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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Revan: Revan mustered the small amount of strength he could to sustain himself with the Force. He reached out for his mask, but another hand grabbed it before he did and handed it to him. He looked up, and his eyes widened. He thought the bloodloss would be causing him to hallucinate, but he really felt her presence. His own wife, Bastilla, as with him. She gave him a boost of strength with the Force and began healing his wound with both an advanced medkit and the Force. He smiled as he slipped into unconsciousness. As he did, Bastilla picked him up and carried him back to the Hawk, which was now sitting on its landing gear, ready to take off.

Goku: Flpping over Angron's thrust, Goku landed another kick on his shoulder, which sent him sailing back towards the Earth. Goku gripped his stomach in pain as the prolonged use of his SSGSS form burned in his body, he had to finish this quickly or he could die. He soared after Angron, catching him and Instant Transmissioning two stories above the ground. After reappearing, Goku spun him around four times and launched him down into the ground again.
Crashing into the ground with a loud thud, Angron kneels on the ground for a few moments while his wounds heal befoe slowly standing up. Noticing that he his blade wasn't near him, Angron grabs his plasma pistol and begins to carelessly fire it a Goku." I will not be defeated by a mere mortal! I will destroy you!"


???: A figure with Jedi robes dashed across the lawn from the Ebon Hawk, igniting a single yellow blade from a lightsaber hilt. She leapt in the air in front of Angron and cut the barrel from his plasma pistol clean off. Skidding to a halt a little further away. Igniting the blade on the other end of her lightsaber, she stood ready.

Goku: After landing in front of Angron, he delivered a swift and hard punch to Angron's gut, then unleashed a one handed Soul Kamehameha from the palm once he opened it.

"You're finished!"
Terminator Universe

Shepard nodded to Syeron. "I can do that." He said. The Commander drew his Claymore shotgun and modified it for cryo ammo. Shepard tossed out a biotic shockwave and caused several Terminators to topple over. He quickly finished them off with the shotgun. The aerial units turned towards their position. "What ever you're going to do, make it fast!" He shouted. Shepard switched to his pistol. "I'm no good at long range." He said. The Commander started shooting at the HK and hoped to get lucky and take it down.

Bioshock Universe

Booker and Elizabeth had just finished off a group of Vox Populi that they had bumped into. Booker was looting the bodies for ammo while Elizabeth was taking a look around the area. "Booker, there's a tear here but it's different than the rest." She said. "There's something on the other side of waiting to come through. I can't tell what it is. Want to see what it is?" Booker said "Open it up." Elizabeth opened the tear were surprised that a large man jumped out.
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Nearly falling over from the force of the energy atrack, Angron charges at Goku and begins to repeatable punch the alien in a last ditch effort to beat his opponent." I will shower the land with your blood, xeno!"



Shulk was still trying to understand his current situation, and he mentally repeated the few facts that people had been willing to divulge that actually seemed legitimate while he headed back to the tear near the bank. He was on a world called "Earth", in the country of "America" and the city of "New York." This world didn't have any knowledge of ether, nor Bionis or Mechonis, and was inhabited by beings that looked like Homs called "humans." So he was in another world, at least he knew that. He'd made some progress in understanding his current situation, which was much better than being completely clueless like he had been before. He sighed, wondering if his friends on the other side of the rift were alright. Once he knew that going into the tear was safe he'd go through and check for himself, but there was still much more he wanted to learn about this world and it's strange ways of life first. He had managed to find someone kind enough to give him some money while he'd been wandering around New York City, although she had given him quite a strange look. The lady had probably thought that Shulk was insane, and to be honest Shulk couldn't blame her for thinking that. If someone had appeared on Bionis in foreign clothing and started asking him about their world he probably would have thought the same.
Bioshock Infinite-Verse

Sting fell through the tear as he fights off the Terminators with his baseball bat... somehow dealing a lot of damage to them.

"Heh, That was easy..." Sting said as he observes his new location. "I can tell you one thing... This place beats being in TNA." Sting has ended up in Colombia's Slums. Sting then noticed the girl who opened the tear, and the man who seems to be her guardian of some sorts.

Mentioned: @ryanpk200
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Assassins Creed Universe

"Aliens. I think." Gregory answered "They might look human, but they're from another world!" He explained, blocking an attack from a cultist before slicing into him.

"Who are you?" Connor asked, turning his attention to Seth. Even while his back was turned he was still able to kill a Cultist with a blow to the face with his tomahawk.



The Librarian and the Merchant turned to each other as the Echo spoke.

"The human race may have slaughtered itself, time and time again across the Multiverse but that does not give you the right to rule them!" The Merchant shouted at Oryx "The right to slaughter them like cattle!"

