• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Tears: Rebirth


Arrow: He may have felt a bit disappointed that there was no sure way of getting home, Oliver did not make it obvious that was how he felt. He was skilled at hiding his emotions, having a lot of practice with the vigilante life. He closed his eyes and gently nodded a few times.

"Okay," he said softly, "I'd like to meet this scientist of yours, then."

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

Colonial Fort-American Frontier Universe

Jotaro: Everyone had ran back inside the fort after the Wendigos appeared, including Gregory. Good, now he didn't have to run out there like an idiot after a guy who almost ran out like an idiot. The new kid started to introduce himself. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades...yadda yadda yadda. The kid was still on about that? He must really believe it, or he maybe doesn't know if he has a Stand. Questions for later. Gregory then asked Jotaro if he still had his lighter, and the Japanese student stuck a hand in his school jacket pocket and pulled it out, presenting it to him.

"Whatever your plan is, it better not involve you doing something dumb," he almost groaned.


M. Night Shymalan's House-Random Universe

Goku: After thoroughly shaking his shoes off and still himself questioning how Deadpool had thrown up through his mask, Goku stood back up and looked at the guy. He had just asked why he was trying to kill him, something anyone ordinarily wouldn't stop to do in the middle of a fight.

"I was just told by a woman that you were dangerous and could kill a lotta innocent people, so she sent me here. She looked real uptight too, with nice clothes and stuff like that," Goku explained. If Deadpool were going to be killed, it would at least be fair if he knew why and who told the Saiyan to do it.

Commonwealth-Fallout Universe

Master Chief: After a few minutes of travel, Chief caught something tagged on his motion tracker out of the corner of his eye. He turned in an instant with his rifle raised, only to see nothing there. He swept the area just to be sure it hadn't hidden. He didn't see anything. He lowered the weapon, but he still kept a tight grip on it, just in case something popped up and tried to kill him. They way the Merchant explained the area, it would be shoot first and ask questions later, the Chief's typical MO anyways.

(Bloke, that encounter we talked about over Skype?)
LegoLad659 said:



"That must've been difficult for someone as young and innocent as you." Amber said, feeling sorry for Frisk "Though, at the same time, I'm impressed." She added, smiling "To defeat such a power all on your own... Even with the power to reset everything, I would've never expected such a feat from a child. It sounds like you were extraordinary."[/border]



Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Frisk, Amber

Status: Curious


Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: Emotionally Conflicted (Grateful, Flustered, and Sad)

"Thanks, but it's not something I'm entirely proud of. I mean, I'm glad I saved everyone... except Asgore, but to have to use violence..."

"That's why it's good you can RESET," Flowey said. "That never happened now. You never DID resort to violence. Not on this timeline anyway."

"No one knows I did, but I did," Frisk said, hanging their head a slight bit.

"Hey... what you did was necessary. You weren't just fighting to save yourself, but everyone. Besides, that's nothing compared to what I did, in that timeline or the current one." Flowey hung his "head" a bit, only to be surprised by a hug from Frisk.

"Everyone's moved past that. You made a mistake. We all do it." Flowey still didn't seem convinced, and when Frisk noticed they adopted a very... well, determined look about them. Flowey noticed this and became almost worried.

"Frisk, please, you promised." Frisk wanted to protest, but quickly abandoned it. They nodded. "No more taking away their happiness. That isn't..." Flowey sighed. "That isn't what Asriel would have wanted." Frisk nodded once more, solemnly.




So, Flowey had done something horrible in this timeline, as well as the others... He seemed genuinely sorry for whatever it was, though, so Amber didn't want to bring back bad memories by pushing it. Instead, she focused on what had been said before that "Sometimes violence is necessary in order to achieve a state where it's not." She said "...That doesn't make much sense, does it? Let me put it this way: Say that you refused to fight even your friend here, after he had collected the souls. What would have happened next?" She asked Frisk "...Which reminds me... You seem to be on unusually good terms with someone who tried to kill you in the past. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though, considering that the Bane earlier had the same purpose..."[/border]



LegoLad659 said:



So, Flowey had done something horrible in this timeline, as well as the others... He seemed genuinely sorry for whatever it was, though, so Amber didn't want to bring back bad memories by pushing it. Instead, she focused on what had been said before that "Sometimes violence is necessary in order to achieve a state where it's not." She said "...That doesn't make much sense, does it? Let me put it this way: Say that you refused to fight even your friend here, after he had collected the souls. What would have happened next?" She asked Frisk "...Which reminds me... You seem to be on unusually good terms with someone who tried to kill you in the past. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though, considering that the Bane earlier had the same purpose..."[/border]



Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Frisk, Amber

Status: Understanding


Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: ???

