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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Space warped and rippled straight in front of the Doctor, Tesla and Revan, to reveal a atrocity that stood around 18 feet tall. His light truly was that strong, so close to the Traveler that it had to escape! Even if he couldn't control the rifts nor the Tears, Oryx would still just come and wander. The glowing teal eyes of Oryx starred down at the three, magic flames dancing along his finger tips. Oryx gave off a chuckle, and spoke, "

" He sniffed the air, feeling the Force ripple off Revan, and immediately knew what he was, "

" Oryx turned his head to the strange wrestler, and simply turned his head to the side. NWO?
However, Oryx didn't.. completely win. The Traveler's shards flew across reality, puncturing dimensions and flying through the warped Tear. Over countless dimensions the Traveler's shards will rain, seeking those who can bear it's light and strength them. It was the only way to fight Oryx in the Traveler's dead eyes, so it simply rested, waiting for anyone to pick them up...

(In OOC chat I will be placing a few things...)

Staring him straight in the eyes, he skronked "Are you with the NWO?"
"Oh who the fuck is this joker now?" Accelerator sighed as he hobbled over towards Revan and the others. "More fucking aliens? Are you serious? Is this just alien invasion planet or something?" Clearly frustrated Accelerator glanced to the others, "Let me guess. 'oh please kill this one too Accelerator, we can't do it on our own.' Fucking hell."

He turned to address Oryx itself. "Hey asswipe. You gonna cause trouble? Because I'm so fucking done with trouble. Let's just get this over with if you are." He turned his choker back to Esper mode and cranked his reflection beyond lethal levels. "Just checking. You have a circulatory system right?"


Revan backed up, gaping in awe behind his mask at the tremendous amount of Dark energy seeping from the being before him. Revan steeled himself and drew his lightsaber, igniting its calm green blade. He nudged the Doctor, Tesla, and this 'Accelerator' behind him with the Force as he leapt up at Oryx, delivering a powerful Juyo blow to his upper torso, enhancing his swing with the Force. He allowed himself to become a conduit for the Light so Oryx's Darkness would not bring forth his inner Sith.
"Bwhat the fuck-" Accelerator regained his footing as some mysterious force had pushed him back. He struggled to analyze the vectors behind the push. Perhaps if he was exposed to that power a few more times he'd be able to get a handle on it. For now he was immediately distracted by this idiot leaping at the giant alien. "Oh for fucks sake now it's definitely going to try and murder us you moron!" Accelerator tore a section of metal of the floor and compressed it to a fairly dense ball. He needed the moron out of his way if he was actually gonna fight. "Hey dumbass, move before you become a casualty!" He roared to Revan.
Oryx raised a hand towards Revan, extending his own personal shield that interrupted the plasma arc. Constant contact with his shield would hopefully short it out for a few moments, but either way Oryx's raw defenses would protect him. The King spoke, "...I will not fight any of you unless you truly are stupid enough to appose me! I am looking to reform my army of Taken, and I am coming to ask for those who wish to join me. I will fight you another day Light Wielder..." The chill of darkness pressed up against those around Oryx, a raw feeling of void and ice. He was trying to be peaceful for now, but if they dared to fight him again? He would fight... and spawn form this army.
"Uuuuuugh, Doctor what do you say about this one?" Accelerator groaned. He didn't want to fight either but if this guy was a threat he'd deal with him. This guy certainly looked like a threat but Accelerator didn't really judge things by looks anymore. Aiwass hadn't looked especially threatening beyond just being purely incomprehensible and then... Anyway, Accelerator kept his attention locked onto Oryx. The feeling of void slid off Accelerator like it was nothing. He'd bathed in the deepest darkness of his world, or so he thought, such a thing was like a warm summer breeze.

Keeping himself aloft with the Force, he reached behind his back, grabbing another silver lightsaber hilt off of the clip on the back of his belt. He ignited the weapon, its plasma blade a light violet color. He dropped, landing in front of Oryx with both blades ready in a defensive stance. He channeled the Force into himself, resisting that creeping and cold feeling that Oryx exerted. Vitiate's influence was much worse than this.
An encounter like this? Especially after a fight? There was no way Stevie could handle this. It would've been like challenging Palkia itself right after getting thrown around by a Machoke. A fight with this new stranger Oryx would kill her.

