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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

LegoLad659 said:


[border]"No, not really." Amber replied "I'm always moving around, I haven't met anyone who's stuck with me permanently. Everyone's a bit weirded out that I don't like men, I think." She explained.[/border]




Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Content

"Oh, so you prefer girls?" Frisk said, before smiling (as if they weren't smiling before). "Don't worry, I don't judge. I have two friends like that. Actually, Dr. Alphys likes girls too!" Frisk pursed their lips. "Unless, you don't like any gender? Sometimes that stuff can get confusing..." Frisk blushed. "Um, sorry if that's too personal though!"
MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

"You literally died or you mean it as a figure of speech?" Emma asked "A few people around here have come back from the dead before. Or just faked it." She paused and then, speaking in a grim tone uttered the words "Death is normally permanent though." "Anyway!" Her tone and and face brightened "Is there anything else or...I need to make sure Temmie dosen't break anything."

In the HQ's laboratory the satellite quickly linked up "Right...I'll um get set on this network right away." Fitz spoke as he studied his tablet

"Stark's plan of attack is to attack." Coulson explained "He tends to run in without a strategy in mind. Also, he's known for a problem with alcohol...His suits run on Stark technology. Powered by an arc reactor, something he designed himself."

Coulson nodded at Fitz who displayed a holographic image of an arc reactor.


"SHIELD's been using this technology since Stark designed it. He built one to keep his heart beating after he was kidnapped by terrorists...Long story."

@ryanpk200 @LegoLad659 @apoliseno

San Francisco: Terminator Universe

Syeron turned the group consisting of Connor and the others with what she assumed was the scientist behind them. She then turned back to the Terminators and continued to slice into them over and over again...Only to find the machines retreating, pulling back from the battlefield.

"Did someone program you to be cowards!?" Syeron shouted "Get back here!" However her mood quickly shifted as she felt an extremely powerful force appear from behind. It must have been what caused the machines to fall back. She spun around, a shiver going down her spine only to face a smiling bearded man carrying a briefcase.

"Alright?" The Librarian asked "An energy spike like mine and even murderbots turn to flee. They're smart. Not as smart as people who make deals with the likes of myself though."

Although he spoke in a calm, reassuring tone his voice echoed across the battlefield for all to hear.

Commonwealth: Fallout Universe

"A giant walking tree and a dinosaur!" Harley continued enthusiastically, pointing at Jim on Mirus' shoulder. Mirus shrugged in response "Picked him up as I was jumping between universes."

Harley approached Chief, wanting to shake his hand only for Groot to walk up to him first and offer him a handshake "I am Groot?" Groot asked

"That's all he says." Mirus explained "Who are you?" She asked Chief suspiciously

As she spoke, she tried to read Chief's mind in an attempt to see if she could trust him.

American Frontier 1790

"I think I'll hold onto it." Gregory replied "Not only is smokin' bad for ya but those things might come back." He shot Axel a wink as a means of saying thank you only to hear more screeching coming from beyond the walls of the fort "Can't we catch a fookin break?" Gregory muttered under his breath "O'Malley, ready that lighter! Nico, get behind me! Jo, use that purple buggerer of yours...That came out wrong." He then turned to Axel "Try to keep these deer-headed c***s offa me arse!"

Gregory waited in anticipation only for a Wendigo to climb over another side of the wall. Gregory turned around and fired the arrow only for it to miss. In response, Axel blasted the Wendigo with his fire powers. While it started to burn, allowing Gregory to take it out with another arrow a single Wendigo jumped Axel from behind, tackling him to the ground.

"Where the fook did that one come from!?" Gregory shouted with panic in his voice. "Jota..." Gregory began to bark orders only to be backhanded by another Wendigo that attacked him from the side, throwing the former mercenary against the walls of the fort and causing him to the drop the bow in the process. He watched as the Wendigo on top of Axel began to tear him to pieces, holding his arms down so that he couldn't use his fire magic. Axel screamed as the Wendigo ripped him limb from limb.

"No..." Gregory muttered weakly

More and more of the creatures began to pile into the fort, ripping O'Malley's men to shreds one by one as their rifles had no effect. One soldier waved a lit torch in front of a Wendigo's face only for claws to impale him from behind, tossing his lifeless body and the torch in Gregory's direction like a ragdoll.

The cold, dead eyes of the soldier stared at Gregory as he reached for the torch as a single Wendigo drew closer. He picked up the torch and started to wave it in the Wendigo's face in an attempt to ward it off.


M. Night Shyamalan's House: Random Universe

"See what happens when you don't read?"
Deadpool replied "You miss important plot points and character details. Lobo's got a healing factor, hairgel. Like me. You chop of my head it hurts like hell but I can live through it. Don't skim next time, alright hairgel?"

