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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Golbez's eyebrow furrowed together in thought, 'Another universe? suppose there is still very little I know...it is possible.'.This could be a trick of some sort, he was not fond of being used again. The man seemed sincere enough but, he should find out more.Golbez leaned against the control console as he though how to best approach this."how can I be sure you speak the truth?" he thought it a just question, if this is in fact true then he would be more use there than here aimlessly wandering. His dark eyes watched the man carefully."And if this is true, how would I get there?" he hoped it involved bring his ship along, it could prove useful, should they need to retreat and regroup.
The Geek attempted to carry some of them out "Hold on, I can't hold more than one of you at a time...." He jumped out, sat down the cops, and jumped back in, attempting to repeat the process.
A Echo of Oryx formed immediately in front of the Doctor, which starred him down. All of the Taken in the room with the Hive knelt down, and placed a fist to the floor. Their heads bowed down in disciplined unison. The beast spoke with Oryx's voice, "I am the closest you will get to me being... in person. This is my will solidified. What do you want pest? Mercy?"
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Revan: Revan nodded, then deignited his lightsabers and clipped them to his belt. He reached his hands out, grabbing the remaining cultists with the Force. Struggling from the sheer effort of trying to grab so many at once, he calmed his stormy thoughts and let the Light in. He grabbed the cultists and, slowly, raised his arms with his outstretched palms facing up. As he did so, the cultists were lifted up in the air and struggled against the invisible grip of the Force keeping them suspended.

"Whatever you're going to do, do it before I lose my grip!" Revan shouted.


Growing irritated by his opponent's tricks, Angron begins to rapidly attack the illusions with his sword in an attempt to locate Goku." Face me you coward! You can not hide from me forever!"

A Tea opened and Jeff Jarrett appeared with Guitar in hand "That dang, Bishoff... I'm going to make a new Planet Jarrett Faction that will blow his Immortal Faction out the water! First I need to find Peter Williams of Team Canada fame..." Jarrett observed his surroundings... "THIS AIN'T THE TNA OFFICE! IT LOOKS WAY TO CLEAN AND ORDERLY!"


Goku: The Afterimages ceased, but Goku was back on the ground, still in Super Saiyan 3 form with electricity arcing across his body. He began charging up his Ki again with a battle cry. His Ki turned red, as did his aura, but his hair was still golden.

"Kaio ken......TIMES TWENTY!" Goku shouted as his power level spiked from the increased influx of ki energy from the Kaio Ken. He rocketed up even faster than before, appearing directly in front of Angron. Goku kneed him right in the gut, then brought his hands together and swung them downwards, smashing them into Angron and knocking him back into the crater, making it larger and deeper.

"Why don't you show yourself?" The Doctor asked "Unless...Ah, that's it. You're afraid of me." He smiled, mocking Oryx "After what I managed to do to your fleet last time, you're afraid I'm just going to wipe you out again."

He stepped towards the echo with his hands in his pockets while Tesla ran towards the TARDIS to retrieve something on the Doctor's orders. He had expected Oryx or another force to try and attack this world again.

"Just because we're standing on this planet, filled with great people, all going about their lives...Don't think I won't do the same thing again. What I do to your fleet this time will make that explosion look like a pin prick." He threatened Oryx "I am giving you one chance, one final chance to walk away. Leave Earth and all versions of it at peace."

He stepped even closer.

"Or die. I once destroyed my entire race to save reality, don't think I won't waste this planet in order to stop you."

Stevenson and Tesla looked over at the Time Lord with horror in their faces.

"Doctor, you can't be serious!" Stevenson shouted "Over seven billion people live on this planet!"

"Oh, I am." He spoke before turning around. He winked at Stevenson, making sure that none of Oryx's forces were able to see the gesture. The Doctor turned his attention back to the Echo. "I let my entire planet burn, I made my entire planet burn in order to save reality!" He shouted "Don't believe me, search for the Time Lords, search for Gallifrey...Search for the Daleks." He spoke in a cold, grim, threatening tone "I killed them all...I killed my entire race. Compared to the Time Lords you are nothing more than a pest."

The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it upwards.

"This device is rigged to warheads placed in the Earth's core. If I press this button, the entire planet explodes. The Osterhagen Key was put in place in case the Earth was invaded and the destruction of the planet was preferable to the alternative....However, the destruction of this planet will be so massive that you and your fleet will get caught in the crossfire...I'll get caught as well, but...I've lived long enough."


