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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Hell: Wrath, seventh level/seventh circle

"Oryx..." A voice muttered, it was the voice of Wrath "This is my domain and the souls of your troops belong to me! Leave now or meet the same fate as they have!"

The Cabal, like the countless souls were being tortured. They would one day, like every soul in Wrath's domain become soldiers, Wrath demons that followed his command. Some souls broke easily, but the conversion into becoming demons would still take years. The power of one of the Seven was far beyond the power of the Taken King, but Oryx was still able to retain his sanity. His command, his will would expand no further than that.

Wrath did not appear to the Echo but he continued to speak to him "Your damaging of the fabric of reality, as well as the pesky false God who banished your troops here are the only reasons why you can walk in my domain!" It explained, screaming "LEAVE THIS PLACE!"

As The Echo was not the true Taken King or his soul, Wrath had no use for it. Out of spite, he destroyed the Echo by causing it to burst into flames, incinerating it with Hellfire.



"I dammed them." The Merchant explained in a grim tone "I can damn them all, including you Oryx." The Merchant stepped towards The Taken King "I have a better idea, you call of the attack, you destroy the portal, you return those who you have taken and...You submit your will to us. Free of charge."

"And in return we let you live." The Librarian smiled

On board the Hellicarrier, the Librarian appeared on the bridge

"No need to go on a suicide mission." He spoke, getting an angry glare from The Doctor in response "Hello, Doctor." He smiled

"What are you doing here?" The Doctor asked in an angry tone

"I came to tell you that myself and an associate are taking the whole Oryx situation into our own hands. Everything will be under control soon...He attempted to reassure the group

"Who is this man, Doctor?" Stevenson asked

"He doesn't know, do you Doctor?" The Librarian asked in a mocking tone

"He's a being of higher power." Lovecraft butted in "But I have encountered beings more powerful."

"How's old Cthulhu doing anyway?" The Librarian asked, shooting the writer a playful wink

"Still sleeping, thankfully." Lovecraft replied in a grim tone

The Librarian began to walk out of the bridge, but stopped in his tracks.

"Oh, I forgot there is something else I came here for. Sometimes you're running around in multiple forms, so you forget. Silly me." He joked, shooting the group a playful smile before stepping toward Lovecraft

"I won't allow you to have the book." He snapped

"The book? Why would I want to summon one of the things in the Multiverse that can actually kill me?" He continued to smile "No, Lovecraft. I want you."


"Do you see any other Howard Phillips Lovecrafts around here?"

The Doctor stepped between them and Tesla reached for his shotgun, as every agent on the bridge reached for their own guns.

"Stand aside, Doctor." The Librarian sighed "I'm not going to hurt him. I'm gathering up all experts in dimensional portals, anything even close to these tears and we're going to figure out just what the hell is going on around here!"

The Doctor was taken aback. He had assumed from the start that this man, this being understood the tears, that perhaps he was even responsible for them.
From seemingly nowhere, yet another hole was ripped in the fabric of reality. From this portal fell an ornate 6ft spear, with a large metal blade that suited slashing and hacking as well as stabbing. The weapon seemed to hum with a subtle, yet powerful presence. It almost lazily fell to earth before embedding itself in the ground, in the middle of a large field. The aura of power flared a bit, sending ripples of energy out like a radio signal, stretching through all fabrics of connected realties, almost as if calling out for someone, anyone. Then it fell silent. Above it, the Tear closed as suddenly as it had opened.
Oryx gulped down his pride, and starred with rage beating faster then his heart. He slammed down his fist, which his Echo replicated perfectly. His thoughts raced and raged against him to the point where he did not care what the Echo did, so it was a mirror. They both screamed in rage towards the Heavens before hitting their fist to the floor once again. They screamed in despair, "Everything I do, everything I strive towards is ruined always by single beings of immense power. What is your purpose, what is my purpose in this?! You can deem me real or not, so how do I even stand a chance?!"

Oryx gripped his head before continuing, "You slaughter my troops by the millions with a mere snap of your finger! Even your damned Humans... even they can kill my armies by the millions. They destroyed my home, my everything! What do you expect me to do?! One Human obliterated my home and at least a billion Taken and Hive... that's more then your entire PLANET! You bless all my enemies, and always deem me FAKE! You turn all my triumphs, all my glory, into nothing! How did I damage your reality when I lost the most out of all of you?! Most of the Guardians are still alive, the Speaker still lives, Morn still lives, and damned Osiris still lives!"