Frisk paused. They'd never thought about it like that. What WOULD have happened had they not fought? There was always the chance they could have pacified him. After all, Flowey could feel emotion once he had the SOULS. The 6 should have still been enough. Frisk was contemplating this until they heard Amber mention their strange companionship.

"I'm sure Frisk would've befriended me at any time, given the chance. It was me who was... stubborn," Flowey said, covering for Frisk. Flowey turned to Frisk, silently asking how much he should say.

"This is your story," Frisk said. "As much as you feel comfortable telling." Flowey thought for a few moments.

"I'm SOULless. I can't feel love, or compassion, or anything like that. I was like that for a long time. It made me bitter, and cold, and hating. Thanks to Frisk, I momentarily had SOULs inside me, quite a lot. I rediscovered my emotions. I've lost them since, but I've remembered what it feels like. I've regained my morals. How long, I don't know. But the past is behind us." At that, Flowey glanced at Frisk and spoke bitterly. "Yet it keeps coming back to us, doesn't it?" At that, Frisk lowered their head in shame, beginning to tear up a slight bit. "Oh crap," Flowey said under his breath. "Crap, I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I... shouldn't have said that." Frisk wiped his tears on his sweater and nodded silently in response.




Amber decided not to push the matter, it looked like it was a sensitive subject for Frisk "So, you don't have a soul?" She asked Flowey "Strange... The Banes, as far as we can tell, do not either. Their entire existence revolves around spreading the Rot. They can't be reasoned with, communicated to, or really pacified in any way... Unless you are also corrupted by the Rot, like them. People in the past seem to be able to ally themselves with the Banes if the Rot corrupts them... Almost like a mental connection of some kind."[/border]



JackOfHearts said:
Error sighs. "??W??o????w??.????? ???Y?????o?u??'???r???e???? ??r??e???a????l????l?y?? ????d??u?????m???b?????,????? ????a?r????e??n?????'???t????? ????y???o???u????????? ????E???r??r???o??r????s????? ???a???r????e?? ???g???l????i????t?????c??h????e??s??,?? ????t???h??i?n????g??s??? ????n??o???t?? ????m???e????a????n?????t????? ?????t???o???? ?????e???x???i????s??t???,??? ?????t?h???a????t?? ?h??u??n??t? ????d????o??w???n?? ?????o????t????h??e?????r????? ???g????l???i???t??c????h???e??s??.? ?????I????t????'????s??? ???a??? ???t??h???a??n????k?????l??e?????s????s???? ??j??o??b??.???"??
"You call me dumb yet you are the one who threatened a soldier of the Soviet Empire." Nikita retorted "Glitch or not, that is a very dangerous mistake." Nikita began to back away, back towards the location of her ship as she carried Prinny. Even if it wasn't fully repaired by now, there was a chance that she could be able to fly it. If Prinny was right about this world, staying out in the open for too long was guaranteed to have the three attacked by demons.

Nikita struck a plan and fired her rifle upwards before using her suit to send up a flare. If that didn't get the attention to nearby demons, she wasn't sure what would.

MCU: Helicarrier/SHIELD HQ

The Doctor followed Carol to Lilac's location. Before Emma could reply The Doctor spoke "Well, she does travel in time..."

"She?" Emma asked


"Oh." Emma nodded understandingly

"I need to see if my own world is in danger." The Doctor explained grimly

"I know." Emma replied

"Well, it looks like it's just you and me for now." She shrugged at Temmie "I'll show you around."