Assassins Creed Universe

"Gladly." Gregory muttered, taking out twelve cultists with his revolver within seconds. He twirled his revolver in a manner identical to Robocop and holstered it on his belt, turning around to the soldiers and armed civilians and nodding. He and Connor ducked, prompting the group to open fire, while a lot of cultists still remained a path had been cleared that allowed the group to push forwards.

"Move it!" Connor shouted, leading the group deeper into the woods and towards Gregory's tear "It's not much further, you will be with your family soon enough." He reassured Gregory

"How did you know?" Gregory asked "That it's my family?"

"I can see it in your eyes." Connor replied, shooting Gregory a reassuring smile "Despite wanting to get back to them, you risked your life for complete strangers multiple times, nearly losing your own life in the process "You could have easily turned back at any point, yet here you are."

"Don't thank me just yet." Gregory replied

A tear opened in front of them and Sting stepped out, shouting about the TNA office. The man seemed familiar to Gregory, but he could not put his mind on it.

"There's a bunch of aliens chasing us!" Gregory shouted at Sting "I suggest you run like Hell!" While shouting, Gregory reached for his katana just in case Sting proved a threat.



The Librarian held out an open palm. In his hand was a small, circular, holographic screen displaying Earth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the invading force seeking to conquer it. "As for getting there, you can leave that to me." The Librarian smiled reassuringly



Harley, Caim and a handful of her goons watched from a rooftop as The Geek tried to save as many SWAT members as he could.

"Do you need us to take him out, boss?" One of the goons asked, only for Harley to raise one hand, indicating that they stand down "No." She replied "That should keep the pigs busy for a while...We'd better get the hell out of here."
Oryx starred straight at the Doctor through his Echo, and then laughed. The Echo stated bluntly, "...I am winning, and so your going to take your ball and go home. Blind arrogance to my strength and my will. Go ahead, burn down this entire planet! Please, I want you to! Show me your bravery, you know what? Send EVERYTHING..." Oryx decided to just be amused by this display, if the Doctor destroyed the world, who cares? His revenge will be savored, and Gilgamesh will be killed as well, win win situation! Plus, if any of his soldiers died? Revive them with the Terminus.

The Tear spouted out more and more soldiers, as if the last attack was nothing. Tombships warped in through the dimensions, dropping explosives down while warping down Hive. Crawlers that were hunkered down on top of the ships leaped off like spiders and began combat. New armor clung to each and every Hive, the Thrall held the gauntlets of Kephr's Sting, while Taken Trolls held the Helm of Saint 14. This time, Oryx would use everything across the entire Destiny Universe to kill this Time Lord, or better yet.. make him his! The Echo of Oryx suddenly tried to extend the cold Darkness around the Doctor, and make him one of the Taken. It screamed, "Incursion... Give your light to ME!"


Destiny Universe...

The ultimate weapon of the Hive was revived, one so vile and dark that it was the keeper of Crota's body. Ir Yut, the Death Singer was raised from the tomb, and met with her sister Omnigal. They went with a strike team to Earth for dual goals... Take Rasputin, and invade the MCU Earth. If Ir Yut made it? Oh boy it was going to be a party...
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Golbez nodded as he watched the contents of the strange world within the sphere."I see...A false god and an army... I best get prepared" He called over his shoulder as he headed for the lower part of the Lunar Whale. He would need the armor.He passed the small, what could be called dining area and down the stairs past the medic bay to the floor below, where everything was stored.Golbez eyed the locked door ahead of him wearily,it had been 17 years since he wore the armor, it was everything he hated about himself, he shook the thought away,now was not the time for such thoughts. He reached the door and entered a code into the keypad, the door flew open exposing a few displaced weapons and spare parts, and further back the dark armor stood neatly in a pile. He moved toward the back, removing his black kilt and cloak and began to put on the armor.When he finished putting the armor on,he readjusted his swords's sheath on his right hip,and returned to the bridge."Let us be on with it"
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They'd been fighting for a little bit now, and had ran from position to position, the crewmen inside the Type-97 had began using the turret ontop of the IFV to begin mowing down all of the unknown enemies, all of them had suddenly come out of no-where, they were fighting them and each other, it was just pure chaos, plain and simple, the squad had no idea who to shoot and who not to shoot, so they adopted the basic tactic of if it shoots at you, shoot back. They were managing to hold their own ground as more `friendlies` as they could only assume came to their aid, one being a `jedi` whatever that was. As more of those green portals had opened and closed, the soldiers not having the time to pay attention to them as they focused their fire onto the swarming enemies.