Oryx wanted to slaughter them to the last, rip them apart and feel the satisfaction he desired so much. He swore to whatever god truly existed, before roaring out, "You stomp in and stop everything I do with your mere pinkies! I throw my entire weight and talons into this planet, and they loose less then a single perfect of their entire population! I am still reforming my army.... so why can't I be blessed for once?! I am giving you everything I have, and you treat me worst then a peasant! I am the Taken King, I am Oryx! Destroyer of the Traveler, Father of Crota! I will not surrender my will, my life and my entire reign to you, be you gods or not!"

The Black Garden birthed from time and space a Vex that was rarely seen, yet all were Major class. A near endless horde walked down the bridge from the Destiny Black Garden to the Marvel Black Garden, and most were not Taken. They all bowed and worshiped Oryx, the amount of Darkness inside him even greater then the Black Garden in a whole. They still did not understand the Darkness, so they bowed to him. Vex time gates began to spring up around the world as Precursors formed. They were armored beyond any other Vex encountered yet. Deprived Goblins charged, and this time in Oryx's outrage... he killed without a care. He will avenge the dead!

Void Universe


A second Echo formed and immediately stated, "I will peacefully leave, but I have a request... how and why am I damaging the fabric of reality, and do you have any wisdom in fighting these false gods? I beg thee for just words, that is all I ask..." The Echo would destroy itself if Wrath attacked, but otherwise it bowed it's head. Oryx had to try and find a way to win, and if this Daemon stated that the trio were false gods, and they accused him of being a false god... that would mean power and or knowledge.


Kaiden: In outrage over Oryx's actions, Kaiden shouted to the Echo.

"Oryx, you fool! Do you understand that this action will lead to your eradication? I will destroy you, your son, and your Taken! All in exchange for those I lost when you destroyed the Traveller and the Tower!" Kaiden charged the Exho, switching to his Felwinter's Lie, as he charged a massive Nova Bomb. He unleashed this great collection of volatile Void energy in a ball surrounded by a field of Void energy. He landed after launching it, glowing dark purple with Void energy. Orion appeared to his right and floted in front of his face, frantically speaking.

"Kaiden what are you doing? You're being twisted by the Darkness he exudes just by speaking with him! Remember who you are: a Guardian, an instrument of the Light forged to banish the Dark!" Kaiden shook his head, then grabbed it with both hands.

"Rrrgh," he groaned. "W-what am....what am I....what....?"


Goku: After giving Angron plenty of chances to surrender, Goku grew tired of his fight with Angron. He threw the lightsaber at Angron, using telekinesis to keep it on track. It cut through Angron's sword hand, knocking him back down into the crater. Once it came back, Goku caught the lightsaber and deactivated it, tossing it back over to the woman, who stood at the bottom of the Hawk's ramp. She caught it and nodded, walking up into the ship. Goku retracted the Power Pole, sliding it back into the holster on his back. He slowly approached the crater and looked into it at Angron.

Assassins Creed Universe
"Aliens. I think." Gregory answered "They might look human, but they're from another world!" He explained, blocking an attack from a cultist before slicing into him.

"Who are you?" Connor asked, turning his attention to Seth. Even while his back was turned he was still able to kill a Cultist with a blow to the face with his tomahawk.

I'm Seth Sorenson. Im a Shad- Stopped, Seth, not wanting to spill his secret in case they weren't to be trusted. I work for the police. I'm a consultant, well, in my world. Explained the Shadow Charmer before slicing a cultist's head with his knives.

Golbez narrowed his eye at Kaiden and walked to his side"calm your self, your anger is wasted here! You will only achieve in destroying yourself and my ship if you continue"he said calmly.Golbez had no interest in letting his ship be destroyed.Golbez tilted his head slightly at the sudden apperence of Orion,who came out of seemingly nowhere, perhaps its words can calm him,if not he will deal with Kaiden himself.A dark aura grew around Golbez,it shifted until it began to take a serpentine-like shape, solidify into a shadowy black serpent around him. Shadow apon forming,let out a ear splitting roar,and awaited Golbez's command.if Kaiden couldn't dispel the attack Shadow could devour it.
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After waiting about half an hour or so, another wave of energy rolled off of the spear, spreading out in a wave like a beacon, reaching across the various connected plains of reality, tripping any sort of magical or technical sensors it happened to interact with.

