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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Kaiden: After the Nova bomb exploded on the Echo, it caused no damage to Golbez's ships whatsoever.The energy dispelled and Kaiden's attitude returned to normal. After hearing of all this talk of Wrath, demons, and Oryx facing defeat, Kaiden suddenly wished he was back in the Hellmouth facing Crota without a full Fireteam of Gjallerhorns. He readied his Hawkmoon in case these 'demons' decided to start targetting innocents.


Revan: Seeing Goku in trouble, Revan decided now was the time to start helping out. He fired the laser cannon from the Ebon Hawk, targeting Angron's sword.

Goku: Goku Instant Transmissioned out of the way just in time, as he would've been caught by Revan's laser blast on Angron's sword. He stood/hovered up about 50 feet in the air, looking down on Angron. He called himself a god, but he was nowhere near as strong as Beerus or Whis. Not even as strong as Frieza.

Becoming increasingly annoyed, Angron activates his communicator and orders the Devourer of Stars to fire on Goku's and Revan's location.


Revan: Seeing the large ship above them preparing to fire, Revan yelled i to the intercom.

"Bastilla, better get this thing moving!" A second later, he felt the ship rising from the ground. The Hawk began to hover upwards, and the landing gear retracted as the loading ramp closed. The engines roared as the ship blasted off away from the blasts from Angron's ship. Revan also noticed Goku disappeared from his spot in the air, so he assumed he must've done that teleportation trick to get on board as he had done in the other universe. Revan breathed a sigh of relief as he, his new companion, and his wife rocketed off into space, away from Angron's cruiser.
Assassins Creed Universe

With Seth's distraction, the Knights were able to finish off the attackers.

"What kind of dark magic is this?" The female Knight asked

"It's okay, he's with us." Gregory replied

She nodded in response "We need to get you out of here."

"Where?" Connor asked, with skepticism in his voice

"Somewhere safe." She attempted to reassure them "One of our colonies."

As they spoke, another tear opened in the distance and out stepped Harley Qunn. One moment, she was in the middle of another hiest, the next another tear had opened and she had fallen through. Harley had encountered another tear and walked through it, ending up in a forest with red snow and sounds of gunfire in the distance.



"You dare!" Wrath yelled "You dare ask something of a being infiltratly your greater!? That is why I will destroy you! I ordered you to leave my domain as you did not belong there, and yet you returned to demand something of me! These false Gods you speak of have never been so bold, so arrogant! On some occasions they were even useful...But what can you possibly offer me False God aside from the souls of your army! Souls I WILL CLAIM MYSELF! YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THE MIGHT OF THE TRUE GOD AND YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME!!"

As the salt and lightning attacked Wrath's horde, it seemed to have no effect other than to anger them further. The sea salt did not work and the horde continued to overpower what remained of Oryx's army, tearing his solders limb from limb and dragging them to Hell itself. A single Wrath demon at the front of the horde outstretched it's arms and sniffed the air as Wrath spoke through it.

"Such anger, such wrath...It is delicious..." The demon smiled, revealing set of sharp, blood-stained teeth. It looked directly at Oryx as the demons continued their assault.

Oryx was the last one standing as the Wrath demons marched towards his portal. Essence of Wrath himself, reached into the portal to the Black Garden, taking control of it. Only demons could walk in or out of the portal. For those on the other side, there was no escape.

The Librarian turned to the Merchant and chuckled, only to notice Kaiden preparing himself for combat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wrath does not see you as a threat, Guardian. If you attack any one of his demons, and I have no doubt in my mind that you would be able to take a few of them out...Wrath will literally drag you to Hell." He explained

"Stand down, Guardian if you value your soul." The Merchant cautioned him

Countless souls began to crawl out of portals on Venus, in both Black Gardens and everywhere Oryx's forces had gathered as Wrath began to call demons already occupied in other battles, other wars from across the Multiverse. Although Wrath seemed close to defeating the Taken King, he who he deemed a False God, a pest Wrath wanted to send a message. Not just to Oryx, for Wrath knew that some more powerful than the Taken King were watching the battle.

The Wrath demon horde ignored Oryx and would only attack if he attacked them first. Wrath wanted Oryx to watch as his army was destroyed.
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Seeing that his opponents left the area, Angron climbs out of the crater and retrieves his daemon sword before heading towards the nearest city with the intention of collecting more skulls for Khorne.
Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman appeared on the ship, with her notepad in hand and a smile on her face.

