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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Homura Akemi

Universe: Silurian Earth

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Happy

Homura nodded and turned around as she looked at London. It didn't look THAT different from Mitakihara, and yet it was completely different. The architecture was different, the building material was a different type, but yet at the same time it was the same. But this WAS a completely different universe. Perhaps one without magical girls, or Witches. It was nice to be able to look around at something that wasn't the same. So many time loops had left her cold to the world. It was all the same. But this was different! The people, the surroundings, it was DIFFERENT! She smiled and turned to the Doctor.

"I've been looping for so long, I forgot what it was like to see anything different." She let out a slight smile and bowed to him. "Thank you for giving me something different. It gives me hope once more that I may be able to beat Walpurgis Nacht one day."

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Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Fighting


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: Unconscious

Undyne grabbed and held Amber to carry her out of the way of rubble, using spears to smash rubble she could and avoid the pieces. Kurisu and Okabe ran together and portal'd once more.

They landed in front of the Doctor and Homura as they groaned.

"He's not falling for it," Okabe said. Kurisu nodded as Okabe adjusted the device.

"The lasers aren't killing him," Kurisu said, "and he isn't taking the bait." Okabe paused.

"I have an idea, but it's really dangerous." Kurisu nodded, already knowing what the plan was.

"We're running out of time, let's do it." Okabe opened a portal as Kurisu jumped through with her flaming katana and Okabe jumped through, portal closing once more behind him.

A portal opened up directly behind Carnage as Kurisu jumped out and stabbed at him from a running charge.
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Universe: Undertale

Current Form: Carnage

Loudly shrieking in pain after being stabbed by a flaming sword for a third time, Carnage turns to face Kurisu and begins to chase after her with his claws ready to attack." Get back here, ya little shit!"


Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Fighting


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: Unconscious

Kurisu ran from Carnage as Okabe popped through the portal. He found Kurisu and quickly shot a portal between Kurisu and Carnage, which would cause Carnage to accidentally run through it, after which Okabe would quickly close it behind him.

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"Politicians." Jason muttered to himself as he waited for a chance to talk. When it was his turn, he said in a disgusted tone. "Mr President, my organization and I don't like being compared to aliens. The Extraterrestrial Combat Project doesn't like being compared to its enemies."

The Commander waited several moments and then continued in a more pleasant tone. "First Contact with aliens went terrible, and because of that many people don't like aliens. Despite any hostilities or dislike my organization may have against aliens working with SHIELD, I assure you that we mean no harm and only want to help combat the tears. XCOM is adept at combating unknown threats."

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Arrow: After finishing the workout, Oliver donned the suit and exited the rec area with his folded up bow in its holster on his leg. He noticed a female SHIELD agent down the hall escorting around a young child. If he wanted directions, that agent would probably be the best person to start asking. He started walking after them with his hood down and mask tucked away. When he stepped in, he saw that it was a medical bay. When he saw the child again, he got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. She acted innocent and nice like a child her age should, but Oliver couldn't shake the feeling that she was acting. He was probably imagining things, but he would be the best one to know about acting. He had to do it in front of his family for a while after all.

@Skychild (Whatever happened to Yato?)

The Lost Light-PMMMU

Kuro: Having disappeared at the arena and snuck onto Rodimus, Kuro held on for dear life while staying hidden under the effect of his Semblance. When the car stopped, he hopped off to avoid getting hurt from the transformation. They stopped at a ship, and a very large one at that. He snuck aboard while feelin very dizzy, sticking close to Constantine since he looked to be the closest thing to whatever passed for normal in Kuro's universe. He dropped his Semblance's effect, then immediately clutched his stomach and leaned against the wall since the pain took effect.

"This....is what I meant....when I said my trick hurts myself," he managed to get out between gasps of air.