Waiting until Goku was looking down into the crater, Angron hurls his sword with all of his strength at Goku's chest.
Hell: Wrath, seventh level/seventh circle

"You have made a dangerous error." Wrath muttered bitterly, before permanently banishing Oryx from Hell itself. It was not one to listen to the words of false Gods, let alone false Gods somehow able to enter it's domain without death. Oryx would only return to the seventh circle upon the event of his death, for Oryx's deadly sin is the sin of wrath. It was wrath over the death of his son that first caused the Taken King to battle the Guardians and destroy the Traveller, it was his wrath against The Doctor that caused him to return to the MCU and wage another war.

Now Wrath, one of the Seven would see his downfall.



A portal opened, one different to the tears in front of the Marvel Black Garden. It was coated in fire and brimstone, not unlike Wrath's domain. The portal opened in the ground and out from it stepped a swarm of Wrath demons from Hell itself. Their numbers ranged in the billions. Wrath itself did not make an appearance but was able to manifest itself in one of the Wrath demons.

"You have sealed the fate of your entire army!" Wrath shouted, it's voice driving some members of the army mad with bloodlust. As some of the army turned on itself, the Wrath demons charged forwards. Having been enhanced by Wrath itself, as well as recently basking in the fiery lakes of the Seventh circle, these Wrath demons were far more powerful and tore into Orxy's army.

"Shit." The Merchant muttered "What has Oryx done? He has unleashed one of the Seven upon this world!"

"Wrath is a demon. He wants souls for his army. We can make a deal with him and then go our separate ways." The Librarian replied, smiling "Oryx has angered him, whereas you already delivered him souls...Free of charge. He will not listen to Oryx but he will listen to us."

The Merchant nodded in response, indicating that he understood before turning to Kaiden and Globez

"Do not worry." He attempted to reassure them "We may have a knowledge of demons and demonic magic, but we are not demons ourselves."


Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory could see that Seth was hiding something, but decided that as long as Seth was helping them fight and did not harm any innocent people Gregory had no problem with him. Any hidden motives Seth had would have to wait until the group had survived the attack.

"Gregory, Nelson." He introduced himself, pressing the button on his helmet that revealed his face "That's Connor."

"Hello." Connor replied, killing a Cultist with a blow to the head and helping a fallen soldier to his feet.

"I'm a...Bounty hunter stuck in a parallel universe and a different timeline, Connor is a really sneaky bloke who fights a group of people out to conquer the world from behind the scenes." Gregory explained, adding humour to his tone while smiling at Seth "A few hours ago we fought Wendigos and my girlfriend is a telepathic alien...Hold on."

Gregory dodged an attack from a Cultist before decapitating him, the head rolling to Seth's feet

"And no, Seth. You are not on drugs."

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Hell: Wrath, seventh level/seventh circle
"You have made a dangerous error." Wrath muttered bitterly, before permanently banishing Oryx from Hell itself. It was not one to listen to the words of false Gods, let alone false Gods somehow able to enter it's domain without death. Oryx would only return to the seventh circle upon the event of his death, for Oryx's deadly sin is the sin of wrath. It was wrath over the death of his sun that first caused the Taken King to battle the Guardians and destroy the Traveller, it was his wrath against The Doctor that caused him to return to the MCU and wage another war.

Now Wrath, one of the Seven would see his downfall.



A portal opened, one different to the tears in front of the Marvel Black Garden. It was coated in fire and brimstone, not unlike Wrath's domain. The portal opened in the ground and out from it stepped a swarm of Wrath demons from Hell itself. Their numbers ranged in the billions. Wrath itself did not make an appearance but was able to manifest itself in one of the Wrath demons.

"You have sealed the fate of your entire army!" Wrath shouted, it's voice driving some members of the army mad with bloodlust. As some of the army turned on itself, the Wrath demons charged forwards. Having been enhanced by Wrath itself, as well as recently basking in the fiery lakes of the Seventh circle, these Wrath demons were far more powerful and tore into Orxy's army.

