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Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Q studied the guards there armor were ancient by his slandered as well as frail. One guard spoke to him in Italian. he tried to sound commanding but being in the presence of Q made that a tad too difficult, if it wasn't Q's mask that had frighten the commander then surly his height and considerably alien appearance was that made the commander shake in his armor. Not having any response from Q the commander stabbed at Q, but Q tore the Spear out of commander's grip and fallowed it by slugging the Commander across the face.

The Commander who was now sporting a large bruise on his cheek ordered the rest of the guards to attack. @EssentPon

Vita Salvatore da Forli

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: Q

Status: In Combat

"Here we go again..." she said to herself.

Aiming herself carefully, her eyes gazed upon the guards and who they were attacking. She locked her eyes onto one of them, leaped off of the roof and...


Her hidden blade pierced the guard's neck. An aerial assassination. Vita retracted the blade and got up quickly. Seeing the guards now alarmed at her presence, she quickly took out her dagger. It was time for battle.

Doctor Who Universe (Earth, 2020)

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

"...Okay, bye I guess." Cadence said, as she watched The Doctor leave with Homura, leaving her previous question completely unanswered and, in fact, she just completely ignored her as a whole throughout that entire conversation. She felt insulted, honestly.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Krypto growled once more at Harleen for bopping him on the nose, but calmed down when Mirus began scratching behind his ear. Currently Mirus was his favorite person at the moment
Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

Cadence simply shook her head in response to the robot. She didn't feel like talking at the moment. She was completely ignored by the girl everyone was talking to, and now the robots can't be bothered to treat her with even the
slightest shred of decency? 'You, there. What do you know?' That was it?? He didn't even want to learn her real name or anything, he just wanted to know her theories? She's dressed in freaking medieval clothing, what could she possibly know that they don't?!

She was starting to get pissed off, now.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Rodimus looked at his human companion and saw she was visibly upset, "Hey, Cadence... something bothering you?"

The Egotistical Co-Captain of the Lost Light may think he's Primus' gift to existence but he at least has a heart.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Despite not being the smartest, Crash knew something was wrong with the medieval girl. So he walked up to her and sat down besides her then pulled out a wumpa fruit and gestured it to her as if asking her if she wanted some "Crash" he said pointing to himself @LegoLad659
Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

"Oh, yeah, I'm just fine." Cadence's thoughts started coming out of her mouth, without her realizing it "Just dealing with the fact that everyone around me right now is making me feel completely worthless.
Not emotionally crushing at all, to a kid who's been without any meaningful family for the past two years! Nope, I'm just peachy! Go ahead and treat me like I'm so much of a lower life form that to you I don't even have a name! Hell, that girl we just saw leave with the Doctor? Not even she bothered to respond to me in that whole conversation! At all!! Not even another Human being sees me as anything decent!"

Once she was done with that, she managed to calm down a bit after a moment "...Heh, maybe that's just people showing me the truth. I'm most likely already dead, why should anyone treat me with the same decency as someone actually living? I'm just a walking corpse..." Cadence reasoned, before turning away from Rodimus "I should just go back to the crypt. That's where I belong, with all the other monsters that were reanimated. Just like me..."

She noticed Crash trying to hand her something and saying something, but it didn't quite register what it was he was trying to do. Her mind was busy with everything else.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Rodimus sat beside Cadence, "You know something, kid. You remind me of a certain hansom Maroon Autobot when he was getting his bearings and discovering he was the chosen one... You're not worthless, you never were... Hell, Things like this happen all the time with me... Even I feel a bit snubbed by that Human... But all what matters now is what you're going to do! And remember experience is the benchmark of maturity... Keep doing what you're doing kid I'm sure something's going to come up and you're going to light our darkest hour!"
Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

"Can I ask you something?" Cadence asked, turning to Rodimus "Did he ever die? Did he die, and be brought back to life with a serious handicap that put him at a disadvantage to everyone that didn't have the same curse? I have a song constantly playing in my head. If I don't follow the beat of that song, I can't move. No exceptions. My body just freezes up and I have to skip the next beat before I can move again. Do you know how that feels? I'm hardly in control of my own
body anymore..."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




Rodimus was taken aback slightly by Cadence's words, "Uh... No... But Optimus Prime aka the Greatest Autobot Leader not named Rodimus, had died a ton of times and came back with some sort of handicap... Didn't stop him from kicking the Decepticons' Tailpipes and ending the great war! Look, Cadence... You're just being hard on yourself... Don't worry about it."
Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

Cadence smiled a bit at Rodimus' words "Thanks, Rodimus. Thing is, maybe I deserve it... I made a stupid decision out of desperation to
maybe see my father again, and I paid the price for it."

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

"That's true..." Cadence agreed. What she didn't tell him is that her uncle Eli had warned her not to chase after her father. Was she still right to? Should she have stayed home? Would she rather not know what happened to him, if she could go back and make that decision again? Would she do it anyway?


Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



theManCalledSting said:
"That's the spirit!" The Doctor said with a smile as he lead Homura to the TARDIS.

