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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


A look of horror was on The Doctor's face as he watched the invasion, but it was soon replaced with a burning hatred. Although this was not his Earth, it was still home to the human race, making him it's defender.

"Tesla." He spoke in a grim tone "Did you ever finish that death ray?"

"Yes..." The scientist muttered, hanging his head in shame "The government made me finish it to use it against Dracula's forces...I told them I never managed to get it working."

The Doctor walked towards his TARDIS, pushing past the scientist. All it would take was some modifications from more advanced technology, technology he had stored in numerous vaults. He had taken it from hostile alien lifeforms that had invaded Earth before, his Earth and he could convert the death ray into a far more powerful weapon.

"Well, come on then. Let's get this death ray of yours." The Doctor's tone was cold, offering Tesla his hand to step inside the TARDIS "Stevenson, can you keep Oryx and his forces busy."

"We can try." Stevenson shrugged

"The rest of you, those that can fight I want you to do the same."

As Tesla stepped inside, the Doctor shut the doors and the TARDIS demilitarized. Stevenson approached the bridge of the Hellicarrier and gave the order for all agents and all Avengers across the globe to begin a large scale counter-offensive.

"Get the orbital nukes ready!" He ordered in an angry tone "Prepare to launch on my mark!"


Assassins Creed Universe

"Fine, you can help." Gregory replied "Can you use your magic to create barriers, shields that could hold this army back?" He asked. Gregory did not want to put a child in the line of fire, but he was still outnumbered and was going to take all the help he could get.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka grew silent, her eyes brows furrowing. After a few seconds, she shook her head. "No, sorry. My magic specializes in specifically close-range techniques, not defense. Do you know anyone that does specialize in that area?" She asked.
Oryx unleashed the massive power of his will all over the entire planet, allowing everyone to hear him. Three dull teal dots glowed like miniature lights in those who heard him, as Oryx stated bluntly, "My Taken... are the people who have survived! I have killed none of yours... but I will torture them, and you are killing your fellow man, woman and child. Surrender to me, and I will spare all of you, and free those who I have Taken from this world, as long as my deal is true- You all send me 100 creatures a week. I am being more fair then any of you would be to your own people, for the Humans from the golden Age have told me your past! Those like Rasputin, who's horrors have transcended time. So as I just stated, surrender to me NOW, or else I will unleash the rest of my Hive and Taken. Within a mere few minutes, I will have taken over a thousand of all your people. It is your choice..." Oryx took a breath, and ended it with this, "Any who surrender to me and my forces, kneel on a single leg, and lower your head. You will be marked by the Taken, and we will rebuild your cities."

Oryx decided it was time to up the raw power of his assault... and turned his attention to his own Dimension. The Blood of Oryx flew up in large numbers, invading and attacking the vest Ketch of the House of Exile, and the second one from House of Wolves. Oryx changed all their goals, from breeding in the pits to waging war. Thousands of Thrall awoke from their cocoons to assault the surface, while some Ogres were finished to early to make the Unclean. Phogoth was unchained, and unleashed into the Ketch directly, infecting the Ketch with bile. Within a mere hour, the ships would be his! So many Taken...
Accelerator popped his neck. What a pain in the ass. "Alright asshole let's go." Accelerator leaped forward and punched at one of the titans. He was still in Esper mode with about 20 minutes remaining. But that was fine, he'd end this in a couple of minutes at max. He didn't really change the vectors of his strike, he was planning on changing the vectors of what he did strike instead. If he ran into a barrier he'd shatter it, and if he ran into the titan itself he'd tear it apart at the seams. In his experience, stuff like this didn't do too well when the forces working to maintain stability were multiplied one thousand fold.
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Assassins Creed Universe

Coming out of a tear near the assassins Creed earth, Angron orders the Devourer of Stars to travel towards the new planet.
Caim was pushed safely out of the way of the bullets, despite being quite heavy on his feet. 'I like her she's strong.' Caim chuckled to himself as their new enemies stopped firing. He of course immediately responded by launching a volley of fireballs into them, turning their laughter into anguished screams as they burned to death. 'Aaaaaah there we go. That's what I was missing. The screaming.' A hearty laugh came from him as he stood to his full height. He scanned around with his eye in an effort to memorize their current location.
Assassins Creed Universe

"Well there's no way in 'ell I'm throwing a child into the line of fire..." Gregory muttered "Any spells you can use at a distance, perhaps? Maybe one where you don't have to be right in front of the enemy?"