"Shit." The Merchant muttered "What has Oryx done? He has unleashed one of the Seven upon this world!"

"Wrath is a demon. He wants souls for his army. We can make a deal with him and then go our separate ways." The Librarian replied, smiling "Oryx has angered him, whereas you already delivered him souls...Free of charge. He will not listen to Oryx but he will listen to us."

The Merchant nodded in response, indicating that he understood before turning to Kaiden and Globez

"Do not worry." He attempted to reassure them "We may have a knowledge of demons and demonic magic, but we are not demons ourselves."


Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory could see that Seth was hiding something, but decided that as long as Seth was helping them fight and did not harm any innocent people Gregory had no problem with him. Any hidden motives Seth had would have to wait until the group had survived the attack.

"Gregory, Nelson." He introduced himself, pressing the button on his helmet that revealed his face "That's Connor."

"Hello." Connor replied, killing a Cultist with a blow to the head and helping a fallen soldier to his feet.

"I'm a...Bounty hunter stuck in a parallel universe and a different timeline, Connor is a really sneaky bloke who fights a group of people out to conquer the world from behind the scenes." Gregory explained, adding humour to his tone while smiling at Seth "A few hours ago we fought Wendigos and my girlfriend is a telepathic alien...Hold on."

Gregory dodged an attack from a Cultist before decapitating him, the head rolling to Seth's feet

"And no, Seth. You are not on drugs."


Thank god. I was hoping someone didnt slip something in my coffee this morning. And, cool. Wait. Did you say Wendigos! Asked Seth dodging two cultists while he slashed one in the back and sit another one's throat.
Assassins Creed Universe

"Yep. As in the Native America supernatural monsters." Gregory replied

"I had no idea they were real until today." Connor spoke in a grim tone, hiding his fear

"I don't think they existed in your universe until today." Gregory pointed out, defending an attack from a Cultist "Probably came through another tear..."

Gregory noticed Seth's moves, he appeared to be fast on his feet.

"They teach you that in police academy?" He asked "Christ, I'd hate to see Michael Winslow with that kind of skill. With those sound effects alone he was deadly enough." Gregory joked

"I don't think I'll ever understand you, Gregory." Connor smiled, taking out another Cultist by stabbing him in the throat with one of his hidden blades
Assassins Creed Universe
"Yep. As in the Native America supernatural monsters." Gregory replied

"I had no idea they were real until today." Connor spoke in a grim tone, hiding his fear

"I don't think they existed in your universe until today." Gregory pointed out, defending an attack from a Cultist "Probably came through another tear..."

Gregory noticed Seth's moves, he appeared to be fast on his feet.

"They teach you that in police academy?" He asked "Christ, I'd hate to see Michael Winslow with that kind of skill. With those sound effects alone he was deadly enough." Gregory joked

"I don't think I'll ever understand you, Gregory." Connor smiled, taking out another Cultist by stabbing him in the throat with one of his hidden blades

Well, now that you say Wendigos and that paranormal is here, I'm actually a Shadow Charmer. A certain group of people that have unique abilities concerning the dark. I'm an Ally of the night, you can say. In my world, paranormal exists. It's prominent, actually. Well, the public isn't exactly aware of the supernatural but when I was 10, I went to a magical preserve that my grandparents owned. Let just say I've fought a lot of stuff from then to now, including Wendigos. I can emit magical fear, darken a room, see in the dark, etc. My mentor, The Sphinx taught me most of it. Thats as much as I'll tell for now. Lets continue fighting these freaks. Said Seth while dodging another cultist.
Oryx felt everything in his being begin to quiver with outrage, and screamed into the air. Why must all of this shit happen to him?! His Echo screamed in pain and agony as it finally was banished from the realm, yet the soulless Vex kept on coming in hordes. Time gates spawned all over the planet, bringing forth the superior Precursors to lay waste to anything they could. Vex-based Taken began to arrive as well, clouding and drowning Humanity over a sheet of metal. Oryx however turned his attention back to the Destiny Universe, where Mara Sov made her move to try and stop him, yet failed. It was his time to do the favor BACK!

