happens when one of them wish for a world without witches?"
"Most girls don't know is the thing. The Incubator very selectively chooses to tell us what will happen. Besides, even if one did wish for that it would likely be impossible. I can't pretend to understand all the workings of the Incubator, but the Karmic Destiny required for that would be immense. The repercussions could be universe-ending. Besides, without Witches there's no reason for magical girls to exist. It creates a paradox."
Assailant said:
"Most girls don't know is the thing. The Incubator very selectively chooses to tell us what will happen. Besides, even if one did wish for that it would likely be impossible. I can't pretend to understand all the workings of the Incubator, but the Karmic Destiny required for that would be immense. The repercussions could be universe-ending. Besides, without Witches there's no reason for magical girls to exist. It creates a paradox."
"Then why not wish for hope?" chimed in the Doctor, "You're world seems a bit too hopeless for no one to ever wish for hope..."
JackOfHearts said:
Error Sans scratches the back of his skull. He was legitimately confused as to what Sheogorath's deal was."̵̨̕Í̵̶'̨́͝m̀͢͜͏,̢̨̀͜͠ ̀͘͡͞u͡͡h̷҉̡̛͟,̷̧ ͡͠Ȩ̷҉̸́r͏̛͏͟r̸̶̢͏͜o̧͟͝҉r̵̢̀͠ ̴͡͠͝S̸͡͡a͏̕n͏̶̕s̨̡.̡́ ̸҉̷̶͟J̶̶̀͢͠u̶͘͞s̨̀t̶̸̛͘ ̢c̸̕͢a͜҉͢͟l̶͞ļ̷̸͟͡ ̶͘͡͞m͞͏e͏҉ ̨̀È̡͞ŕ͜͜͝͝r̨͘͟͟͡ò́͘͝͠r̡̛͘.̴҉͞͡"̷͡ He was gonna play this like he usually did, starting off with acting casual. He was ready to dodge or summon an Error Blaster at a seconds notice though.
"Error?" Sheogorath asked "What kind of a name is that? Your parents mustn't have liked you that much! When I become President I'm going to make sure no one can call their child error...That's just a bit cruel."

"Sure, fine." The Librarian sighed with a shrug "Listen, Sheogorath..."

"Just get to the point already! I'm bored out of my mind here."

The Librarian gestured to Error Sans "Well. Get it over with."

"You're here to try and stop me?" Sheogorath asked, getting a nod in response from the Librarian "REALLY!? What makes you think you can do that!?"

"You're going to be a thorn in my side. I would work with you, but you're just too unpredictable."

Sheogorath chuckled wildly in response "And what makes you think you can stop me?" He asked

"I'll find a way. I always do." The Librarian replied in a threatening tone "It's the only reason I've survived this long. Let this be your warning."

He gestured to Sans for a third time "Roughen him up a little." He grinned

"Don't get in the way of the election!" Sheogorath shouted

Doctor Who Universe: London 2020

The Doctor continued to follow Carol. At the end of the row of buildings was a church surrounded by people while one man, a man with grey messy and greasy hair with a beard that matched his hair evenly stood on the steps. Despite the appearance of his hair, the man was wearing a dark suit, one The Doctor recognized as the outfit worn by a Catholic Priest.

He turned his attention to the buildings Carol was on and called out to her "Do not fear child! For although the end times are upon us, the Lord welcomes everyone. Even those from off-world."


MCU: Coast of Japan

The Merchant approached Giratina closer and began to levitate into the air slightly as the same golden energy he had presented in his hand began to coat his entire body.

"I will give you one warning and one warning alone." He spoke in a clear, threatening tone "I will find you another universe to pillage, one without people, one perhaps closer to your father if that is what you truly want...But leave humanity out of it. Or I will not hesitate to end you."

The Merchant raised his right hand and with it presented a hologram of Giratina and The Merchant having a conversation on top of a mountain. Giratina attacked The Merchant however he raised his left hand and with the snap of his fingers Giratina burst into flames, dying within seconds.

"This was another you, from another universe not too different than your own. When we had this exact conversation, only regarding a different race of beings I destroyed that version of you when it became hostile. I will do the same thing again if I have to."



Emma: Emma chuckled in response to Temmie's reaction, picking up one of the other shoes herself "Rodger that agent Temmie." She paused "Hold on. Do you actually want to be an agent of SHIELD?" She asked, patting Temmie on the head

SHIELD: Noticing the odd looks between Chara and Arrow the male nurse gave the child a concerned look "Everything alright? You don't need to worry about the bow and arrow guy. He seems friendly enough. Probably just isn't used to seeing children on a military base or something...I dunno." He tried to reassure the child.

Stevenson butted into Oliver in the hallway "Oh hey Robin Hood, how are you finding this other universe?" He asked with a friendly smile

Fitz and Simmons: "Sorry." Fitz replied, examining the interior of the ship "Got a little bit carried away with all of this technology. I could spend hours in here. But this device is more important."