"Hello, Kakarot." She spoke "I want something of yours."
Assassins Creed Universe
With Seth's distraction, the Knights were able to finish off the attackers.

"What kind of dark magic is this?" The female Knight asked

"It's okay, he's with us." Gregory replied

She nodded in response "We need to get you out of here."

"Where?" Connor asked, with skepticism in his voice

"Somewhere safe." She attempted to reassure them "One of our colonies."

As they spoke, another tear opened in the distance and out stepped Harley Qunn. One moment, she was in the middle of another hiest, the next another tear had opened and she had fallen through. Harley had encountered another tear and walked through it, ending up in a forest with red snow and sounds of gunfire in the distance.

Seth followed them, happy he could help
Assassins Creed Universe

Harley followed the group from behind but was quickly noticed by one of the Knights. He raised his right arm, ready to fire an energy blast.

"Citizen, stand down."

"Okay copper, I know when I've been beat." Harley raised her hands in response, smiling innocently.

Gregory looked over at Harley and shook his head "Oh, you've got to be fooking kidding me." He muttered

"Do you know this woman?" Connor asked

"I know of her..."

"Erm...I'm right here!" Harley spoke sarcastically
Oryx watched as they all passed him. They ignored him, and the anger in his heart... calmed down. He blinked, almost like in a dream throughout a horde of the damned. Oryx removed the Light from his magic, letting the dead take a rest. Oryx snapped as all of his attacks did nothing, where all of his minions across all the realms, simply bowed in surrender. Oryx walked silently throughout the horde, and he did not watch the death of his army. No... he felt it. The Daemons went across time and space just to slaughter his minions to the last. The Taken King snapped, and whispered to the air, "...Take my armies... take them all. I grow tired of this fight.... just preserve those who do not deserve the blade..." All of the Taken in the Destiny Universe... lost their cloak of Darkness. The armies were returned to their normal state, all cleansed from raw Darkness. Oryx would have a chance to reconquer them another day, but he was forced to start fresh.

Oryx stepped through dimensions once again, reforming in front of the Merchant. Oryx starred at him, his eyes burning with the lose, sorrow and malice of trillions. Oryx whispered to the air, loud enough to be heard, "...You bastards... fight me where I can not fight back. I do not take kindly to being helpless, when beings I can not even compete with fight me just because I attack another." Oryx yanked his sword from his back, and shattered the concrete under him. He stood tall, but he held no pride in his heart. He slowly slumped down to a knee, bowing his head. Oryx spoke with no shame, but just sorrow for everything he lost, "...If you are still willing, I deny your offer. I will be your willing servant. Give me tasks and I shall complete them. You have my honor, though I do not believe you see it that way. I ask for nothing in return, you may even take my life as you see fit. I have no House, and I knelt to my own banner, but I assume even the Unborn can learn to bow and follow..." Ghosts of the Taken, fragments of the souls he had Taken, whispered to him. Variks the Loyal spoke to him, "Just Dreg Strength. Hanging on, yes?" The ghosts would haunt him for the rest of his existence, and he knew this.
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Bioshock Universe

As they stood there chatting, Shovel Knight, Sheild Knight, Sting (I think that was his name), Booker, and Elizabeth all felt a wave of energy pass through them, coming from somewhere in the distance.

The Spear was starting to send out these pulses with greater frequency.
"How can we find out what's going on?" Vance said as he faced the man. He had a bad feeling about this but they needed to get things done. "I'm willing to give some of the ways a go."



Kaiden: Shaking from the words he heard Wrath speak to Oryx, Kaiden clipped Hawkmoon back to his back. Orion was simply speachless as he too watched in horror of the Taken army simply being torn to pieces by demons. Suddenly, Kaiden wished he was in another universe. He felt completely powerless, a feeling he had not felt since he was revived by Orion.


Goku: Goku stood in surprise in the Hawk's cargo hold. This woman had just simply appeared out of thin air, and she knew his Saiyan birthname! This must mean she's a Saiyan survivor who's looking to fight him. He turned Super Saiyan and stood in his fighting stance.