Oryx then began to vent all of his Darkness, all of his hatred onto his troops across all of the realms. Modifiers from the Darkness were placed upon them, strengthening their might to a new level. Any being sensitive to the Darkness could feel these changes, and any with a Ghost could name them. Epic, where all of Oryx's minions became even more aggressive and some gained shields. Lightswitch, where all of their close combat attacks burned at the soul and did immense damage. Ironclad, where almost all of the forces were covered with shields! Finally, Match Game, where anything other then the element of the minion's shield deals half damage.

Crimson Terrace


Theosyion, the Restorative Mind began to replicate himself deep within the Crimson Terrace, forming a new machine that would turn the tides. Another Restorative Mind would increase the rate at which new Vex formed and advance the war effects ten fold!

Destiny Universe


Tombships, Skiffs and Ketches flooded space, all charging for a single area. The ships either dodged of ripped straight through space material, aiming for the Reef. The purpose of this trip was to convert either the Queen, or the Techeuns. They would convert instead of kill this time, but any ships in their way would be destroyed! With them, Oryx will have the Harbingers under his command.

Marvel Black Garden


A source of raw evil and Darkness gathered, the primordial broth of a god waiting to be shaped into form. It would take a long while to forge for any, but it's raw essence alone drained the light of souls around it. Skolas the Rabid, Toland the Shattered, and Ir Yut the Deathsinger awaited there with armies of Taken Guardians, Taken Fallen, Hive and Taken Vex. They stood in the millions, but their leaders were the reason they would survive. Ir Yut shieled herself with three defender Titans as she sung her song of death, empowered by the Darkness. She sung as soon as the billions began to appear, and using the tight design of the Garden to her advantage, the song was amplified to a grand level.

The design of the Black Garden had open areas outside of the main vault area, but inside the deep cracks and corners where the armies rested were tight corridors. Held high up in the air were War satellites commanded by AI-COM/RSPN, who was launching orbital energy blasts from the weapons to fight against the army.
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Bioshock Infinite universe

Booker and Elizabeth stared at the large man who just came out of the tear. "Elizabeth? Who exactly did you pull through the tear?" Booker said. "I don't know." She replied with. "Maybe he's friendly?" In case of fight Booker reloaded his shotgun. Booker walk up to the man and said "Who are you?"


Terminator universe

Shepard was impressed by the advanced form of Biotics the women used. "Thanks for taking down those flying units." Shepard noticed the Geth unit. "Finally, something familiar." He thought. Shepard replied to it with "Hackett never sent me, I got here from a tear at a Cerberus facility and I got no clue what's going on here." He wanted to ask some questions but like the others he noticed the approaching machines. "Anyone know where we can fall back to?" He asked the group.

Assassins Creed Universe

"You can tell me all about your universe when we get the 'ell outta here!" Gregory replied "Connor, any ideas?"

"We keep pushing forwards and create a gap in the enemy lines, where we should be able to push through." He suggested

More of the powerful units, the Raptors and Bezerkers attacked the group who were now completely outmatched by the Red Angel's forces. The Type-97 was surrounded by five Bezerkers, who sliced the door off and began to toss the troops onto the snow. One reached for his assault rifle only to be pushed to the ground and stabbed to death.

As the snow turned red, Gregory drew his pistol and opened fire, taking out three Bezerkers with shots to the head. The remaining two returned fire and while Gregory tried to dodge the bullets, two rounds struck him, one in the shoulder and the other in the chest, tearing through his armour. He grunted in pain and leaned against a tree, watching the chaos unfold as he began to lose blood. The snow at his feet turned red as he watched more soldiers and citizens be gunned down by the Bezerkers and torn to pieces by the Raptors. The others in the group were also being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.

Gregory let out a sigh as he watched Connor, who was knocked to the ground by a Bezerker. He who raised his blade above Connor's head, ready to finish him off as a Raptor landed in front of Gregory and raised his sword, ready to decapitate him. Gregory let out another sigh.

"Get it over with." He muttered

As the Raptor was about to deliver the finishing blow, something struck him from behind, leaving a large, gaping hole in his head. The Raptor fell to Gregory's feet, allowing to Gregory a look at his saviour. A member of the Knights of the Reborn world was standing there, her arm raised with an energy weapon attached to it. She turned her attention to the Bezerker attacking Connor and blasted a hole in his chest.