"I'm going to take that as a yes." The Woman sighed "Oh...Deadpool, you forgot something. You might need it for the trip."

"Did I leave the stove on again?" Deadpool asked, stroking his own chin


"Oh, my spacecar! I left that behind for some reason...I can't remember so I guess the writer was too lazy to write that reason in." Deadpool rubbed the back of his head

With a snap of her fingers, The Woman conjured Deadpool's space sedan in front of the two men. Deadpool squealed like a schoolgirl in response and jumped into the driver's seat, waiting for Goku to climb in himself.

(will be heading to DC universe in next post, @Barbas)
Marvel Cinematic Universe




@Some_Bloke @apoliseno @ryanpk200

Due to her short attention span, Temmie had indeed already wandered off and was fiddling with some device she had never seen before out of curiosity. So far she hadn't managed to do anything with it yet.
U ther! must check... TEM SHOP!!!

OMG!! hyOOManz! such a... CUTE!

hOI, cute hYUManS!!!

oh, iz roLPlY ovver? oki, bOI!!!​



Hehehe... You'd better not get in my way :)

Chara remained silent through the whole ordeal. She would've loved to put that bird thing out of its misery, but the SHIELD agents had handled it on their own. And besides, she thought to herself, looking at the skeleton that was with them. Sans... So we meet again. Of course, of all the people that she could possibly meet in this new world, it had to be him...

She stopped herself from glaring at him, though. It was fine, he didn't seem to suspect her of anything. Perhaps this was a different Sans, one that trusted her... How stupid. She kept up her "Innocent Child" charade, for now... She stayed quiet as they made their way through the SHIELD HQ, keeping track of where they were going so she had an idea of the facility's layout.

Heh... You think I will show you mercy? Such things are useless in this world... You cannot stop me, my DETERMINATION is more powerful than yours!






Amber giggled a little bit "No, don't worry about it. Yes, I like girls. I find it more exciting that way, especially if I find another girl who likes girls! It's like finding a treasure! Which reminds me... Which one are you, anyway? It's... Difficult to tell."[/border]



Universe: Undetale

Current Form: Cletus

Beginning to feel the urge to violently murder the small group, Cletus gets ready to change into Carnage before suddenly realizing that he would be lost in this strange world. Suppressing his blood-lust, Cletus leaves his hiding spot and slowly walks towards the group." Would any of you be interested in telling me where we're at? You see, somehow we just woke up here and we have absolutely no idea where we're at."

@LegoLad659 @Assailant @billthesomething


Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Content

Frisk shrugged. "I don't personally identify as either. I don't really see why it matters, you know? People are people, gender shouldn't mean anything. All it changes are the organs on your body. It doesn't mean anything about who you are." Frisk opened their mouth to say something, only to see a strange man come out from the bushes. If that wasn't suspicious enough, Frisk felt that feeling. It was hidden, subdues, they imagined Amber wouldn't even feel it. But they felt that feeling. That lingering presence in the air. It could be felt. Bloodlust. Years worth of resets with Chara had accustomed them to that feeling. Nonetheless, a question was a question. So fully on their guard, Frisk responded.

"You're lost? That's a strange place to wake up..." Frisk then looked over to see the tear. "Oh, wait, a tear? You wouldn't happen to be from a different universe, would you?"

Character: Giratina

Universe: MCU

Near: No one

Talking to: No one

Status: Joyful

Too long... It had been too long since he had felt the sun on his skin. The twenty-two foot long serpent had found a nice craft of sorts to curl up on top of, the tendrils on his back fanning out and blowing nicely in the breeze as the helicarrier moved him forwards. To feel the breeze on his face, the sun, to see the bright blue sky again... He liked it better than the dark of his old entrapment. Wherever he was, there was no way he was going back to his old world. The black tendrils curled down the sides, fanning out and gripping the helicarrier so Giratina wouldn't fall off.
Universe: Undetale

Current Form: Cletus

Confused by kid's question, Cletus replies . "Yeah, we came through that portal over there. But we wouldn't know if this is a different universe or anything like that. After all, we are just an average joe."

@Assailant @LegoLad659
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Universe: Undertale

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Not Buying It.

Frisk smiled sweetly and closed their eyes and cocked their head. "Heh. Funny. You aren't fooling me." A few moments of silence ensued before Frisk re-righted themselves and opened their eyes. "But yes, this is a different universe, mister 'Average Joe.'" They then turned to Amber. "I'd recommend being prepared. Try not to fight, but I'm sure he doesn't mean well." Flowey cocked his head.