Inside the SHIELD HQ Coulson led both the Commander and Oliver to the lab. "Do your people end up having to pick up the pieces?" Coulson asked The Commander "Prevent the technology left behind from falling into the wrong hands?"


Inside the lab were scattered pieces of Ork technology on tables, currently being disassembled and studied by various scientists. Two holographic images, each one being a tear floated in the center of the room while two SHIELD scientists stared intently at it.


Upon seeing Coulson, the Commander and Oliver enter the room their focus shifted.

"Fitz, Simmons." Coulson spoke

"These are?"

"People from another dimension, yes." Coulson explained.

Upon hearing those words, the eyes of the two scientists started to brighten slightly "One of them wants to go home, any progress on the tears research?" Coulson asked

"Well, we did find something." Fitz explained in a somewhat eccentric tone, touching one of the holograms and causing it to increase in size

"We ran some simulations on that tear in Siberia to test our theory." Simmons continued

"Well, Gemma's theory." Fitz butted in

"Eventually we just sent in one of the dwarves."

"Dwarves are robotic drones that Fitz created." Coulson explained

"Well it's not like we'd be sending in actual dwarves, that would just be cruel." Stevenson joked as he entered the room. He paused for several moments before clearing his throat "Sorry...Just continue with the...Just get to the point.

An awkward silence followed before Simmons finally spoke up, tapping the hologram and causing a window to open up showing footage approaching a tear surrounded by snow. It flew through and quickly arrived on the other side to a universe where Russian soldiers and SHIELD agents were collecting scrap metal in a snowy area surrounded by trees. The footage started to rewind as the Dwarf entered the tear and paused.

On screen was an image of a dark green area surrounded by lightning.

"What am I looking at?" Stevenson asked, approaching the hologram

"The tears don't just act as doorways between dimensions, there's something in between them. A space between spaces." Simmons explained

M. Night Shymalan's House: Random Universe

Deadpool scratched the side of his head mask in confusion "Just a woman?" She never gave you a name? Or even a title more interesting that one that points out her gender? Oh, that'd be a good plot twist! What if The Woman is really just a man in disguise?!"

"I doubt that." The Yellow box replied with a sigh

"Deadpool." A voice spoke, causing the merc with the mouth to turn around to face The Woman

"So you're The Woman, huh?" Deadpool asked

"How'd you work that out?"

"She's the only woman around here who's convenient to the plot." Deadpool shrugged

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Okabe Rintarou

Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Frisk, Amber

Status: Healthy


Universe: Steins; Gate

Near: Okabe Rintarou, Amber

Status: Perfect

Flowey squinted in concentration while Frisk smiled slightly. "So I'm the first then?" Frisk said hopefully.

"No..." Flowey said, shaking his "head" "No, Frisk, that's impossible. Assuming Amber's telling the truth, You couldn't be the first. There COULDN'T be ANY first. I'm the exception, Frisk. I was born with a SOUL, and regained one for a moment. If a creature was created the way I was from the beginning... it can't be done."

"Flowey, it's okay! Anyone can be reached out to with enough determination. Everything has its own emotions and thoughts." Frisk hummed slightly. "You just need to find it. Sometimes, so do they!" Flowey growled slightly in annoyance.

"No, Frisk, that's not how it-!" He stopped as they heard footsteps from the end of the room. They turned to find Okabe, along with Kurisu, walking out. Both of them contained confusion at seeing the gang there.

"So," Okabe said before pointing at Frisk. "You. I couldn't help overhearing that you can manipulate time." Frisk blushed a bit about being suddenly called out.


"So," Okabe interrupted before they could even respond. "You wouldn't have happened to time travel, would you? You," he said pointing at Amber. "How did you get here?" He was very aggressive with his questioning.

"No, I haven't time traveled since I got here," Frisk said in confusion.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"You call me dumb yet you are the one who threatened a soldier of the Soviet Empire." Nikita retorted "Glitch or not, that is a very dangerous mistake." Nikita began to back away, back towards the location of her ship as she carried Prinny. Even if it wasn't fully repaired by now, there was a chance that she could be able to fly it. If Prinny was right about this world, staying out in the open for too long was guaranteed to have the three attacked by demons.
Nikita struck a plan and fired her rifle upwards before using her suit to send up a flare. If that didn't get the attention to nearby demons, she wasn't sure what would.