Magic was even more alien to him than some of the species he had encountered and until a few hours ago he had believed it was fictional. He was still unsure on just what a magic user could be capable of.

A group of Wendigos watched the sky from a cave in the mountains, aware that something dark was about to descend. Several miles from the Homstead, another tear opened and out from it stepped a platoon of Knights of the Reborn World.

"A ship is currently in orbit above the planet." A squire spoke, informing the platoon

"Then the corruption is already here." One spoke in a grim tone, drawing his sword



Harley took joy in the sight of burning cops and stood to her feet, laughing as Caim did. Five cars turned the corner, approaching the tear. Harley replied by picking up the shotgun of a dead officer and opening fire, taking out one of the drivers and jumping out of the way as the police car sped through the tear. She cocked the shotgun and fired again, a half-smile on her face.



"USA, online." An agent spoke, confirming that the country was ready to launch the orbital nukes "United Kingdom, online. Russia, online. France, online. China, online. Indina, online. Pakistan, online. Israel, online."

"North Korea reporting in sir." Another agent spoke, confirming that each country was ready to fire

"Director Coulson has authorized the strike." Another agent confirmed "Ready to fire on your mark, sir."

"Fire everything!" Stevenson bellowed

Every single nuclear warhead on the planet launched into outer space, targeting Oryx's fleet. The human race would not surrender.
Oryx personally watched from the Dreadnought at how all the nuclear missiles began to raise themselves, and then fire. 15,700 signatures were coming straight for him and his fleet. Well, why not bring out his OTHER ship? Why not have all of them! In the Destiny Dimension, all of the stolen Crawlers activated their magnetic claws, and crawled to the outside of the Ketches, began producing fields of missiles around the Ketch. The Ketch vanished from the Destiny world... and appeared in the atmosphere of Earth below the Dreadnought. The Crawlers unleashed the missiles that tracked down the nukes, and detonated some in mid air. Those nukes would detonate a few others, but still most of the missiles were coming.

With a single swipe of Oryx's hand, thousands of Skiffs and Tombships were unleashed from the Void of space and filled with Taken Trolls that held up barriers for Titans to shoot through. Phalanxes stood shield to shield, using their bursts of gravity to deflect missiles back down to the world. Dragoons and Swarms flooded the air with the Tombships and Skiffs, forming a dome of metal and Taken. The Swarms would grab the nuclear missile, and then revert the ICBM back towards populated cities not under attack by the Taken. Oryx must admit though, he escaped the ship back to the Taken Dimension to be safe, praying that what he did was enough. His ship may be the size of a small celestial, but would the shield hold?

The Taken Sunbreaker threw his hammer straight at Accelerator, forming new ones to fight back, but he still kept on coming! The Sunbreaker just prior to impact to Accelerator made a ring of flame around himself, then tried to smack Accelerator's head straight off with raw flame! The warped and tortured being was made of darkness and spiritual energy that acted like a beacon to the original soul, but was more of a vessel for it. Oryx wondered what Accelerator would do the Titan, but took the time to make the Crawler tank aim at the Sunbreaker, and fire a shell if it almost fell in combat.

(...Oryx might be screwed xD )
Assassins Creed Universe

Nearing the planet, Angron gathers a small task force consisting four Berzerkers and two Raptors before heading to the planet in a drop pod.

Revan MCU

Revan was in shock when Oryx released his darkened army from seemingly nowhere. He knew he had to help somehow, so he boarded the Ebon Hawk midsprint, dashing through the ship's interior to the cockpit. He removed his mask for better visibility and started the ship back up. Taking off, he blasted into the outer atmosphere to the area where the large energy readings were coming from. Sure enough, several missiles were redirected towards the planet. Revan would not allow them to detonate. Firing his laser cannons at every missile coming back towards Earth, he performed some pretty incredible maneuvers avoiding explosions.

Goku MCU

Goku was surprised by this being's move. He just summoned up a large invasion force and then fled. In a flash of light, Goku powered up to the first level of Super Saiyan, launching powerful Ki blasts at the invading Taken forces. Shooting large volleys of Ki blasts was always Vegeta's thing, but Goku did have much better attacks close-up. Shifting gears, Goku blasted through the air, taking any Taken with him as he flew straight for the Crawler. He pulled his fist back as he prepared one of his most devastating moves: the Dragon Fist. Golden Ki collected in his fist and an energy dragon formed.