"I don't know how many Saiyans survived, but I know that I'll beat every one of you that comes at me!" Goku had fought and beat more Saiyan survivors than he thought could be possible. Frieza must suck at blowing planets up.

Revan: Hearing shouting and the sound of Goku powering up in his cargo hold, Revan sprung out of his seat in the cockpit, leaving Bastilla confused. He pulled a lightsaber hilt off of his belt and stopped at the door, igniting it before entering.

"Goku, what's going on? How did this woman get aboard my ship? And don't even think about fighting in here!" Revan shouted. Goku just laughed and shrugged his shoulders at Revan's ramblings, to which Revan rolled his eyes and waited for the woman to make a move.
Morbus was minding his own business, in the shade of trees enjoying a book which he had taken from earth and brought with him to purgatory. It was a book on history and he adored History. So whilst under the shade of his tree reading the book of ww2 history and laughing at Hitler's tiny mustache, a bright flash had come not too far away. He put his book down as he could make it come back to him at anytime, and he investigated the bright flash. It turned out to be a portal, and with the thoughts of adventure and messing with people filling his mind he decided to jump into the unknown, in which he began falling towards a large demonic being that had seemed to be heading towards a town. He had landed in front of the being, creating a crater in front on the demonic creature. He quickly leaped from the hole and was in front of the large demon. Luckily he was in Morbus form already, which meant that he could survive and possibly beat this monstrosity. "Hello satan, didn't know you were on vacation, tell me what are you doing this fine day.", he said with a sarcastic and curious voice to the demon.

(We meet again @Barbas , and yes i was approved by Some_Bloke so this is happening. YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE THE WRAITH OF MORBUS xD Unless i have not really been accepted then this post will be taken down immediately.)


Wanderer and Toralis

Wanderer and Toralis had been walking for who knows how long, and yet still hadn't found a single sign of civilization. They'd been fighting off large hordes of monsters that appeared out of nowhere for more than half the time that they'd been traveling through this strange world. Toralis had tried to convince Wanderer to backtrack through the world filled with the giant flying spiders again, but as she had expected Wanderer wasn't going to go along with that plan. Determined to find a town or something they continued to explore. Wanderer was starting to get tired, but was trying to hide it from Toralis so that she wouldn't make him rest. He wanted to find a town, and fast. Toralis glanced back at Wanderer, who was quietly following behind her, and sighed, continuing onward despite the fact that Wanderer was obviously trying to hide how tired he was.



Shulk smiled, reading through a few books he'd checked out from a public library. It hadn't been very long, but already he was starting to understand how the world he was in worked. It was a very strange world, and was definitely more dangerous than Bionis. "So many wars... Why do these humans feel the necessity to kill each-other?" He shook his head, setting down his book and grabbing the Monado, which was lying next to him. He stood up, searching the dark alley he was in to make sure that there wasn't anyone around. In just one day people had tried to mug him twice. One person was some half drunk man who ran away as soon as he saw the Monado, dropping his wallet in the process, the other had snuck up behind Shulk and put a gun to his head, which ended up getting him knocked unconscious with a whack from the Monado. Shulk had left that man his wallet, but kept the first mugger's wallet. From what he'd seen and read money is what the people of this strange world valued more than anything else. He sighed, glad that his search had been a waste of time, and sat down to read another book.

Annoyed by the arrival of some minor Deamon, Angron backhands Morbus out of the way at hypersonic speed." Out of my way welp!"

The Merchant smiled in response, reaching out one hand and placing it on Oryx's head. From the Taken King he took his ability to create dimensional rifts, just as Angron's immunity to magic had been weakened. "You may rise." The Librarian spoke "As you are our servant, as is your Taken army. When we call upon you, you will do as we say. For now, I command you to withdraw your forces and leave not just this Earth, but every Earth across time and space alone. Do you understand?!"

The Librarian appeared back on the Hellicarrier, his arms outstretched

"It's over, Doctor." He smiled "Oryx bent the knee to us."

"Where's Lovecraft?" Tesla demanded

"Safe. Oryx is going to leave Earth alone, or I am going to kill him. It's that simple."

"And what about other worlds!?" The Doctor spat "You'll just let him rampage across the stars!?"

"Of course not." The Librarian chuckled "He will only conquer or invade a world under our orders."

The Doctor stepped towards the Librarian "So when a planet starts annoying you, you'll simply let him run rampant."