The Librarian chuckled in response, his laugh containing multiple voices "You call yourself a God, Oryx?!" He chuckled "You really are arrogant, and do not claim to know me, know my house. You think those two serve me?" He gestured to the Merchant "In our group, no one rules anyone. I am not the leader, he is not the leader and nor is that woman either. You know nothing, false God!!"

The Librarian turned his attention back to the Merchant and shot him a half-smile before looking back at Orxy "We allow these people to live because it serves our own interests. Not because we are moral or kind beings." He turned his attention to Kaiden and Golbez "Sorry chums." He shrugged

"We have, all three of us spoken with actual Gods." The Merchant spoke in a mocking tone "Even Elder Gods."

"Oryx, you're so full of shit that it's spewing out of your ears." The Librarian continued to mock him, but not in his own voice instead it was the voice of someone with a moderate Irish accent.

On board the Hellicarrier, Stevenson had gathered all those present on the bridge and was about to give his briefing.


Terminator Universe

Using the force, Syeron raised both hands and caused one of the HK units to crash into the other. Due to their close proximity to each other it caused a chain reaction that brought the third one down as well at the foot of the building and engulfed some more ground units in flames.

"Mil, the area is almost secure." Syeron spoke into the radio "You can come out of hiding soon."

As five more Terminator units attacked Syeron and the Commander, Mil de-cloaked from behind and blasted them to pieces with it's shotgun before they had a chance to react.

"The area is secure." Mil stated, lowering it's shotgun. The scientists approached from behind, leaving their cover as Mil turned it's attention to the Commander, recognizing the armour. "Did Hackett, Admiral send even more reinforcements?" It asked. This Shepard was not the same Shepard of it's universe and so it did not recognize the man.

"Um...A thank you would be nice." Syeron butted in

"Let's just get the hell out of here." Max spoke, over the radio

"More units are approaching." Mil stated "We need to move."


Unknown Universe

With one wave of the Librarian's hand, the wall repaired itself.

"Please don't try and break my stuff." He spoke in a humours tone "Then again, if this theory is right then there's not much point, is there. That wall's going to be destroyed like everything else." He shrugged "We need to figure out if this is what's really happening." The Librarian stepped towards Vance "There's only a few ways we can do that and quite frankly...I'd rather avoid them." He spoke before shrugging again "Then again, I suppose we don't have much choice."



Destiny Universe

With one push, the Librarian pushed Mercury back into it's rightful place. He was going to protect the interests of the three


Kaiden: Kaiden stood dumbstruck by what the Merchant and the Librarian were saying. They were basically implying they had walked and talked amongst the divine, and Kaiden thought that a little too crazy. He suddenly wished he were somewhere other than here, just in case they pissed Oryx off.


Goku: Goku's SSGSS form faded away while he continued to block Angron's wildly placed attacks. Goku may not be able to sustain that form for long, but with the energy he absorbed the first time he went Super Saiyan God, that power level was practically his new base form power level. He broke through Angron's frenzied assault and began gathering Ki around his fist. This energy formed a small golden dragon, translucent but eminating power. With a war cry, he threw the massive punch at Angron's stomach, the dragon roaring and going straight through Angron, causing no external wounds but great pain.

"YOU'RE THROUGH! DRAAAGON....FIIIIIST!" Goku mightily shouted as he finished the attack.

Golbez frowned slightly through his helmet at what the Librarian and Merchant were going on about.he supposed at the end of the day that's how the world worked.He had seen what the Librarian could do, though that seemed to be a mere fraction of what he was capable of.He would be sure not to incur their wrath if he can help it,with that said,it seemed unwise for Oryx to continue with this madness surely.Golbez shrugged for now they all clearly shared the same interest in stopping Oryx,that was all that mattered to Golbez at the moment. Though it did bother him slightly that the Merchant and Librarian held such god-like powers,nothing could be done about it.Golbez prepared himself in case Oryx chose to lash out.
Oryx felt all of the disturbances through the eyes of the Taken, and he wasn't having it. He spoke through the laughing Echo, who stated "I never said you rule your house... I said you destroyed it, and forged one anew. Though, your defensiveness? Your venom, it burns not at the air but the soul..." The Echo chuckled calmly, before turning it's back to the two. Oryx thought for a few moments, before turning his head slightly over his shoulder, "Your voices and your power... they are a mere fantasy. If I cease to exist from your power?" The King did a small nod of some respect, before continuing, "....Then so be it. I will be shattered, and the strong has eaten the weak. But... power? Its merely a guise for the weak, a veil for the pathetic. We all are weak children on the inside, yes?"