"DRAGON FIIIIIST!" he shouted as he unleashed the punch. The massive Ki dragon charged straight through the Crawler, bisecting it before it exploded. Goku came to a halt in midair and looked down at the horrifying scene of destruction below him. He would not stand for this.
Oryx began to laugh at this display once more, but then spoke to the world again, "This missiles... they unleash such devastation! Such destruction... not even I cause that much pain. Your going to ruin your entire planet this way, do I need to offer salvation to your entire world? Oh screw this... ENOUGH!" All of Oryx's forces braced themselves, while Oryx impaled his sword into the Annihilator. The entire ship glowed for a few seconds, the raw might of magic and the Darkness brewing inside the ship. All of his Taken fueled the attack, his raw hatred for the Light, and the Darkness of anything he could gather. In essence, the Annihilator was a inverse of the spirit bomb. The major difference...? His destroyed everything that was not his! The weapon was unleashed in one massive burst that quivered the very planet under him.

A bubble of raw teal flame flew forward at incredible speeds, outpacing any Jet Fighter that was not in hyper-space. The energy slammed into the mighty Ketch he had stolen, and flung it straight down to the planet. The energy wave was to powerful, to overwhelming for even his own forces, and slaughtered the Hive that were helping his defensive blockade. The ships were flung down to the surface in shattered chunks, burning with magic fire. All the Nuclear Missiles aimed for orbit were either obliterated mid air from the raw force of the Annihilator, or flung somewhere away from the Dreadnought. This weapon if it was on the surface of the planet, would have destroyed the entire world. The attack parted the sea, The North Atlantic Ocean had a giant hole like the bottom of the sphere hit it, but thankfully that was all. The atmosphere around the Dreadnought coiled up into space, it would calm down within a hour but it gave a majestic look like he was Moses and he just parted the Red Sea around himself. Oryx poured in more and more Taken behind the veil of the Annihilator, attacking more cities and fueling his war efforts. Oryx looked at the moon outside, realizing it wasn't destroyed, let alone hit. The Annihilator was only at a 2/3rds its max power, otherwise the blast should have been slightly larger then the Earth. He cursed as he needed a whole day for the Darkness to regather for another powerful shot...

Revan MCU

Revan had to pull of some insane maneuvers in the Hawk by using the Force to propel the Hawk way from the massive blast of Dark energy unleashed from the main ship. He just stared, dumbstruck by the weapon's destructive power. He had seen nothing that destructive, save a fleet of Sith cruisers. There wasn't anything in the Hawk's arsenal that could outgun or outmaneuver that. Just then, however, a small recon fleet of two Republic cruisers and 3 blockade runners dropped out of some sort of rift. Revan relayed to them a warning of the dreadnought, of its power. However, due to the Republic's slight distrust of Revan's rebirth as a Jedi, they ignored his warning and launched an attack. Dozens of fighter craft launched from the ships and sped towards the Dreadnought and the debris field of Fallen and Hive vessels around it. The main ships began firing their turbolasers at the Dreadnought as well as firing several proton torpedoes.

"Blast it, those fools! They'll be torn to pieces!" Revan exclaimed from the cockpit.

Goku MCU

Goku stood in awe of the energy blast that came from the outer atmosphere. Although he could not breathe in space, he could survive the vacuum for a decent amount of time. If he even hoped to put a dent in whatever made that blast, he'd need more energy, and more power. Releasing his Super Saiyan form, he closed his eyes and began to focus, tapping in to his divine ki. A fiery orange and red aura surrounded Goku as his hair turned crimson. His Super Saiyan God powers have resurfaced again. Then, he began tapping into his Ki reserves once more. The aura around him turned into a fierce blue, completely surrounding him and obscuring him from view. Once the blue flames subsided, his hair stood up as if in his Super Saiyan form, but it was now blue, as were his eyes and aura. In the blink of an eye, he blasted into the atmosphere like a blue comet moving faster than the eye could track. A minute later, he stopped in front of Oryx's massive dreadnought. He shifted to his sides and held his palms at his sides, forming a blue orb of Ki in the space between his palms.

"Kaaaaameeeeeehaaaaaameeeeee...." Goku chanted as he began charging his signature attack.
Assassins Creed Universe

The platoon noticed the drop pod landing and began to approach cautiously. They stopped behind some rocks and watched, anticipating what could be on the inside of the pod.

At the Homestead, an alert buzzed in Gregory's helmet, telling him that something from orbit had just landed several miles away.