"So... I need you to take a deep breath... this is where things get exciting," said the Doctor as he entered his Police Box shaped ship.


((the Doctor shows of the indside of the TARDIS in the end of this vid so it makes sense to me. Also starting an Arc.))

He left the doors to his ship open which revealed a dark interior that felt bigger in the inside, eventually the Doctor stopped and presumed middle of his ship and snapped his fingers to activate the lights of his ship revealing it in all of its glory to Homura, the Doctor turned around to face her with a smirk.

"Welcome aboard the TARDIS, Ms. Akemi. I only have one simple rule for you if we're going to solve the mystery of these Dimensional tears... No Guns... Never liked them."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: Crash Bandicoot, 11th Doctor, Kuro, Rodimus, Cadance, Constantine

Status: Stoic

Homura looked around the ship. After a few moments she turned to the Doctor. "Interesting," she said simply, no doubt disappointing the Doctor. She considered the guns one for a bit. She wasn't one for non-violence, yet this was her best chance for saving Madoka. "If you didn't notice out there, guns were my specialty," She said, referring to the fight with Mindwipe. "I will do my best, but no promises."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: Crash Bandicoot, 11th Doctor, Kuro, Rodimus, Cadance, Constantine

Status: Stoic

Homura looked around the ship. After a few moments she turned to the Doctor. "Interesting," she said simply, no doubt disappointing the Doctor. She considered the guns one for a bit. She wasn't one for non-violence, yet this was her best chance for saving Madoka. "If you didn't notice out there, guns were my specialty," She said, referring to the fight with Mindwipe. "I will do my best, but no promises."
The Doctor was disappointed that Homura didn't say that the TARDIS was bigger in the inside, "Well that's a first..."

"If you didn't notice out there, guns were my specialty," Homura said, referring to the fight with Mindwipe. "I will do my best, but no promises."

"Well then... since this is your first trip... where to first? Give me a Date and a Place and we're on our way..." The Doctor said as he glanced a rather troubling scan of his new companion... it lasted for only a brief moment before it returned to its default screen.
EssentPon said:

Vita Salvatore da Forli

Universe: Assassin's Creed

Location: Rome, 1501

Near: Q

Status: In Combat

"Here we go again..." she said to herself.

Aiming herself carefully, her eyes gazed upon the guards and who they were attacking. She locked her eyes onto one of them, leaped off of the roof and...


Her hidden blade pierced the guard's neck. An aerial assassination. Vita retracted the blade and got up quickly. Seeing the guards now alarmed at her presence, she quickly took out her dagger. It was time for battle.

(11 Guards out of 12)

Q Grabbed a guard and hefted him up in air before throwing him back into the ground head first, the guard struggled to get up as the guard attempted to get up Q went over and kicked him in the head (10 of 12) *Hrmm* Q grunted as he felt a guard stab him in the back of the head Q turned around and uppercut said guard then struck him again while the guard was in mid air (9 of 12)

Character: Giratina

Universe: MCU

Near: The Merchant

Talking to: The Merchant

Status: Annoyed

Giratina looked to the mysterious man, and the golden energy, unimpressed. Really, he had seen it before. His father's own energy looked very similar to what this man was using. Who's to say he wasn't this universe's version of Giratina's dad? Giratina made a point of rolling his eyes. "Oh, I've heard that one before," he muttered, but his grip loosened on the ship, and he started drifting away from it. "Honestly? I can't make any promises to not harm someone. But rampages aren't really my style, you know? That's more of Yveltal's job. If you could point me in the direction of Arceus, I'll just tear his throat out and be of no harm to anyone ever again."

Universe: Undertale

Current Form: Carnage

"Well, that's kind of a complicated question. You see, we're not really that kind of family family , we're more like one being. I only began calling my Symbiote Missus a few weeks ago after we were reunited and took over a small. Hell,I even had a girlfriend named Shriek who was a lot of fun, though I was going to kill her if she became boring."

@Assailant @LegoLad659

Nico Di Angelo


Location: American Frontier 1790

Interacted: @apoliseno

Around: @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Condition: Fine
Nico just grew more annoyed as Jotaro picked him and the other demigod up and ran away. Since they were coming quite close to the Wendigos, he began to swing his sword at them, with just a few hits turning them into dust. This time when Jotaro dropped him, Nico regained his balance as he hit the floor, and began to run into the tunnel upon the other guys orders. He looked across to the demigod. "Yeah, I don't speak Spanish. I know who you are. Uh..." He paused. What was his name again? "You're Drake, right? Look, we are in real trouble now. Apparently we came through a 'tear in the fabric of time' or something. I suppose we can't just shadow travel back to Camp."
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"We should head over to the Avenger, and I can show you the device. I could even show up the ship, if you want." Vahlen said to Fitz and Gemma. "As long as it's fine with your Director for you to leave your HQ."

"Okay." Said the Commander. "Show me where to go."

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @Noivian

"Guess that just makes me even more alien to you guys, huh?" Cadence replied to Nightbeat.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]




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