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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Sting turns around a propose a truce (Sting forgets that every time he does this... they turn on him... Either he's incredibly gullible or incredibly stupid.. or both)

"Hogan, this thing is bigger than both of us... I guess... How's about we Tag team on more time..."

GFW Office

"Sting's stupid if he thinks Terry is gonna shake is hand! The guy has a dang steel chair in his hands!" Says Jeff Jarrett as he watches the events unfold via monitor.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

"Woah, what the heck?!" Cried Sayaka, bullets whooshing past her ear. Gregory said to run, so she did. She tried to keep up with Gregory as much as possible, but in all honesty, running wasn't exactly her cup of tea. "What's happening?!" She asked frantically. "Who's doing all of this?!"
Assassins Creed Universe

Climbing out of the crater, Angron sees Goku preparing to attack. Pulling out his plasma pistol, Angronfires a shot aimed at Goku's head.

terminator Universe

After hearing Sting's proposition, Hogan acts like he is about to accept Sting's proposal before slamming the chair against his head." THERE IS NO POWER GREATER THAN THE N.W.O, BROTHER! NEITHER YOU NOR WHATEVER JOBBER GROUP YOU BROUGHT CAN STOP US, DUDE!"
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Goku in ACU

Goku, seeing his opponent reaching for some sort of weapon, disappeared from the sky. He reappeared right behind Angron and unleashed his Kamehameha, but it was less powerful since Instant Transmissioning while charging Ki drains some of the Ki that is being collected.

Terminator Universe

"Will you idiots stop fighting each other for five seconds and get to cover!" Syeron shouted, pointing out that the Terminators were now opening fire on the wrestlers. One T-600 was about to fire on Hulk Hogan, only for Max to take it out with a shot to the head. Syeron continued to slice into the rest of the platoon, only to notice that Skynet had sent even more Terminators to their location.

Two tanks and three HK Ariel units were approaching their location.

"Oh fuck me..." Max muttered, looking through his scope "Mi, we've got a problem."

"Do you have a deathwish!?" Syeron shouted "If you want to live, get to cover!"


Assassins Creed Universe

"Aliens!" Gregory shouted, tying to answer Sayaka's questions while not being sure himself "Aliens have come here to conquer this planet! This is an invasion!"

"My weapon did not work on their armour." Connor butted in

"It's like trying to stab a tank!" Gregory explained in quick pace, the World Eaters he had encountered reminded him of the Exen Grunts. Durable armour that was difficult to pierce, an intimidating size and none of them spoke. The only thing missing was numbers ranging in the millions and their leaders. Exen Grunts were clones, bred for combat and nothing else. With basic instincts they relied on the leadership of higher Exen, without the presence of leaders they become nothing but wild animals who turned on each other.

Gregory contemplated if these red titans were perhaps alternate universe versions of the Exen and perhaps they could be stopped in the same way as Connor led the group further into the woods. The sounds of battle still filled their ears but they began to grow quieter.


Destiny Universe

"I'm flattered..." The Woman smiled, letting out a brief chuckle "You think I am more powerful than these tears? I can travel between universes, I can restore dead creatures to life...But opening across every single universe, that...That is something even beyond my power."

She stepped away from Oryx and approached the Merchant's unconscious body, slapping him across the face. He woke up and slowly stood to his feet, letting out a grunt. "He does not want our help. Come, there is much work to do."

The Woman looked at Oryx one last time "We will meet again."

The two beings disappeared, leaving the Destiny Universe behind.



The SWAT team approached the alleyway and stopped, stepping out and approaching Harley's base of operations. One looked up at Brother Power and pointed his gun at him

"Get on the ground!" He shouted.

The others approached the base with their weapons drawn.

The Librarian set his hand on Vance's shoulder and teleported the two of them out of the universe.



Vance would wake up in a room almost identical to the one Damon had woken up him with the Librarian sitting by his bedside, holding his briefcase and smiling @Eagleye415

"Shit!" Exclaimed Jeff Jarrett, as he turns to his good friend, the Orb from the Marvel/DC-verse. "Hey slapnut, tell that Slap-ass computer to call terminator attack off! Sting's gotta side with Hogan with our plan is gonna work!" The Orb obliges to the King of the Mountain's order and calls of the Terminator attack.

Jeff Jarrett turns back at the monitor only to find out Hogan already swerved Sting... "Terry, you fuckin' Slap-ass!"
Vance had heard shouting then suddenly things went black. He woke up in a bed and sat up quickly. The old man was watching him as he got his bearings. "Where are we? What happened?" Vance said shaking his head. He turned to face the old man and remembered why he had come to meet him. "Tell me about the Tears." Everything else could wait finally he would get some answers and know what he was dealing with.