The Echo stared at them, and let out it's slow and prodding speech, "In the end, I will die. In the end, you will die. That is how the universe works, but I assume from these tears... you exist from one where immortality and powers are just given instead of earned. No self control, no wisdom. Just empty threats of a dying people trying to cling at the last straws of their life. They will kill in the empty void to fill their hearts and find salvation. You are drowning in fear and sorrow, and you are causing all of those around you to suffocate under it's vast tide. You are the cause of this problem, and if I must be a sacrifice for them to see? So be it... but in the end, what I speak is true." The Echo pointed a finger to the duo, before stating, "You shouldn't exist. You don't exist. You are cloaked in power and ego, one that knows little self control and little justice. You do as you please, and expect others to follow under your rule. You don't fight, your powers do. You don't need anything, and you kill as a example to steal the house of others!"

Crimson Terrace


Oryx spoke his mind in a way the beasts may comprehend, but it would be the end at this point. One snapped and disintegrated not the Taken, but their very soul! They made them cease to exist like the Vault of Glass, making them become nothing. They killed innocents, while he tortured their minds and body to make more Darkness. The only way to defeat this world would require the Cabal... and as such he sent Cabal underground....



Deep within the Earth behind the glyph that sealed eyes who looked to deep. The Cabal began arming weapons powerful enough to destroy the entire planet...
Falling backwards a few feet due to the force of the attack, Angron lays motionless on the ground. After a few moments passed, Angron briefly moves his right hand before slowly shuffling to his feet." Foolish mortal. Did you truly believe that you have defeated me? While your strength fades as the battle continue, my power is constant!"
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Goku: Just as Goku was about to launch another assault, a yellow blur zipped past his head as the lightsaber belonging to the woman from earlier impaled itself in Angron's shoulder. Seeing the oppurtunity, Goku grabbed the blade and slashed it across Angron's chest armor, hoping to score a hit on his stomach. Leaping back, Goku saw the woman nod as she jogged back to the Hawk.
Not expecting the interference, Angron watches as Goku inflicts a small gash on his armor before backing away. Noticing that his Deamon blade his near where he landed, Angron grabs is blade and quickly lunges at Goku with the intention of locking their blades together.


Revan: Revan felt some strength return to him as he woke up, dazed, in the cockpit of the Hawk. He looked groggily out of the viewport to see Goku wielding a yellow lightsaber against Angron. Knowing full well who gave it to him, he laughed a bit, then winced in pain. Slowly, he stood up from his seat and began moving down the corridor past the meeting area, and in front of the ship's ladder. Climbing the ladder, he climbed into the laser turret on top of the ship. Starting it up, he began to aim it at Angrin should Goku fail.

Goku: Goku prepared himself, but then he remembered his Power Pole. Taking it off his back he aimed it straight at Angron's head.

"Power Pole extend!" Goku shouted. As he did, the magical staff rapidly expaded outwards, smacking Angron straight in the head with great force.
Nearly falling over from the pole attack, Angron grasps his blade with bother hands before attempting to lock blades with Goku for a second time.


Kaiden: Kaiden has had enough of Oryx acting all high and mighty. It was time he realized he had angered the wrong Guardian. As Void energy wisped off of him like smoke, Kaiden stepped forward with rage in his eyes under his helmet.

"Silence yourself you false idol," Kaiden spat angrily. "You are no god, and you certainly are nowhere near one. I have ventured into the Black Garden and killed Darkness itself. I have broken into the Vault of Glass and defeated Atheon. I have banished Crota, your own son's soul and killed him shortly after. I will gather my strength and come after you with all of my might, Oryx. The Void will swallow you until there's not even a particle left of your pitiful existence." As he spoke, tendrils of Void energy crawled off of Kaiden and formed little balls of Void energy that launched themselves towards the Echo.



Goku: As the pole came back to its original length, Goku swung it once more, and it extended out again, smacking into Angron's side with enough force to send him flying back into the crater. Retracting the pole again, he sprinted towards Angron, eager to finish this fight and check on Revan.

The Echo responded immediately, "I have brought BACK the black Garden from the grave, I have revived Atheon and Crota. I have destroyed the Last City, and the entire solar system of our home dimension is mine, all because of location! Not a single Guardian can hurt me, and your light could never equal mine until you found a greater light." The Echo took the hit like a champ, standing perfectly still and revealing that it was at least as powerful as a Winter Walker, if not much stronger.


Kaiden: Now infuriated, Kaiden entered a Storm Trance (forgot the name of the Stormcaller Super so...). He blasted the Echo with as much lightning as he could pour on, taking his strength from his strong connection to the Light. His voice sounded warped by the lightning when he spoke.

"Then I will vanquish them all again, then I will erase you from this universe snd all of them! My Light is stronger than the Darkness you control, AND I WILL KILL YOU!"