"Something else is here..." He stated
Stepping outside of the drop pod when the entrance opened, Angron examines the surrounding area while his body guards stand behind him. Seeing a city in the distance, Angron activates the Vox caster in his armor and sends a message to his soldiers aboard the Devour of Stars to begin their attack on the planet." Come my warriors! Make this world feel the wrath of Khorne! Slaughter the weak and offer the worthy a place among our ranks!"

Accelerator reflected the hammer thrown at him right back at the Sunbreaker at about 100 times the force it had been thrown at Accelerator with. He then changed the vectors of the air around him as he flew to put a barrier up between himself and the flames. He couldn't reflect the heat but that little didn't really bother him. Once inside that wave of fire, Accelerator reached out and tapped his opponent. The Sunbreaker's directional movement changed. A force powerful enough to fling it up at several times the speed of sound was imparted upon it. Accelerator watched as destruction spread across the sky and decided now was probably a good time to get the fuck out of dodge. This was territory he wasn't comfortable with anymore. He began scanning the city below for the tear he'd used to get here, hoping it would be the one to take him back home.



Caim saw the strange metal vehicles approaching at high speed and stepped up, launching a fireball powerful enough to rival that his old partner used to spit upon their foes directly at them. It would not home in like his smaller volleys would, but meeting it head on as the police were about to was absolutely fatal. Caim continued his manic laughter as opponents came out of the woodworks to fight him. Truly today was a good day.
Oregon and Zeta

Assassins Creed Universe

When the man explains the universe in a better way, explaining why he said what he did, I glance up at him for a moment, then look down and shrug in response. I should get used to this and accept it soon to save my sanity. Might as well try to accept it now.

When the vehicle stops and the others hop out, I get up and drop out of the transport last. Zeta's hologram dissappears a moment before I jump out, his appearance unneeded. Once on the snow-covered ground outside, I follow the men inside, keeping back because they know the place way better than I do. I always keep an eye out, though, and grab my Battle Rifle off my back as I look around, just to be safe. I do seem to have the best protection, anyway, so I should try to protect everyone else from danger as I can take more damage than them.

I follow the others through the homestead, walking calmly behind them with my rifle in my hands. I can't help but peer around, interested in the way the house was built. Way different from anything I've seen back in..uhm...my universe.

When we get to the armory, I don't grab any weapons. All I do is inspect my rifle quickly, check how much ammo I have for all three of my weapons, then just glance around the room. I don't do anything than that, just glancing around without a verbal sound like a silent giant. Then, once everyone else leaves, I do the same, silently following behind them.

Naturally, since I am in a place I don't know, I continue to do that as we walk around. Including when someone calls to Connor, who seems to run the establishment, and we peer outside to see what the call was about. What we find is in no way comforting.

Marching towards the homestead with seemingly no intent to pass it by, is a group of around 100 men riding horses, dark garb on all of them. They look dark and sinister, as well as powerful. Subconsciously, my fingers grip my rifle tighter, my arms lifting it ever so slightly higher and closer to my line of vision.

To be honest, though, I would much rather fight human-like enemies than supernatural, mythical beasts. For some reason, that's more...comforting. It always has been, and probably always will be. Especially since I'm used to fighting both humans and Covenant soldiers, with all of them being at least somewhat human-like in shape. So, even though these enemies are in larger numbers, I feel calmer about the thought of fighting them to defend our new base.

I listen intently and silently to all of the talk about the upcoming battle, taking in all the info I can. As I listen, Zeta persistently gets my attention.

"Oregon," he says urgently. "There is some type of craft inbound, dropping nearby."

"Do you know what's on it or anything else about it?" I question as I glance from the looming army to the distant sky, my conversation with Zeta not known or heard to the others.

"No, I do not," Zeta says, sounding slightly defeated. "All I know is that it's there and nearby."

"Well, at least we know."

As I finish talking, one of the guys mentions that someone else is here. Guessing that it's the ship, I ask, "Do you have any idea what could be on it? Also, are there any key things that we need to know to fight these bastards below us? Lastly," I add, slightly less professional, "we should really find out each other's names. I don't want to refer to all of you as "that guy over there" and "the other guy in the hood" and "Mrs. Magic". That will end up being pretty damn weird and aggravating."

I know it's kinda weird to dumb to ask that now, but, come on, I really don't want to do call to people like that. It would start to become pretty fucking annoying. Zeta laughs, but does seem to agree.
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Warrior looked at Accelerator. It was clear he was trying to find a way out. "Accelerator, have you found a way to PARTS UNKNOWN?!"