"Covering fire for the civilians!" A voice ordered from behind Gregory "Protect them!"

From behind the cover of trees, another part of the platoon attacked the Red Angels' forces. The female knight raised her sword "For Camelot!" She shouted, jumping into the fray and slicing a Raptor in half with one swing as she ran towards Gregory. A Knight moved towards Connor, helping him to his feet.

The Red Angel's forces were attacked from all sides but while blades clashed and guns fired, the Knight stood at Gregory's side and knelt down.

"This...This is probably going to hurt." She muttered in a soft tone, handing Gregory a stick she found in the snow "Take off your helmet and bite down on this."

She removed Gregory's helmet for him and placed the stick in his mouth, pulling out a needle she had stashed in her armour and injected something into Gregory's neck. He grunted in pain in response as his wounds healed.

"The bullets are still in your body, citizen." She explained "We'll need to do surgery later, but that will stop the bleeding." She offered Gregory her hand and helped him up "On your feet, citizen. We're getting out of here."


Terminator Universe

"Cerberus was wiped out years ago during the war with the Reapers, where are you from?" Mil asked

"Save the talking for later." Max spoke, over the radio "Like you said, we need to get the Hell out of here."

"I'll take point. The rest of you stay behind me." Syeron took charge, leading the group back towards the tear.

Max walked next to Shepard, with Bishop at his side and sniffed Shepard curiously.

"He can tell if someone's an asshole or not." Max chuckled, reaching down and scratching behind Bishop's ears "Well, he hasn't barked or pissed on your shoes or anything so I think that means you're good." He smiled




The orbital energy blasts did not seem to work against the Wrath demons, for Oryx's forces were using darkness and this fed the demons as did Oryx's wrath as he commanded his forces. As the demon's fed, they only became stronger and quickly overwhelmed everything that stood in front of them. The song of death had no effect on those already dead and corrupted into the soldiers of Wrath.

From on board the Hellicarrier, those present watched the carnage.

"You need to stop this." The Doctor spoke in a grim tone

"Everything is under control." The Librarian tried to reassure him "Wrath has no quarrel with this planet, once Oryx's forces are gone, the forces will leave."

"And how can you be sure?" Tesla asked, trying to hide his fear

"I know Wrath. I've worked with him and I have studied him."

"If Wrath has no quarrel with this planet, he will leave unless Lucifer orders him otherwise." Lovecraft explained "I have studied Wrath as well. This false God has made a dangerous mistake."

The Librarian put a hand on Lovecraft's shoulder, pushing The Doctor to the side.

"We will meet again, Doctor."

Tesla raised his shotgun and fired at the Librarian, only for the shock to have no affect on him. "And you as well, Child of Light." With those words, the Librarian disappeared, taking Lovecraft with him.

"He didn't put up a fight..." Tesla muttered, his face turning pale "I believe part of him wanted to go with him."

"Why the hell would he do that?" Stevenson asked "And what did he mean by child of light?"

"Lovecraft wants what that entity wants, or at least appears to want. To study the tears, the portals between universes." Tesla explained "As for Child Of Light...I-I have no idea."

The Doctor stepped forwards "You were born during a lighting storm , the midwife said that was a bad omen, that you would be a child of darkness. Your mother told her that you would be a child of light." He explained

"How do you know that? Are you from the future as well?" Tesla asked

"Well...You could say that."

The two continued to watch the screens on the bridge. As a false God and one of the Seven's forces battled, the only thing they could do now was wait.
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Oryx could do nothing against the Daemons, they destroyed everything he sent at him! Oryx formed a Echo above the army that screamed out his message, "I simply asked for your advice, and you send billions to kill my armies?! Why must you and every other being try and kill me that is stronger?! That golden Human, the Librarian, the Woman, the Merchant, now you Wrath?! I asked questions, so why do you fight? Do you do this just because you want to help those False Gods, or do you do it just to spite me? I have lost more then your Gods, I have felt more hatred and vengeance then your Gods, and I have been ripped down and smited more then your Gods... So why do you keep on fighting me like a zealot?! What have I done to deserve your wrath when all I did was ask for help?!"

