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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Location: WCW-verse

Sting looked over the rafters looking at the tear that is just below... He had of heard rumors of the nWo fleeing into some sort of Tear...

"So that's how Hogan and his merry band escaped... Bishoff must have told them about it before our match... "​

Sting descended from the rafters and fell through a tear in the fabric of space and time... A perversion of the laws of Physics. No doubt the work of "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and his nWo... Sting hopes to find Hogan and make him pay for what he has done to WCW...

Location: Terminator-verse

Sting arrives to the apocalyptic future of the Terminator universe... A World dominated by the Machines... A Pact made by Ric Flare to best Sting's good friend, Alex Murphy...

"Flare, you mad dog killer..." Sting said to himself with his trusty baseball bat and wandered through world, hoping to find the man who caused this.





Sting wandered the wasteland... Hoping to either find Hogan and Flair or someone who can aid him on his crusade for Justice
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Goku MCU

Goku felt that his time in space was almost out, so he was going to wrap this up quickly.

"HAAAAAAA!" He screamed as he thrusted his hands forward, palms out. An enormous beam of blue energy fired from his hands at the Dreadnought. This beam was taking the majority of Goku's energy, so as soon as this beam made contact with the Dreadnought, he needed to Instant Transmission back to Earth.

Sting suddenly stops as if he senses something as if a great battle was happening from beyond the world he is in... "I have the feeling I'm missing out on some fun..."
Oryx stared at the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, and simply smiled as the Dreadnought's core ruptured. Goku may be able to destroy planets, but this explosion would be enough to obliterate everything up to Eris! Lets see how he could handle this. The instant the energy escaped Goku's hands, the Swarms calculated that the energy's output would freeze him mid air, or else send him bad. Interesting, so the Dreadnought unleashed the explosion, trying to obliterate the MCU's Solar System. Oryx casually reformed in the Destiny universe, and began to infest a living planet just like Ultron. Oryx will bring another way of war, and soon he will conquer everything! The dimensions blessed him...

Goku MCU

Goku's power was drained from that blast. Returning to his base form, he shifted his index and middle finger to his head and focused for a second. Picking up on the energy Revan gave off as he sped away on the Ebon Hawk, he Instant Transmissioned to the Hawk, appearing in its cargo bay. Just as the Hawk was about to jump to hyperspace, it passed through another tear, appearing above the Homestead in the Assassin's Creed universe. Since passing through tears drained the Hawk's primary power, it plummeted to the ground and crashed just outside of the homestead. Revan knocked his head against the console and was knocked unconscious. Goku stumbled and fell, but he stayed awake after he hit something.

The Merchant teleported in front of the explosion, his arms crossed.

"Oh not you fucking don't..." He muttered "I will not allow you to create such an imbalance!"

His eyes began to glow a golden yellow energy as the explosion flew towards him. He was able to contain the energy into a large sphere. and using his bare hands he began to crush the sphere into a small ball, one able to fit in his left hand. He shut his eyes and crushed the ball, causing his entire body to glow the same energy. He yelled in pain as the energy appeared to consume him, scattering his atoms across the cosmos of the MCU.

On Earth, Agent Stevenson watched as the explosion approaching Earth was decimated, it appeared to have disappeared, as had the fleet. He smiled and removed his sunglasses, revealing a set of green eyes.

"Don't celebrate just yet..." He spoke "We still have a lot of work to do."


Destiny Universe

These atoms reformed on the planet Oryx was about to invade however the Merchant began to collapse from exhaustion. Containing the energy and the rebuilding of his mortal form had shattered him. As his vision began to blur and darken, the Merchant snapped his fingers.

"It's down to you now, Doctor...End this." He muttered as he shut his eyes

The TARDIS appeared upon Oryx's flagship and The Doctor stepped out, followed by Tesla. Strapped to the TARDIS was a weapon far larger than the blue box, a modified version of Tesla's death ray. It was equipped with technology taken from some of the Doctor's most notorious enemies. Generators from the Cybermen of Mondas, several attachments to the ray taken from the Daleks of Skaro and from the Zygons and Sontarans, increasing the ray's already extremely destructive

capacity by the millions.