"Yes." The Librarian smiled "But I am not a maniac. If I wanted I could conquer this planet...And not even you could stop me. I'm not going to take over worlds just because I feel like it."

"Then why do you need him?"

"To take the fall. There are other beings in this Multiverse, Doctor. Beings that make the Time Lords, even at the height of their civilization look like insects...You know, before all of them died."

The Librarian stepped even closer to the Time Lord so that their faces met. "The last Time Lord in existence." He muttered "Oryx will take the fall so that these higher beings don't notice us. Some of them have noticed you, Doctor...So watch where you step carefully."

The Librarian stepped away from the Time Lord and disappeared.


Destiny Universe

Wrath did not stop his slaughter until the Merchant, the Woman and the Librarian appeared in front of his horde.

"Speak." One of the Wrath demons demanded

"Oryx is under our control now." The Librarian explained "He has submitted and sworn loyalty to us. Let him live."

"He stepped into my domain!" Wrath spat

"You got thousands of souls, free of charge. Under our rule, Oryx will not set foot in your domain again."

"Unless he dies."

"If he dies it will not be by your hands, Wrath.

"Yours?" He asked

"If he crosses us, yes. But you know how important self-preservation is. If Oryx is to die in battle, his soul is yours. Until then, he belongs to us."

The Wrath demon grinned, revealing it's sharp blood-stained teeth. "Very well, but if Oryx interferers in any of my work...I will claim all of your souls!"


Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman smirked in response to Goku's threat. "You're adorable." She snickered, before her smile faded "Seriously Kakarot, I wouldn't try fighting me at all, let alone in this ship. The vacuum of space is pretty scary for those who can't breathe in it."


Unknown Universe

"As I speak, we are collecting experts in alternate dimensions." The Librarian explained "We are gathering as many as possible to try and work things out...However, this will not go unnoticed." The Librarian created a holographic image of a tear the size of his hand and continued to speak, his tone turning grim "There are beings in this Multiverse far powerful than myself so in order to stay under their radar the three of us send others to do our work, only intervening when things get really ugly. I need your help in collecting some of these experts."

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Oryx reared his head and roared as his power was siphoned, and realized just what had been stolen from him. He snarled in disapproval, and mumbled, "Wrath has already killed all my Taken, and the Hive have gone into their survival instincts. None follow me... I started with trillions... now I am one. But just to spite me, you take my ability to travel through the Darkness? How do you expect my Taken to heal or to get back from my pocket dimension? Do I need to make totems or anchors just to go home and come back now, or am I denied all together?"

Oryx raised from his kneeling position, and stated, "...I need living things to become Taken, and I need a new fortress. You, the Time lord and Wrath stole everything from me, can you at least give me something to conquer? Something to consume? But yes... I understand your will..."
Morbus manages to hold his ground, though it hurt and he stumbled. "If you really wanted to die you could have asked.", he said in an agitated tone before uppercutting Argon in the jaw with metal shattering force. The hit was strong enough to knock Argon back. Morbus then stood there, he has not used full power, but he thinks a fair fight is in order.
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Slightly moving his head from the uppercut, Angron quickly recovers and sends a punche aimed at Morbus's head with his left fist before thrusting his Deamon sword at the pesky Deamon." You dare to defy me, worm! I will tear you to pieces and banish you back to the Warp!"
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Drake: Rolling backwards out of a tear into the ACU while in Super Saiyan 3 form, Drake was so confused. Not even a second ago, he was fighting Cell from the Dragonball universe in his hometown. Now he appeared to be in some form of rustic style era, where futuristic knights were fighting forces from Warhammer. What in the heck was going on? Cell tumbled through right after him in a daze. Drake picked up the holy blade Excalibur (which he had generated for fun) and stabbed cell through the torso before decapitating him. He turned over to a nearby crater he saw out of the corner of his eye, but then remembered Cell could regenerate. Grabbing his body and head, Drake Tranmissioned to the sun, tossed the body and head in, then ended up in the middle of the crater. He glanced over and saw Angron from Warhammer 40k, and then what looked like the figure on the cover of every Disturbia album.

"What the hell is going on here?" he asked hesitantly. He pointed to Angron. "Angron, what is going on, why are you here, and what the hell is that?" he asked pointing to Morbus.