Oryx listened to the whispers of the Humans in his slavery, hearing their dreams and imagination. It seemed stupid and pathetic, but he might as well try and see if it worked. Oryx personally appeared, protected by a swarm of Hive and Taken. It was his only chance at this point, so he summoned forth Human Taken... with large quantities of sea salt. They said this would protect them and was close to Holy Water, so it should be a good weapon. If they failed, he was screwed. He looked down to his palm to look at the pulsating gem. He may not allow the Light to enter his body, but his magic? He allowed the Light to enter his Magic, amplify it and strengthen it. His eyes blazed a even brighter teal, one that crackled loudly.

Oryx roared as he used his magic to coat the battlefield. The weapon of the holy Humans blazed forward, ripping through the Earth and attracting to Daemons. Lightning chained and dashed throughout the ranks of the Daemons, fighting with as much power as they could. If the Light and salt worked... Oryx simply prayed it would work. But deep within Venus, a giant gate began to spawn forth the ultimate weapon of Oryx, and not his son's...
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Assassins Creed Universe
"You can tell me all about your universe when we get the 'ell outta here!" Gregory replied "Connor, any ideas?"

"We keep pushing forwards and create a gap in the enemy lines, where we should be able to push through." He suggested

More of the powerful units, the Raptors and Bezerkers attacked the group who were now completely outmatched by the Red Angel's forces. The Type-97 was surrounded by five Bezerkers, who sliced the door off and began to toss the troops onto the snow. One reached for his assault rifle only to be pushed to the ground and stabbed to death.

As the snow turned red, Gregory drew his pistol and opened fire, taking out three Bezerkers with shots to the head. The remaining two returned fire and while Gregory tried to dodge the bullets, two rounds struck him, one in the shoulder and the other in the chest, tearing through his armour. He grunted in pain and leaned against a tree, watching the chaos unfold as he began to lose blood. The snow at his feet turned red as he watched more soldiers and citizens be gunned down by the Bezerkers and torn to pieces by the Raptors. The others in the group were also being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers.Cove

Gregory let out a sigh as he watched Connor, who was knocked to the ground by a Bezerker. He who raised his blade above Connor's head, ready to finish him off as a Raptor landed in front of Gregory and raised his sword, ready to decapitate him. Gregory let out another sigh.

"Get it over with." He muttered

As the Raptor was about to deliver the finishing blow, something struck him from behind, leaving a large, gaping hole in his head. The Raptor fell to Gregory's feet, allowing to Gregory a look at his saviour. A member of the Knights of the Reborn world was standing there, her arm raised with an energy weapon attached to it. She turned her attention to the Bezerker attacking Connor and blasted a hole in his chest.

"Covering fire for the civilians!" A voice ordered from behind Gregory "Protect them!"

From behind the cover of trees, another part of the platoon attacked the Red Angels' forces. The female knight raised her sword "For Camelot!" She shouted, jumping into the fray and slicing a Raptor in half with one swing as she ran towards Gregory. A Knight moved towards Connor, helping him to his feet.

The Red Angel's forces were attacked from all sides but while blades clashed and guns fired, the Knight stood at Gregory's side and knelt down.

"This...This is probably going to hurt." She muttered in a soft tone, handing Gregory a stick she found in the snow "Take off your helmet and bite down on this."

She removed Gregory's helmet for him and placed the stick in his mouth, pulling out a needle she had stashed in her armour and injected something into Gregory's neck. He grunted in pain in response as his wounds healed.

"The bullets are still in your body, citizen." She explained "We'll need to do surgery later, but that will stop the bleeding." She offered Gregory her hand and helped him up "On your feet, citizen. We're getting out of here."

I'll provide a distraction! I hope this'll work! Yelled Seth before emitting even bigger magical fear. This should start to make them paralyzed or atleast make them shiver. He concentrated hard to emit this level of fear and hopefully it would do something to them. He had his knives out aswell.

