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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"You sure about that? Well, alright, if you say so." Kyouko said, before following Nightbeat and wondering what problems Brainstorm has. While they left, she looked back at Rodimus and Cadence "They comin' with us, or is it just us?"


Mood: What's this thing talking about?

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light


"I'll be in our best interest if we do it on our own... Magnus will be watching us like a hawk if he finds out..." Nightbeat whispered as they sneaked pass the bickering Rodimus and Ultra Magnus.

"Finds out what, Nightbeat?" asked a new Robot... who was accompanied by a smaller robot with what appeared to be a camera bolted on his head.



"Well if it isn't the Lost Light's resident power couple! Chromedome and Rewind!"

"You flatter us... Nightbeat but where do you think you're going with that Girl?" Chromedome asked.

"Don't mind me miss, I'm just recording this... I'm an archivist... it's my job..." Rewind told Kyouko.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"Huh, okay. Mind if I ask why you feel the need to archive this?" Kyouko asked. It could just be that they don't usually get Humans on their ship, but she was hoping he had a better reason.


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light


"Oh it's me and Domey's first trip to another universe... We've visited different Timelines and Dimensions but this is big! Plus, I always record everything!" Rewind answered.

"Chromedome, we're heading to Brainstorm's you know where he is?" Nightbeat answered Chromedome's question.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BRAINSTORM HERE?!" Chromedome scolded Nightbeat for even entertaining the idea of visiting the mad scientist.

"Well I promised the girl and in turn she'll provide valuable information on this Universe and its Earth!" Nightbeat replied.

"Fine, you win... I'll show you where he is... but if your friend starts growing an extra head... don't blame me!" Chromedome snapped.

Character: Giratina

Universe: MCU

Near: The Merchant

Talking to: The Merchant

Status: Neutral

"Something for you?" Giratina echoed. "Like what?"

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


Ahh, the robot had a point. From what she could tell, travelling to other universes wasn't exactly a regular thing they could do. It'd make sense that they'd want to document it "Well, that's fair."

Then the robots started shouting at each other. Seeing this Brainstorm guy was sounding like less of a good idea, but she stuck with it for now. As a result she didn't say anything to add to their argument.


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"My name's Kyouko." She told him. Hey, might as well indulge him, right? No harm in that "Kyouko Sakura. I suppose you could call me a soldier, of sorts. Though probably not the kind that any of you are used to - I work more for myself than for any kind of organization. Just how my particular line works."


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light


"So... you're a mercenary or a bounty hunter? No offence but you don't really look the type," Rewind said.

"We're here..." Chromedome said before stopping Nightbeat from knocking the door, "I'll handle this if you don't mind, Nightbeat..."

The Door to Brainstorm's Workshop opened automatically as if he was expecting them... except... Brainstorm didn't think that... ((Read the comic panel))


"He's right you know..." Nightbeat added.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


Kyouko raised her eyebrow at this interaction between Brainstorm and Chromedome, and continued talking to Rewind "Eh, kinda. People like me are people who've made contracts with a certain creature to fight more dangerous creatures called Witches, in exchange for a wish that it grants us. Kinda nice, if ya don't screw it up like I did."


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light


"I get... That concludes our interview... thank you for your time Kyouko..." Rewind said.

"Brainstorm can you get off of that thing and help us... someone's interested in some weapons..." Nightbeat stated which caused Brainstorm to drop whatever it was he was doing and jumped at the opportunity to share his Brilliantly deadly weapons.

"All right then! Tell Me who's the Wonderfully Crazy Bot who wants to test out my latest prototypes!" Brainstorm said in glee.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


Kyouko nodded to Rewind before turning to Brainstorm and giving a small wave "Over here. Your friends here offered weapons in exchange for information." She explained to him "Hope ya don't mind."


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
Kyouko nodded to Rewind before turning to Brainstorm and giving a small wave "Over here. Your friends here offered weapons in exchange for information." She explained to him "Hope ya don't mind."
"Oh... Well I suppose I can make something in fun-size... what sort of weapon would you like? I specialize in Solar System ending super weapons! Like My Briefcase!" Brainstorm said with enthusiasm.

"Didn't it turn off the sun on Hydrus 4?" Chromedome asked.

"LIES! FILTHY STINKING LIES! It was Hydrus 5..." Brainstorm corrected his colleague.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"Preferably something that can take out hulking monsters with relatively little effort." Kyouko explained "Should help with my job a lot... And d'ya have to call 'em fun-size? It sounds like you're actively insulting me, bud."