And so the tiny Eevee stayed behind and wished she could evolve.
Warrior lifted the scared, small dingo and set her on his shoulder. He tried his best to comfort it, but he sucked pretty bad at it. "WORRY NOT! THE BLOOD OF THE WARRIOR RUNS THROUGH US ALL! THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN LOSE!"
Stevie's heart and stomach sank as the Warrior brought her closer to Oryx.

Well, she always did wonder what her Grandma Torkoal was like.
Oryx raised an eyebrow in confusion, and then sighed. The Taken King asked, "What dimension and what planet is this anyways? Earth? If so, this damn planet shows up everywhere!"

Tesla raised his shotgun, charging up a blast of UV light as a group of SHIELD agents ran into the room, raising their guns.

"Stand down!" The Doctor shouted, shoving Tesla's shotgun to the ground "Everyone stand down now!"

He stepped forwards, approaching Oryx. "It doesn't have to be like this." He spoke, trying to reason with the King "You can still walk away from this...We can all still walk away from this...No one else has to die."



Harley pointed Caim in the direction of the tear she had walked through with her bat.

"Come on then, Caim." She spoke in an enthusiastic tone "We've got lots of murdering to do!" She began to skip towards the tear, giggling like a schoolgirl.


Assassins Creed Universe

Connor nodded in response to Jakob

"Well, as ready as we can be for these buggers..." Gregory nervously smiled, putting on his helmet.

"Master Connor!" A voice was heard from upstairs, catching Connor's attention. He ran to one of the windows as Gregory followed. Rather than see Wendigos as expected the group saw something else.

A group of around one hundred Black Dog Knights were marching towards the Homestead.

"What the hell?" Gregory muttered

"They must have stepped through another tear." Connor suggested, getting a nod from Gregory in response

"We've got superior technology, they have superior numbers..." Gregory muttered in a fast-pace "We can still pull this off!"



@1stLt HChurch


Revan in MCU

Revan still stood with his lightsabers gripped in his hands, in stance, as the Doctor attempted to reason with the giant Darkness-clad being that stood before them. Revan realized that he had given off too much presence of his Light Side energy through the rift. He also realized that reasoning with this thing might be a better bet. After all, this thing might be too powerful to kill alone, and he did not trust the strange company that was kept here.

"Doctor, while I hesitantly agree to diplomacy here, this being devours anything that is the Light, be it this 'Traveller' he speaks of or the Force. And I will not give myself up to him." Revan would not bow out from a fight, but he does not want to put these innocent people and the people of this world, this universe, in danger. However, he felt a strong presence approaching the helicarrier now.


Accelerator groaned. As if this big bastard was going to listen to the Doctor. Accelerator himself barely listened to the Doctor. "I can agree that nobody has to die, but if it comes down to it I will make one or more of you bastards die if it means saving this goddamn planet." That was just how it was sometimes. Someone had to take the weight of that choice and Accelerator had already become accustom to doing so.



Caim just shrugged and strode forward after sheathing his sword. Making a mental note of the feel between passage ways and the areas the tears were in. He had to go back to destroying the seals in his home world eventually after all. It wouldn't be proper if he got lost. 'Alright so mine is south a light jog from this one judging from the sky. You got that Dragon?' A distant pained roar echoed through his thoughts, 'You're a life saver Red...' With that done he happily followed behind Harley.
Oryx watched as weapons raised up, and people spoke of peace yet still held him at gun point. They wanted him gone, with guns and powers if necessary. Oryx whistled, as the very air and metal around him began to quiver violently. His fleet formed, the celestial sized ship known as the Dreadnought, with thousands of smaller ships gathered from multiple cults of the Moon. Oryx destroyed the light of his world, and all of the Darkness will become his to rule. A giant orb of raw darkness, dripping with it's unholy and unworldly essence formed, and then exploded safely. Standing there were two Sunbreaker Titans, completely coated in the Darkness and made Taken. They twitched occasionally, giving off ghastly chattering sounds yet otherwise were Human. They were coated in flame, using the raw Darkness to fuel their hammers.