"我們需要增援!" (We need reinforcements!) Yeuzen yelled out, their forces were holding, but if they wanted to proclaim control of the situation, they needed more, only Leia had no idea as to where they were exactly and where the closest PLA forces were. Grabbing her radio as she called into it. "主銷!這是龍,我們需要增援!你明白我們嗎?" (Kingpin, this is Dragon, we need reinforcements! Do you get us?") To which static was the response, they clearly weren't going to be recieving any backup. Running over to the English sounding man and yelling over the gunfire. "We need to either retreat or bring reinforcements! I am unable to call for PLA assistance." They may have been holding their own, but the enemies just kept on coming and coming, it was like there was no end.



Shulk flies straight out of the tear leading out of his world and into the western wall of a large bank, definitely not one of his finest moments. The Monado came soon after, slamming straight into his gut at almost the same speed as he'd hit the wall. For a few minutes Shulk sat slumped against the wall of the bank, trying to catch his breath. He was exhausted, and definitely in a lot of pain from his fight and subsequent crash into a wall. Shulk groans, standing up and letting the Monado fall to the ground. "Where am I...this doesn't look like anywhere I've been on Bionis. Too many lights and buildings." He thinks to himself. After taking a quick look at the tear and deciding that it wouldn't be a good idea to go back through before he figured out what it was he made up his mind about what the best choice of action would be. He would do the most logical thing to do in his current situation, explore and collect information on this strange place.
Terminator Universe

The Commander finally came to. He had no clue where he was and tried to remember how he got he. He and his squad had been in the process of clearing out a Cerberus base when unforeseen circumstances split the squad apart. Shepard was alone inside one of the many research labs inside the base. He decided to look at some of their research. To him it didn't really make any sense. Tears? Multiverse? He copied the data for the Alliance and deleted everything else. He walked through the lab when a floating hole in the middle appeared. He thought this may be one of the tears mention in the data. His curiosity caused to walk closer to the tear and jump in. He didn't know why but something told him he had to. The Commander looked around at his surroundings. He was in some kind of bombed out wasteland. He walk through the city trying to find anybody. Shepard saw some people in the distance fighting robots and ran to the fight to see what was going on.

The Librarian nodded in response and outstretched both arms, teleporting the Lunar Whale into the skies above London in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.



The willpower of the Time Lord was too strong for him to become corrupted, to become one of the Taken. Threatening the king had not worked, but The Doctor had another idea up his sleeve

"If I destroy this planet, you will die with it." The Doctor muttered in a threatening tone "Then again, I was the one who destroyed your army the last time, I was the one who left you for dead....It's me you want, isn't it." He muttered

The Doctor ran towards his TARDIS, noticing that Tesla was stepping out, armed with an alien device.

"Doctor?" He asked

"Change of plan." The Time Lord smiled, jumping into his blue box "Come and get me, Oryx!" The Doctor shouted, flying the TARDIS out of the Hellicarrier and into the skies.


Assassins Creed Universe

"What the bloody 'ell does it look like we're doing?!" Gregory shouted at Leia, decapitating another cultist. "Retreating back to the tear!"

"Not much farther..." Connor butted in, trying to reassure the group.

The Type-97 had caught the attention of more of the Red Angel's forces as four Chaos Space Marine Raptors descended. Connor stared at them with both confusion and horror, drawing his sword in his other hand and preparing for a fight.


Terminator Universe

Max saw the Commander approach through his scope and lowered his weapon.

"Cease fire!" He ordered "We've got a human approaching!"

The Terminators continued to fire, aiming at their new target.

Falling back into the crater, Angron pulls out his plasma pistol and begins to rapidly fire at Goku while trying to climb out of the crater.
Oryx simply laughed at this, and stated to the Doctor before he left, "This is merely MY will Time Lord, if you destroy this planet and all of me, you will simply make more of me gather back and get stronger." But then, the Time lord just kinda, bailed. Anti-climatically might he add! The Echo of Oryx and all the Taken and Hive in the room just stood there and blinked, before attacking in a horde and stealing as many people as they could. The Echo personally tried to torture Tesla, and make him a Taken...

Dragoons flooded the sky from the rift while Swarms followed. Shriekers began to form from space, and materialize in cities to dominate the airs. Wizards and Warlocks began to swirl and protect the Tear as if it was Crota personified! Emerald light poured out as the two strongest Wizards were about to be spawned into this world, and Oryx knew that would make everything perfect...