@theManCalledSting @Noivian @Some_Bloke

Bar-DC Universe

Goku: After waking up, Goku hopped out of the car and rubbed his eyes, tired. He walked over to Deadpool, stretching his arms and looking at the menacing-looking guy in black and white facepaint. He reeked of cigarettes.

"So this is the guy, huh? He looks tough," Goku stated.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
Universe: Undertale

Current Form: Carnage

Not noticing the portal until it was too late, Carnage runs right into the portal. Desperate to get out, Carnage thrusts his left arm through it as he tries to escape.


SHIELD: The male nurse drew a pen-like device from his shirt and used it to scan Chara. The device would read her vitals and check for any abnormalities in her system (gonna let you decide what he finds, @Stamper

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

"That's the spirit!" Syeron smiled, patting Achilles on the back before turning to Revan "If this man is right and this war does threaten all of existence..." She began to speak, her tone and facial expression turning serious "Then staying out of it isn't an option. Not one us Jedi can take in good conscience. For goodness sake, you can't sit on the sidelines for this!"

"She's got a point." The Librarian cut in "What about the rest of you? Will you join this cause or will you sit on your arses until reality dies?"

@ryanpk200 @apoliseno

DC Universe

"All the more reason we want him on this team-up thingy." Deadpool replied "A walking tumor, a biker and Sayan. Eh could be better but what ya gonna do?" He asked with a shrug before offering Lobo a handshake "What do ya say. Will you join us in our epic quest to save the Multiverse!? While getting paid for it of course."

@apoliseno @Barbas

Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Relieved


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: Unconscious

The portal closes, heedless of Carnage's arm, severing it if it isn't already pulled back out. Okabe laughs in relief as Kurisu trips over and begins panting in released fear. Alphys smiles and wipes some sweat off her brow as Okabe cheers, glad beyond belief that they even survived the encounter.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Silurian Earth

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Happy

Homura nodded and turned around as she looked at London. It didn't look THAT different from Mitakihara, and yet it was completely different. The architecture was different, the building material was a different type, but yet at the same time it was the same. But this WAS a completely different universe. Perhaps one without magical girls, or Witches. It was nice to be able to look around at something that wasn't the same. So many time loops had left her cold to the world. It was all the same. But this was different! The people, the surroundings, it was DIFFERENT! She smiled and turned to the Doctor.

"I've been looping for so long, I forgot what it was like to see anything different." She let out a slight smile and bowed to him. "Thank you for giving me something different. It gives me hope once more that I may be able to beat Walpurgis Nacht one day."

"See! I knew you'd like it! Normal not grief filled... no Extra-Dimensional beings trying to plunge the world into darkness... Nothing really to worry about for you..." The Doctor said coming out of the TARDIS to accompany his companion, "So, wanna meet the locals?"

@Some_Bloke ((Tagged for Ms. Oswald))
Universe: Unknown

Current Form: Carnage

Enraged that they managed to trick him, Carnage begins to repeatadly slam his remaining fist into the ground in frustration as his left arm slowly regrows. After venting his frustration for a few minutes, Carnage gets to his feet and calls out to see if anyone else is here." Hellooo! Anyone? Don't tell me I'm stuck here by myself?!"


Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Grossed Out


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: Stirring

"Ah!" Okabe yelled. "Gross gross gross gross!" He yelled as he promptly dropped a portal under it and closed the portal behind him. Kurisu laughed as he muttered to himself.
Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy



"Yeah, it is that bad!" Carol replied "Just look at it, there's no way anyone could think that looks good!"

"Shh, Carol!" Lilac replied, trying to keep her voice low "Stop shouting, you're gonna attract attention!"

"Sorry..." Carol said, toning it down a bit "But seriously, you think these disguises will do any better?"

"I trust the Doctor knows what he's talking about." Lilac told her "Don't you?"

"To be completely honest with you, Lilac, no, I don't. You remember what happened with those Sycorax guys? He flat-out lied to us to get what he wanted. Who's to say he won't do the same thing again? Hey, maybe he's doing it right now!"