Oryx gave off a chuckle, stating bluntly, "I have armies of armies, dimensions worth of fire power that I can summon at my very will. Now that I have conquered Earth, the Fallen are now completely mine by now. I will do with you whatever ritual you want of peace with this entire world, as long as you present to me and my army a few hundred creatures per week. I still need a army." He was calm even if weapons were aimed at him, and he would still be even if any of these "Guardians" decided to attack him. He was still tranquil and in bliss from the destruction of the Traveler, and nothing could ruin his day!
"I don't think I can throw all of that into the sun in 20 minutes. You guys have a plan?" Accelerator glanced back to the others, "Actually fuck your plans. Your plans have universally sucked. This is how we're doing things for now." Accelerator stepped forward and pointed a hand at Oryx. "You. Leave or I'll use these blood stained hands of mine to rip you apart at the seams. You work on my physics because you didn't die the instant you showed up here, so you need to bow out or I'll just kill you. Got it?" This creature did not scare him. He could comprehend him. He could work to fight him. He'd need to see what this guy could do before he could really formulate a strategy. "What's your face. You in?" He turned to Revan. He could use a dummy to figure out how Oryx's attacks worked and how to best reflect them.

One thing for certain stood out in Accelerator's mind.

This creature was no Aiwass. If he let something so much weaker than that abomination defeat him...

Goku in MCU

Goku had just been in the sanctuary in which Lord Beerus and Whis lived, training with Whis to further increase his Super Saiyan God power, then he used Instant Transmission to try and outmaneuver Whis, now he ended up flying around above some sort of large city. As soon as he entered this city, however, he sensed two massive power sources nearby, but not with Ki energy. Goku thought it was weird. After a few minutes of flying, he saw the helicarrier and the sources of energy. One appeared to be a large, demon-looking thing with a sword and glowing energy in an aura on it, as well as what appeared to be two bodyguards. He also fet the arrival of many dark presences here as well. The other was a normal-sized person wearing robes and a mask wielding two swords made out of energy? Goku shrugged as he had seen wierder. He dropped his flight and landed right in between Revan and Oryx with a somewhat determinate look on his face. His orange gi still beared the insignia Whis had marked on it before his second fight with Frieza.
"Another one?" Accelerator let out a not too subtle groan, taking a few steps back. Then it dawned on him. This wasn't even his world. Why did he care about who the hell was invading it constantly. Sure there was a tear that lead to his world in this one but... Ok maybe that was a good enough reason for him. "You friend or foe?" He called out to Goku.
Warrior noticed the man in colorful clothes. He clearly wasn't with the NWO. "Hello! You have the colors of a WARRIOR!"

Revan MCU

Revan took a step back from the newcomer and lowered his sabers. He felt that the man before him has fought in many battles. Battles that would make his final confrontation with Malak look like child's play. He deignited his sabers and clipped them back to his belt. He backed off slowly and started walking back to the Ebon Hawk. He could, at least, send a distress signal to the Republic and get a fleet out to stop that Dreadnought.

Goku MCU

Goku stood as his massive hair was slightly blown in the breeze. He half turned to Accelerator and gave him a goofy smirk with a thumbs up. He then shifted his focus back to Oryx with a serious glare.

"You there. Are you the source of this dark energy I've been feeling?"
Jakob quickly pulled out then sword of Altair from his belt. "This sword is from one of our ancestors... Time to use t in combat..." He muttered, getting into a battle stance.

The Doctor stepped away from Oryx. The last time he'd heard about "the darkness" it involved one of the most terrifying creatures he'd ever encountered, those responsible for the Time War and the race that had pushed him to commit genocide. The Daleks. The time they had almost destroyed reality itself. A chill went down The Doctor's spine but it was quickly replaced by a burning hatred in his hearts. The Daleks were the only beings in existence who frightened him and compared to them, Oryx was child's play. He mentioned conquering Earth, causing The Doctor to wonder just how many planets across the multiverse Oryx had conquered, how many lives he had taken.