On it's own, the ray was capable of taking out a large metropolitan area like New York city. With the added alien technology, the ray was now capable of taking out an entire planet. The Doctor had kept the technology to keep it from falling into the wrong hands and Tesla had created the ray in the first place to try and prevent wars. Both were men of peace, logic and science but both were now prepared to use the weapon they had made to stop the Taken.

Immediately, the TARDIS was almost swarmed by the Taken forces but the Doctor drew his trusty sonic screwdriver and pointed at the weapon.

"One more step and I will detonate it..." He spoke in a grim and threatening tone. When the Taken did not reply, The Doctor pressed down on his sonic, causing the weapon to detach from his blue box. He quickly pushed Tesla back inside the TARDIS before jumping inside himself. As the TARDIS demilitarized, the weapon was activated. In all directions, beams of pure, destructive energy were fired, ripping holes in the ship and in the fleet.

Oryx would be forced to watch as his numbers were decimated from Mercury. The energy began to cave in on itself, generating a huge explosion that annihilated over three quarters of the entire fleet.

The blast radius stopped before it could destroy the planet, leaving it and the forces below untouched.



The TARDIS arrived back on the Hellicarrier but both men remained silent. Under different circumstances Tesla would be exploring the TARDIS, trying to figure out how it worked, trying to figure out how it was possible for the TARDIS to be bigger on the inside.

"I-I" He stuttered in disbelief "Doctor, what have we done?" He muttered.

The Doctor stood next to the TARDIS console with his arms folded, a grim expression on his face. It would not be the last time he would have to take lives, but he reassured himself that Oryx had not given him a choice. Although that did not make it any easier. He feared that he was getting used to it.

Tesla ran out of the TARDIS and vomited on the floor of the Hellicarrier. The Doctor followed, noticing several SHIELD agents approach the scientist.

"He's in shock." The Doctor explained



The police began to pull back as Caim and Harley decimated them to await backup from SWAT or even from one of the Bat-family. Burnt-out police cars and the bodies of officers now littered the streets

"I'll show you the sights." Harley smiled, gesturing Caim to follow her. She would show him her base of operations where the two could plan out more carnage. With Caim at her side, Harley planned to burn Blüdhaven to the ground, followed by Gotham itself.


Assassins Creed Universe

The platoon of Knights instantly attacked Angron's forces, the leader aiming for the Red Angel himself. They did not know what Angron was capable of but would not stand for an invasion. He charged at the Red Angel, aiming for his head.

Gregory was taken aback as the ship crashed outside before he could form a response to Sayaka's arguments

"Is this what descended?" One of the civilians asked

"No." Gregory muttered "This is another ship."

As Angron's forces descended onto the planet, this also caught the attention of Gregory.

"Fuck!" He shouted in both anger and fear "This is a full-scale invasion!"

He turned his attention to Connor "Where's the tear I came through?!" He asked, trying to hide the panic in his voice "There's people back in my universe who might be able to help!" Connor immediately understood Gregory's urgency.

"What about the people here?"

"Tell them to take everything they can carry and follow us. I'm going go grab Jakob and then we need to get the 'ell out of here..."

Outside, the Black Dog Knights attempted to fight Angron's forces but were already fighting a losing battle. Within seconds fifty of them were cut down by gunfire from Raptors. The others scattered, attempting to flee from the invading force. The Raptors, as well as some Khorne Cultists and Bezerkers who had arrived via the drop pods swarming the planet began to approach the manor as well as the crashed ship.


Terminator Universe

"I sense something." Syeron muttered, detecting Sting's presence. From the building they had taken refuge in, Max spotted Sting wandering through the wastelands.

"Found 'em." He spoke "He's a funny looking, fella."