"I never destroyed my house, you idiot. You assume too much about those your greater. As for why I haven't just killed you...She wants you alive..." The Librarian replied in a mocking, sarcastic tone "It serves her interests, but it does not serve mine or his." He gestured to the Merchant

"Kaiden!" The Merchant butted in "This is only an Echo of the false god! Attacking the Echo is a waste of time!" He turned his attention to the Echo "He's just trying to stall us!"

The Merchant shut his eyes and appeared in front of the Cabal. With one wave of his left hand, the weapons and Cabal disappeared. He smiled in response, he was protecting his own interests and the planet.


Unknown Void Universe

The Merchant had banished the Cabal and their world-destroying weapons to a Void universe. It's landscape was twisted, one of fire and brimstone. A lake of fire lay before them, full of the souls of the wrathful who were fighting to stay on the surface. As the Cabal looked around, they saw souls chained to rocks floating in the sky with various Wrath demons and Hellhounds torturing them, as well as other souls. Dragon-like creatures who had bathed in the lakes of fire patrolled the skies.


This was the seventh level, the seventh circle of Hell, Wrath.

The weapons burned in the lake of fire, being reduced to ashes within seconds while Wrath demons descended on the Cabal. In their own domain, the Wrath demons could not be harmed by the Cabal's weapons. As the Wrath demons dragged Cabal into the lake of fire, while others were put on chains a voice spoke in multiple tongues. This was a voice that if heard by a mortal he would go mad with pure anger and bloodlust. This was the voice of Wrath himself.

"What are mortals doing in my domain!?...Ah. So a False God has sent souls here...I'll see how the True God feels about this."
Oryx stood baffled and disturbed for a few moments, before the Echo recoiled in more disgust then actual pain. It roared out in horror, "You... you damned them?!" They already were full of hatred and bloodlust... but still felt fear in their hearts.They kept on claiming he was a false god, a false idol and that boiled his hatred. Oryx opened his eyes with such a deep burning hatred, one that could cut deeper then any sword. This wound marked his heart and soul tell it was jetting with flames and magic. He yanked from his chest a small shard of the Traveler that pulsed out light into Oryx's body.It died from his very prescience, let alone even touching his soul.

The Echo stated bluntly, "Fine... how about a deal? I will stop my invasion, destroy the portal, and..." He sighed in defeat, this wasn't worth it at all, so he might as well just fully lose. He finished, "...And... I will help you with any battle you have, as long as you can give me something I want in exchange."

Void Dimension


A Echo of Oryx formed within the sky of the Void Dimension, staring down to this nightmarish world. His will should be strong enough, he commanded millions with his will alone and still stood above them all. Even so, he protected himself with the Shard. It was all he could do to protect himself fully. The Echo however felt the power of this universe, one that could link to any other. It had so many gateways, but he did not know how to open them. The Echo spoke into the air with caution and strength, but it was clear he was trying to be peaceful here, "Whom is the ruler of this realm?"

Blocking the second pole attack with his sword, Angron swings his blade at Goku's right arm with the intention of disabling his opponent.


Kaiden: As his Storm Trance died down, Kaiden stopped hovering and dropped back to the ground. He couldn't believe this! These two have caused Oryx to submit! What did he speak about damnation before, though? It didn't matter. Kaiden smirked under his helmet as lightning still arced across his body.


Goku: Intercepting Angron's attack with the woman's lightsaber, the power pole retracted. While keeping Angron's blade locked in place, Goku pressed the power pole at the gash he formed in Angron's armor. The pole launched out at great speed and force, carrying Angron with it.

Unable to dodge the third pole attack, Angron goes with the pole into the crater. Becoming very annoyed by all of the tricks used against him, Angron uses his sword to climb out of the crater.


Wanderer and Toralis.

Wanderer sighs, waiting on the other side of the tear he had just exited for Toralis to come through. He'd been waiting for twenty minutes already, and he was starting to get really annoyed. "Come on Toralis! Hurry it up!" He yelled into the tear, waiting a few moments before Toralis emerged from the tear silently, slowly looking from side to side so that she could memorize her surroundings. Wanderer was prone to getting lost, and after what had happened in their last world she wasn't going to let him get them lost ever again. Wanderer frowns, debating whether to ask Toralis what the hell had been taking her so long, but eventually decided it would be futile since Toralis rarely talked. "This place sure seems nice, kinda peaceful and there isn't a building in sight!" He says, smiling and hoping that he had said enough to get Toralis talking. She was a good companion but sometimes Wanderer really wanted some conversation. Toralis simply said, "Indeed it is." and started walking north. Wanderer shrugged, following Toralis and keeping a look out for any possible monsters or buildings. He wasn't going to have a repeat of the last world they were in, so many flying spiders...

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