I don't understand... I mean, I felt it too, but... how would Frisk know that feeling? That bloodlust. Me, perhaps? Even still... this isn't like them... Frisk glared and clenched their fists. "I can feel it. That bloodlust. That want for destruction. I've felt that presence too many times. Now you go calling yourself an 'average joe,' which no one who is calls themselves, and to top it all off you say 'we' instead of 'I." So I've answered your question. Now tell me." Frisk's glare intensified, as once again that tint of red showed up. This time, it was in clear view of Amber. It wasn't huge, but a close observer would notice their eyes were redder than usual.

"Who are you really?"




[border]@Assailant @Barbas

Amber nodded in response to Frisk's warning, and reached for the handle of her blade... Only to realize that she never sheathed it, and it was still in her hand. Oops. Sheogorath really got to her.

She took her normal stance and watched. Then it happened again. That voice, accompanied by those red eyes... Amber didn't have a strong connection to the Wyld, that was certain, but it was stronger than some others she knew. One of its properties was to guide, to warn... And right now it was warning her about Frisk. Something was up with this child, she could tell. That look wasn't normal. That tone was mature. The way that he - She decided to call Frisk a he for simplicity's sake - caught this newcomer referring to himself as 'we', a detail that even Amber herself hadn't caught... There was a lot more to this kid than just his pacifism and DETERMINATION, that much was for certain.

She eyed the both of them carefully, now suspicious of them both. She no longer felt safe here.[/border]



Universe: Undetale

Current Form: Carnage

Surprised that the kid was able to discover what he was, Cletus begins to speak." Oh, it looks like you found me out kid. Too bad, I was hoping to save this for later but you forced my hand. So sit back and enjoy the Carnage!" Laughing like as maniac as the Symbiot covered his body, Carnage grins." Hahahaha! How do ya like our true form, kiddies?! Isn't it wonderful?!"

@Assailant @LegoLad659
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[border]@Assailant @Barbas

Well. That was a thing. Despite her wariness of Frisk, this guy was a bigger threat at the moment. She decided to use some of the power the Wyld had given her to cast one of the few spells she knew. She held her parasol above her for a moment, and her body glowed briefly. Two magical copies of her appeared to her sides, and all three took battle stances. Hopefully Mirror Image would be confusing enough to this thing that it would create an advantage.




@Assailant @Some_Bloke @apoliseno @Noivian

"Well, now... I'm sure we can't solve the mystery behind these tears in the fabric of reality by just standing around!" The Doctor said with excitement for a whole new adventure.

Suddenly a blue sports car appeared racing into the stadium causing Rodimus to groan.


"You just had to say Mystery..." Rodimus groaned.

"So this world's has a mystery to solve... It's a good thing that you've got the Autobot's best Detective on the Case! NIGHTBEAT!" the car revealed itself as the Autobot Nightbeat as it transformed into a robot.

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Sheogorath awoke with a groan "By the nines i don't remember him being such a pest" Sheogorath looked around himself. he was in a bedroom, Sheogorath stood up and walked over to the door opening it. he was lead to a hallway and just as he closed the door a scent struck his nose like a bolt of lightning "Snail?" he fallowed the scent to a kitchen where a pie laid on the window sill

"OH what do we have here? is it you who's emitting that delectable scent, You know it a crime smelling so good" Using his magic Sheogorath granted the pie brief sentience "Yes my lord" The Pie said solemnly, knowing full well of it's crime. Sheogorath's face turned serious and asked "Do you have any idea what sort of punishment you shall face for you're crimes of deliciousness" The pie didn't answer it was filled with too much guilt "DEATH! BY Mastication" The Pie shook in fear but it knew of it's crime so it faced it's death with dignity. A knife appeared in Sheogorath's hand and cut himself a piece of the pie and placed it on to a plate and then sat down at table and began enjoying his meal
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Universe: Undertale

Near: Amber, Carnage

Status: Worried

Frisk calmed down as the red left their eyes. It happened again.

Frisk, I didn't mean it... but maybe it'd be more helpful if you let me take over.

No, you won't kill anyone.

Look at this guy! You recognized it too! It's like me. Pure. Bloodlust. A creature like that cannot be satiated by your pacifist blithering. No, nothing can satiate a creature like that except its own death.

No, Chara.

...You know she noticed, right? She saw me. Even if it was only a fraction of me. Even if it was just my words, my little shove, she noticed. She's afraid of you now...

Yeah... when this is over, I'll explain everything to her.

You mind if I come out to speak to her then?

Maybe if you behave. Chara laughed in their head.

Me? Behave? Frisk smiled a bit, and then smiled more to Carnage. "Your true form looks nice. Why do you hide it?" They said.
Universe: Undertale

Current Form: Carnage

"Well, most people tend to run away screaming when they see us like this, which makes killing them harder. So we usually just stay in our human form out of convenience. Though there was that one time when me and my girl Shriek started rampaging through New York. And let me tell you, that was a complete massacre!"