"Warrior, Dingo, we're fucking gone." Accelerator sprouted four tornadoes from his back and swooped down, grabbing The Warrior, the Eevee, and his cane and carrying them off the Helicarrier. He flew down low and started weaving between buildings so it would be harder for the others to follow him. Eventually he followed the trail of AIM Diffusion fields leaking from the tear he'd come from and soared right through it.

Academy City - District 7

Accelerator landed on the other side of the tear, back in the district he lived in. After setting the two down he turned his choker back to normal mode and glanced around. Nothing too serious seemed to be going on on this side, however he noticed that the area was conspicuously empty. Whatever. "You lot can hang around here for a little bit while I recharge. Then we can get you people back to wherever the fuck you came from."

There was too much shit happening in that other world for now so he figured it'd be best to lay low here for a bit. Hopefully nothing dark side related would come along to bother them as long as they stayed decently close to him. "Hey. Don't wander off alright." He vocalized his concern, "There are a bunch of crazy ass scientists in this fucking place that would probably pick you guys apart since you're from another world."
Academy City

It took a moment for Stevie to register what Accelerator said, but as soon as she heard, she gave a nod. "Gotcha. Mad scientists ain't new for Eevees."

Then Stevie took a nice look around--or rather, feel around. The air around her felt so charged with psychic energy that she wondered if she would evolve into an Espeon by staying in this city long enough. After everything that happened, this new place felt safe and familiar, even with Accelerator's warning. The shock would settle in soon enough, but this precious calm had to be appreciated while Stevie could.

"...By the way, my name is Stevie."
Warrior gave him a smile...sort of. "Don't worry about the normals, Accelerator. WE'LL DEAL WITH THEM! WE'LL TAKE THEM CLOSE TO PARTS UNKNOWN!"
Accelerator wasn't exactly sure how to explain to Warrior that there weren't a terribly large number of "Normals" in this city. The city contained 2.3 million students and huge swaths of them were Espers like he was. Well, none of them were espers quite on his level considering he was the single strongest one by a fairly large margin, but still. A cylindrical cleaning robot moved past them on the sidewalk. Accelerator decided to shrug it off and see if Yomikawa would be ok with housing the crazy man and a talking dingo.

"Yeah sure whatever, let's try to not take anyone here to parts unknown alright. I don't necessarily want to deal with that." His attention then turned to the Eevee who had just proclaimed it's own name. It struck him as odd that it could talk but he'd heard strange stories of a talking dog somewhere in this city so it wasn't too implausible, "And you. Just don't let anybody hear you talk until I can think of something stupid to explain it away," He clicked his tongue. Maybe Last Order would find the thing cute. Or maybe Worst would suggest they eat it for dinner. Who knew. For now he turned his attention back to the city proper. There still weren't any students nearby. Or anyone. Maybe they'd sealed the area when the tear opened up.
Stevie tilted her ears down. She heard stories of a world where humans couldn't understand Pokemon, but now she gets to live it? Though she couldn't complain. This human saved her life and was making sure she didn't end up as one more Eevee that got experimented on. It was the least she could do.

...Although, Stevie couldn't guarantee to keep her mouth shut if Warrior started snatching her up and carelessly carrying her around again.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka glared at Gregory, irritation building up inside of her. "Hey, I may be a child, but I am skilled. And, well.... My magic is a special kind. Once, I used it to heal someone, and so I can heal unnaturally fast; so even if I do get injured again, I'll be fine." She said with a sigh. "But if it'll make you feel better, my magic does have the ability to shoot swords off from a distance; however, it's very tedious, and I can only fire one sword at a time." She explained.

The only reason her magic had koncked out back there was because she had used all of it up at once. Now she was more cautious, and in her opinion, more fit to fight.

Then Gregory said something else was here. "What?" She asked. "What's here?"
Oryx wouldn't stand for this! He will just force them to die like all the others, and take this solar system with him! The energy levels from that Saiyan was going to obliterate the Dreadnought in a single blow, so Oryx formed at the main core room and looked at the cabal explosive equipment they never took down. If this core was damaged in any way from the explosives, most of the entire solar system will be wiped away in a instant! Oryx smiled, as he took up the detonator and watched through the Swarms eyes, he would just blow it all up in a instant! However, for how many Taken he had here... the corruption would save everyone and they would simply be flung across different dimensions, tear residue was still all over the Dreadnought after all. Oh fuck it! BLOW IT ALL UP! Oryx silently teleported most of his forces away to become a skeleton crew, except for all the Swarms and Skiviers. Lets see how Goku likes this...

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