Error grins. "̴H͟҉̵̢̢ȩ̸̷̷͢h҉̴͟҉é̡͏h̸̡e̴̷̡̢̕h̷̴̢̧͟e̸͡h̴͏.̵́͘͡ ̷̡̨̕S̷̵̡̀h̵̢̧é̡̀͘͝ ̴̨t̴̸h̷̡̧́í͘n͜͏̢k̸̀́͜͠ś̨͠ ̨́͘I͠͏͢'̡҉̀͠m͟͏̕͠ ͢͢͝͡ń̡̡ó̶̶ţ̧ ̧͘͘͡g҉̷́̀o̡͞҉͠ņ̧́͝ń̛̕͠a̷̵̢͢ ͏̢͞͏f̸̧҉ò͘͟͟͡l̴̕͡͝l͘ò͟͝w̷͘͡ ͟͝h̷e̛͏̛͢r͏͏?̴̸̷ ̸̢̕W̴̕ơ̕͜҉ẃ̷̛.̨́ ̴̷̨͞S̨h͟͏̴e̴͢͞ ͏͘͜͝͠ŕ̢̀é͝ą̸̵͘͞l̴̨҉͢l͢҉̧̛y̴̨͏ ̢́҉h́͜a̷͢s̴̸͘ ҉̸͏̡a̷̶̷ ҉̴͢h̵̢͘̕į̷͡͠͡g͘͝͠͝h̢̛͜͡ ̴҉o͏̷̶͠p͜͞i̧͠n̕҉̡͜į̢͟͠͡ǫ̡̛́́n̡̧ ̶̡͘ơ̢̡̕͜f̵̡͘ ̶̵̛͠t̶͘͘h̵͏҉̛i̷̶̡̛s̸̶̨̢̢ ͠͞ę͜͞m͡͏͏p̕i̷̵̛r͟͝e͠ ̵̷o͟f̵̴̨̨ ́͡h̵͟e̶r̡̀͝s̡̢̡͡͞.̸̵̧̛ ̢̨͜͝S̸͢o̧͜͡u̧͏̸n̸̷d̸͞s̷̛͡ ̸ļ͠i͘͞k̸̀́͘͠ę̀ ̴҉̨a̸̸̡͞ ̢͝҉g̴̷͘͢͡r̕͜͞e͝҉a̴͟͜͞͞t̡͞͏ ̛͏p̡̡͢͟͠l̶҉̧͟a҉̢ç̀́e̷͞͏̷͡ ̧̢ţo҉̨̢҉ ͏͘͢͡s̵̨̨͠t̵́͏̷͘á͡r̡̡͜t̛͘ ̧̧̛́͟ḱ͞͏i͢ļ͢͝ĺ̕i҉̶ǹ̷͟͡g̕͘͝ ̛̛͜͡͞g͝l͝i̶͏̛t̵͞͞͏c̷̨͠h̸͟e̡͞͠s̴̛̛͘͘.̸̸̧͝"̶ Hero Prinny was completely silent for a few seconds. "Don't let your guard down, dood. I have a feeling getting that...thing mad was a bad idea, dood." He says, hearing shouting off in the distance. "Wait a second...WHY DID YOU SEND UP A FLARE, DOOD?! They're going to find us now, dood!!!"

"Of course." Said the Commander. "It'd be ridiculous to leave behind valuable resources and artifacts." When they entered the labs, he looked around. "I know several people that would like to see this place." Jason said to himself. He nodded at the two scientists when he heard their names, and listened to what they were saying. "We had plans for a drone that the soldiers could bring to field. It never really got anywhere." The Commander explained when they mentioned the drones. He then asked. "Have you determined what's in between the tears? Anything we should be worried bout?"

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno


"So they are basically normal humans? There's a lot of good that could be done by robot humans, and they're being used as spies. That's a waste." Said Crane. He then saw the Deathclaw. "From its appearance, I'm assuming that's the one of the Deathclaws. I remember you mentioning them." Crane said to Mirus. "I'm no good from up here." Crane stated as he jumped off Groot. He then grabbed assault rifle from his bag. "I'm going to try to avoid the claws." Crane said to the others.