@Assailant @LegoLad659
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Universe: Undertale

Near: Amber, Carnage

Status: Peacemaking

Frisk frowned. "That's unfortunate. You do give off an air of hostility. Maybe if you stopped trying to be so scary, people wouldn't run away from you." Frisk smiled. "I'd suggest introducing yourself without your true form, then slowly reveal it once the other person's ready. Once enough people are comfortable with it, you should be just fine!"
Sheogorath having finished his pie teleported to Frisk, Amber and Carnage (@Barbas @Assailant @LegoLad659 ) Sheogorath Gave Frisk a grin "What did i tell you. Madness fallows in my wake even if i don't want it to, or even if I am not awake, Oh but i think it's time i reintroduce myself" Sheogorath bowed then rose up again "Am Sheogorath The True Prince of Madness, the one you dealt with before was my predecessor who decided he wanted to have control again but that's a story for another day"

"And who might you be?" Sheogorath turned to Carnage completely unaware to murderous intent in air, well he was aware but having lived in shivering isles for so long he kind of got used to it
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Universe: Undertale

Current Form: Carnage

"I don't know if that would work out. I mean, I am a serial killer afterall. Besides, I enjoy hearing people scream in fear. Though I did enjoy being a hero for a while."
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Barbas said:
Universe: Undertale
Current Form: Carnage

"I don't know if that would work out. I mean, I am a serial killer afterall. Besides I enjoy hearing people scream in fear. Though I did enjoy being a hero for a while." Getting ready to continue speaking, Carnage is suddenly inturupted by Sheogorath." Where the hell did you come from, gramps?"
"GRAMPS! i'll have you now am only thousands years you're senior, Oh but were are my manners. I am Sheogorath The mad prince" A pie appeared in his hand "Pie?" he handed carnage the baked good "but to answer you're question i come from here, there or anywhere" Sheogorath teleported behind Carnage and draped an arm over his fellow maniac's shoulder "But the bigger question is. who might you be? are you villain, hero or like me somewhere between"
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"Maybe my universe doesn't need someone like that." Replied the Commander. He then said. "That sounds like a hell of a story."

"Perfect." Said the doctor as she saw the satellite. "That will help." She then asked. "Do you have an arc reactor available for study? I'd like to compare it to XCOM's equivalent."

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The Doctor looked at Homura, "You ever wandered what it's like being a traveler in the fifth dimension? Where you are not bounded by space or time? It really isn't as easy as you think. I mean your timeloops might be the cause of all the dimensional tears... Or me... Or Both of us..."
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Universe: Undertale

Near: Carnage, Amber, Sheogorath

Status: Conflicted

Frisk wasn't sure if they were more happy or more annoyed by Sheogorath's appearance. Well, at least he's doing well.

Why did he introduce himself twice?

I dunno.

Frisk stayed and did nothing and watched, wanting to analyze the enemy before possibly getting themself in danger.
theManCalledSting said:
The Doctor looked at Homura, "You ever wandered what it's like being a traveler in the fifth dimension? Where you are not bounded by space or time? It really isn't as easy as you think. I mean your timeloops might be the cause of all the dimensional tears... Or me... Or Both of us..."

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: Crash Bandicoot, 11th Doctor, Kuro, Rodimus, Cadance, Constantine

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. "I've been traveling through time in a loop for quite a long time. I understand the difficulty. I also don't understand how my loops could be tearing the multiverse. Everything resets when I go back. A clean slate. Besides, my wish made sure the multiverse couldn't tear, because that could go against my wish. The likelihood of both being true at once is very small, albeit a possibility, but negligibly small. There's no witch strong enough to tear the multiverse apart either, or I would have had this problem long ago. In other words, it's highly unlikely that this originates from my universe. As for you, I have no idea what your world is like. As far as I know, time functions differently there."
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: Crash Bandicoot, 11th Doctor, Kuro, Rodimus, Cadance, Constantine

Status: Stoic

Homura frowned. "I've been traveling through time in a loop for quite a long time. I understand the difficulty. I also don't understand how my loops could be tearing the multiverse. Everything resets when I go back. A clean slate. Besides, my wish made sure the multiverse couldn't tear, because that could go against my wish. The likelihood of both being true at once is very small, albeit a possibility, but negligibly small. There's no witch strong enough to tear the multiverse apart either, or I would have had this problem long ago. In other words, it's highly unlikely that this originates from my universe. As for you, I have no idea what your world is like. As far as I know, time functions differently there."
"Time's a tad more chaotic where I'm from... Just take a look at me... Or better yet... Look at my ship..."

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