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Preferably something that can take out hulking monsters with relatively little effort." Kyouko explained "Should help with my job a lot... And d'ya have to call 'em fun-size? It sounds like you're actively insulting me, bud."
"Not at all! Not unless you can lift this..." Brainstorm said as he showed of the standard weapons he'd give his favorite customer, Whirl.


"If you can't then I'll make a smaller one... You good with Blasters?" asked Brainstorm as he searched for a weapon that may work for Kyouko.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


Kyouko took a look at the (Presumably large) weapon "Yeah, that should be fine." She said, in response to his question "Not really sure if I could use this thing very well."


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
Kyouko took a look at the (Presumably large) weapon "Yeah, that should be fine." She said, in response to his question "Not really sure if I could use this thing very well."
"Then I've got the weapon for you!" Brainstorm said as he offered Kyouko a fun-sized weapon he was looking for.


"The My First Blaster! Don't let its appearance fool you, my dear! It can blow a hole through Adamantium! Unbreakable alloy my afterburners... BUT I SHOWED THEM! I SHOWED THEM ALL!!!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


'My First Blaster'? Really? Her incredulous look could be seen from a mile away. If she didn't know any better - Or at least suspected she knew any better, anyway - she would swear this was a joke. Still, she took the blaster anyway "Sounds pretty cool, actually. The name could use some work... But if this does what you say it does, then it should be fine." She said, looking to the other robots for confirmation of this fact.


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
'My First Blaster'? Really? Her incredulous look could be seen from a mile away. If she didn't know any better - Or at least suspected she knew any better, anyway - she would swear this was a joke. Still, she took the blaster anyway "Sounds pretty cool, actually. The name could use some work... But if this does what you say it does, then it should be fine." She said, looking to the other robots for confirmation of this fact.
"Oh it does more than just that! It says encouraging phrases for you if you miss and praise you if you make contact!" Brainstorm added...
Kyouko Sakura


Kyouko blinked, and actually started to hand the blaster back to him "Yyyeaaaah, on second thought, I think I'd rather not take it. Got anything else?"


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light


"I got this thing... It's a spear that converts into an a rifle... does the same amount of damage as the 'My First Blaster' but it's melee mode requires masterful hands of those taught in the forbidden art of Metallikato..."

The Weapon looked similar to Kyouko's own weapon and oddly enough was the same size.

"I was going to give it to one of the Micromasters... but Overlord eviscerated the poor fellow before I could give it to him... So consider it yours then!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"Huh. That actually sounds pretty cool!" Kyouko replied, taking a look at the spear "Don't worry about the whole spear thing, that's no problem. I fight with a spear all the time. Well, it's kind of an unconventional spear, but still a spear. Kinda." She said. Using a normal spear after working with her special chain-linked one would take a lot of getting used to.


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Huh. That actually sounds pretty cool!" Kyouko replied, taking a look at the spear "Don't worry about the whole spear thing, that's no problem. I fight with a spear all the time. Well, it's kind of an unconventional spear, but still a spear. Kinda." She said. Using a normal spear after working with her special chain-linked one would take a lot of getting used to.
"If you want... I know someone who can teach you how to fully master that weapon..." Nightbeat suggested to Kyouko if she needed help with her new weapon.

"And if you want I can record the training sessions and cut them into a montage!" Rewind interjected.

"Not now, Dear..." Chromedome told Rewind as Chromedome placed a hand on his spouse's shoulder.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Kyouko Sakura


"Probably a good idea. Unless you can manage to modify this thing to work more like my other weapon, anyway." Kyouko replied. Deep down, she wondered if he could actually do that. Nah, he couldn't... Could he? Her spear was linked together with chains, but those segments split and fused back together using her magic. He couldn't possibly create something like that.


Mood: Hello, there.

Condition: Haven't been in a fight yet.

Location: The Lost Light

LegoLad659 said:
"Probably a good idea. Unless you can manage to modify this thing to work more like my other weapon, anyway." Kyouko replied. Deep down, she wondered if he could actually do that. Nah, he couldn't... Could he? Her spear was linked together with chains, but those segments split and fused back together using her magic. He couldn't possibly create something like that.
"Please explain to me how your weapon is any different..." Brainstorm asked, "I won't know if I can modify it if I don't know what your weapon's like... But I can tell you what! I'm pretty sure I can!"

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