Shovel Knight and Shield Knight sat down by their fire on a cool summer night with all the loot they had recently got by the dungeon they looted. It was crawling with GoldArmours and BlitzSteeds. The boss was a giant GoldArmour with a lance and shield. So, Shield Knight! How is it to be back! That was the first dungeon we copleted since you've recovered. Said the hero to his compagnon, raising his glass high. It feels great! Wait... What is that... Asked Shield Knight, seeing a tear open east of them. I'll go see. Said the red knight before going closer. In a second, she was randoly sucked in within 5 feet of the portal. She still had her weapons on her. SHIELD KNIGHT! I'M NOT LOSING YOU AGAIN! Yelled the worried knight when his companion fell into the tear. He then ran as fast and jumped into the portal, shovel in hand. They then landed near Eizabeth and Booker DeWitt. Shield Knight alost knocked Booker over because the tear formed right on top of them. Where am I... Asked the gal while rubbing her head. Shovel Knight jumped out of the portal too, landing on his feet next to Shield Knight. Shield Knight! Thank God you're alright! Thanked the blue armored man while helping his lover get on her feet. Hello, kind sir. Do you happen to know where we are.

Golbez shrugged while gesturing around his general area "This all,i must admit is far beyond my knowledge,but my only concern is the current matter at hand honestly" If it was even worth concern over,as Wrath is currently seeking out Oryx.There wasn't much he could do about the Librarian or Merchant with their powers,the fact that the had such powers didn't sit right with him,but if not them,it'd someone else so there was no point in causing conflict with beings that could so easily erase his existence.Once this situation was resolved,he wasn't sure where he would continue going.He left Shadow where it was,and walked to the Lunar Whales control console and imputed a command to scan the planet,he was rather interested in it,due to its similarities to his own planet.

(sorry I was waiting for apoliseno to post but its been awhile so i'll post anyways.I actually feel sorry for Oryx)
Bioshock Infinite verse

"So, you want to know who the Stinger is? I'm the Franchise, the Icon and the Vigilante! I'm the man they call Sting! I'm a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and I'm going to be the one to be asking the questions here! Who are you and what the hell is this place?!"

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theManCalledSting said:
Bioshock Infinite verse
"So, you want to know who the Stinger is? I'm the Franchise, the Icon and the Vigilante! I'm the man they call Sting! I'm a two-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and I'm going to be the one to be asking the questions here! Who are you and what the hell is this place?!"

Well, you look like quite the warrior. Nice to meet you, Stinger. My name is Shovel Knight. This place looks like something that Tinker Knight would draw and dream to accomplish. If ever we can get back to our world we would love telling him about this place.[/img] Said the warrior to Stinger.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
Well, you look like quite the warrior. Nice to meet you, Stinger. My name is Shovel Knight. This place looks like something that Tinker Knight would draw and dream to accomplish. If ever we can get back to our world we would love telling him about this place.[/img] Said the warrior to Stinger.
"Shovel Knight... Wanna be my tag team partner?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Shovel Knight... Wanna be my tag team partner?"
I'm not quite sure what this means but I already have a partner, my beloved Shield Knight. Said the blue knight whilst Shield Knight waved to Sting, Shield standing next to her.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
I'm not quite sure what this means but I already have a partner, my beloved Shield Knight. Said the blue knight whilst Shield Knight waved to Sting, Shield standing next to her.
"I mean we should team-up... you know 'Freebird Rules'. With all of of us we can take down whatever evil has this place lock in a chokehold..."

Somewhere in the multiverse

"Look we need to team up... I know you don't like the blacks... Yeah! I know! You don't like them Luck Charms either... I got them good Christian fellows with me like AJ Styles and Beer Money..." Said Jeff Jarrett to his unknown ally... "WAIT WHAT?! STING?! WHAT'S HE DOIN' IN YOUR PAD?! Well you gotta get rid of him!" Jarrett slams the phone then contemplates his plans for World Domination...
theManCalledSting said:
"I mean we should team-up... you know 'Freebird Rules'. With all of of us we can take down whatever evil has this place lock in a chokehold..."
Somewhere in the multiverse

"Look we need to team up... I know you don't like the blacks... Yeah! I know! You don't like them Luck Charms either... I got them good Christian fellows with me like AJ Styles and Beer Money..." Said Jeff Jarrett to his unknown ally... "WAIT WHAT?! STING?! WHAT'S HE DOIN' IN YOUR PAD?! Well you gotta get rid of him!" Jarrett slams the phone then contemplates his plans for World Domination...
I'm not sure I'm aware of these "Freebird Rules" but I do agree that as a team we can defeat whatever evil lies ahead. Said Shovel Knight to the wrestler.

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