"I have a plan." The Doctor whispered to Accelerator "But we have to get to my TARDIS first..."

"No." The Doctor stated in a cold tone "You will not have your army. Today, on the thirteenth of August twenty-fifteen is the day your army falls."

He had given Oryx his chance and The Doctor did not give second chances. He readied his sonic screwdriver, preparing to summon the TARDIS at any given moment.



Harley led Caim through the tear, stepping through into Blüdhaven. A squad of police cars were waiting for her.

"Freeze Harley!" One of the cops shouted, causing all of them to draw their guns and aim them at the two. Harley half-smiled in response and quickly threw several laughing gas smoke bombs at the police. While they returned fire, Harley pushed Caim out of the way as she dived to the ground, the bullets whizzing over their heads.

The bullets stopped as the beautiful sounds of laughter and chocking filled Harley's ears.


Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory drew his sub-machine gun, clutching it in both hands. Upon seeing that Jakob was drawing a sword however he holstered his gun and drew his katana.

"There's at least one hundred of 'em out there, and you want to fight them 'ead on?" Gregory asked "We need a plan."

"A few us of, those skilled with blades and stealth will attack from behind. The others will lay down fire from the front. As they are distracted, we go on the attack. I have a few smoke bombs, that should disorient them." Connor spoke, laying out a strategy

Gregory nodded in response "Sayaka, I want you to stay here."
Oryx couldn't believe this, so he just laughed. He spoke out, "I did not wish to fight, but I have trillions of Hive and unlimited Taken! Plus, my Taken will never die! I am the ultimate war of attrition, and I did not threaten you. I have Galaxies under my will! Dimensions quiver at my name! I am Oryx, the Taken King! The Light stole and murdered my Son, so I killed all the Light to avenge him. Now more Light comes to fight me? If this is your will... SO BE IT!" Oryx swiped his sword with such force, the 5 SHIELD soldiers aimming at him were embedded into the metal, forming cracks and heavy dents next to their corpses. Oryx cackled as the superhuman hammers fired with the strength of a Schwerer Gustav every two seconds! They fought like Thor, charging into the fray while forming rings of flame that shielded them ever stronger. Oryx became engulfed by another Taken Orb, and vanished to be replaced by a Crawler super-heavy tank! It began unleashing rockets into the air that homed in, while firing its heavy caliber solar weapons.

The Dreadnought unleashed it's first wave of Hive Seeders, aimed for centers of mass. 22 Hive seeders were unleashed in the first wave, two aimed for the highest population per city, uniting their Light to make weak beacons unintentionally. The sky burned light green, as two giant drop pods flew into the heart of New York City, dispensing everything in the Hive arsenal except for Ogres. Any Civilian that fell to the Hive would become a Taken, and then assist the Hive in stealing more and more people. Dragoons formed from rifts in the sky with Swarms, destroying aircraft while raining down heavy siege weaponry around the perimeters of the cities. Oryx formed giant shadowy echoes of himself that observed the rampage the Hive would cause. Oryx had to admit, it would be a hard fight if all of their forces were fighting him, but a ambush caused a vast panic that should assist him. Within minutes he would have thousands of new Taken, and these cities all had over 10 million people. Oryx just cackled over all the cities through the echoes, taunting any who listen to him.

Tokyo, Japan

Delhi, India

Shanghai, China

Mexico City, Mexico

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mumbai, India

Osaka, Japan

Beijing, China

New York, New York

Cairo, Egypt

Moon, Moon
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Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Hearing this, Sayaka glared, her hand moving to the bandage at her side. "I can still fight! My magic is powerful enough, and I'm able to block out pain. Please, I wanna be useful to you guys with my swords!" She exclaimed.

Although, she knew Gregory most likely wasn't gonna have it, she still had to at least
try. Gregory and Connor both had attempted to help her the first time she had arrived in this strange universe, and now she wanted to repay it (even though she had already helped with the wendigo incident).

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