Golbez walked to the Lunar Whale's bay door and watched at the chaos below, this world looked quite different from his own, but learning about this world could come later,after the invasion was dealt with.walked out of the Lunar Whale, floating just outside the bay door,as he stepped out the ship seemingly dissapered,Golbez put the ship into cloak mode,it would be less likely to be destroyed that way. He then turned his attention to he alien creatures attacking civilians. Moving a a good distance away from his ship, he landed on the roof of a building that gave him enough of a vantage point to see what was going on further down.The air around him began to grow cold, Golbez closed his eyes while taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes and exhaled calling out the ice spell "Blizzaga!" At that large sharp pillars of ice and freezing air went spiraling into the mass of Taken and Hive.

The will of Tesla, the man who had killed Dracula and had brought light to his world was great and he was able to resist temporarily, activating the electricity on his armour in an attempt to repel the Taken. The TARDIS materialized back inside the Hellicarrier, having realized that his plan of leading Oryx away had not worked The Doctor ran out of the TARDIS and towards the carnage.

"Now!" The Doctor shouted, prompting Tesla to activate the alien device. It created a barrier around the Hellicarrier that repelled the Taken forces. Those who the Taken had attempted to steal from the Hellicarrier were released as any taken left on board were destroyed, turning them into nothing but ashes.

"What is this?" Tesla asked

"DNA barrier technology." The Doctor explained "In the far future the human race goes to war with another species and builds a weapon designed to kill only their enemies. You drop a bomb like this on a city, you don't kill any humans in a process. The barrier, after linking with the DNA of the enemy breaks it down to such a degree that the victim is incinerated..." He continued in a grim tone "That should keep them out, at least for a while."

Stevenson rubbed the side of his head. His sunglasses had been smashed and he was covered in bruises from fighting. "Who do we end up fighting?" He asked

"The Sontarans." The Doctor replied "They're a race of warrior clones who invade in massive numbers, so the human empire deemed that this kind of weapon was the best way of dealing with them."

"What kind of madman would design such a weapon?" Tesla asked

"The same kind of madman who would use it..." The Doctor muttered in a grim tone "I'm going to amplify the signal and take it to the heart of Oryx's new fleet."


Unknown Universe

"DNA barrier technology?" The Merchant asked in a confused tone "That is not a human invention, at least not from his universe. Where did he get it?!

"It's what The Doctor believes." The Librarian shrugged

"Did you plant that device inside his TARDIS, as well as false memories?"

The Librarian shrugged in response "I was afraid something like this would happen. The death ray, failed. Trying to threaten Oryx, failed. Trying to get Oryx to follow him, failed. Oryx is a stubborn son of a bitch. Gladius technology might be the only way of stopping him without killing him."

All of the Taken exploded, but were engulfed into the Darkness. This weapon, no it couldn't even exist! There had to be- hmm.. Oryx gained a idea that might work. Mercury awoke from it's deep stasis, and began production of Vex. If the Time Lord wanted to play his games, then this will be the end! Oryx revived all of the Sol Divisive, and they began warping into Antarctica of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Time and space began to quiver and splice the area around the worshiping Vex, who were constructing a gate into the Black Garden. This portal however, would gather all the Darkness from this dimension and forge a new Black Garden, which Oryx could make as a secondary Stronghold.

The Hive began their rituals deep within the Crust of the Earth, using their magic and Darkness to carve the paths faster. Cocoons were strung up, and special Wizards were brought in to nurture and oversee the thousands of eggs and cocoons. Even if war ended, Oryx would simply wait years and years, simply letting the Hive gather strength and erupt if needed. He decided to spawn the magical Shriekers all around the Hellicarrier, which were strangely passive. The turrets would open and start unleashing energy blasts if anything came within 35 meters of one, but otherwise they just floated there.

Taken and Hive charged and fought against Golbez, with large chunks of them freezing and shattering from the razor ice. None would survive the horde if Oryx could do something about it!

Destiny Universe

Kaiden: Kaiden, a Guardian hiding out in the reaches of the Reef, had felt the massive destruction of the Traveller and the deaths of many of his fellow Guardians through his Ghost's readings, was greatly angered. Having been the Guardian in the fireteams that killed Atheon, Crota, and Skolas, he felt great guilt for he was the one that landed the killing blows on each of them. Oryx bringing his army of Taken and decimating the Tower and the people there was his fault. He punched a dent in the wall of the room he stood in, a room inside of the dead hull of a Golden Age colony ship that was broken and dead in the Reef. Orion, his Ghost that has stayed with him through thick and thin, attempted to comfort him.