Assassin's Creed universe

Quickly moving out of the way of Goku's attack, Angron turns around and begins to fire his plasma pistol at Goku.

Terminator Universe

Seeing a large group of robots walking towards him, Hogan and the N.W.O members charge at the robotic jobbers and begin their attack.
GWF Office

"ORB YOU FUCKIN' SLAP NUT! I TOLD YOU TO CALL THE ATTACK OFF!" Jeff Jarrett turns to see the Orb hit him over the head with Jarrett's own guitar...

"I'm sorry, Jarrett but... They told me to..." proclaimed the Orb as another shadowy figure appeared slowly clapping with his theme playing in the background.


"Sorry, Jarrett... But nWo works for Easy E! Not for Planet Jarrett... Orb, teleport the nWo to the central hub of Skynet... We're adding Skynet to the nWo... and soon the rest of the Omniverse will be under the rule of three letters... nWo... For Life..."

Revan and Goku in ACU

Standing at the edge of the crater after defeating the Beserkers, Revan peered down and saw Goku open to attack and out of his Super Saiyan 3 form. Using the Force, he altered the course of the plasma bursts so they ever so slightly missed Goku. Sliding down the crater, Revan leapt up in th air and came down with his blades spinning towards Angron.

"Hey, man! I'm here to investigate this whole clown shoe business...No need to get violent..." He was a hippie, so logic dictates he might be a strangle murderer, and he got that, so he tried to make his point clear. He held his arm out, ready to shake their hands. "I'm Brother Power, The Geek...I'm swingin' on a million volts of power, and it looks like I'm a long way from home."

A Certain Universe

"I can feel it, dude! A disturbance in the plane of destrucity!" Warrior stared Stevie in the eyes "A threat...bigger than all of us...Those above the NWO, those conspiring against the world...THE BOOKERS OF THE GODS!"
Oryx finally tapped into all the rage and hate he kept under his surface from that conversation. All the Taken that had grown his strength, all that are shrines to him, gave their strength for one moment. Oryx unleashed his vast will at once, magic slashing and creeping through the surface of Mercury. Oryx screamed in outrage like the Super Saiyan, his howl shaking the very air around him. If Oryx had Human eyes they would go bloodshot, but his entire body tensed up with outrage. He held his talons close to his body, before ripping out with such force the air whistled around him.

He screamed with more blood lust then the Crimson Angel, more hatred then Hades at Zues during their game of straws, more destructive then Tesla's death ray, "Nothing will protect you from me Doctor! No realm, no dimension, no armor, no army, NO MERCHANT! I will torment you to the ends of eternity, steal away your entire world and force you to submit to my will! I will make you watch the ashes of your being be scattered across the universe, and be left as a soul to be one with the Taken, even less then Thrall cocoons! Human, I will consume your world a second time, pillaging it's living essence and making even the plant life become my slaves! I will make them all reject you, consume you, roll you, and then finally become one with you! You shall be tortured for all the years my Dreadnought was alive, and then rebuild it by just your hand! Do you hear me?! NOTHING WILL SAVE EITHER OF YOU!"

Oryx's eyes turned blood red as he scrapped his sword across Mercury. Time.... yes... Time, that's what he needed. The Vex could warp time itself, and that rabid Kell, Scoldlass.. He had used it to bring the House of Wolves across time to make the largest House until the Light killed him and his kin. He would have to go to The Citadel, where his forces should be overwhelming the Vex. Oryx vanished into the Taken realms and placed Sardok on Mercury to make sure the transformation was complete. They will regret messing with him...
GWF Office

"The Terminators will answer to no one apart from Skynet..." A voice spoke from behind "How do you think that rogue AI will react to having three humans teleported inside it's hub?" The Merchant stepped forwards with his arms folded "Skynet has deemed it's prime purpose the eradication of the human race...You send in your New World Order and Skynet will hit you with everything it's got."

He approached the Orb and touched it with his left hand before admiring the computers.

"You are able to track and communicate with people of interest across the Multiverse...How did you come to possess this technology?"


Terminator Universe

The Terminators replied in kind, opening fire on the NWO forces and Sting. They would have overwhelmed the wrestlers with their firepower if not for Syeron, jumping into the fray and using the force to pull them out of the line of fire.