"What? What are you talking about, Carol? How could you say that??" Lilac asked, shocked that Carol would accuse the Doctor of something like that.

"He said that his universe doesn't take kindly to aliens. And yeah, I believe that that's true. But what if he's one of those people? He brings us straight to his universe, convinces us to stick out as much as possible, and bam! He has us right where he wants us."

Lilac opened her mouth to respond, but her mind was blank. She couldn't come up with a good comeback.

"If you wanna go with him and wear that ridiculous outfit, go ahead. But I'm not gonna fall for it too. I'm gonna see what I can find out, my way. See ya when I get back, try not to get into too much trouble while I'm gone, Lilac." Carol said, before dashing into a nearby alley and jumping off the walls of the two buildings up to their roofs.

Lilac was dumbstruck. Did... She just do that?


Mood: ...

Condition: Doing good!

Location: Outside the TARDIS


Marvel Cinematic Universe





Temmie looked at the shoe Emma was holding and took it from her "OoH! SHooZ!" She said, gnawing on it a little bit before coughing "SHOOz taST BAd..."

U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)
@Some_Bloke @apoliseno

Chara stood still as the nurse scanned her, feeling fairly confident that he couldn't find anything incriminating. And she was correct; The scan showed that her body was in perfect condition, save for a few bumps and bruises from having a person land on her and smacking her face into the floor.

She was
still pissed off about whoever that was.

But anyway, she waited patiently for the nurse to finish, while looking at the man that had just walked in. The female agent seemed to recognize him, but that wasn't what Chara noticed. That look that he gave her. It was too... Plain, she supposed the word was. Too serious. Yeah, okay, maybe he was a serious guy, but something about it made her think that he was hiding something behind that face.

She forced back a giggle at the thought of using a knife to find out. Probably a skull, with a soon-to-be-dead brain inside of it. That's what she would find behind that face. Mm, she couldn't wait.

Back to the metaphor, she made a note to keep an eye on him. He had a distrustful look about him, unlike most of the others she had seen around the base so far. If she wasn't careful, he could suspect something about her. And she would have to kill him quickly if that were to happen. No time to savor the face-examination. And that would be unfortunate.

(Chara has a
really sick sense of humor.)


Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!






Seeing that the battle was over, Amber retracted her parasol and sighed in relief, looking at the unconscious Frisk nearby. She pushed herself to her feet, and quickly regretting it as pain coursed through her injured leg. She ended up using her parasol as a crutch as she made her way over to the others "Great job, guys." She said, giving them a smile "I wish I could've helped, but... I'm sorry."[/border]




Nico Di Angelo


Location: American Frontier 1790

Interacted: @apoliseno

Around: @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Condition: ~
Nico gave Drake a small smile, though it was forced. The last two weeks or so had been rough for him, especially after coming out of that jar wit barely any life left in him, but he had to keep his spirits high if he were to make it back to the Argo II. "Honestly, I don't understand either... But, I choose to believe it. There's no other explanation, really..." He followed the others into a ship.


The Commander had a look of satisfaction on his face when he saw the President's look of embarrassment. He then explained what they were doing next. "At the moment, several XCOM and SHIELD scientists are working on device that we brought with us. They are modifying it to track tears."



For no reason at all, Isaac was quiet while they recovered the scientist and the appearance of the Librarian. Isaac then answered the Librarian's question. "I'll join the cause. I may not like my universe, but I'll find a place I do like and I won't be able to be there if reality has fallen apart."



Happy with the results of his DIY project, Crane made several more and also made several exploding throwing stars. "I have plenty!" Yelled Crane to Harleen over the sound of gunfire. He tossed the grenades where the mutants were most heavily clustered and threw the stars at the mutants with miniguns.

Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Relieved


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: Awake, and Somewhat Confused

Kurisu smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'm just happy everyone got out safe, all things considered." Undyne grumbled, a little pissed she didn't do anything. She had been so confused by what was happening that she never took action. She went over to Alphys to make sure she was alright.

"W-what happened?" A voice piped up from the beach. Okabe and Kurisu turned to see Frisk sitting up and rubbing their eyes. They looked at the house and gasped, standing up. "W-what happened?! The house... where's Carnage?! He didn't die, right?! I-"

"Calm down, punk!" Undyne said, walking over and noogie-ing them. "No one's dead. The house got... damaged though, but don't worry about it." Frisk paused and nodded slowly before noticing Amber's leg.

"Amber you're hurt!" They yelled, running towards her. "Are you oka-?" They stopped as they got close to her and rubbed their arm a bit before backing away a bit. "I-I'll keep my distance," they said sullenly. They still thought Amber was afraid of them. The door to the next house over opened as a goat woman walked out and gasped.

"W-what happened here? I heard banging, but I thought-" She then noticed everyone's condition and gasped before noticing Frisk. She gasped once more and ran towards them. "My child!"

"Hi mom!" They said, their voice more sullen than normal, but still happy. The woman hugged Frisk as Okabe and Kurisu mouthed "mom?" to each other.

"Next time you go on an adventure, tell me. You are lucky Dr. Alphys covered for you." Frisk nodded as the woman looked around at everyone. "Now all of you, you all look simply devastated. Please, come in for dinner. I was just making it." She insisted as she walked inside. Frisk turned to them.

"I... I bet you all want answers... about... Chara." They sheepishly rubbed their arm. "I know you all must hate me, but please at least come in for dinner. Mom won't let you or me hear the end of it otherwise. If you still can stand to be around me after, I can explain."

You are still going to explain to them? After what just occurred?

I can't make it worse now, right?
theManCalledSting said:
"See! I knew you'd like it! Normal not grief filled... no Extra-Dimensional beings trying to plunge the world into darkness... Nothing really to worry about for you..." The Doctor said coming out of the TARDIS to accompany his companion, "So, wanna meet the locals?"
@Some_Bloke ((Tagged for Ms. Oswald))

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Somewhat Happy?

Homura nodded. "That would be interesting." She started as she saw the same man in a labcoat, this time with a woman, drop in once more. They mentioned something about lasers, the woman was holding a flaming katana, and then they went through another portal and were gone. Before it closed, Homura could hear what sounded like a scream of agony from the other side. "Is... that normal for you?"
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Somewhat Happy?

Homura nodded. "That would be interesting." She started as she saw the same man in a labcoat, this time with a woman, drop in once more. They mentioned something about lasers, the woman was holding a flaming katana, and then they went through another portal and were gone. Before it closed, Homura could hear what sounded like a scream of agony from the other side. "Is... that normal for you?"
"Oddly enough, yes..." The Doctor said plainly to Homura, "So let's head on off to meet a dear friend of mine!"

@Some_Bloke ((A Call for Ms. Oswald))





Amber shook her head and smiled encouragingly at Frisk "No, you don't have to. Don't worry about it." She said, before Frisk's mother arrived and offered then dinner. That sounded good to her, right now. She followed her inside the house, still using her parasol to support her weight.

Oh, that reminded her. She turned around "Oh, by the way, Kurisu... Could I have my katana back?"[/border]




Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Undertale

Near: Frisk, Amber, Carnage

Status: Hungry


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Carnage

Status: ...

Kurisu chuckled. "Oh, right! Consider that your contribution to the fight." She handed to katana over to Amber. The woman looked over them and sighed.

"I don't know what happened to you all, but if it was with Frisk I'm sure it was crazy. My child gets into all sorts of crazy situations." She walked over and used magic to heal everyone's wounds. Amber's leg and all other wounds, and the minor lacerations and bumps Kurisu and Okabe had accumulated went away as well. She smiled and walked into the kitchen and pulled out some lasagna she had been cooking. "Papyrus has fallen in love with pasta, so I've been trying my hand at some new ones." She placed it on the table and took some plates out and placed them out for everyone. "Dig in!" She sat down and allowed everyone to get their share.