"He's right. We can discuss each other's universes later." Simmons butted in "It'll give us something to look forward too when we're done with this thing...Wait, it's not dangerous, is it?" She asked, somewhat concerned

Coulson: "He's right. Let us do our jobs." Coulson replied sternly as the call ended. He turned to Jason and smiled "I never thought I'd have to tell the President off before." He joked "He keeps it up we might just have to ground him."

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659 @apoliseno

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

The constant fire from the minigun was able to push the Behemoth back. It groaned in pain and let out an angry yell, tossing a boulder at Chief that was stopped by Mirus and thrown back at it. With another angry yell the Behemoth charged through ranks of Super Mutants pushing them to the side and even crushing some as it ran at Mirus.

"Oh poop." Harleen muttered with a look of fear on her face

"Get back!" Mirus shouted, opening fire on the Behemoth

"Nah, I think I'll stay and become strawberry jam." Harleen replied sarcastically

Groot, seeing his friend in danger charged at the Behemoth and tacked it's legs "I AM GROOT!" He yelled only to get batted aside by the Behemoth and thrown towards Chief's position.

"Damn thing packs a punch." Nick Valentine muttered under his breath, firing for it's head. The Behemoth didn't even flinch.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 (no idea where Yato went to be honest. Maybe Skychild left the RP?)

American Frontier 1790

"Be grateful for your rescue." Nikita replied sternly to Jotaro "This is a precautionary measure."

"Bollocks!" Gregory shouted

"Those creatures below were called Wendigos." Nikita explained to the group sternly, ignoring Gregory's comment "One alone is capable of butchering entire villages. If a survivor resorts to cannibalism that's just another opportunity for one to be created. This fire will not even kill them. But the soldiers on the ground will. Fire to the heart is the only thing capable of killing one."

"So why burn the forest?" O'Malley asked, shaken

"To draw them out." Nikita replied coldly "An officer will want to question you on your own universes for the archive. I am taking you there now." She turned to Gregory "You'll need to stand trial."

"No. I need to get 'ome." He replied in a stern tone

"Not going to happen." Nikita snapped "I will abide by..."

"Then I demand a trial by combat." Gregory shrugged in an over the top manner, interrupting her "If I win, you lot have to take me home."

Nikita chuckled in response as her ship flew through the tear. "Fine."

@apoliseno @amybri18

Soviet Empire Universe: New New Moscow

Syeron turned to Revan and approached him to that their faces met "I..." She paused "You're right. I do need to be a lot more careful. Although, the Vong..." She paused again "I'll talk about this later. Right now, we need to figure out just what's going on." She stepped away from Revan and the others but still remained in sight "Dammit." She muttered under her breath "Don't get sensitive you damn pussy. Not now."

Mil approached Achilles "I would advise against starting an unnecessary conflict here. My assumption and indeed the most logical assumption is that this place is where the forces for this war or gathering or where we're going to be told about it. Rushing into combat blind and irrational can have horrific consequences...I am speaking from experience."

The Librarian nodded in response to Mil's words "The Geth's right. You're going to be fighting alongside the soldiers of this Empire. The first battle in this war will be fought in a day, plenty of time to get you briefed. I reckon the others will be coming soon. Another group of people from across universes that this Empire is hopefully going to try and recruit."

@apoliseno @ryanpk200

DC Universe

As she was mentioned by Goku, The Woman appeared before the group of three "Hey Lobo." She greeted with a smile "I'm their employer so what can I do for you? How much money do you want, because I can make it happen."

"The last time I heard that it was from a Nigerian prince." Deadpool muttered thoughtfully "Well by hear I mean read in an email."

"You seriously didn't fall for that scam, did you?" The Yellow box asked

"No...No I didn't." Deadpool replied

"Deadpool?" The Yellow box asked "How much money did we lose?"

"It's okay I got my revenge." Deadpool shrugged with a grin under his mask "Kinda handed the guy an anvil and shoved him off of a cliff into waters infested with zombie laser sharks."

"What do you mean by kinda?" The Yellow box asked

"Well..." Deadpool began only to get cut off by The Woman as she cleared her throat "So, what do you say?" She asked enthusiastically

@apoliseno @Barbas

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Stoic

"I'm sure someone out there has. What good would that do though? Hope won't save a life. Our world doesn't seem so awful if you're not a part of the magical girl part of it. Besides, most people have something else to wish for. Sayaka, usually, wishes to heal her permanently crippled friend. Kyouko wishes for her dad to be heard, and her family to be respected. Mami... well, I don't think she's ever told me her wish before. I've never pried. Hope is a dangerous thing as much as it is helpful. It may stop you from becoming a Witch, but then you become like Mami: beheaded and eaten."


Giratina watched, unsettled by the hologram, but mostly by the idea that there were multiple versions of himself. He shifted awkwardly, tendrils coiling around one another. "Look, I don't want to pillage, really... I just..." he realized then that it was no use trying to reason with this guy. He was set that Giratina was a threat, and there was probably nothing the serpent could do to deter that. "Fine. Send me to another world already."

Universe: MCU

Location: Near The Merchant

Status: Disturbed



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