Isaac followed everyone into the lift. For the next fight, he decided to use a different weapon. Isaac drew his Line Gun and made sure it had a full clip. "Congrats on the plan working." Said Isaac to Connor. "Let's go find the your friend." He said mercs.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No one

Status: Confused

Homura glanced around at the empty streets before sighing and heading to school like she normally did. The plan was simple: Find Madoka, end Kyubey, prevent Madoka from taking the contract. The last 100+ times she failed were just flukes. She'd get it this time.

School began and Homura sat in an empty classroom, waiting for the teachers and students to enter. 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes passed and no one came. Homura walked outside, confused as to why everyone was gone. Then she saw one, lone person walking in the street. They seemed to be stumbling along, paying no attention to what was around them. She recognized him as one of the other students.

"Excuse me, was school cancelled today?" She asked with polite words but her typical monotone. The boy didn't respond, but kept walking. Homura waved her hand in front of his face, but to no avail. She transformed into a magical girl in front of him, which would have evoked MULTIPLE types of reactions, but once again he didn't notice. Finally, she summoned a gun and pointed it at him. Once again, nothing. Homura transformed back into a human and looked around in confusion. What is going on? She began to follow him, approaching a stadium.
Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No one

Status: Confused

Homura glanced around at the empty streets before sighing and heading to school like she normally did. The plan was simple: Find Madoka, end Kyubey, prevent Madoka from taking the contract. The last 100+ times she failed were just flukes. She'd get it this time.

School began and Homura sat in an empty classroom, waiting for the teachers and students to enter. 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes passed and no one came. Homura walked outside, confused as to why everyone was gone. Then she saw one, lone person walking in the street. They seemed to be stumbling along, paying no attention to what was around them. She recognized him as one of the other students.

"Excuse me, was school cancelled today?" She asked with polite words but her typical monotone. The boy didn't respond, but kept walking. Homura waved her hand in front of his face, but to no avail. She transformed into a magical girl in front of him, which would have evoked MULTIPLE types of reactions, but once again he didn't notice. Finally, she summoned a gun and pointed it at him. Once again, nothing. Homura transformed back into a human and looked around in confusion. What is going on? She began to follow him, approaching a stadium.
An odd human in power armor was barking orders at a large group of people to construct a large machine.

The odd man staggered a bit and held his head as if he wear hearing another's voice.

"Keep going! My little slaves! Keep it up! We need this machine built before the planets align!" the mysterious man said.

His voice changed to that of someone who sounded like Universal's Dracula, "We must finish construction soon... To bring forth the Age of Dark Science to this unenlightened world..."


Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No One

Status: Null

Homura saw the strange man and approached him. She wore her normal, stoic face, but underneath she was confused. Slaves? The whole city seems to be here... MADOKA! She made it to the man and frowned. "What are you doing here? Why are these people here?" Her voice, normally level, had a slight level of anger behind it.

She was on edge. She was still in her normal human form, but she was ready to turn into a magical girl at any point. Something had changed in the time stream. Something big. Whatever was behind it could be dangerous. Whatever's behind it is almost certainly behind this.
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Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No One

Status: Null

Homura saw the strange man and approached him. She wore her normal, stoic face, but underneath she was confused. Slaves? The whole city seems to be here... MADOKA! She made it to the man and frowned. "What are you doing here? Why are these people here?" Her voice, normally level, had a slight level of anger behind it.

She was on edge. She was still in her normal human form, but she was ready to turn into a magical girl at any point. Something had changed in the time stream. Something big. Whatever was behind it could be dangerous. Whatever's behind it is almost certainly behind this.
"What? How is she not under my spell? Could it be I have reached my psychic peak?" The Odd man said to himself noticing Homura.

"No Matter... Our time grows thin and the Space Bridge must be constructed soon thus I shall handle this matter... PERSONALLY!"

the man said before a large mechanical bat appeared from above!


"Child, do you know what you face now?" the Man said to Homura.