He tried to get Sting's attention by signalling him with a mirror. He thought it was the quickest way to check if Sting was friend of foe.
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Assassins Creed Universe

Seeing that the Knight's leader was charging at him, Angron waits until the knight is close enough before grabbing him by the head with his left hand before repeatable slamming it into the ground.

Just as Angron's forces arrive on the planet, the Devourer of Stars readies it's long range artillery batteries and begins to bombard the cities located on the planet.

Revan ACU

Revan awoke with a great headache from the crash. To his surprise, power was restored before he woke up. The ship's systems read that there were no hull breaches, so the ship was still spaceworthy. Revan looked out of the cockpit's window, seeing the snow covered ground, the large wooden manor, and the other-wordly armies fighting one another. These enemies, however looked like ones he could actually engage in combat. He smirked, placing his mask back over his face as he slowly stood up, drawing the Force in to gather his strength. As he started walking out of the cockpit to the emergency hatch ladder, he noticed a strange man with spikey black hair wearing strange orange robes rubbing his head in the cargo hold. He drew one of his lightsaber hilts and entered, startling the man.

"You there, what are you doing in my ship?" Revan questioned. The man looked over and jumped, shocked by the sudden appearance of another person. He responded in kind.

"H-hey hold on a second," Goku pleaded as he stuck his hands up as if surrendering. "I had to run after that ship blew up! Your shio was the only place with energy I could pick up on and teleport to, 'kay?" Revan was puzzled at this, but the sound of laser artillery impacting the ground outside.

"Well if you wish to help, it sounds like a battle is being waged outside." Goku nodded and they both ran to the ladder. Revan exited first, and then Goku. They stood on top of the Hawk, watching the battle.
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Caim nodded and began following Harley, mentally noting locations in case she wasn't paying enough attention herself to get him back to this tear. He was loath to leave the sent of burning flesh and the agonized screams of those who had not had their lives fully taken by his assault but he figured if he stayed with her she would lead him to yet more death. Although soldiers here seemed to favor projectile weapons, Caim was no stranger to constantly lobbing fireballs at bowmen.
Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory looked outside, seeing a figure he would have recognized almost anywhere. Of all the universes out there, of all the beings he could encounter Goku had joined the battle.

"Looks like the cavalry arrived a little earlier than I thought..." Gregory smiled under his helmet "I've seen what that man can do. He may be a shit dad, but he's still one of the good guys. He's probably going to level this place though."

"But this is my home!" One of the residents shouted

"We can rebuild." Connor attempted to reassure him, hiding his own doubts.

"This whole place is about to go to 'ell pretty damn soon, so we'd better get moving."

The leader was badly beaten by the assault but refused to back down. He drew a grenade and held it tightly in his left hand, staring up at Angron as the Red Angel continued his assault.

"For...For...Camelot..." He muttered



Harley led Caim through the alleyway to the garage doors. They opened as she approached.

"H-Harley, you're alive!?" One of the goons spoke in a relieved tone. Harley recognized him as one of the goons that had ran back through the tear

"No thanks to you..." She replied bitterly

"I-I'm sorry, I got scared."

"Shhh...It's okay." She spoke in a soft, reassuring tone as she approached the goon, wrapping her arms around him in a hug "We all get scared sometimes."

After several seconds of hugging the goon felt something pierce his throat as Harley stabbed him before withdrawing the knife and slitting his throat, kicking the dying goon to the ground

"This is what happens to cowards!" She shouted in a threatening tone

Destiny Universe

The woman appeared on Mercury, noticing the collapsed Merchant and rolled her eyes "Always the dramatic..." She sighed, walking around The Merchant and approaching Oryx.

"You may have caused me..." She turned her attention back in the direction of The Merchant "Well us, a lot of trouble...But I might still be willing to make you an offer." Her tone was bitter, although she was trying to hide it. She detested the idea of dealing with Oryx, but there was business to be made. All personal feelings had to be put aside if an opportunity came up.