"Thank you, Ms..." Okabe said, not knowing what to call her.

"Oh, just call me Toriel," She said. "So, I presume you all know my child, Frisk, since you were talking with them when I came out. How did you all meet? They have not told me about you before."
theManCalledSting said:
"Oddly enough, yes..." The Doctor said plainly to Homura, "So let's head on off to meet a dear friend of mine!"
@Some_Bloke ((A Call for Ms. Oswald))

Homura Akemi

Universe: Doctor Who

Near: 11th Doctor

Status: Content?

Homura nodded in acceptance and walked alongside the Doctor.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"He's in his own domain at the moment. I can take you there now." The Librarian explained with a shrug "Only if you're ready of course. Sheogorath is very dangerous for someone like you. One moment you're you, the next you're a wheel of cheese. His powers do not affect me, thankfully. I prefer this form."

Error was silent for a moment. "̛̀͟W̷̧͢͠ò͡͡w̵͝.̶̶͠͡͝.̵͠͞.̵̷̕̕͘h҉̵͡e͏͜͡ ̷̷̧͠ś͘͢͢o̴͜͝u̸͠ǹd̴͢s̴̀͠ ̸͘͠ḿ̷̶̕o͟r̢͜͡͏e̴͘͢͢͞ ̴̢̧ŗ͜͞a̴͟n̡͘͘͝d̨҉o͏̀͝͝m̶̢͝͠ ̛҉̢à̕͢n҉͜͝d̷͜͞ ̸́c͏̧̢́́ǫ̸̛͜m̢̧͜͡͡p̶u̴͘͢l̶̨͠҉͟s̨̕̕͘͞í͜͜҉v͘͞é͝ ̧͏t̵͢͢͞͡h̸ą̵̶̶n͘҉ ̀̕͘͜͜m̵̡e̸͡͏̨.͢͞҉̷ ̷̢̕͟͠Ņȩ̷̛̕͢v̷͘͜e͘r̡̛͘͜ ͠t́͘͜h̵̴͘͘͜o͡҉̡ư̶͘g̀͡͏h̸͘ţ҉̵̶ ̴͡҉̀I͝͏'҉̛͟d̴͢ ̷̧̢͝s̸͡á̸̢͜ỳ͘͢͠ ̴̡t̴͜h̛́͡a̸̵̛t̶͟͡͝ ̶̸̧a҉̕̕͞b̧͘͏̨̀o̸̸҉u̸͜͜t̡͠ ̸̶́͜͝á̧ņ̀͢ý̕͞o͡҉̢͟n͢͏ę͘҉͏.̡͘͞͝҉"̢́͘͡ He says to himself. "̶̡͞͞H̷̨̢̛͞m̸̨͢m̸͏.̨̛͡.҉̶̀̕.̨̛̀́̕Y̷͜e͏̨̕a͝h͞,҉̷̵͜͏ ̸͞͏I̵̢҉̕'͏̸m͏̶́͘ ҉r̴̵e̡͢͜҉́á͝͏d̨̡y̶̸.̷̛҉́"̨





Amber took her sword from Kurisu and sheathed it in the base of her parasol while Toriel spoke and healed them. Wait, she used magic to heal them? The Rabbit hadn't heard of a spell like that before. The only healing magic she knew of was Regeneration, which generally took longer to heal than this did. Then again, she was in another universe, and she didn't feel the Wyld's power coming from the spell, so maybe this was just a different type of magic. She followed Toriel inside and sat down while the food was brought out "Thank you very much for all of this." Amber told her, smiling as her portion was handed to her and Toriel asked how they all met "Ah, well, that's a bit of a complicated story... We're not exactly from around here."[/border]




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