"You're trying to take down killer robots with fists and chairs!" She shouted "Quit the deathwish!"

"Leave them, Syeron!" Max shouted over the radio "A bunch of madmen aren't worth your own life! Worth our lives!"

Syeron rolled her eyes in response and pulled the wrestlers behind cover.

"Stay down!" She commanded in a bitter tone "I have to clean up this mess..."

It it was against the Jedi code to simply allow these men to die, even if they had jeopardized the mission and continued to put their own lives in danger. Syeron jumped back into the line of fire, her lightsaber ready.



The SWAT agent kept his gun raised "You one of the Bat's guys?" He asked, his tone a lot more calm.

Harley turned her attention to Caim and smiled "We've left the pigs an early Christmas present but we need to leave." The SWAT teams approached the base and prepared to breach it, setting explosive charges on the door.



"I'll fulfil my part of the bargain." The Librarian spoke "If you're wondering who or what caused the tears I don't know myself, but I and my friends do have a few , possible theories." He stood up and continued explaining "Some universes, in fact the majority of them eventually have their ending. A death. One of these possible endings, your mortal scientists have dubbed the great crunch. Are you familiar with it?"



If another universe, one beyond the reach of mortals The Woman, The Merchant and The Librarian observed Oryx as he made his speech from a large, holographic screen hovering in front of them like a table. The Merchant was without his equipment, as the Librarian was with his case and The Woman without her notepad.

"Oryx cannot be allowed to kill The Doctor." The Merchant pointed out "It would interfere with our plans for him."

"Indeed." The Woman replied, straightening her glasses "But we have plans for Oryx too. That is why he still breathes. We cannot kill him until his purpose has been fulfilled."

"Then it's decided, we keep the Taken King and the Time Lord apart." The Librarian stated "At least until The King has fulfilled his usefulness."

"What about The Doctor? When he fulfils his usefulness what shall we do with him?" The Merchant asked

"Unless The Doctor interferers with our plans, we have no reason to want him dead. We are beyond killing those who simply annoy us." The Woman explained

The Merchant turned his attention to another screen, one that displayed the Assassins Creed universe. He pointed at Goku.

"He very well may kill the Red Angel."

"We're done with him." The Librarian shrugged "But perhaps Goku or Revan could be useful."

"What of the Nelson boy?" The Merchant asked

"I have something in mind for him." The Woman replied "Tear Alpha seventy two B."

The other two glared at her with confused expressions.

"Let's just see how he fairs against the chaos first." The Woman attempted to reassure them, offering a smile
Assassin's creed Universe

Hearing a new opponent arriving, Angron fires a few shots a Goku while thrusting his Deamon sword at Revan.

Terminator Universe

Seeing a new tear opening in front of them, Hogan and his fellow teammates stop fighting the robot jobbers and enter the tear.
GFW Office

Jeff Jarrett restrained by nWo's other members explained "I got it from a friend of mine!"

"WCW Booking... can do anything..." Eric Bishoff decreed... as he prepares to hit the Merchant in the back off the head with a Steel Chair... but then suddenly, Jeff Jarrett is then freed from his captors and as a tear opens up conveniently ... then Jarrett proclaims "BE SEEING YOU AROUND, BISHOFF! I'M GONNA GET SOME MORE BUDDIES ON MY SIDE! MORE GOONIES FOR PLANET JARRETT!" then Jarrett jumps in to the tear...


Sting wakes up from that swerve Hogan gave him... "I don't know why I thought I could trust him back there..." Sting stands up to find the action gone and then turns to the Jedi and then says "So you got something in mind for the Stinger to do?"
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"Yeah, man...We've worked together before." He normally operated in his hometown, so he got this a lot in other cities. "So can you give me a lift?"
Terminator Universe

"Do you know how to shoot?" Syeron asked Sting. She noticed the new tear that Hogan and the others had jumped through but kept her attention on Skynet's forces. Max and the marines continued to shoot, providing suppressing fire. Across the battlefield, Mil cloaked itself and blasted three T-600 units away with it's shotgun.

"When the hell are we getting outta here?" One of the Scientists, a large, bald Scottish man with a beard asked. He was the same man who had promised Max a beer over the radio.

"Be patient." Mil replied, reloading it's shotgun "I will talk to Hackett, Admiral about that raise of yours. For all of you."

"I'll buy you a...Wait, what do Geth drink?"

"I have no desire for alcohol. No need for drinks of any kind."

"It was a joke." The scientist shrugged

Mil stared at the scientist blankly before drawing it's assault rifle.