She turned around, outstretching her arms and face the sky.

"Look at it. Your fleet, your Taken army has been decimated and by what? A Time Lord without his time travelling abilities and a mere, human man. I would laugh if it wasn't so pathetic..." She snorted and let out a brief chuckle "Sorry, couldn't help myself. Here's my offer. I'll give you back a small fraction of your army. No dreadnought this time but in exchange I need to take something from you."
Closing his left hand over the Knight's grenade, Angron waits for the grenade to explode before severing his opponets's head with his Deamon blade. Eager to spill for blood, Angron orders the Raptors accompanying him to spread and search the area while he heads towards the city with his Berzerker body guards.
Oryx embedded his talons into the mechanical planet, and unleashed his magic all over the dark thing. The floating platforms known as "Vertigo" was slowly becoming his, but this would take him a long time. He would make them pay for destroying his millions of years old ship! He conquered so many worlds, and now they just up and blew it up like it was a tomato falling from a two story building? Unacceptable! Wait a second, light started to gener- IT WAS GONE?! The Ketch exploded in a vast show of energy and light, dwarfing even the Sun in its light. Oryx just fell to his knees as the explosion happened, and slammed his fist down. He screamed, "The Light has taken everything from me!!"

Oryx raised himself up to look at the Merchant, and ran at him. Oryx screamed, "My revenge, for him about to destroy my home for the last few million years, and you deny me?!" He stopped as the woman approached him, and still in anger was snarling. Oryx heard the propitiation, and then bluntly stated, "The Taken are immortal as long as no one goes into their realm, that Human with the glowing teal hair, his light could do it, but your 'time lord'? The Taken are mere vessels, the Hive though? My children, my spawn, they are slaughtered like it was nothing! Millions of my own forces have died within the last day from this stupid Light infected plague. The Darkness protects! My order is stronger then any other, I protect with millions of forces! But pray tell... how could you of all people bring back my army, my forces? Whats stopping me from killing this mere Merchant? Whats stopping me from converting you both as my Taken slaves, torturing you tell the ends of eternity if I see fit?!" Oryx took a few steps forward, past the Woman and simply stood next to the Merchant, leaning down and staring at him with glowing eyes of rage and hate.

The Geek fell from a tear next to the burning corpses. Maybe it's because they were the heat. Of course, he was shocked

He wandered until he found a living cop. "Hey, man...Can you tell me about...the corpses?"
"What's stopping you?" The woman asked sarcastically "Oh, I don't know...How about the fact that compared to us, compared to me you are tiny?" She asked in multiple voices "I could kill you with the snap of my fingers if I was at full strength. No, I could kill you by merely looking at you. At low strength and in his mortal form he absorbed enough energy to consume an entire solar system." She gestured towards the Merchant "And all it did was make him sleepy."

She folded her arms as The Merchant appeared behind her. He looked exactly like the Merchant lying on the ground, only his bag and the other items he carried were gone as was his hat.

"Mere merchant?" He asked, gesturing to the unconscious body "I'd like to see you come back from having your body's atoms scattered across a solar system." He began to step forwards as a means of intimidating Oryx "You caused a great imbalance when you destroyed the traveller and killed all those Guardians...Give me a reason to scatter your atoms across the entire Multiverse." He spoke in a bitter and threatening tone.

The woman teleported between Oryx and The Merchant, holding out her left arm "I can handle this, and you're already here..." She spoke, gesturing to the unconscious body "Don't you have other places to be?"

"I'm already there." He replied "But if it means that much I'll get out of your hair. Deal with this false God."

The Merchant disappeared, but the unconscious body remained.
Caim entered the hideout and saw a man gurgling his last on the ground. He decided to help him. With a solid crunch he slammed his foot through the man's skull. 'That's the stuff right there. Aaaaah yeah. I was worried we'd go 10 minutes without murdering someone at this rate.' Caim thought to himself as his eye went over the other henchmen. He tapped Harley on the shoulder and gestured to his sword before gesturing to the others. If they needed dicipline he'd be happy to carry it out for her. Caim was a man who had never quite grasped the concept of allies after all.