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No One

Status: Determined

Homura put her right hand over her left. "So you want to do it that way? So be it." Homura thrusted her hands out from her sides as her clothes flashed and changed.

Homura jumped back and landed a few meters away, and suddenly five RPG rockets were flying towards the bat, with two heading towards the man. Homura pulled out an assault gun immediately and fired upon the man.
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


@theManCalledSting @apoliseno @Some_Bloke

Cadence nodded in response to Rodimus' order and transformation, climbing back into the seat of the vehicle. So, now they had a plan. One of them would create an illusion as a distraction while they got the guy with the weird device close enough to use it to disrupt Mindwipe's control. That sounded solid enough to her. The only reason she hadn't said anything so far was because, really, she had no valuable input to give. They were fighting a giant metal man. She had no experience in such things, unless you counted that one time she fought Death Metal. She imagined that this would be much different.

She held her Ion Blaster at the ready, hoping she would actually be able to use it. Blasting him before freeing everyone sounded like a terrible idea, so she knew she would have to wait until after his control was disrupted.

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



Assailant said:

Homura Akemi

Universe: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Near: No One

Status: Determined

Homura put her right hand over her left. "So you want to do it that way? So be it." Homura thrusted her hands out from her sides as her clothes flashed and changed.

Homura jumped back and landed a few meters away, and suddenly five RPG rockets were flying towards the bat, with two heading towards the man. Homura pulled out an assault gun immediately and fired upon the man.

The Rockets met their mark and as the smoke cleared the Man and the Bat were unshaken by Homura's attack!

"What was that? That's the best you can do? Materializing primative weaponry?!" laughed the man, "Now face the true glory of Mindwipe! HEAD-ON!" he said as the Robot Bat transformed into the body of a robot, the man in turn transformed into the head!

"You now face Mindwipe of the Chaos Trinity!"

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Arrow: As soon as Oliver entered the room with Stevenson, he saw the two quirky scientists that Stevenson had mentioned earlier. They acted a lot like Barry's two friends, Cisco and Caitlyn. Except they had accents and worked with interdimensional portals instead of just studying meta-humans. They explained the concept of using the dwarves, or drones upon clarification, and Oliver heard Stevenson make a joke about the cruelty of using real dwarves.

"So what have you learned about these portals?" Oliver inquired with a sense of urgency in his voice.

@theManCalledSting @LegoLad659

M. Night Shymalan's House-Random Universe

Goku: Deadpool kept questioning Goku on who the woman he was prompted by was or what her name was, and he was about to reply, then she actually appeared herself to speak to Deadpool. He had forgotten how she said she could go anywhere she wanted. Deadpool called her 'The Woman', sounded more like a title than a name. Goku just scratched the back of his head through his crazy hair out of confusion.

"Wait, if you could just show up here and fight him, why'd you make me do it? It wasn't even worth it to fight him, either. He isn't strong enough to be a threat to anyone," Goku complained to her, walking towards the two with hands interlocked and elbows sticking out behind his head.
apoliseno said:
'Mindwipe City'-PMMMU
Kuro: Rodimus, Kuro, and the others made it to the stadium only to find someone else in combat with the robot they were trying to find. Time to lend a hand. Kuro unholstered both of his weapons, each capable of punching through the tough skin of a Nevermore, and opened fire at the robot while strafing/jogging to his right.
Rodimus sighed, "Cadence... Are we the only two who listened to the crazy Doctor?"

Puella Magi Madoka Magica



@apoliseno @Some_Bloke

"That... seems to be the case." Cadence replied to Rodimus, watching the others completely abandon the plan and start attacking the metal man in front of them "What do we do?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



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LegoLad659 said:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica


@apoliseno @Some_Bloke

"That... seems to be the case." Cadence replied to Rodimus, watching the others completely abandon the plan and start attacking the metal man in front of them "What do we do?"

Current Song[media]

Weapon: Ion Blaster

Tool: Shovel

Torch: Normal

Body: Leather Armor

Pouch: Rodimus Star x2

Sheathed Dagger[/border]



"You get out and I'll distract our big theatrical friend!" Rodimus suggested, "Oh and find the Doctor... the organic must have slipped through the crowd... I hate it when he does that!"

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