Goku: Goku questioned the threats this woman made. She looked so weak, yet she spoke like she was stronger than Beerus. Goku almost wanted to test his theory, but he figured trashing Revan's ship would be bad. He waved Revan down as he approached the woman, dropping his Super Saiyan form.

"What do you want?" Goku asked with a serious tone.

Hearing someone calling his name, Angron turns around and sees a very strange looking individual. Deciding that he could be a possible ally Angron decides to question him." I am here to do Khorne's bidding. As for that welp, he is nothing more than a pesky Daemon spawn that decided to anger me"
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Morbus managed to take the punch like a man, though it forced him back. It hurt but it was not fatal, and so he jumped back avoiding the sword. Then a strange figure appears, "Well it's nice to meet you too. And if it isn't obvious we are dueling, so if you can be on your way to go protect a world or whatever the hell you Saiyans do, then we will gladly duke it out until we achieve a victor.", he said with his deep voice, though his mouth was not visible. He did not have a power level though he was very powerful. He decided to teleport, and it was almost as quick as instant trasmission, though he barely needed to focus. He teleported next to Drake. "So i must ask you Drake, what are you doing here today, and by the looks of it you seem to have been in a fight but have won greatly. I am Morbus son of purgatory, and may i add, quite powerful in my own eyes.", he said his hand out in a welcoming way. Morbus had little care and he wasn't very serious so he was not as tense as any normal fighters in these situations.




Drake: Feeling somewhat uncomfortable with Angron's rambling's about Khorne, especially after playing the Warhammer games, Drake decided it best to just change into a Soul Reaper from Bleach. After all, he doubted Angron held any Spiritual Pressure.

"Great. Clear selection!" After he spoke, his form shifted back to his rather thin form and Excalibur faded from his hand. "Generate object: zanpakuto!" A long katana sheathe formed in Drake's left hand. "Change species: Soul Reaper!" He seized up for a few seconds, then calmed down. He brought up a strange looking medallion, then pressed it against his chest. To Angron, it would seem his body just dropped to the ground, but to Drake and Morbus, they could see his Soul Reaper form. A black kimono with the katana tucked neatly into his belt. The white captain's gi hung over his regular kimono. He exerted a massive spiritual pressure in this form, bringing the weaker beings to their knees.
Meanwhile after an intense battle with the British forces in northern Germany, Armando was leading his men back to camp. That is when a strange bright light emit itself from a forest. Curious, Armando ordered the halt as he walked towards the light with 10 mounted Knights, the officers were held back and if Armando did not come back for a while then they were ordered to command the soldiers. They had found the source of light and Armando had dismounted. He approached the portal which he had no knowledge of what so ever. "What in god's name is this sorcery.", he asked him self in Italian (If i worte in Italian then i would have had to translate it every time, i found this to be less time consuming.). He stuck his armored hand into it, only to feel little to no differences of the air from the other end. He built up the courage to get his horse and walk through it. This lead him to a strange group of characters. These sets of characters real names was Shovel knight, Shield knight, Booker Dewitt, and Elizabeth Dewitt, though he had no knowledge of who they were. He walked but into the portal and signaled for his horse mounted knights, they then stepped through the portal and one had brought Armando's horse. The knights had rode into a line in front of the group in which Armando took off his helmet revealing his Italian features and his human face behind the metal. He had approached the group in which he looked at all of them, motioned his hand in greetings and said, "Ciao (Hello)", his Italian language could be hard to understand although the second they spoke english he would know what to say.


Morbus had witnessed the change. "Okay then, i guess that is something you don't see everyday.", he said in which both Argon and Drake could hear him. He put his hand by his side and wandered to else he could toy with. He did sense several other people who seemed to be in an Aircraft which he could teleport into or in front of, then there was a group of people who were not very far, which seemed they could need some help. "Well drake are you going to fight Argon and i can help the knights or what?", he asked.




Drake: Drake gave a smirk to Morbus as he drew his zanpakuto, Fenikkusu (means "phoenix" in Japanese).

"Oh please, he can't even see me while I'm in this form. This'll be a piece of cake. Go and help those knights you were talking about." Drake readied his zanpakuto as he squared off with Angron, who shouldn't be able to see him due to Drake not being able to sense an ounce of Spiritual Pressure from him.

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