"The corpses?" The cop replied with anger in his voice "It was that crazy bitch Harley Quinn. She has a new friend. Apparently this asshole can summon fire at will. Another costumed freak is just what we needed!"

Harley looked around, examining her goons. Some looked shocked, others looked afraid but there were those that hardly even flinched. She liked the third kind the best.

"Okay, listen up!" She shouted "Caim here is going to be joining us so play nice...Or else." She still held the bloody dagger in her hand and pointed at the dead goon's body. She knelt down and stripped off his shirt, carving into his flesh "Merry Christmas, pigs! HG" followed by a drawing of a smiley face. "Get me some wrapping paper and a load of dynamite!" She ordered "Move!"


Terminator Universe

"Warrior..." Max muttered, reading Sting's words with his cybernetic eye

"He's a warrior?" Syeron asked

"No, he's talking about someone called Warrior."

Syeron nodded in response and jumped down from the building, approaching Sting. She did not have time for distractions.

"Who are you?" She asked
Oryx returned to his knees, and looked down to the ground. He closed his eyes, snarled out, "Protect, defend, expand. That is the way life works, that is the way the universe works. Protect your kind, take whatever you can to survive, die, repeat. I don't die from old age, so I die when I die, simple as that. I do my job in the universe, I conquer, and I take the weak to be remnants, and show me what they have so that we may advance. But, how can any of us advance when beings like you exist, who can transcend death and space?" Oryx slammed down on the Vex planet, and snarled, "They killed millions of us, and so when I do the exact same, I make this imbalance that causes you trouble? Why must my actions effect you when nothing can harm you?! My home was destroyed, and he just takes it in a single moment with no effect but sleep?! Why can the light take everything from me, why should the "heroes", the "Good Guys" take and take and take, yet when I take not even a sixth of what they do, I lose everything beyond that?!"

Oryx couldn't stop them, he couldn't even faze them! He moaned out before rising himself. He stated "...Why would you wish to make a deal with me? You seem to not benefit from this..."
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Revan and Goku in ACU

Revan nodded to Goku, who blasted off the Hawk straight towards Angron, looking for a fight. Revan took his other lightsaber hilt in his spare hand and ignited both blades, the green and violet-hued energy blades hissing to life. He dashed off of the Hawk and charged straight at Angron and his security detail. These beings possessed evidence of the Dark, but much less so than Oryx. He still would get rid of them to protect the innocents of this universe. He dashed straight up to one of the Beserkers, jumping up and coming down in a spinning formation in an Ataru slash.

While he did so, Goku landed right in front of Angron's formation, already transformed into a Super Saiyan 3. He looked up and spoke to them.

"Are you the ones who are causing all of this destruction?"

"So you want to know a little thing about the Stinger?" Sting chuckled at this as he redirects his attention to Max "No that's not how we do this... I want to know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE! DID RUSSO BOOKED THIS CRAP?"
Seeing as Harley's goons were fulfilling her orders, Caim moved to wipe the gore from the sole of his shoe. 'Dragon hopefully someone that's actually a challenge will show up soon. I haven't had a good fight since I took on the Union army...' He watched as the others busied themselves around him. He was starting to get bored which was dangerous to everyone around him. A bored Caim is a Caim that indiscriminately murders just so something will happen. Maybe that police force they'd fought would rally to meet their end at Caim's blade.
Confused by the arrival of a man with a stange hair style, Angron looks down at Goku whole he readies his massive black blade.

"Yes, I am the one responsible for this glorious battle! I have come to this planet to spill blood in Khorne's name!"
"That chick that dresses like the clown? Far out..." Last time he heard about her, Robin was telling him about the time Joker had a plan involving a roller derby. That was a pretty far cry from arsene and murder.

"Did you catch the way she went?"

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