"I got it. I just didn't think it was funny." Mil shrugged in response



"If you''re a friend of the Bat's, then maybe you can help." The SWAT agent replied, lowering his gun. He held up his radio and spoke into it "Hold off. A friend of the Bat's looks like he might be able to help us."
"Outta site!" Brother Power jumped back onto the van's roof. "I'll just stay here if you don't mind."
Oryx laughed as energy tried to harm him, yet his essence was so much more powerful. The more experienced the warrior, the more Light or Darkness that they can absorb and use. These Fallen and Vex...? None of them in this area could even harm his Taken. Skivers danced around them, feasting on flesh and armor with ease. Oryx just watched the frenzy without a single care, stomping past the cliff. He came across the Citadel, with a single bridge in the middle of the terrain. Oryx looked upwards towards the giant stronghold of the Vex... The Terminus. Oryx extended his wings, and hastened his speed to fly into the Terminus.

Oryx ripped through clouds and the air until he came up to a Mind between three portals. The Mind was calling forth Vex from across time, but soon it would be spitting out all factions... Oryx like a Dragon slammed into the side of the Mind, corrupting it from its very essence outwards. The Vex that the Mind controlled immediately began their worshiping protocol, falling to a knee and opening their arms. The Taken like a Plague of Darkness engulfed the Citadel, and began working their way up to the Terminus. From the Ishtar Sink and Ishtar Cliffs, the strongest of the fallen, those that could harm Oryx and his forces began to arrive.The fighting was feirce, but Oryx already had what he wanted. Vex clouds formed behind the Fallen ranks, and in a instant a horde of just straight up Ogres stood there. They opened fire while more and more forces closed in, drowning the Fallen in a tide of magic and blood.

Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka frowned. "Aliens," she mused to herself. Aliens, of all things. Not witches, not wendigos, not....dragons, but.... Aliens?!

"But...but why are they.... Invading us?" She asked in between breaths. Running had now taken its toll on her, and her lungs felt as thought they could collapse any second.
Vance took in the information he had received. This man couldn't control the tears. Which made them a rogue element. "I'm not familiar with the great crunch. Would you inform me about it?"


Revan and Goku in ACU

Having had time to recover, Goku had nimbly dodged the plasma shots before leaping up and out of the crater. He he gave Revan a sly wink that meant 'I got something for this guy.' He flew up in the air and just hovered there for a second. Then he stuck his arms straight above his head with his palms open. He began gathering energy together for a Spirit Bomb. Revan understood the message and caught Angron's blade with his lightsaber. Unlike the other's earlier, this sword actually stopped Revan's saber on impact. He flipped over this blade and shocked Angron while he was on his way down. When he landed, he readied his sabers for an actual fight.

"So you're asking if the Stinger knows how to shoot? OH hell yeah I know how!" Sting said as he cuts a shoot promo on the Terminators "SO ARNOLD! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? GET YOUR EX-GOVERNOR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW AND FIGHT THE STINGER! WE'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW FOR ALL THE LIL' STINGERS WATCHING!"
Assassins Creed Universe

"I have no idea!" Gregory replied

"Land." Connor suggested "They could be seeking to colonize this entire planet."

"Whatever it is, it can't be good." Gregory spoke in a grim tone "Keep moving."


Terminator Universe

Syeron rolled her eyes as the Terminators simply opened fire on Sting.

"Stop trying to kill yourself!" She shouted, deflecting the lasers "For the love of...." She stopped in mid-sentence as she focused her attention on a tank "Get inside that building behind me. I have something in mind for this one..." She half-smiled

Syeron charged at the tank, managing to dodge it's lasers.


Unknown Universe

"Well the big crunch is essentially the opposite of the big bang." The Librarian explained "Instead of a large explosion that saw everything expand outwards, the big crunch pulls the universe in question back together. At a slow pace or a sudden one, it depends on the universe itself. The point is that as everything is pulled back into the centre until it becomes that infinitely dense singularity again, wiping out everything. And then we’d be left with the same conditions that the universe had before the Big Bang...All the matter of the universe condensed into an infinitesimal point." He explained in a grim tone

"It won't happen to every universe, but it will happen to numbers beyond your comprehension. One of our theories is that the Multiverse itself is experiencing something similar. Imagine, as all the universes are pulled together these tears open."

The Librarian sat down "But that is just a theory. One of many we have."
Assassins Creed Universe

Focusing all of his attention on Revan, Angron thrusts his sword at the jedi while firing his plasma pistol.

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