"Kaiden," he spoke softly in his computer-like voice, "this isn't your fault. No amount of data could have predicted the force and power which Oryx possesses. And even if you didn't kill Crota, someone else would have." Kaiden sighed as he turned his helmeted head towards his white and gold Ghost.

"Orion, this
is my fault. I delivered the final blow on Crota! I caused Oryx's rage to turn his attention here! I wish there was something I could do, but there is nothing I can do here! I am one Guardian against a possibly limitless number of Oryx's minions, and that's not mentioning the remaining Vex, Hive, Cabal, and Fallen that still dominate the worlds in the solar sysem!" Kaiden didn't mean to scream at his Ghost, but he had to vent his frustration. The only reason he maintained his safety was a shield of Void energy covering the presence of his Light, but he couldn't leave the ship or else that shield would fail, and he could be detected.


Revan: After dealing with the cultists, Revan was gasping for air under his mask as the expendeture of Force energy he had been using left him drained. After seeing the military men and the two others falling back towards a 'tear', Revan turned his focus back to Goku, who was in midair charging up another one of those 'Kamehameha' attacks. This one was red in his hands, which confused Revan. The two he had seen Goku use were blue, so why was this wone red? Did that indicate this one was fueled by something sinister, or did it simply mean this one would be more powerful? Revan watched intently as he recovered his strength.

Goku: Sitting in midair charging up a red Kamehameha, Golu saw Angron reach for that pistol once more. Pouring every bit of strength into his attack, Goku fired the great blast with a mighty shout.

"Kamehameha.......TIMES TWENTY!" he yelled as he unleashed the great beam down towards Angron. The beam simply averted the course of the plasma shots, and they knicked Goku twice in his left shoulder and once in his right kneecap, leaving serious burn wounds. Goku would definitely need a Senzu bean after this was over.

The moment the aliens started to fall from his spell, their attention turned to him and swarmed him.The ice spell seemed effective enough,he moved back, unsheathing his Ebony Blade,slashing through the few that got close as he prepared the spell again."Blizzaga!" He sent the volley of ice and wind against the Taken and Hive that were on the roof,sending them crashing down,hopefuly on their fellow kin.What ever wasn't in the way of the large pillars would be crushed below.Golbez looked on at the seemingly endless horde,he supposed the more that were focused on him,the less they'd be attacking a by passer.
Unknown Universe

"Screw this..." The Librarian muttered, as he and the Woman watched the Marvel Cinematic Universe "I'm ending this. Now."

"You would be breaking your oath of non-interference..."

"The three of us broke that oath a long time ago! We're rogues now, partially criminals!" He shouted "But there is no authority to stop us!"

"I know, but...Just don't kill him. I have plans for him."

"What plans!?" He shouted, stepping towards her

"We may need him in the wars to come." She admitted "To fight on the front lines."

The Merchant took a step back

"We both know it." She continued "Why do you think myself and him have not intervened as you have? We're trying to stay under the radar! If you kill Oryx, something will notice. Something stronger than all of us combined!"

"And destroying a planet wouldn't draw attention!"

"To him! Not us! Not the three of us!"

The Merchant turned around "I'm not going to kill him, I'm just going to stop him. If you want to stop me, you're going to have to kill me..."


Destiny Universe

The Merchant appeared to Kaiden and his Ghost.

"I know where he is." He spoke in a soft tone "And I can help you avenge your fallen Guardians...Free of charge."



"Something's happening in Antarctica." An agent spoke in a shaken tone, starting at a screen. The Doctor approached to see footage of the portal opening

"He's trying to open a portal." The Doctor explained in a grim tone

"To where?" Tesla asked

"I don't know. But I'm going to stop him."

"I know someone who might be able to help. Back in my own dimension."

"We're going to need all the help we can get." Stevenson replied, gesturing to two agents "Make sure Tesla gets back to his universe safely."

The Doctor approached Tesla, walking away from the screen "Why didn't you bring this up before?" He asked, trying to hide his anger

"It's risky, but this situation is dire enough as it is. At first I did not want to take this risk, but an untold evil could be behind that portal."

Slamming into the crater's wall after being hit by Goku's attack, Angron continues to fire his plasma pistol as he picks himself off of the ground.

As the fight between Goku and Angron continues, the Devour of Stars fires another barrage aimed at Goku's location.

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